
Mandarin names of MRT stations

SMRT has just ended its trial to announce Mandarin names of MRT stations. The reason for this trial is due to request by the senior citizens who don’t understand English station names. I think this is laudable on the part of SMRT to be responding to the needs of the commuters. I can understand how difficult it is for the oldies who were mostly illiterate to understand names like Somerset, City Hall, just as examples. Suo Mei Sai, Zheng Fu Da Sha must be more familiar to them, I think. I must confess I have never heard of Suo Mei Sai and find Zheng Fu Da Sha familiar. Bugis, what is its Mandarin name? Would it Peh Sua Por or Bai Sha Po? Should Little India be called Tekka or Zhu Jiao?

What the SMRT could do better is to understand what the oldies are familiar with, what kind of names they used, never mind if the English educated do not have a clue what Suo Mei Sai means. Perhaps it would be more comfortable if they use dialect instead. Chinatown could be Niu Cher Sway or Goo Chia Chwee, or should it be Zhong Guo Zheng?

It’s a pity that this trial has come to an end. I was kind of getting a Mandarin lesson in the train, learning new names that I have never heard of, some in my entire life. If successful, I am sure the possibility of using Pinoy and Hindi names could be considered, if they requested for them. That would make our foreign talents feel more welcome as well. This is like killing several birds with one stone. And many Sinkies could benefit from learning a few Pinoy and Hindi words for sure.

I can understand Hong San instead of Ang Swa or Si Kar Teng. What is Dover called? Or what was Commonwealth?


Anonymous said...

And I wonder is this governemnt initiative or from SMRT? Something always puzzle citizens. No one actually come out and tell the truth. We have seniour citizens all these while and mind you, these citizens are not confined to Chinese. Just in case they forget we do have Indians and Malay and not to mention, increasing Pinno and Burmese. So is the policy sound? What do you think?

patriot said...

Can anyone offers a good reason why the Announcements of Stations and any others such as reminder and emergency cannot be made in the Four Major Languages of the Four Main Races in the Land.


oldhorse42 said...

The exercise could have been done in conjunction with speak mandarin campaign to give it some legitimacy. As it is, it is now perceived as a gesture to appease the growing hordes of FTs from China who disdainfully refuse to learn any other language.

Anonymous said...

Oldies like wayangs, so must stage some wayangs to appease them so that come 2016 they may repent.

But some oldies are not so easy to con. They know that what is given from the right hand is always taken back with the left, and with interest.

And what about the Indian and Malay oldies? At least make the wayang more cosmopolitan to please every race. Rather than trying to create unhappiness later on for some groups.

Anonymous said...

Hey patriot.
Singapore very small lah.
Distance between two MRT stations is only 3 minutes apart.

By the time you finish announcing in 4 languages for one station, it's already time to start announcing the next station.
It will be non stop station announcements.

Anonymous said...

How about doing something proper for senior citizens who are requesting that fares for them be lower instead of going up? This I am sure they will never consider by feigning deaf.

patriot said...

There are ample time to make those announcements as m had posted at Padaly wordpress(Blogsite).

Maybe, You can read it there and offer me Your views about the content me had put there.

Thank You and have a good day.


Anonymous said...

Yes, if indeed they are really care for the oldies, a bigger discount will certainly be more practical and meaningful to them. Don't under estimate their ability to understand English. Simple English is not that difficult to learn any way. This is the problem with authority, never tell us the truth.

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Anonymous said...

Singapore Fairy Tale #1.
Limpeh kali kong; "We are the PAP. We care about Singaporeans. We want to better the lives of Singaporeans."

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

One thing I HATE about "oldies" is the idea that they think the world owes them a living, and that the rest of us have to adjust to their "needs"...simply because they are TOO LAZY to adapt and adjust to changes.

Fuck them.

Anonymous said...

what do you call this country ? Chin Ka Hor or Singapura

SG Girl said...

Am curious... When SMRT train first started many years ago, were there not senior citizens who don't understand English station names? Why did they not add in the Mandarin station names then?

Anonymous said...

Back then only got Sinkies.
No need to be so nice to Sinkies.
Sinkies will eat whatever shit the govt tells them to eat.

Now got FTs from PRC lah.
Especially the rich ones.
So must kowtow to rich people.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi SG Girl, welcome to the blog.

Matilah, don't be so iron tooth. You heard of the toothless ex Lion King? You will be one some day.

Gintai_昇泰 said...

