
The Rogues, Villains and Criminals in the Palestine / Israel Conflict : The Anglo-Saxons US & UK

    The Palestine and Israel problem would not have come to such acrimonious conflict if the Anglo-Saxons United States and Britain had not been stirring shit behind the scene. The Anglo-Saxon United States and England are not interested in preserving peace and tranquility in the Middle East. This does not serve their interests.Choas and instabilities serve their geopolitical agenda. It gives them a  reason, a basis for building military bases there to exert control over not only in the Middle East but also the Mediterranean region and Africa. They are just plain white supremacist warmongers with world hegemonic intent.

The issue and struggle between the Palestine Arabs and the Zionist Jews is of very long historical standing and very complicated involving deep seated distrust between Palestine muslims and Zionist Judaism, family and ethnic feuds that go back thousands of years  to Abraham's time as well as irreconcilable political divide and differences. This conflict is enhanced and entrenched by both sides religious bigotry and intransigence in their position. Under such toxic situation it is very hard if not impossible for anyone with goodwill to try and mediate between the two parties.

The background story to the Palestine / Israel conflict started from Abraham's time as a patriach of both the Arabs and the Jews. Abraham's wife Sarah was unable to conceive and so she let Abraham to take her Egyptian handmaid Hagar as his second wife. Hagar bore Abraham's first son Ishmael and Sarah was to be a surrogate mother. About fourteen or fifteen years later Sarah conceived. Both Abraham and Sarah being in their eighties and nineties had passed the age of ability to bear children. and so it was believed Sarah's conception pregnancy was the work of God who impregnated Sarah with spiritual seed. Sarah then gave birth to Abraham's second son Isaac. Later it seemed through the deception and  subterfuge of Sarah, all Abraham's blessings and inheritance were given to Isaac instead of being given to Ishmael as the first and eldest son according to traditional practice. And as all descendants of Ishmael have come to be known as Arabs and those of Isaac as Jews, this tend to be the seed of latent conflicts between the Arabs and the Jews. Subsequently Ishmael produced more than twelve sons who in turn founded many Arab nations. Isaac's wife Rebekah had two twin sons, Esau and Jacob. Esau was considered the elder of the two as he was delivered first. Isaac favored Esau but his wife Rebekah favored Jacob. But just like what Sarah did, Rebekah through deception and subterfuge got to get Isaac's blessings and inheritance all given to Jacob instead of being given to Esau as the elder of the two. As years went by Jacob's name was changed to Israel in which the Zionist Jewish nation is named after.

Jacob was supposed to marry Rachel the pretty second and younger daughter of his boss Laban. But through deception Laban got Jacob to marry his first daughter Leah, though a few years later he too allowed Jacob to marry Rachel as his second wife. Subsequently Leah bore Jacob four sons while Rachel and other subsidiary wives or concubines bore him another eight children. As Jacob and Rachel favored Joseph one of Rachel's two sons there was soon to have endless jealousies, squabbles and quarrels among the children and there were even evil plots and schemes against Joseph.

It was the time of Roman's rule in the whole of Middle East which included Palestine. As the Jews were adversed to Roman's rule they subsequently revolted in 66AD. The revolt failed and under Roman persecution thousands of Jews emigrated to Europe where they multiplied in great numbers. The Jewish population soon spread rapidly in many European countries like Germany, France, England, Austria, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Russia, Spain, Belgium, Holland, Poland and the Scandinavian countries. 

Following centuries thereafter the Jews wherever they went tend to be successful in life and entrenched themselves strongly not only in business but also to a certain extent in all the countries politics and government administrations. The local populations love the Jews for their hard work and intelligence but hated them even more for achieving success through what they felt was by way of deception and subterfuge. In every century down to the 1900s this deep seated hatred for the Jews culminated in frequent senseless  killings and pogroms of the Jewish people all over Europe and even later in imperial United States where Jews are sure to occupy many important senior political positions in every US administration. Prominent psychologists began to wonder whether the Jews have inherited the genes of deception and subterfuge in their DNA from their ancestors like Sarah, Rachel and the like of Leban.

Whatever it is these senseless killings and pogroms of Jews had a worldwide ramification. Many prominent Jews began to think of founding a Jewish national state whereby all Jews can live in safety and security. This was the beginning of Zionism whereby Zionists or Jewish nationalists thought of  founding a Jewish state in their ancestors promised land Canaan or modern day Palestine. This had the tacit support of  UK, US and most European governments which perhaps looked at it as an opportunity to get rid of the Jews in a convenient peaceful way.The founding of a Zionist Jewish state in Palestine was first advocated in 1897 by Theodor Herzl an Austrian Jewish journalist who was later considered as the Father of the modern Zionist state of Israel. Incidentally the name Zion, Zionist or Zionism takes after Mount Zion a mountain not far from Jerusalem. This coming back home to Canaan by the Jews is known as Exodus II. In Exodus I, Moses led the Jews out of Egypt.

