
USA is number 1. number ONE war mongering nation!

with the looming attack on iran on the card, with all the equipment and personnel ready, what it needs is for bush to say go. and we will have war again, and many innocents will die, iranians, iraelis and american boys. sons of chicken george and jeremiah, sons of italian americans and afro americans. but not the children of kennedy's or the bushes. the united nations and the world must stand up to this aggressive and hostile nation's bullying. the world bodies must put a stop to war, that war is not an option among civilised nations. and the usa called itself a civilised nation. it is number one in the number of wars it is engaging around the world. is the world blind? where are the righteous and god fearing people who denounce war, who denounce killings and even death penalties, but let bush and the usa to go around killing innocent people in the thousands. and many will stand up and support the killings by the americans. the whole world is full of hypocrits. shame to the united nations, shame to all the world leaders, for allowing this mad man and his madness to go on, unrestrained. what is the point of scrambling to be members or permanent members of the security council when no one can deter the usa from launching wars and naming their enemies? why is there no free press, western press to conduct a survey to name the most dangerous country in the world? where are the pressmen? oh but the most dangerous countries are from the axis of evil, including north korea, all waiting to be attacked by the most friendly nation, the usa.


Anonymous said...

I recall WMD and Iraq. I recall the Iraq war started without UN sanction. I wonder if Iran will also be attacked using the nuclear bomb issue. We shall all have to wait and see.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

remember the recent reports of hundreds of cia chartered flights to europe? what do you think they are carrying?

Speedwing said...

I cannot even guess what the cargo was. However, let us hope and pray that 2006 is going to be a safe and war-free year for all mankind.

Sometime I post anonymously. Sorry.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

whatever it is, under the cloak of secrecy, you bet it is nothing good. very likely something sinister.

i would think they are military hardware for the war in iran. europe is a launching pad for many american aircraft.

i can hit you, you can't hit me. how nice to conduct a war like that. the only thing the arabs could do is to send their terrorists to washington and start to chase bush around. that will be interesting.

Speedwing said...

Hi Redbean

Sometime it is best to keep ones own opinion to oneself. Speaking out loud would possibly invite problems. We can never be sure who is listening. I for one is constantly looking over my shoulders.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

hi speed,

the purpose of starting this blog is to let people listen to what i have to say. i insist that people listen.

and if what i say did provoke people to think a little, to change a little, and if there is a little benefit coming out from it, then my effort is worth it.

that is why i rated this blog PG. to provoke, to say something different, to look at things from an angle that people do not wish to look at. and i know, at times i can be disgusting and unpleasant. it is meant to be that way.

if i am here to say all the pleasantries, then people might as well read the papers, say all the good things, say all the right things, everyday is happy day, every moment is happy time :(

Speedwing said...

What I meant in my last posting was that sometime it can be dangerous to voice ones opinion too loudly, especially in these days when prosecution through court is becoming a norm.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

i know speed. take a peep at ypap forum and you will know what scandals and libels are all about.

i hope my postings did not attack anyone in particular but to look at issues and problems the way i see them. it is my perspectives and i do not expect people to agree with me. and everyone has a right to reply here. no censorship.

if any idiot wishes to sue me, no problem. we will see. when i curse the world fill with animals and if there are animals who want to take issue with me, please stand up and be noticed.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

as for the rest of the world, especially usa, they respect freedom of speech. bush cannot come and sue me for calling him a murderer. he is.

maybe i will be terminated with extreme prejudice.

this is a little blog in a corner of nowhere. nobody cares or bothers. hey, this is internet kopitiam. if you hear what were spoken in the kopitiams, many would be sued or hanged long ago. not enough prisons to hold them.

Anonymous said...

I admire your courage and conviction. Keep up the good work. For those who require visas to enter Singapore, the less said the better.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

hi anonymous,

i think the govt has accepted that the world has changed. and with internet they will have to accept comments from every corner. it is better to hear them and know what is happening than pretend that nothing said, nothing heard, then all is well.

this is only my view. and as long as people are commenting honestly and objectively without being subversive, i think they can tolerate them. they will be very interestd if people challenging them as a political party or are trying to scandalise them. then suing is definitely on the card when the line is crossed.

i am a singaporean and i see it my duty and right to comment on our domestic affairs for the good of the people and nation. though i do not think i can do much, or even if people are listening, but if everyone is talking about some issues, it will only reinforce the view.

for foreigners, i think if one is adopting an objective approach, it is fair comment. but just avoid attacking people personally. not a nice and proper thing to do.

Speedwing said...

Thanks for the advice in your last paragraph. I will try to be objective, fair and most importantly avoid getting too personal.

I do read your blog everyday after the morning papers. However, soon I will have to depart Singapore and return to my own country. I will not be able to read the ST so I will not know about the topics you write about. I will then become only be a passive reader of your blog. I will contribute whenever I feel I can. Better concentrate on my own blog and get it up top speed.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

hi speed,

you returning to uk or australia? i will miss you. but the world is so close now. we are just one message away. you won't know the difference. we can continue to chat without knowing the distance.

there is also the electronic news. it is nice chatting with you. will you be coming back again?

Speedwing said...

Hi Redbean

Will be returning to UK on January 18. We have plans to spend a week in Spain in February and probably take a cruise in March. I will try to be a little more active on my blog speedwing-travel.

Sure we can continue to chat on your blog. If you find that at times I am quiet, then you can probably get me at my own blog.

I will probably return to Singapore in March/April 2006. Until I leave I will continue to be in touch.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

hi speed,

nice that you are taking a holiday. would it be a bit cold in january for a river cruise?

Speedwing said...

Cruise is to the West Indies. London is a little cold right now, but I am used to that. Singapore and Malaysia are a little hot and sticky for me, as I have been away for too long. However I am getting more climatised and soon I will be at home here too.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

And who are they supported by?

Almost all the other cuntries of the world.

The US economy is about one third of the total global economy. EVERYONE seeks to trade with the US.

When cuntries sell their goods to the US, they receive inflated US dollars (counterfeit currency) to boost their own domestic currencies.

The US doesn't have to conquer the world militarily. It has conquered the world economically as well.

Every low-paid Asian worker is subsidising the life-style of the US consumer (as every Asian worker is paid on local currency backed up by US debt currency - they print money everyday at the rate of $6 million)

Every low paid Asian worker is therfore himself a GUILTY WAR MONGER

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

there is another angle to this. being the number one arms seller, they sell arms to country a. then tells country b that they must upgrade to counter country a. so a and b will continue on an arms race to buy arms from the americans. and they need a few wars to generate more demands for their arms industries.

the more wars, the higher the sales of arms.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

There must be a buyer for your goods first.

Every market begins with a "need" from the customer. It is not the sellers fault for supplying a need.

For e.g. : if there wasn't a customer demand for drugs, there will be no drug economy. But law enforcement prosecutes the suppliers more harshly than it does the consumers. A drug supplier is executed. The drug customer is rehabilitated (i.e. "it's not his fault - he had a difficult childhood")

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

in the case of the arms market, there will always be buyers. political power comes from the barrel of the gun. every egoistic leader will want to own the biggest gun, the nuclear bomb. and as inter state relations are always contentious, the demand is always there, real or created.

and the suppliers will have their ways to add to the demand for their goods.