
CIA, NED and many NGOs are terrorist organisations and must be banned and persecuted


 At the CIA, our mission is to preempt threats and further U.S. national security objectives by:

  • Collecting foreign intelligence that matters;
  • Producing objective all-source analysis;
  • Conducting effective covert action as directed by the president; and
  • Safeguarding the secrets that help keep our Nation safe.

Or,  At the CIA, our mission is to preempt threats and further U.S. national security objectives by: Collecting foreign intelligence that matters; Producing objective all-source analysis; Conducting effective covert action as directed by the president; and.

Above are two mission statements of the CIA, officially known as the Central Intelligence Agency of the USA but known world wide as the Criminal Intelligence Agency by the rest of the world.

The key role of the CIA is to conduct effective covert action directed by the president. What does this mean? Assassination of national leaders, setting up, funding and training terrorist organisations to overthrown legitimate and illegitimate govts, conduct subversive activities, espionage, supporting and inciting social unrests, etc etc

What the CIA deems as legitimate activities are activities of a terrorist organisation, activities that violates everything the UN stands for. The CIA is not even accountable to the US govt, but solely at the discretion of the president, conducting subversion and assassination to overthrown govts and unanswerable to no one. It is a criminal organisation conducting nefarious activities and violating the laws of every country and acts of decency.

The CIA and its associates like NED and many NGOs are nothing but terror organisations and must be called as such and banned from operating under the protection of a govt organisation. No country should allow the presence of the CIA, NED and NGOs with missions to destroy and subvert govts. Their operators should be arrested on sight, persecuted and put behind bars. They are not the normal healthy govt organisations.

It is high time to ban such terrorist organisations and hunt them down. They have no place in civilised societies. The UN should take the lead. If not, the BRICS nations should take the lead. Terrorist organisations and terrorists should not be protected by law. The hypocrisy of allowing these terrorist organisations to operate under the umbrella of govt agencies cannot be accepted and must be put to an end.

Israel's invincibility is all a smokescreen. It the USA, Israel, UK and France against the Arab league

 It is true that Israel's invincibility is all a smokescreen. During the six- day war in the Middle East, it was the USA, Brits and French military doing the heavy bombing on behalf of the Israelis that really turned the tide against the much weaker Arab states.

That war was still being touted as Israel against the Arab league and that Israel was the great victor. Nothing is further from the truth, as it was a war fought between the USA, Israel, UK and France against the Arab league. Just as in Ukraine, that is not a war just between Russia and Ukraine. It is a war between the USA and NATO against Russia and which Ukraine must win to save face for the USA and NATO.

Pivot to the evolving conflict between China and Taiwan and the same scenario will be repeated. It will be a war of China against the USA, NATO, and Asian NATO with Taiwan being the proxy. 


Great American leaders, ho, ho, ho...are these the best America can find?

 Kamala Harris thinks everything is a joke and just laughs her way through interviews, speeches and might frighten off those not on the same page, with her Dracula impersonating laughter if elected.

Donald Trump knows every trick in the book on how to nuke hurricanes, what to drink to fight COVID, win trade wars like taking candy from a kid and erecting sky-high tariffs to protect USA businesses from falling apart. Oh, not to forget how to drain swamps! The USA is going to be great again, if he wins.

Joe Biden is still as blur as a lamp post, or a sotong if you like, just enjoying the last of his entitlement in retirement, with trips around the country. He is in Florida overseeing the damage, but Floridians know that he is still putting Israel as his priority, not the situation in Florida.

Well, what changes can we expect after November? I would not bet on any changes, rather it will be same old same old. 


Trump is the American idol idolised for his 'intellectual prowess' by hillbillies

 Why did not the USA military just launch a nuclear missile into Hurricane Milton instead of letting it create so much damage, said to be at least US$60 billion. No, it is not my idea, it was Trump's idea, and I would not want to steal his thunder. If Trump were in power, he could have stopped the damage by ordering the nuclear option, LOL.

Trump also did not know that Hurricanes are very wet and had been telling USA citizens about his eureka moment in his first term. Soon, he may be telling them that water is very wet. And he is going to make America Great Again, folks.

With Presidents having mentality like Trump, I would not want to dispute the USA always touting that their Presidents are all high IQ people. I will let the facts speak for themselves.

Pea brain Trump has lots of solutions for lots of problems. He just has to let all the solutions out of his pea brain pod and the USA will be great again, thinking nothing of the folly of his ideas. Of course, he is not worried about reality, since at this age, four more years is the best that he could muster, if he can win in November. Some have even pointed out that Trump is now as gaffe prone as Biden was. The USA is a joke being led by these two nitwits successively. 


No end to the genocide of Palestinians and the killings of Arab muslims in the Middle East by Israel and the Anglo-Saxon United States

 It seems there is no end to the genocide of Palestinians and the killings of Arab muslims in the Middle East by Israel and the Anglo-Saxon United States. No one seems to be able to put to an end this senseless killings and genocide. There is a lot of talk, protest and condemnation by the Arab elites and rulers but nothing further than that. It is all rhetoric to please and show the local home population that they are doing something.

But so far there is no solid action of resistance or fighting back in whatever form that may be necessary. It is just all protest and condemnation or No Action Talk Only just "NATO".

What is the fear of the Arab countries' rulers, leaders and elites in taking tangible actions to boot out the despicable Zionist Jews and the evil American barbarians. What is behind their fear of offending the Anglo-Saxons Americans and the European countries. Could it be that they have invested too much in US and the European Countries and that their investments might be held to ransom.

It is said that the royal families of Saudi Arabia, UAE, QATAR, Morocco, Bahrain and Tunisia have invested trillions of dollars in posh properties, hotels, business conglomerates and further trillions parked in Western banks in US, London, Paris, Frankfurt, Berlin and Brussels. Therefore they have the fear that all their investments and trillions parked in the US and the Western countries might be robbed off if they take actions contradictory to US and Western interests. They have reminded themselves how Russia's 300 Billion Dollars parked in Western banks in New York, London, Paris and Brussels was hijacked and robbed off. So for their selfish self interests they dare not take any concrete action against Israel and the United States.

Actually for the survival of Palestine and all Arab muslim countries they can stop all oil sales to US and all European countries. They can sell all the oil to China which can buy many times more than the combining sales to US and Western European countries. They can also sell the oil to India, only there is the fear India might sabotage and resell the oil to US and European countries with huge profit. If the Middle East Arab muslim countries totally stop selling their oil to US and Western European countries it will paralyse their economy and all their economic activities will grant to a halt. This may make them reconsider about their diabolical behaviour in Palestine and the Middle East.

Another action they can take is to organise a modern Jihad against Israel, US and the European powers. In this Jihad they will have the strong support of BRICS and all other countries of the South in Africa, Asia, South America and Central America including the countries of the Caribbeans like Cuba, Jamaica and Barbados. There is nothing to fear that the desperate Zionist Israel and the West might resort to use of nuclear weapons as this may result in massive nuclear reprisal by Iran, Russia and Pakistan.

So the Middle East Arab muslim countries and all muslim countries of the free world must take concrete actions now to stop the genocide and killings of Palestinians and muslim.
