
Main sources of income from inflating housing and car prices by importing more foreigners

 Red Dot's GDP growth is shrinking fast if not for the bricks and mortar sector. The days of wine and roses are over, and Red Dotters better be prepared for more difficult days ahead. The throwing of chicken wings cannot go on forever. The burden will be carried on the shoulders of future generations to come.

Now the shops around the MRT breakdown stations are indicating that business has dropped by 20%. Are they insinuating that the Government must now compensate them for the loss of business? It looks likely so from their intentions.

Singaporeans have now developed a habit of crying for help when things go a little bit off the rails. It is a very dangerous development of a 'dependence mentality'. In time to come we may become what is known up North as a 'clutch mentality' that will be difficult to get rid of once entrenched. And entrenched it is becoming so.


Christiantity and Islam are from the M.E.

 Both Christiantity and Islam are from the M.E.

Ironically, both also in a way similar in their faiths.

Chritsians had Abraham and Islam IBrahim.

Jacob and Yacob.

Issiah and Ishak and many many more simiarities and by right both should be abang adek and yet they are like cats and dogs at each other throats.

Nowadays even dogs and cats exists peacefully in so many households and regions.

My best friend doggie who had passed on slept with the cats in the shelter before we adopted her.

Animals and other creatures could even get along

Whats happened to the supposed highest class of animals?

They are worst than beasts the most EVIL of all animals.

It's the White Barbarians who so called embraced this Religion of Christiantity and made a Mockery out of it with their murderous genes.

Both also had their Crusade and Jihad and there where the swords clashed.

Really dont understand why it has to come to thus?

Religions shud be peaceful with full of love and humanity.

Anyway, me in neither.

No eyes see.


Jews were at one time the most hated people in all European countries and in Russia and the United States

 The blinking Jews were at one time the most hated people in all European countries and in Russia and the United States. They believed and identified that the Jews were the embodiment of all things evil. They hated the Jews for by deception and subterfuge either directly or indirectly control all the governments in Europe, Russia and America. When Adolf Hitler wanted to get rid of the Jews he was in syn with the intent of all the European countries, Russia and the United States. It was not only Germany but also all the European countries and the Anglo-Saxon Americans wish to get rid of the despicable Jews from their countries. However, the cunning and very deceptive Jews were able to manipulate not only to entrench themselves firmly in the business world but also in the local politics of all the countries of their domicile.In the 19th century many prime ministers of England and other European countries were Zionist Jews. Even the head of the Russian government was a Jew by the name of Lenin. In the US, the Jews now control the US government, the Deep State and Pentagon.

The satanic Jews in collusion with the Anglo-Saxon UK and US have been the cause of all turmoils, choas, destabilities and wars in this world. It is regrettable that Hitler did not exterminate all the Jews. Zionist claimed that six million Jews were killed by Hitler was all false and exaggerated. They deceptively counted the hundreds of thousands of other races killed like Poles, Bulgarians, Romanians, Tartars and Russians as Jews just to maximize their claim of compensation and reparations from Germany.

Hope the final solution of the Jews will be settled by the muslims with the support of Russia and Iran.


China National Day - Greetings from Mexico

 China suffered as much as all the countries of the South, in Africa, Central America and South America from Western Powers' attack and invasions. Like Africa and Latin America,China was robbed off all her wealth and resources. The Anglo-Saxon United States had robbed and plundered Mexico of all its oil and other minerals and illegally occupied large swathes of Mexican land in Texas, Arizona. Wyoming, Utah, Dakota, Nevada, New Mexico and California. But one important thing the evil Western countries, US and Japan could not rob from China is the intelligence, skill, talent and hardworking spirit and perseverance of her people. This enable China to reconstruct and grow fast to rise like the Phoenix from the fire of the ashes. 

In spite of being poor in the earlier decades China has been able to help selflessly all poor countries of the South to reconstruct and develop in tandem with China. We thank China for all her help and China's development and phenomenal rise serve as a model for countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America to learn and follow.
Today we people and countries of the South in Africa, Asia, Central America and Latin America congratulate China and join China in happy and joyous celebration of her 75th National Day Anniversary on this Tuesday, the 1st of October, 2024.

Juan Amigo : Mexico