23 min of a futuristic China by an American expat. Seeing is believing. Go to China to see for yourself that this is real. Now tourists/visitors can visit China on a 10 day visa free rule. China is going to have a tourism boom. Go before the tourists flooded the cities and attractions of China.
Christmas 2024 in Singapore at Marina Bay
Condemn individual acts of terrorism but support genocide and state terrorism
Whenever an act of terrorism occurred in the West, killing a handful of people, often just one or two victims, there will be outpouring of compassion and condemnation of the acts by individuals and even govt leaders. And the condemnation would be loudest when the victims were whites. And many coloured people would also join in the chorus, condeming the terrorists. People from all walks of lives would be queuing up to pay respect and buying flowers to show how much they cared.
The terrorism committed by the Israelis and Americans in Gaza is happening every day, every hour, every minute, with hundreds and thousands of women and children being killed. Did anyone breathe a word of care and compassion, did any govt leader open his big mouth to say anything? Oh, what is happening in Gaza is war, not terrorism. Or it is not conducted by a so called terrorist. It is state terrorism, conducted by respected men and women in uniforms, in suits and pretty dresses in Washington or Tel Aviv. So cannot condemn them as they are not terrorists. They are soldiers, leaders of states. Terrorists are poor and dirty looking individuals that can kill or two at a time, and if they are lucky, may kill a few more.
This is the hypocrisy of the 21st Century. And the so called compassionate and crying men and women, national leaders. They would make sure their condemnation of the so called terrorists would be heard loud and clear or be printed in the news. See, we condemn terrorism and terrorist acts.
The biggest terrorist nation is the USA and Israel, with UK and France coming closely next. The likes of Biden, Blinken, Nethanyahu, and Gallant should be arrested and executed for terrorist acts, war crimes and crimes against thousands and millions of victims. Instead, they would be greeted and welcomed like movie stars, dine and wine and party together with the same world leaders that condemned individual acts of terrorism.
What do you think? Are you proud of such people condemning individual acts of terrorism but supporting state terrorism and genocides? Which is more evil and barbaric?
So many crashes. Boeing is history
I guess Boeing now found out the hard way using India talents. Indians are only good for pushing envelopes and wriggling their way into top positions of USA companies, and engineering is not their strong points. Boeing planes are landing without good working landing gears and catching fires. Three planes in trouble over the last three days is really an astonishing record.
I understand Boeing and the FAA has been investigating the 737 planes since the two fatal crashes years ago, claiming 346 lives. It looks like software issues are not the only problem. Is this the same situation as what is existing with their F35's? Just doing patch and pray to tackle the issues? Why are Boeing planes still full of problems in every direction?
Boeing is disintegrating like its planes in front of our eyes. Airlines are turning to alternatives, and the current problems will further delay its production schedule. The confidence of travelers will definitely be shaken, if they have not been shaken earlier already.
AirAsia may buy about 100 C919 aircraft from COMAC, with purchases from Airbus and Embracer on the cards. Now is the time for COMAC to expand its footprint.
American fantasy hits the dust
Biden and Trump thinks bringing back manufacturing works just like a light switch, which they can switch on and off at will. Life is not as simple as that.
Now getting rid of Chinese scientists, engineers and academics may be as easy as winning a trade war. But educating and training new workers or talking about luring the Chinese back is not going to work or as simple as what they think. That is gone for good, like losing the EV battle. Chinese students are not flocking to USA universities any longer and the network to lure them to work in the USA to contribute is no longer going to work as well.
The innovation environment is no longer in the USA, but in China. The EV innovation, the battery expertise, the infrastructure innovation, the shipbuilding expertise, the semiconductor research and development, the communication innovation, the space exploration sector and even the agricultural innovation are no longer dependent on the USA to lead. That is history.
The USA can still pretend to be ahead in their fantasy belief, but the reality is totally the opposite. The USA can deny, but the truth will catch up with them eventually. They can run, but they cannot hide.
Asian ways stifle children's creativity? Look at what is happening in China, the most innovative and creative nation today
Good morning All
It's high tme.that the Western Barbarians and Savages Robbers, Looters, Rapists and the most hideous crimes that they had committed against the Humanity to taste Great Sufferings and Retributions.
Let them starve like China in.the past for the next Fifty or so Years.
Humans after undergone such Sufferings then shall learnt about Empathy, Humanity and Respects for Living Things and Creatures.
Today we had one Banana Sinkie by the name of Timothy.
Wrote to the Shits Times Forum of how to allow the children to have so called Creativity by having them running wild like the White Barabians the way they brought up their children.
Have them running wild with the approval of the Rest of our peoples.
He lamented that we are not in approval of such behaviours and that strifed the future generation Creativity and Innovations.
Creativity to run riots and killings and murders like the Whites?
With their Destructions and Graffiti round the Island?
Hello Westernised WOG, go to the West then.
Asians like China brought up the children in their own displined and proper way so that they grew up to be respectable and responsible humans that contribute to Society.
NOT those irresponsible parents like you who bring up useless and destructive children with your decadence Western mentality.