
Tsk tsk tsk

When I wrote the article 'Do we need change,' I expect people to rebut my points vigorously and point out all the flaws in my arguments. I would like forumers and bloggers to challenge the conventional truth or the accepted truth. And it is very easy to tear away at the positions I took. Our system is far from perfect. It is like a story in Disneyland. It is based on many assumptions that normally do not happen in the real world. And if they do, it is a temporary phenomenon, like a rainbow. It will not last. The first assumption is that we will always be blessed with wise, honourable and selfless men who will be in position of power to keep the lid on. And these wise men will be able to select equally honourable and selfless men to carry on with the job of good governance. Even now we are seeing the cracks and the peelings are coming off. And do we really believe that an elected President can check on a rogue govt? The evidence has proven otherwise. A rogue govt could simply bundle the President out of the Istana. Or they could simply ignore him, don't provide him with the information to work on. Just shut him out. And the President will not be able to protest outside the Parliament without a permit. He will be arrested. Where is the check and balance? Who is to check the guards or guardians? The Mas Selamat case is a good example. Who is to check the wise and honourable men if they turn bad? Our system cannot last after LKY. It needs a very strong man to pull all the strings to get everyone in line. Once this is not present, everything will be scattered all over the place. There is a saying, 'tree falls monkeys scatter.'


Anonymous said...

"And the President will not be able to protest outside the Parliament without a permit. He will be arrested."


Anonymous said...

Please lah, it's an appointed president and not elected one.

In Sg lingo, elected == appointed.

Anonymous said...

The President and Parliament will check each other. Peasants will check the drains for mosquitos. In the end Singaporeans don't know who is checking who and who is checking what. In the end it is 'checkmate' lah!

Anonymous said...

"Our system is far from perfect."

I agree. But, will the old man allow changes to it? I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

"Where is the check and balance? Who is to check the guards or guardians?"

If check and balance is what the old man wanted, don't you think it would have been incorporated in the system by now. Instead, president and judges are appointed and approved by the executive. In other words, the system is skewed towards the executive with untold power and no checks on it.

Anonymous said...

"Our system cannot last after LKY. It needs a very strong man to pull all the strings to get everyone in line. Once this is not present, everything will be scattered all over the place."

The current system will not fall apart easily. It breeds administrators and is based upon consensus. What this system won't produce is true leaders with visions.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

I like the S'pore system.

I know it will fail spectacularly one day, and I'll be true to my prediction.

I'm true to my name MATILAH SINGAPURA!... and like every asshole posting on the web, I too LOVE to be RIGHT!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

maybe i shall agree with you about the consensus part. but i would like to add that it is a one man consensus.