
myth 142

Singapore does not care about its olds This is a myth and must be debunked. Singapore has done so much for the ageing population that we should be considered as one of the most creative in this area. We have made provisions in the CPF to make sure that all of them retire happily with a big cache of cash, at least $140,000 in their retirement and medisave accounts combined. And there are many benefits for the senior citizens like cheaper fares for public transport and medical fees. We have built specially designed flats with grab poles, emergency buttons etc at very cheap prices. And if that is not enough, we may even buy some pacific islands and turn them into senior citizens paradise. Now, not good enough? We even have a minister specially designated to look into the problems of the ageing population. And he is one of the finest and experienced ministers in the cabinet. He may know not much about this field, but he is taking it very seriously. He is now on a world tour to visit the best facilities to learn from them, first hand experience. By the time he is back with all the new knowledge and information and formulas, our ageing population problem will be solved. So no one can accuse the govt for not spending money and effort to look after our senior citizens. Some even got free money, like $260 a month to spend freely. And these are those without the $100k plus savings. It is a good life for the senior citizens. Those who want to work until they die, jobs are aplenty. They can work in food courts or in high offices, depending on their talents.


Anonymous said...

But redbean, when they implement what they learnt from the best facilities around the world, I hope it is, as always, affordable to the elderly.

Anonymous said...

....and the millionaire minLEEster solution....keep them working till they drop dead.

Anonymous said...

While it is true that no one owe us a living in Singapore, senior citizens who are not well-off must work to support themselves in their old age. All they ask for is equal employment opportunity. But, this fucking government wouldn't even enact legislation to prevent discrimination against senior citizens seeking employment, so how are these senior citizens going to survive if they can't find work?

While a certain vampire is paying himself millions and hogging on to power with the excuse that he is still of value and can solve problem without knowing that HE IS THE PROBLEM.

Anonymous said...

$260 can buy alot of peanuts.

Anonymous said...

the fact is, they have already taken care of themselves by paying themselves millions while we may not even be able to land a job due to discrimination.

Anonymous said...

This is Red Beanie - all high & kicking. With alcohol in his blood, so much that he's swearing in profanity.. :)

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Oops, sorry. Sometimes the four letter word can convey a feeling that no other words can do.

all these young upstarts are still messing around with the lives of people greying. their turn will come.

if we would have let them continue with this young and beautiful mindset, we will be having a handful of the ageing problems right in their faces.

ageing is something that no one can run away with. and today, ageing or getting old is relative with many very healthy to go on and on.

Anonymous said...

Those scums have covered themselves with life long pension and possibly free medicals as well.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Absolutely agree redbean. In the last 10 or so years the state has spent many of the citizens tax dollars helping the oldies.

In today's news, there is even more "state intervention" being done for the seniors—they're talking about "models" and suchlike.

However, whenever the state starts handing out welfare, it is "never enough". People (naturally) always want MORE, and complain bitterly about the "uncompassionate nature" of the govt.

One suggestion would be to REMOVE the current hand-outs for a few weeks, and let the whinging people have "an experience". Then they might just appreciate the forced contributions made by the bleeding taxpayer.

It is surprising to to find many families who don't give a fuck about their own elderly, and expect the govt to supply the goods and services for these folks.

However, if you observe the vehicles parked in HDB carparks, you can't help but notice Mercs and Beemers, and many spanking new models, SUVs etc. Subsidised housing, BTW.

These same cry-baby fuckers complain about ministers paying themselves millions, yet they keep on voting PAP so they can have their nice upgraded HDB, with the nice landscaping and playgorunds, and at the same time have enough dough leftover to buy that Beemer.

You want double standards, hey man, lots of examples around. You don't have to look very far.

Anonymous said...

Watch my lips, you will only retire after 90 and not 1 day earlier. Be a liability to the country at your own peril. You want free lunch can tan ku ku.

Anonymous said...

Our so-called subsidised public housing (HDB) BTW is much more expensive than unsubsidised private housing up north.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

i was told that foot per foot, the highly subsidised studio apartments for the senior citizens are much more expensive than the normal flats.

you can get a 3 rm flat in new estates for less than $100k for 99 years. The studios are selling for around $70k for 30 years.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

it is also better to have $ million solving problems for the aged than $300k. the quality of the solutions depends greatly on the value of the problem solver.

like they said in the army. a problem is just a problem. but once given to a major, it becomes a major problem.

Anonymous said...

So, if you give a major problem to a General, it becomes a general problem and less major. Its confusing me.

Anonymous said...

Better let the private handle it. It becomes a PRIVATE problem. Problem solved.

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha - that's a good one!

Anonymous said...

How come durai's million is peanut while $260 is alot?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

you guys are getting very creative : )

Anonymous said...

As you said redbean, sometimes you have to break the monotony to stay sane in this country.

Anonymous said...

We all beri creative one. Because we all not stupid mah.. U dunno meh?
Mai xiao la.. ;P

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

dialect or singlish can be very flowery also. it is something like the expression from the guts. simple a straight expression from below and not from on top. can laugh until flip! chio ka peng.