
The world has given up on the Palestinians

 The American and Israeli genocide of the Palestinians continue with full force with no one to stop them. Poor Palestinians are like no body's child. Many were massacred in the hospital raids by the Israelis. Now the Israelis are using their aircraft to bomb indiscriminately in Rafah.

Good luck to the Palestinians. They are in a position when they cry heaven and earth but no one is there to help them.

And the pro American and Israeli believers would probably say the genocide is a good thing, because it is done by the peace loving Americans and the Israelis.

American chip makers downsizing and retrenching...

 Hard times befalling on American chip manufacturers. There is no way out but to downsize and plan for more retrenchment. American workers in these factories are in dire straits, with unemployment staring in their faces. They only have Biden and his clowns like Raimondo, Blinken and old lady Yellen to thank for. 

How can these silly buggers come up with the plan to sanction China, to cut off the biggest chip market and consumer, ie China. China alone easily consumed at least 20% of the sales of American's chip manufacturers. Without China, the alternative is obvious. Sales down, all the over capacity, machinery and manpower must be downsized. No one else can replace the buying power of China. There is no more room for growth and expansion. Profits would turn negative. For their own survival, these manufacturers have to do the necessary.

And China is not taking these sanctions lightly. China is gearing up its own manufacturing capabilities and abilities to produce the chips it needed. And now that China is more or less self sufficient in most of the chips, Xi has announced that China would now only use its domestically manufactured chips for products Made and Used in China. The biggest casualties are Nvidia, AMD, Qualcom, Intel and practically every chip manufacturers in the US, plus those in Japan and South Korea, and also those in Europe. TSMC would not be spared. It can continue to produce chips in the Arizona, US, but with no buyers.

Biden and his clowns have done an incredible job to kill the American and pro American chip manufacturers with their stupidity. There is no turning back once China is self sufficient in chip manufacturing. The American and pro American chip manufacturers would be lucky to stay in business without making losses. There is just no more scope for growth without the Chinese market. Period.

TikTok - American lie going foul

 Just how fragmented and sick is the USA Government in its thinking, that it is making a fool of itself openly for the rest of the world to see. I am talking about the coming ban on TikTok.

Claiming that TikTok is a bad influence on younger users and a spying tool for the Chinese Government is just a lame excuse. The real honest unsaid reason is that it is cannibalizing the territory of USA apps like Meta and Twitter. It is insulting the intelligence of readers to say that the Chinese Government is using TikTok to spy on USA users of TikTok. Why should the Chinese Government be interested in spying on ordinary USA citizens, when China is not even interested in who gets into the White House, as both parties pose no benefit whatsoever to China as they are using the same playbook against China.

Making the pitch that India already banned TikTok in 2020 is a moot point. Modi had to ban TikTok for the reason that he does not want ordinary Indians to get too deep into understanding of his corrupted regime. That India is the biggest democracy in the world is just an empty slogan. Modi is a dictator. One that the USA recognized as legitimate. What a joke!

It has also been reported that the Biden Administration itself is using the TikTok platform in its Presidential election campaign today. That is smearing shit on their own faces trying to ban TikTok. If something is really that bad as what the Biden Administration is claiming, why are they themselves using it? It boggles the mind! In other words, it is blatantly telling us that they do not practice what they preach. The same as telling us that they lie, cheat and steal. We probably cannot find any other more shameless human species in this world today like the USA.

The other thing that really takes the cake is forcing TikTok to be sold to a USA entity or face the ban. In other words, using the same fake spying narrative that TikTok is spying for the CCP will, if it falls into USA's hand, becomes a spying tool for the US Government instead, right? It is therefore a moot point and just a lame excuse to argue that it has a bad influence on younger users.

Byte Dance must never ever sell off TikTok to any USA entity. Rather be banned than selling it. There is a much bigger and wider world besides the USA and the West, where it can thrive. What is losing a couple of hundred million users compared to the billions of users in the Global South?


Evil man Blinken thinks he is calling the shot. What a joker!

 What does Blinky hope to achieve in China again? Trying to coerce China to cut off trade with Russia is an exercise in futility. And he is threatening China with sanctions, financial sanctions undoubtedly. Russia and China's relations are non-negotiable. If China relents, tomorrow the USA will demand that China cut off oil imports from Iran, which is helping Iran's military. And the demands will go on and on. China must put its foot down and tell Blinky that enough is enough and stop visiting uninvited.

The USA knows that BRICS is well on its way to setting up a new financial system to rival SWIFT and wants to pressure China over that in mind. If BRICS gets its settlement system working, that spells the end of USA's US$ hegemony and its sanctioning monopoly.

BRICS had been talking about a new currency backed by gold and commodities for a long time. China is piling up gold like no tomorrow. BRICS countries are moving to set up a 'Grains Exchange' among themselves to move away from the pricing control of the West on grains. This is also a move in the direction of de-dollarization, where the currency involved in trade within their 'Grain Exchange' will certainly not be USS for sure. It will be a big move with about half the world's grain coming from several BRICS countries like Russia and Brazil.

Moreover, if the USA keeps pressuring China and accusing China of helping Russia militarily, that is going to backfire, if the Chinese gets sick and tired of the accusation and really start to supply weapons to Russia openly. After all, if China is being accused of doing that when it is not, what is the point of not doing it, if the accusations keep on coming. Might as well do it and shut the USA up for good. After all, China knows that sanctions are coming no matter what, so what is the point of relenting.

Something big is coming out of BRICS and the USA is paranoid and desperate.


