Punggol East welcomes MP Koh Poh Koon
In the event of a 3-corner or 5-corner fight, the outcome needs no guessing. For an opposition party to win in a multi corner contest is like a one in a millionth chance. Though the result is as good as a foregone conclusion, the possibility of an upset is still there no matter how slim. Taking the rational and objective view, the PAP should win hands down just with its core 40% support, or even 35% at worst. It is as good as a walkover with the opposition parties thinking and believing that they were really in the race. Koh Poh Koon is as good as the new MP for Punggol East.
The interesting thing is if there is an upset. If against all odds, the WP wins, I am ruling out the rest as they are in no position to do better than the WP based on their track records, what will be the implications? For one, it will propel WP to the status as the party to win the next GE. To win in a multi corner fight against the PAP is no mean feat. It will also be a message to the other parties that they were just a bunch of jokers and may no longer be taken seriously in the GE. It will also send a loud message to the PAP that its days are numbered. I don’t believe SDP is serious to want to negotiate with WP to give way or go into a multi corner race. It will completely destroy the SDP for good, especially Chee Soon Juan. It will also send a loud signal to the professionals waiting on the sideline that the WP is the party to be with. It will also send a signal to those still wanting to join the PAP bandwagon to rethink, should they join a sinking ship.
This is going to be the kind of thinking should the WP win a multi corner contest. The whole political landscape will change in favour of the WP. It will be the dragon slayer and the party in waiting to govern the country.
What if, after all the hustling, it ends up with a straight fight and WP wins? This scenario is less dramatic as the outcome could be expected. At most it will be a small dent to the PAP’s armour and another pawn for the WP. In the bigger picture, it will show a PAP that is losing its ground and is likely to lose more ground in the next GE. As for the rest of the political parties, they will look pretty good as serious contenders that would not mess their chances when offered, not reckless but disciplined enough to make compromises and bid their turns. They will likely to gain more goodwill and a better image from the voters. They will be taken more seriously for acting responsibly.
How this game of political chess is being played is still anyone’s guess. Is it a well planned and orchestrated game being engineered by a Zhuge Liang or just an ordinary game of wild chances is still unknown. It can be either. The people will not just be watching the PAP but all the opposition parties as well, to measure them up. The opposition parties were seen as reasonable and respectable parties in the Hougang by election. Would they confirm this impression, or would they show hand to tell the voters that they are just a bunch of bankrupt jokers and cannot be depended on to run the country?
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/// Explaining why he decided to enter politics, Dr Koh said when
he was called to serve, he felt "duty-bound to stand and be counted". ///
My main issue with all PAP candidates is that they never want to serve Singaporeans voluntarily.
It's always "I was asked to serve".
Asked by who?
I don't want people who feel duty bound to serve Singaporeans.
I want people who want to serve Singaporeans ... period.
These duty bound people owe their oath of loyalty to their masters who "called them to serve".
Not to Singaporeans.
Why Singaporeans would vote for such people is beyond me.
My gut feel is that very few PAP MPs really wanted to served. Most were called upon to serve since they already have very highly paid jobs. Becoming a MP is now sort of career change. Is another bloody job.
Excellent analysis, Mr Chua.
Singapore extreme high costs, self-interest reckless foreigners' influx and triangle iron-lock buddies' huge monetary advantaged and power interests of ruling political party members, bureaucrats and GLCs elites need much more checks and balances.
The elite PARTYING interests have went wild in past 15 years at the long-term expense of this nation and general public.
Please lah, whether they are asked to serve and or claimed to want to serve, it is all bullshit. It is the priviledges and the honour that they are after.
Honour here is gaining the reputation of a high position as a government official, in Chinese, it is call 高官. Not honour as being a highly respected person. It may have a higher chance of getting quite the opposite of respect.
Good analysis, I am hoping for a three corner fight though the opp will loose but it will be interesting to see sdp loosing the deposit
How could a seemingly successful man;
allow himself to be so beholden to a mysterious person;
who has the power to "call him to serve" against his natural desire NOT to serve?