In the 1800s up to around the end of the First World War in 1819 the whole of the Middle East was under the rule of the Turkish Ottoman Empire.  At this juncture there were hardly more than 25,000 Jews living in Palestine, mainly in Jerusalem.After the defeat of Germany and its ally Turkey the former Middle East colonies of Turkey came under the rule of British mandate. In 1917 the Jews petitioned the British government through the Balfour Declaration, a document that committed Britain to create the establishment of a "Jewish Homeland in Palestine. However, local Arabs in Palestine strongly and violently opposed the Zionist goal of a Jewish state in Palestine for they had intended to establish their own independent Palestine Arab state in the defeat of the Ottoman in the First World War. 

In the interim period the British allowed the Jews to immigrate to Palestine freely from all over Europe. The mass migration by the Jews from Europe to Palestine was accentuated by the Holocaust or genocide of millions of Jews by Hitler, Germany in the midst of the Second World War. By the end of the Second World War the Jewish population in Palestine swelled to more than 800,000 Jews while that of the Arabs increased to about 1.6 million. From 1936 to 1939 the Arabs revolted against British rule. In the meantime the Jews began to organize their own armed forces, the Jewish militia under tacit British approval and support. 

It would appear that the frequent killings and pogroms of the Jews had the tacit support of all the European governments including that of Anglo-Saxon Britain and the United States who were keen to get rid of the Jews and Palestine offered just that convenient opportunity. 

On November 29, 1947, the United Nations General Assembly voted to divide British ruled Palestine into two separate states, one Jewish and the other Arab. 

The decision was immediately opposed by the Arabs and soon both the Jews and the Arabs were engaged in savge fighting with great loss of lives on both sides. 

The zionists militias who were well armed by the British and the Anglo-Saxon United States gained the upper hand over Palestine Arabs. Israel declaration of independence on May 14, 1948 was quickly recognized by the United States and many other European governments. 

The Arabs were disunited and disorganized and could not put up a common front against the Zionists. In the ensuing war the Arab states of Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Jordan were defeated. In fact Jordan betrayed the Arabs by signing a secret deal with the Israel leaders.

Whatever the case both the Jews and the Arabs are blood brothers descended from the same patriach Abraham though they have differen mothers in Sarah and Hagar.  The Jews are offsprings of Jacob who was subsequently renamed as Israel in which the Zionist nation take after his name. The Arabs are offsprings of Ishmael whose descendants founded many Arab nations. The point here is  the Anglo-Saxon British and Anglo-Saxon United States failed to use their good will ( that is if they have any at all) to morally pursuade the Jews and the Arabs to stop their fratridal strive and killings since they are blood brothers by ancestry. Instead the United States connived with England to ensure the Jews and the Arabs are divided so that they could control both Israel and the Arab states to suit their secret geopolitical agenda of controlling the whole of the Middle East as a gateway not only to grab the oil and other rich resources of the Middle East but also as a strategic pivot to control Europe and Africa. Thus we can see the Anglo-Saxons Americans and the British are never sincere in their dealings with other people and other nations. They always get what they want through deception and subterfuge. This can be seen in their toxic dealing with  Gorvachav of the former Soviet Union and their subsequent impoverishment of Russia through conniving with Russian traitors who ganged up with the American robber barons to take over all Russian state business enterprises and conglomerates for a song. It was lucky for Russia that Putin came into power in time and stopped the bleeding of Russia by the evil American Empire. Similarly the diabolical United States adopted deception and subterfuge methods in dealing with China over the Chinese sovereign territory of Taiwan. They signed treaties and declaration documents with China that stated clearly that Taiwan is a sovreign part of China and that the People's Republic of China is the only one and sole government of China but their evil diabolical actions clearly veered on instigating the Taiwan DPP traitors to stealthily take steps to try to slowly take the path of independence. The Chinese people and the world can see through their deception and subterfuge toxic ways of stealthily fomenting and instigating the Chinese on both sides of the Taiwan Straits to provoke an incident to start hostilitities and a war so that the Americans would have an excuse to intervene in the resuming civil war to suit its agenda of containing and destroying China's development and ascending global power. China will make sure the evil United States plot will never succeed  and will defeat US with its own might and perhaps with the strong backing of Russia, Iran and North Korea. However, the world is more likely to see the United States self destruct through implosion as it has endless self-made debacles like toxic domestic irreconcilable political divide, deep racial problems, increasing millions of poor homeless people, deep national debt, dilapilated infrastructures and endless overseas wars and an untenable industrial base and economy.