Security and other misc announcements like changing trains at interchanges are made in 4 official languages. It's only station announcements that are made in English since day 01 until recently Mandarin was added in.
When you say Chinese, you got to be specified! Cantonese, Hokkien or Teochew which are the most commonly spoken amongst the elderlies in Sg are also Chinese. Logically if you want to help our oldies, the station names got to be announced in Hokkien, Teochew and Cantonese in that order! Mandarin is "alien" to them except the younger generation. In your article, you have cited many examples amongst so many "Should Little India be called Tekka or Zhu Jiao? " Zhu Jiao is so alien compared to Tekka as far as the oldies are concerned. In fact, as far as I'm concerned who is not that old!
That's my personal view. If it's announced in local dialects instead of Mandarin maybe the general public would be more receptive. Mandarin is quite different matter. The best is to stick to English only. Why fix it if it ain't broken? It's been so for more than 20 yrs and we shld just leave it as it is with 4 official languages in other announcements as pointed earlier.

Anonymous said...

everybody knows the announcements in mandarin are for the hordes of prc ft's and new citizens. smrt and the govt don't give a shit to the senior citizens.

Anonymous said...

yep. if the MIWs care about the old folks, they will also make announcements in malay and tamil for the malay tamil old folks. first they make announcements, in mandarin, then they have amnesia, forgetting malay and tamil, second language in announcements will be in tagalog, then in hindi, etc.

Anonymous said...

you are deluding yourself redbean if you think the PAPies care about the singaporean chinese old folks. if they really care, they would have had the announcements made in mandarin or hokkien or teochew, etc a long time ago. not now. they doing it now for their beloved and favourite new children, the ft's from china, not for singaporean chinese old folks.

patriot said...

After near four decades of Speak Mandarin Campaigns and the renoval of Dialect Programmes from the Official Medias, most Sin Oldies are familiar with Mandarin. Another reason for the familarity got to do with the influx of Mainlanders in the pasr decades.

Mandarin is the Unison Language of the Chinese not just in China and Taiwan, it is for Chinese all over the World and that is no less than 2 billions. Me strongly encourages using it, especially all Chinese Singaporeans for the simple reason the younger non dialect speaking are not able to relate the Chinese Writing to their own Dialectical backgrounds anymore due to past policy on Languages.

It is damn sad to note that dialects were murdered by the Rulers and now the Sinky Chinese are killing the Common Chinese Language, Mandarin.

Anglocized Sin Chinese not only ill treat their own language, dialects, they are now prejudice against the Common Chinese Language.

What can i say?


Anonymous said...

Yes, agree with you Patriot. Only in Sinkieland do you find the majority bending backwards to accommodate the feelings of the minorities, lest they be accused of being racists rather than pragmatists. They would rather MRT does away with the Mandarin announcements to benefit Chinese oldies if it cannot extend the same service to the non-Chinese.

Anonymous said...

i think anon 11.34pm forgot the s'pore pledge: based on justice and EQUALITY. if you have announcements in mandarin, have announcements in malay and tamil, the other 2 official languages. if not stop saying the pledge and make mandarin a first lang of s'pore. minorities would rather live that than live with hypocrisy.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

What is the purpose in the first place? The following acts must be congruent with the purpose or it would look very silly.

Sinkies are not daft anymore.

patriot said...

Thank You Anon.

The many England educated Sinkies that me had talked to about our Languages are proud that they are able to communicate with the World.

The SICK REALITY is, they hardly communicate with their families, neighbours, relatives and fellow countrymen.
And almost all the traditional cultures of the Four Main Races have been discarded like dirt. Roots are rotten and yet Sinkies feel superior because they are good at SINGLISH.



Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

人在江湖生不有己. Patriot, this may not be the right saying but still has some relevance in the local context. Of course many choose not to learn or want to learn Chinese, be it dialect or Mandarin. They are prouder to imbibe European or peranakan culture. Mandarin or Chinese are alien to them.

I find it unbelieveable that European kids or African kids or Russians, are picking up Mandarin so easily. It is all about years of deculturisation and being international citizens in an international city.

patriot said...

Chin Leng:


人在江湖身不由己, me am afraid does not apply to Sinkies when it comes to languages and traditional cultures.

The only ones affected and are not in control of themselves are those discarded, adopted, fostered, adulterated, crippled mentally/physically and dependent on the mercies of others for survival.

For those going with the Flow, bending their backs to others to do better, i am afraid they are no better than General Georgie, the One sacked by Aljunied Voters.


patriot said...

Me would like to add in the brainwashed, conquered and unprincipled to the list of people mentioned in my previous comment.

Selling and betraying the soul for gain to wealth and reputation collectively known as success is the belief of vain folks.


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

C'mon lah guys. Most people in Asia speak at least 2 languages...the "official" language of their cuntry, and their own ethnic mother tongue.

And on every automated system in Singapore all you have to do is PRESS ONE for English. A no-brainer.

And if you really want to "preserve local culture" then you should observe the fact that the 2 native languages in Singapore are:

1. Singlish
2. Hokkein

Got Nee Nah Beh?

Anonymous said...

Tiew ley lah.
Nia ney .
Tiow chi pek.
Mak engkau.
Pergi mati lah.
All nice and sweet.
Why must use Singlish?

Anonymous said...

Suo mei sai, suo mi sai, si mi sai?

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