
By election Laws, the spirit and intent of the law

Since the last interpretation of the spirit of the law in the Hougang by election, the govt’s position is that a general election is to elect a govt. When such a govt is in place and when a MP’s seat is left vacant for some reasons, it really does not matter as the govt is already elected. So having a by election or no by election is not of much importance as long as someone else is looking after the constituency on behalf of the MP. A stand in, a MP on loan from another constituency, or in the same GRC, or a CCC Chairman or any appointee could really fill the seat legally in accordance with the provisions of the Election Laws. This is what I have heard to be the official position and I stand corrected. The govt can always correct me if I am wrong and educate us on the correct interpretation, the law, the spirit of the law, the intent of the law, or the convenience of the law to be interpreted to whoever’s advantage.

If the above premises are true, and if the judgement by Judge Pillay is the absolute truth, that the PM has full discretion to decide to hold or not to hold a by election, then the constituents of any single member constituency may not be served by an elected MP after a GE. Anyone or any appointee would do.

I choose to disagree as a citizen and as a constituent. And I would also like to interpret the spirit of the law, the intent of the law to my advantage. As a constituent, I demand as my right to be represented by an MP that I have elected or have a say to his being my MP. No substitute is good enough. No part timers or part time MPs from other constituency to part time in my constituency. I demand a full fledge MP elected by my fellow constituents to represent me in Parliament and to take care of my problems. There is a direct quid pro quo in the case of a properly elected MP who promised to serve the people and the people duly elected him. Anything else is no good. It is a short change.

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

Singapore practises representative democracy no?

Democracy means you have voted for your representative no?

Did Punggol SMC constituents vote for Teo Ser Luck to represent them?

If Teo Ser Luck can, then why not Tin Pei Ling? Who decides?

If you truly believe you have the support of the people, then why so slow and scared about having a by-elections?
An elections merely legitimizes your claim of representing Singaporeans.

Anonymous said...

you can choose to disagree
you can interpret which way you like
you can demand your right
you can have your say
but when dragonboy says no
means no!

all you can do is keep the fire burning
till twenty sixteen
and kick them out!

Anonymous said...

The constitution is not a plaything that anyone can suka suka interpret to his likings. The hypocrisy will show and will backfire when the people see through it. The people are not daft and will make the recalcitrant pays dearly for it.

Anonymous said...

I ting You missed the spirit and purpose of democratic election.
An MP represents a party, he/she stands on behalf of the Party and works with the Party. In another word, an MP is secondary to the Party he/she reoresents.
When voters select an MP, make no mistake that they are choosing for a party to form a government that will have the power to give them the best, whatever that is. True, there may be aunties voting for handsome man put up as candidate, likewise ah pek voting for female candidate and or even becos the campaigns are helmed by many beautiful people from PA etc. But such emotional voters are rare.
Voters normally vote for the Party Ideology and it's manifestoes as well as how realistic it has the mandate to execute them.
In a situation whereby an MP is incapacitated, another one from the Party can stand in to represent the Party. This must apply to ALL Parties.

Anonymous said...

If LKY drop dead tomorrow and Ting Pei Ling go and stand in, what would the oldies in Tanjong Pagar say? This young girl very cute?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi anon 10:06, Not really so. The voters vote for party as well as individual MP. Ideally, they are agreeable to both MP and party. If not, they will decide between individual or party. Voters can vote for individual against party or vice versa or for both.

The idea of an elected MP is sacred for each single ward constituency and no one shall pull wool over the voters to claim other people or MP can substitute. This is errorneous, half truth.

Anonymous said...

In short, Punggol East residents are being short changed if there is no by-election!

Anonymous said...

I may be wrong, but if LKY drops dead tomorrow and the PAP puts another relative unknown there in Tanjong Pagar GRC, they will still win. Why? The voters there are already die hard, brain dead, ogre worshipping zombies who will never change.

The PAP will definitely commission their propaganda machine to tell the zombies over there that Tanjong Pagar is LKY's stronghold and should be preserved and maintained in his honour.

Or just to make it less obvious, allow some apple-polishers to start the ball rolling by making subtle hints to say just as much.

Please don't say I can guess the PAP's strategy. That is their usual trait and strategy over the years.

Anonymous said...

In that case,
only a by election
will do justice.
But, there was,is news
that the voters in Punggol
are calling or requesting for it.

oldhorse42 said...

Over the years, PAP has taken advantage of its dominant position in the parliament to give themselves a free hand to run Singapore like it is their private fiefdom.Making and interpreting laws to perpetuate their
rule.One of these laws is that the PM has the power and discretion to decide whether or not to hold a bye election. How can he be expected to exercise this power objectively and fairly if it is to his disadvantage>

virgo49 said...

