Red Dot's GDP growth is shrinking fast if not for the
bricks and mortar sector. The days of wine and roses are over, and Red
Dotters better be prepared for more difficult days ahead. The throwing
of chicken wings cannot go on forever. The burden will be carried on the
shoulders of future generations to come.
Now the shops around
the MRT breakdown stations are indicating that business has dropped by
20%. Are they insinuating that the Government must now compensate them
for the loss of business? It looks likely so from their intentions.
have now developed a habit of crying for help when things go a little
bit off the rails. It is a very dangerous development of a 'dependence
mentality'. In time to come we may become what is known up North as a
'clutch mentality' that will be difficult to get rid of once entrenched.
And entrenched it is becoming so.