The world especially the free countries of the south must heed the native Americans warning that "White men like the Anglo-Saxons Americans speak with fork tongues and can never be trusted." All the American deceptive and subterfuge actions in dealing with China, Russia, Iran, North Korea and other countries of the south in Africa and Latin America attest to that warning.

The Anglo-Saxons US and UK are experts and masters in using deception and subterfuge in international affairs to achieve their diabolical agenda and to accomplish their objectives of plundering other countries and keeping their illicit gains. However, the free world countries of the south must be constantly and permanently wary of the United States and its Western allies and not be trapped in the danger of dealing with them in talks and negotiations under their sinister operandi of using deception and subterfuge as illicit ways of achieving their diabolical agenda.

The satanic Anglo-Saxon Americans and the British continue to use deception and subterfuge as an operandi in dealing with the Palestine and Israel conflict to serve their own selfish ends. Choas, instabilities and wars in the Middle East will serve their toxic interests. Don't ever hope they will negotiate for peace in the Middle East as it is not in their interest. That shows the ever present evil and demonic standing of  the  Anglo-Saxons United States and Britain with regard to the Palestine - Israel conflict and the Middle East situation.


Thursday, 19th October, 2023.

Gaza - Americans just made themselves enemies of the Arab and Muslim countries

 One aircraft carrier in the Mediterranean Sea is not enough. The Americans are sending two aircraft carrier strike groups to support Israel. And they are positioned to block off all sea access to Gaza and threatening the Arab Muslim countries in the region. The Americans said they are not fooling around and would attack Lebanon and Iran if they attack Israel.

The Americans are removing their masks and gloves. No more pretending to be neutral or friends of the Arab and Muslim countries. They will protect Israel at all costs against any Arab Muslim states that dare to strike at Israel, while Israel is given the full licence to kill the Palestinians and hit at any Arab and Muslim states. 

Because of the blank cheque from the Americans, the Israelis believe they are untouchable. No Arab state would dare to attack Israel. So they went ahead happily and arrogantly attacking Lebanon and Syria and threatening to conduct a preemptive strike against Iran's nuclear power stations. And the Americans also arrogantly threatened all the Arab and Muslim states that they would be attacked by the Americans with aircraft and missiles launching from the two aircraft carrier strike groups. The Americans believe that the two strike groups are invincible and no Arab Muslim states could take them out. Thus, like the Israelis, only they can hit others without being hit, very safe and can act very brave and very aggressive.

If only the Arab and Muslim states can take down the two aircraft carriers and destroyers, they would defang the American devils in the Mediterranean Sea. Very likely a few of the Arab Muslim states are now in possession of anti ship and anti aircraft carrier missiles that can do the job. The Americans can continue with their delusion that they cannot be hit.

In the case of Israel, with a formidable air force of 900 aircraft, they believe they can strike at all the Arab and Muslim countries at the same time. And the Arab and Muslim states would be sitting ducks, without anti aircraft weapons or effective air defence. What the Arab Muslim countries only need to do is to destroy all the air fields in Israel and all the 900 aircraft would be rendered useless. Israel's Achilles heel are the 10 or so nuclear power stations. Hitting them is like nuking Israel and there would be enough radio active contamination across Israel to make it uninhabitable.

The cockiness and brashness of the Americans and the Israelis are that they can hit the rest of the Arab and Muslim states and none can hit back at them. And also, the Arab Muslim states are like loose sand, divided and will never unite to take on the Americans and the Israelis at the same time. If these assumptions are wrong, the Israelis threat to wipe out the Palestinians would boomerang and they will be the target to be wiped out from the face of the earth. They can plan to wipe out the Palestinians. The Arab and Muslim states can also plan to wipe out the Israelis, all 6m of them in Israel. And the two aircraft carriers could be sitting ducks waiting to be sunk in the Mediterranean. The Arab and Muslim states have the weapons and capacities to do the unexpected to the demise of the Americans and the Israelis.

The field is more even than the Americans and Israelis would want to believe otherwise. While the Americans and the Israelis are doing the attacking and threatening, the Arab and Muslim states are not sleeping or appearing to be hapless and with no cards to play, can only be defenceless victims of the Americans and the Israelis. Be sure they are in communication with each other and planning how to deal with the Americans and the Israelis. What they need is to get their acts together and agree to strike as a united force.

The surprise may be too much to for the Americans and the Israelis to bear.

PS. Do the Americans still think they have friends in the Arab and Muslim world? They just vetoed UN Resolution to stop Israel from massacring the Palestinians. They just made themselves as enemies of the Arab and Muslim world.

