After getting rid of Anwar Ibrahim, after calling the people to get rid of Abdullah Badawi, now it is Samy Vellu's turn.
Mathathir has spoken. Strange, all three were his choice ministers. Anwar supposely his successor until the sodomy charge. Abdullah, his choice as the current PM. And Samy was his right hand man, the man to lead MIC.
Now all three are not worthy when left alone. Probably they are only worthy working under Mahathir and he could teach or lead them to do the right things.
Is Wong Cunt Sing still worthy of being a Home Affairs Minister after the MSK fiasco ?
Mathathir does't get along even with his own shadow.
Yes we have alot to learn from Dr M.
the first lesson he probably teaches is.. you dun need to have a clue abt anything to do the job.. but you got to recognise, ah he's good and ah she's good...
yeah, he had a cabinet of dummies as well.
not only the voters got rid of samyveloo, it is reported that of the 28 candidates fielded by MIC, only 3 minions got elected.
i am wondering how many from MCA and Gerakan got dumped as well.
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