The Europeans, especially the Anglo-saxons UK & US had since the 18th Century planned the colonization of the Middle East and the whole continent of Africa. PART TWO

PART   ONE talks about the whites plan especially the Anglo-Saxons UK  plan to colonize the whole of Arab Middle East. Part Two will show their same evil intent to get rid of Africans and eventually to colonize the whole continent of Africa with white people from Europe and America and the Jews. The white invaders and plunderers describe the Africans as subhuman and of inferior race and are not fit to own the resource rich continent of Africa which they say is destined by white men's God to be possessed and inhabited by white men and the Jews.

One of England's most evil and vicious plunderer and land robber was Cecil Rhodes, possibly a British Jew and the most notorious imperialist. His diabolical plan and motive was to to bring the whole of Africa and the Middle East under white men's rule with England holding supreme power. 

In 1890s he had come into possession of  the world's richest gold and diamond empire in South Africa through fraud, deception and subterfuge in a free wheeling dealing  business. He was a strong believer in Darwinism and in the 19th century European imperialism was at the height of its savage global expansion which caused him to declare arrogantly that the white people especially the Anglo-Saxons races being superior to other races were destined to civilise and rule the whole world. Thus henceforth Anglo-Saxons UK and US competed fiercely with their European counterparts to grab whatever lands not yet occupied by whitemen. When the German emperor Kaiser Wilhelm II complained that Germany had entered the race for empire too late and that there was nothing worthwhile left for her anywhere, Cecil Rhodes told him that "There is Asia Minor and Middle East." Though Asia Minor is owned by Turkey and the Miiddle East was under Turkey's rule did not trouble him at all. 

Cecil Rhodes Vision of empire building was very extreme and he had the strong support of every  British government who found in him an extremely useful instrument for the preservation and extension of British empire in Africa especially in South Africa.

Thus with the support of Prime Minister Gladstone he annexed Bechuanaland  ( later known as Orange Free State ) in 1884-1885. Then he proceeded with plans to invade and occupy Zambesia which constitutes today's Zimbabwe and Zambia ( formerly named Rhodesia by UK in honour of Rhodes ) He had to fight a war against the Dutch known as the Boers and Germany to hold full solid control of South Africa. At the same time in 1884 Germany established a colony in South-West Africa known as Namibia. All this while other European countries were busily building their empire and colonies throughout Africa. France took much of North West Africa such as Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Niger, Burkina Paso, Chad, Cote d'Voire, England occupied Nigeria, Gold Coast (Ghana), Gambia, Kenya, Tanzania, Sudan, Sierra Leone, Somalia etc, Portugal took Angola and Mozambique, Belgium took Congo and Italy took Libya and Ethiopia while US took Liberia. These are only some examples of Western colonisation of Africa and they are not exhaustive. But to avoid fighting among themselves the European powers had come to a common understanding of accomodating with each other on the breaking up of Africa among themselves. They had succeeded in cutting the African melon just as they did in cutting the China melon and shared their spheres of influence among themselves. Thus Africa was successfully cut into 52 states all controlled by the European countries. Each of the European imperial power then proceeded to plunder and rob Africa of its rich mineral resources like, gold, diamonds, cobalt, copper, nickel, uranium , tin and oil as well as agricultural resources like cocoa, coffee, palm oil and many more others.

After they were fully in control of all Africa the European powers started to bring in hundreds of thousands of white immigrants and Jews from all over Europe to populate the continent. Then they began a systemic series of plans to get rid of the native populations via massacres and genocide and using of toxic biological and chemical agents to decimate the native population.

White men especially the Anglo-Saxons UK and US think they can totally destroy the native populations of Africa and the Middle East just as easily as they did to the native populations of North America and to a certain extent in Central and South America as well as Australia annd New Zealand. 

White men's plan of destroying the native populations in both Africa and Middle East was too macabre.  It was a horrible crime against humanity. Fortunately fate intervened for after the Second World War their diabolical plans and objective were foiled by Russia and China which helped the Africans to gain their independence through a scheme of rebellion and decolonisation.  Also it was partly due to the white men's extreme greed for power and wealth which resulted in horrendous wars among themselves in the Napoleonic Wars ( 1812 ) , the First World War 1914 -1918, and the Second World War 1938-1945. However, as far as their insidious plans are concerned they will never give up. They will persist in their attempt to bring not only Africa and the Middle East under white men's total control and hegemony but the whole world as well.

Hence US and NATO have been creating turmoils and wars all over the world. The zionist Jewish Israel brutal genocide of Palestine under US instigation is only the first leg of their motive to control the whole of the Middle East and there after the whole of Africa. However, both the Middle East and Africa can now feel safer with the protection of the rising powers of Russia, China, Iran and DPRK. The satanic Jews, the Anglo-Saxons US and UK as well as all the vile savage European countries can now say good bye to their wild savage ambition of colonizing Africa and the Middle East where most of them will soon become members of the economic association of the BRICs organisation under the protective gear and guidance of Russia, China and Iran.

The BRICs economic organisation will expand and get more and more new members every year . BRICs will treat each and every member country big or small as equal and will support and give mutual help to fellow members. BRICs  will supercede the white elites G-7 in scale, economy, trade and finance and in the military and politics. BRICs will be a bulwark and guarantee against any future European and Anglo-Saxons US/UK  and Zionist Jewish aggression on any of its members. The Belt and Road initiative of China will ensure all BRIC member countries can share a common goal of development and progress in their infrastructures, trade and finance, economy, political and military strength to ensure their common security against Western and Zionist Jewish aggression.

Friday, 26th April, 2024