Americans and western media not telling the whole truth in Gaza and Ukraine

 What I surmise from the MSM is the intent to cover up the decades of Israeli treatment of the Palestinians, and just concentrate talking about Hamas carrying out its attack on Israel without reason as the starting point. The things that went on before this is irrelevant. By hammering on this point, the USA and the West hopes the world, particularly the Arabs and Muslim countries will swallow the hubris and condemn Hamas. This is not going to happen.

This is exactly the same playbook they used in Ukraine, with the continuous attack by the Ukraine Military on the Russian speaking residents in Donbass beginning even before 2014, which is irrelevant in assessing who is on the right side of history. The whole narrative on who started the Ukraine War centred on Russia's recognition and liberation of Eastern Ukraine in February 2022. What happened between 2014 and February 2022 has never been taken into account. Every atrocity committed by the Ukrainians is brushed aside as if it did not happen.

With the USA getting its dirty hands in the conflict between Israel and Hamas, the prospect for a long lasting peace is evasive at best and impossible at worst. Just as in Ukraine, no one else involvement to broker a peace deal matters, and is not going to end the war in Ukraine, when the intent is to prolong the war using Ukraine as just the proxy of those whose intent is to benefit from the war geopolitically.


American resources stretched, Zelensky thrown under the bus

 China dictates rare earth elements, Russia and OPEC dictates oil production. USA dictates war and destruction.

Russia also dictates the supply of nuclear fuel for Nuclear Power Plants. The EU, particularly Germany, may try to fire up their nuclear power generation to compensate for the expensive oil and gas, but is still under a cloud of uncertainty over the supply of nuclear fuel needed to power those plants.

The world is just realising the control the Russians had over the energy sector after the war in Ukraine, but Russia is in control of more than that. Food comes to mind, but more than that below the surface is, for example, the semiconductor sector that depends largely on Neon gas and other essential elements from Russia. There was the talk of the West trying to strangle Russia in the semiconductor sector, without realising they are using the rope to hang themselves, just like the sanctions on energy by the EU.

The fun is just beginning with the start of the Middle East War. Zelenskyy and Netanyahu are now having a verbal battle fighting over who gets USA funding, which is getting scarcer and more difficult. It is becoming common knowledge that the USA is running out of weapons to send to Ukraine, and with Israel equally needing weapons, the writing is on the wall for Zelenskyy. Israel is more important now for the USA and with so many Israeli senators in the USA establishment, it is just no brainer to try to guess who will be getting the bulk of the USA support going forward.

Zelenskyy is going under the bus, for his failure in his counteroffensive, and that is a given.


Putin blasts ‘rules-based order’

 Putin blasts ‘rules-based order’ after DPM Lawrence Wong says Singapore wants to work with US to bolster rules-based order

Singapore would like to partner with the US to develop a new model of globalisation, Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong said before one of Washington’s most influential think-tanks on Friday.

“Increasingly, we do hear concerns about shortcomings in the global order, that it does not adequately address concerns around national security, supply chain resilience, et cetera,” Mr Wong said as he rounded up his first working visit to the United States as deputy prime minister.

“We would like very much to work with America on what a new model of globalisation might be, how we can update the rules of the new global order, so that it is fit for our times.”

However, Russian President Vladimir Putin said the Western-promoted “rules-based order” is merely a cover for colonialism, as the presumed rules have never been agreed-on by anyone and are ever-shifting from one case to another.

The president made the remarks in an exclusive interview with state-run broadcaster China Central Television (CCTV) that was aired on Monday.

“Have you ever seen these rules? No, because no one has ever written them, and no one has ever agreed to them with anyone. How can we talk about order based on rules that no one has seen?” Putin stated.

While such a situation definitely looks “from the point of common sense” as “nonsense,” it’s extremely beneficial for the proponents of the said “rules-based order,” the president explained.

“If no one has ever seen these rules, it means that those who talk about this themselves come up with these rules from case to case in a way that suits their own interests. This is the essence of the colonial approach,” Putin noted.

Colonialism has always been based on supremacist ideas, segregating people into different “classes.”

“Colonial countries have always believed themselves to be first-class people. After all, they always said that they bring enlightenment to their colonies, that they are civilized people and bring the benefits of civilization to other peoples, who are considered to be second-class,” Putin stressed.

The colonial mindset remains strong, he noted, with all the US talk of its “exceptionalism,” for instance, stemming precisely from it. “That is, when they say that they are exceptional in the United States, it means that there are other people, people of some other second class. How else can we perceive this? These are the rudiments of the colonial mindset, nothing else,” he added.