Hi Bro Anon @12.48

I am from Tanjong Pagar, one of the oldies. You are absolutely right.

The PAP made us oldies in Tanjong Pagar semi or full millionaires.

Brought our 5 room flats at 46K now can sell at 800K. Wow!! profit at 754K.

Do not want to sell ah! Then rent out at 3.3k per month to the foreigners. Stay with children. Every year can go travel at least 3 to 4 exotic places.

Do not care the social problems created or complaints from the neighbours of the nusiance behaviours from these FTs, many of them as performing artists from the Pinoy Land who performed oral on the ang mohs and etc as tourists who came to our beautiful island. PAP said must have thesde performing artists or the country not very vibrant leh!!

Tanjong Pagar Town council do not charge you for the use of the void decks. So good and also every year got GST credits of 1 over K. Who is going to give you these type of monies. Sometimes your children also do not give you so much.

So every erections must VOTE the PAP lah!! Why care of other people's sufferings as long as it does not affect you. Why worry for the young? Let them go and slot and pay their guts out to service the housing loans & etc.

As long as you have status quo to enjoy your benefits, why so stupid and daft to rock the boat.

Merry Christmas!!!!

Anonymous said...


Easy money if
Sinkies are resourceful.

How much rent to rent a
semi detached or terrace
house with free parking
and a plot to plant chilli
and pandan plants across
the causeway? $500 with

Why remain in Sin?

Anonymous said...

/// The PAP made us oldies in Tanjong Pagar semi or full millionaires. ///

Sure or not?
Everyone of you millionaire meh?
Maybe it's only because you are a political crony ... no?

Anonymous said...

The hunt for PAPig gold begins.


Anonymous said...

any news of the old fart? he pretty quietly lately. can't wait for him to kick the bucket. all his cronies waiting to give him big welcome in hell.

Virgo 49 said...

Why not? Original 4 or 5 roomers brought their flats at 25k & 50k respectively.

Now either stayed with children or a condo/terrace house in jb or melaka

Can sell at 500k fir 4 roller at cantonment close and one million in
spottiswoode park.

Not semi or millionaire meh??

Somemore those at cantonment close were from outram park that was once compensated for moving to cantonment close under sers.

Now after five years can sell at 5 to 6 hundred k
how not to vote ah gong the pap??

Anonymous said...

/// Now after five years can sell at 5 to 6 hundred k ///

So you sell your flat for $600K and go live with your son is it?

And how much did your son pay for his flat?
Also $600K?

And how many sons you have?
So your 2 sons combined paid $1.2 million for 2 flats?

Kena Lee Con-You is it?

Ron aka RDB said...

LKYism in PAP is all about interpretation.. his interpretations.. of the absolute power of money that tends to corrupt absolutely.. like it has absolutely corrupted him to lead a pack of hungry wolves.. even those wolves when their stomachs are more than full.

He doesn't mine going to Hell so long as he is "god".. even a semi-god of sorts here as this is the only "life" he knows.. and they too. They are all pragmaTics people you see.. like as in being PRAGnant outside of marriage.. illegitamate & immorally.. they ARE pragnant pragmaTisTs with a T for Totalitarianism.. come what may!

And that's why he has his Totalitarian Pinnacle there to show for it.. neever mind if if it looks totalitarian ungy from afar like his MBT from anear and is now out!.. Tanjong Pagarians just love him for the money the can get.. never mind too of the ugly truth that the money they get from their HDB or other property they is actually advance from their children.. who pays them plus interests and inflation cost wrought by LKYism's "interpretations" plant into their minds and pockets.. afterall.. they get to live with their children they brought up.. abd they do deserve tobe soaked.. or rather sponged by their parents and LKYism who gave all wealthy debts to pay to beholdenly keep.. LKYism in perpetual-wheel corrupting power!

THAT.. Sg folks.. is just the name of the game in simple minds without souls.. just spiriting spirit spritely spiriting TO Hell to find out if there's really one in the after life.. only to find that it is a one-way-ticket trip in LKYism's Totalitarianism Revolving Hell too late!

patriot said...

'But, there was,is news.... ' shud
read But, there was, is NO news
that the voters in Punggol are calling
or requesting for it.

My apology.

Anon 12:50

Anonymous said...

'But, there was,is news........' shud

read But, there was, is NO news that the voters ib Punggol are calling or requesting for it.

My apology.

Anon 12:50 PM

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