the number 1 rogue nation
what are the conditions that the world shall ascribe to the world's number 1 rogue nation?
bullying small nations, readiness to use force to invade another country, amassing weapons of mass destruction, sending out their military forces to engage in wars all over the world..etc
which country fits these descriptions best? iran, north korea? no, they have none of the above. only the usa fits the description like a glove. and today, the usa has declared that it will use pre emptive strike to hit any country it considers a threat. how hostile and belligerent can a country be when its policy is to strike first at its will?
shall all the peace loving countries of the world also adopt such a policy? strike first if it so describes another country as a threat to them?
how long can the usa fool the world by claiming itself to be the most peace loving nation? it is anything but the number 1 rogue nation of the world.
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Global cop strikes again!
Never mind all that war stuff lah.... I'm developing an aquired taste for state sponsored violence - and the o'' US of A have the best arsenal and the best personel to put on a spectacular show.
What is interesting is the US debt:
Congress just gave the "OK" to let it swell to 9 trillion. The last time I went to debt clock was a few years ago, and the US debt was 6 trillion.
The cuntry is broke, kaput... bankrupt.
... and they are going to get a lesson in state profligacy. India and China are retaining a large portion of their incomes and are cautious about the stability of their currencies - being new industrialised nations they have to be careful - al least until sufficient wealth and infractucture is created... then they can go nuts like Japan did circa 70-80's.
However, if we ARE going to have a globo-cop, better it be the US.
BTW, cuntries like S'pore, Thailand, Aust, India, Phillipines - ASEAN in general, want the US in Asia, especially SE Asia.
People in this region are growinng increasingly UNCOMFORTABLE with the military build up of CHINA.
You'll notice that "small" Se Asian cuntries have not directly challenged China to "come clean" with its military intentions.
Not even the UN has been "forceful" enough.
However, Uncle Sam, is forthright and directly challenging, as usual. In Chinese culture, this type of "challenge" is an afront to social convention - only a barbaric white man will engage in this kind of "warlike" behaviour.
Well, you dear Chinese mainlanders, you'd better get used to it. Uncle Sam walks tall and carries a big stick.
God Bless America!
Thank Christ for Australia!
it will be a big wow when all the big savers nations decided to dump the greenbacks and all the treasury bills. kaput is the right word. they would not have enough money to feed themselves and the huge armed forces. and we will have independent mercenary forces trying to carve out their own spheres of influence, like the warlords in early 20th century china. these new warlords will be international. each american fleet is enough to rule a sizeable territory consisting of several countries. your anarchic state!
'BTW, cuntries like S'pore, Thailand, Aust, India, Phillipines - ASEAN in general, want the US in Asia, especially SE Asia.
People in this region are growinng increasingly UNCOMFORTABLE with the military build up of CHINA.'
not very sure about the above. some may want a bigger chinese presence, just enough to counter the arrogance of the americans. all the nations always think of their own interests and would welcome some leverage provided by a third party.
by having a too powerful america is bad for them or anyone. the examples of what is happening in the middle east is a good case to warn the rest of the world to be wary of the new american empire. it is now run by a bunch of gangsters.
but the arabs deserved to be treated the way they are. they are in a way in the same state as china in the 19th century, being manipulated and controlled by foreigners and robbing of all their wealth and dignity.
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