What magical powers does this person have over Mr Koh;
to make him feel "duty bound".
So who is Mr Koh loyal to?
This mysterious person or Singaporeans?
Who is Mr Koh serving?
This mysterious person or Singaporeans?
Anyone wants to serve and help others needs no be in any official appointment to do so. If and when one is kind, there are overwhelming amount of people to help in the neighbourhood, at the workplace, market place, anywhere in fact.
In the case of politicians, claiming to serve is 100% pretense, DONT EVER FORGET THAT THEY EVEN WANT TO BE SINFULLY PAID, OTHERWISE THEY MAY BECOME CORRUPT. Does this shows that they want to serve? No, they want to be paid.
These very people in Sin who claimed to want to serve are the very ones that are most protected and cut off from others. Their relatives, neighbours and thosr who know them will keep a distance from them. Why? Because they are 高高在上, 攀不得, up there, protected by officers, sycophants and when promoted, their residences become fortresses. Walk nearby maybe taken as unacceptable loitering. To serve? You better keep your distance.
How much does any of the MPs in Sin know their neigjbours and neighbourhood well? Had any serves all his/her needy neighbours? My answer is; there is no need to ask.
Maybe it would be a good idea if an independent party or a popular web-blog, like TOC or TRE could extent an Olive branch to all Opp parties instead of WP trying to arrange a pow-wow directly with WP.
This could provide an facing-saving exit for all those other parties intending to stand for the Punggol East BE.
Any Takers???
Mr Koh
Do you think you are up to the task of protecting Singapore assets from being sold to $2 companies?
Or do you think it's the Singapore President's job?
Oliver Stone: I Learned Nothing From the Rich
Learn from Oliver Stone.
You won't get anything of value by voting for the Pro Alien Party.
A party which believes that rich people should be subsidized by poor people.
One more elite saved from corruption.
Based on your argument that all politicians are the same as they are all seeking honors.
what than is the difference between those in the right honorable party in power and those in the right honorable opposition.
So in that case, can i tikam tikam choose?
set a thief to catch a thief. in politics often the new broom will sweep clean. but too long in power will stll lead to corruption. that's the reason why countries limit the head of govt to two terms only.
Did anybody miss the last Pro Alien Traitor after he left office?
Did the Pro Alien Party change any of their policies?
MIWs. One more or one less makes no difference to the well being of Singaporeans.
Getting another Opposition MP into parliament.
Now that will make a definite improvement to our lives.
Sends a very clear message to the deaf frogs.
Enough is enough.
Voters indeed have to tikam.
If they assessed the candidates well and got themselves a less evil, self glorifying, greedy and non corruptible ruler, me shall congratulate them.
But, if the Voters are fine with candidates riding on the coattails of established heavyweight and those already firmly established in power, so be it.
At the end of the day, just tell yourself consciously and honestly that, he/she/they are your rulers. That is to rule and control You, NOT TO SERVE OR EVEN PLEASE YOU.
There is no need to fool oneself, by the way do read my other comments in this blog as well as those elsewhere.
Thank You Theonion.
Send the word out folks - vote for WP.
/// It will also send a loud signal to the professionals waiting on the sideline that the WP is the party to be with. /// - Yes, starting with red bean - you have my vote for sure.
From CNA:
/// The 40-year-old surgeon is a fresh face although he has been a grassroots volunteer since 2002.... ///
/// "I remember when I finally got my HDB flat in 1988, just after I ORD from the army, my wife and I had to borrow money from my uncle to do renovations. ///
40-year-old -- that means he was born in 1973 (or 1972). That means he was at most 16 when he ORD. You mean the SAF take in kids when they are 14??? Is this child labour or what???
Married at 16 -- wow!!!
And got a flat at 16???
How many years waiting time???
You mean can apply for HDB flats when 16 years old or younger???
Clarification is badly needed to the questions and baffling revelation posted by The Above quoting Reports from CNA.
