
Kill switches in all American aircraft and weapons

 The Americans have been forced to admit that all American aircraft, military or civilian, have kill switches embedded in them. This allows the Americans to kill the aircraft in mid air or anywhere when the Americans decided to do so. Does this ring a bell? How many American made civilian aircraft like Boeings, have fallen out of the sky or disappear in thin air?  How many innocent people have died as a result to this hideous and wicked switch? Come to think of it, so many aircraft have lost control and plunged to the ground, completely out of control for no apparent reasons. MH370 still missing. One Indonesian civilian aircraft crashed in Sumatra, one Chinese civilian aircraft dived straight to the ground. Coincidence, accidents, no foul play?

Canada and NATO are now considering writing off American aircraft like F35s, F15s, F16s, including transport aircraft and choppers...and ships, submarines.  All the aircraft sold by the Americans are still in a way owned by the Americans and they have the ability to destroy them at will.

Any joker leader still clamouring to buy American military or civilian aircraft? Even Himars air defence system, Patriot air defence system also have kill switches. Buying these weapons is as good as not buying them. They are just toys for display during peace time but would not function when used against the Americans or their allies and cronies. Countries can go to war with these American weapons but the Americans would determine if they win or lose by playing with the kill switch.

Would the revelation of this kill switch change the minds of joker leaders to stop buying American weapons? I doubt so, simply because they are just jokers that somehow became leaders of their respective countries. As I said before, just because they carry a big title to their names does not mean they are any smarter than the average citizen. Look at clown Zelensky, Marcos, Lai Ching Te, Trudeau, Macron, Starmer and don't forget the biggest clown Trump and all the clowns around him.

The Americans would still be able to sell their kill switch aircraft and weapons to joker leaders and joker countries. They would choose to buy from the Americans, believe and trust the cheating and lying American terrorists. This is the fate of many countries, not just the Global South but also the so called G7 countries. Though the discovery of the kill switch is just being made known, you can bet they knew this long ago but chose not to talk about it, not to face it. Only the Global South joker leaders are ignorant of this.

PS. Canada said they could cancel their buy order for F35s, meaning they may still buy them. They could as they are likely to fight on the same side as the Americans. What about countries of the Global South, the Arab and Muslim countries, or even Taiwan when they could be sold out by the Americans anytime to suit the interests of the Americans. And all their aircraft cannot fly.

Ukraine War - Invaders in Kurst were mostly European mercenaries

 The intrusion into the Kursk Region is by the NATO and Americunts Saboteurers and Personnel thinking that they could weaken Russia from within and also that Russia is NOT invincible.

So they are afraid that many may be killed and Putin is smart to say if they surrender they shall spare their lives.

But once they surrender, Putin shall have them in the International Arena of the NATO and UAss Provocations against Russia.

But these Scoundrels have their ways to wiggle out any accusations as the World of their Doggies and Bananas are too brainwashed and Brains Dead to defile them.

For too long been chained, leashed and whipped like doggies and monkeys.


European states always regard Russia as an outcast and wanted to take over Russian land and rule over the Russians

 Sergei Lavrov keeps reminding the Germans and French not to forget history. Russia is not that easy to conquer, not with the likes of Germany and France of today. And the delusional Brits, under Kier Starmer, is also strutting its clip wings and fallen feathers trying to frighten Putin with its military expansion gloating. Honestly Starmer looks much like a Nazi.

Napolean Bonaparte, the much-celebrated French military genius, overestimated himself and thought he could bring down the Soviet Union and take it under his control. He was to be defeated by. Now Macron is also overestimating himself trying to scare Putin. He is going to regret antagonizing Putin with is posturing.

Adolf Hitler, at the peak of his military power, thought he could just walk in and take over the Soviet Union. He was to find out that it was to lead to his complete capitulation after that misadventure. No, it was not the USA and allies leading landing in Normandy that took Hitler down. They just walked in knowing that Hitler was already defeated at the hands of the Soviet Union. They just walked in to take the credit, even gloating that they suffered few casualties. Of course they do, since the Soviet Union already did all the work of taking down Hitler, losing some 27 million people fighting the war.

What Sergei Lavrov is telling the war mongers in Europe not to forget history pertains to the above two historical defeat of Hitler and Napolean. That was when the Soviet Union was hardly the military powerhouse it was then, compared to Russia today.



Obsolete and defunct NASA is becoming a joke!

 After inventing the earth shattering fake moon landings in the 1960s and 1970s, NASA has practically stood still, with nothing to achieve. It even failed to send its own astronauts to the International Space Station and needed Russian and SpaceX rockets to bring them there.  Oops, it has achieved a new feat recently by sending two astronauts to the ISS and extending their vacations from a week to well, nearly a year and still did not know how or when to bring them back.

In the meantime, NASA is not going anywhere and acting like keyboard warriors, taking photographs of space and outer space from their offices to prove that they are still a key player in space explorations, and showing the photographs, probably photoshop jobs, to the world about meteors, asteriods, planets, and black holes in the extreme edges of the universe, knowing that no one is there to call their bluff.

Lately their imaginations get wilder, claiming that their Mars rover took pictures of discarded robots in Mars. Did they really have a rover in Mars? Who is going to prove or dispute this feat? And this imaginary rover in Mars is now discovering strange things that no one can prove is real or false.

With this kind of keyboard jobs, the authoritarian regime in Washington can afford to cut off 90 per cent of their budget for obviously doing sweet nothing. Maybe it has already done so as 4 of senior administrators had been sacked, and they have no fund for anything else except punching the keyboards to impress the world of their great photography and photoshop works.

Their next big job is to photoshop the great rescue of the two stranded astronauts in the ISS. Unfortunately, this part is a bit tough as they need to be sent back physically to earth for all to see. No amount of photography and photoshop jobs can make fiction into reality. (PS. Musk came to the rescue and brought them back on 18 Mar. Thank God or they would have the first death in the ISS).

Musk may be in the process of sending letters to the employees of NASA to justify their values and existence or be axed.

'Nasa was facing new challenges – including the loss of its chief scientist – in the first round of cuts ordered by President Donald Trump and in the midst of uncertainties about its own Mars mission....Nasa’s 2025 budget, which is expected to be released soon, is rumoured to include cuts of up to 50 per cent for science programmes.  MSN

This is further proof that this ineffective and irrelevant organisation that has been doing sweet nothing except spreading false achievements would soon be mothballed.

US GDP growth by printing money. Sanctions, tariffs and trade wars mean big decline in trade, negative growth

 The USA is relentlessly printing toilet papers to prop up its economy, particularly propping up Wall Street, the bellwether of the USA's economic situation. Professor Richard Wolff said that printing more money to grow the economy is all rubbish, as nothing is produced in exchange for goods made by others. The USA is discreetly exporting its inflation to the rest of the world through its US$ hegemony, but that is not going to be sustainable.

But the USA desperately needs to do it in order to give the impression that it is growing so fast that China cannot ever catch up. Many people are astonished by the trillions added to the USA's GDP every year, despite its growth averaging 2.5% over the years. How is that possible?

Why is Trump so desperate to lure manufacturing back to the USA if its economy is doing so well, just by printing toilet papers? Why not just continue with it, simple and convenient way of growing a country's GDP?
