
Let’s teach the Brits

Rupert Murdoch was quoted to have told the British Govt that they should emulate Singapore in paying millions to their political leaders. In that way the politicians can be cleaner and less corrupt, no need to resort to making spurious expense claims, or having dinners with him and Murdoch picking up the tabs. I think this is a wise thing to say.

Singapore has the cleanest and least corrupt govt in the world, by paying them not to be corrupt. We should share our world best formula with the British and the West, plus the ingenious arguments. They will be very thankful that they could finally learn something from the East. We are the pathfinders for a govt that is not corrupt, with a pay that is so good that makes corruption obsolete.

The British and the Americans would surely love the formula. Obama could be looking at $200m and David Cameron could probably be looking at 50m sterling pounds. Given that they have not been corrupted with their present salaries, maybe a 50% discount from these amounts would be enough to send them to the moon in glee.


Anonymous said...

Mur guy knows only half the Singapore lesson. In Singapore, his position will be taken over by an ex-Minister. The Brits should learn that too.

tkw said...

Why stop at MPs and Ministers....pay more to civil service, the police and so forth to every conceivable level of supervision in every sector of Singapore...so that we may have the highest level of non-corruptibility anywhere in the world...then it will be a first class society..whether it be in parliament,charities,civil service,private sector....

Where do we draw the line at making such payments and how much is good enough to stave off corruption for the group/individual?

Anonymous said...

Even better idea..see link.
Like how we sentence druglords/mules to the death gallows, this will surely act as deterrent too..Shanmugam say one...so why not a punitive one as opposed a incentive one? Like above reader say, why stop at politicians only?


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

How many of you would believe me if I said our merlion is vegetarian?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Oh, the ministerial salary review committee can quote Murdoch to justify that the ministerial pay is perfectly sound. Can even raise it since it is endorsed by Murdoch and flaunted in the western media as an excellent example of clean govt with multi million dollar pay.

They can now have a good reason to say I told you so.

Anonymous said...

If all the countries were to adopt our ministerial salary formula, there will be no corruption in the world. The word corruption can also be deleted from the dictionary or given a new definition.