They are intriguing.
patriot , the guy is a doctor he would have deferred and ord-ed at a much older age
Let's join wp together, any taker?
Datuk RB,
You are correct to say that "Punggol East welcomes Dr Koh PK."
PAP will surely win this time round with so cooks spoiling the soup! They are blinded by their own self delusion or "deja vu!" That's a fact. It's so fooking obvious esp with the arrogance of wayang party throwing their weight around. Maybe the MIWs are more humble (having learnt their bitter lesson) than the wayang party. I know the truth hurts. Some of your readers just can't swollow the truth esp Patriot. But it's as clear as the midday sun that "
The Chinese saying is never wrong. It's been proven beyond any doubt. Langgar!
yù bàng xiāng zhēng,yú wēng dé lì
(鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利 !)
There are several on the net who think the SDP has not only every right to stand. Hey after all, we all are screaming for democracy no? So why limit it to 2 parties?
They also believe that the WP should give way to it. One blogger points to the fact that in the first place, WP simply bulldozed into D Lim's territory. So where is WP's right to stand in PE?
See also:
The impending BE for Punggol East is interesting and definitely fascinating. However, me has no position nor a voter to it.
The BE does provide great opportunity for us to read the political parties, their candidates and their supporters better. It will also show how the Regime fares now. And how the Alternative Parties and their members behave at this BE will also impact on their future.
Me does have great anticipation with regard the Result as most fellow Singaporeans. To me, this BE will be telling for the Next GE in 2015/16.
Happy voting to Fellow Citizens of Punggol East.
May You All get one MP that all Singaporeans will be proud of.
That MP will be Dr Koh PK whom joined the MIWs elites barely 3 weeks ago! He revealed that in 1998 when he bought his 5 room flat at Telok Blangah had to burrow from his uncle for renovation cuz he and his wife only left with ten over dollars in their joint bank account. If a highly educated doctor was in such a pitiful state, can you imagine lesser mortals like us? That was about 15 yrs ago when his 5 room flat was less than $300,000 I believe. His statement contradicts all those jokers' insistence that HDB flats are affordable within the reach of average Sinkies. That is evidence of the big lie we are hearing day in and day out. If it is not, then our new MP elect was not telling the truth when he revealed that personal experience of his. Now I'm confused. Who to believe? Could we believe what he said when he gave that press conference relating his personal pitiful "broke" situation when he got his first flat? What do you think? Langgar?
Maybe the Couple was not the prudent type lah.
Why did they, just two of them, need a 5Room Flat.
And $11.50 would have got them enough chopsticks for a family of 20. Cannot understand what he was trying to prove, trying to fish for sympathy votes?
Whatever lah, he is now with a party that is waning, can he help to rejuvenate it?
Most never work in CC before. Come in just when they are asked to stand for elections. This is how it works. Serving people seems unimportant.
My fellow countrymen,
Those PRC bus drivers are here working like slaves. Due to their miserable pay, they work round the clock to hit more OTs and money to pay off labour agency and bring back home. Are they licensed to drive or "kill" on our public roads? Wonder no more why there were so many accident cases involving them.
With new social media all the evil wrong deeds and abuses can no longer be covered up! Look at Arab Spring where despotic regimes fell like dominos.
Maybe P is correct after all when he said yesterday morning during our coffee session that the end is near for papies after AIMGate? It kind of accelerated their decline and downfall! Mandate for them is ending sooner than I thought! Really langgar!
Read their story below .... Sad and pitiful happening on our shores. Modern slavery and sins of labour exploitation in a metropolitan first world country? What a shame!
If no money to renovate, then do not renovate lah.
Why borrow to renovate??
No money fir five room flat buy two room ir three room lah.
I also started with 3 room with no renovations.
Hi thomas, welcome to the blog. In those days, many bought flats and did not renovate. Life was simpler. Now everyone wants to renovate flats to be as good as hotels.
Aspiration to live better is good. But the cost today is really high. It used to be very affordable then. And the debt is very small.
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