
Zhao Lijian - America's nemesis

China has reassigned Zhao Lijian, known to the Western world as the face of Beijing’s assertive “wolf warrior” diplomacy, from his post as Foreign Ministry Spokesperson....

Despite this, the reassignment of Zhao Lijian to an obscure department is not without political meaning. Even if we can critique the discourse of “wolf warrior diplomacy,” impressions matter. Zhao is seen as very nationalist and combative irrespective of how Western media choose to portray him. The fact that China has realigned its diplomatic team recently, including promoting the very conciliatory (and non-combative) Wang Yi, signals that beyond the US, China is seeking to re-engage diplomatically with the West. It suggests a shift away from the highly charged era of 2020-2022, the “Covid era” when tensions with Beijing were very high.

Therefore, although Zhao’s legacy is misrepresented, it cannot be denied that his reassignment is a political move. China is ultimately not happy to be defined by “wolf warrior diplomacy.” With many US allies unhappy that Washington benefits at their expense while asking them to comply with costly sanctions, in particular when it comes to the Ukraine conflict and in its technology war against China, some nations have begun to reengage with Beijing. China ultimately asserts that “cooler heads must prevail” and will seek to restrain the US through diplomacy, not combative behaviour, especially as it reopens again to the world and Washington strives to do all it can to raise tensions. RT

It is a pity that China deems it unsuitable to give Zhao Lijian more space as a Foreign Ministry spokesman to take on the aggressive wolves and hyenas of the American counterparts and their vicious lies and propaganda.  It was Zhao's brand of diplomacy that was able to make the Americans uncomfortable, to be attacked instead of attacking China daily. The Americans were given a taste of its own medicine and could feel the pain that they had never have to contend with. 

Prior to Zhao Lijian, the Americans were having a whale of a time attacking China, playing punks with China, smearing and condemning China freely, a one sided affair. And poor China's only response was to explain and explain and explain, like stupid fools. They have forgotten the saying, attack is the best form of defence. And that was what the Americans were doing to keep the Chinese very busy explaining foolishly for things and crimes they did not do. There is a Chinese saying, 秀才遇上兵,有理说不清.
The Americans are not soldiers but bandits, 土匪 , and it is futile to explain to them. The American's intent and tactic are just to play rough with lies after lies. Why waste time with their lies? The way to deal with the Americans is to have a ‘红脸一个唱白脸’

Just because of a few apologists in the China camp that still believe in peddling to the American nonsense, trying to talk to the American from the position of weakness, to appease the Americans, not to make the Americans angry as the best way, China is moving away from confronting the Americans with a tit for tat. This would only encourage the Americans to be more aggressive, and the Americans have continue to do so again with no pressure from Zhao Lijian.

The wolf in the wolf warrior diplomacy should be referring to the Americans. The Chinese are the warriors fighting the American wolves. China must bring back Zhao Lijian or continue to be beaten and smeared by the Americans daily. Would China want to continue to be Ah Q again just because of American criticism? 给人打,给人骂, 还要道歉. The Americans are uncomfortable with the heat put up by Zhao Lijian and wishing him to go away. And China is doing the America a favour, a sure sign of weakness, and this is bad. 

The Americans only respect might and power. They don't respect weaknesses. If China wants to be respected by the Americans and the rest of the world, it has to stand up and stare the Americans right in the eyes. Stand up, China. Don't run away just because of a little criticism from the West and the doves in Beijing. What China had achieved in Alaska by Yang Jiechi and Wang Yi had won the hearts of the world but would be wasted if China starts to backtrack and become a meek mouse again.

The opening up of China has given the Americans and their stooges another chance to attack China. Don't expect the evil Americans to be nicer just because you removed Zhao from doing what he did best for China. The Americans are rounding up all their cronies and stooges to mount a concerted attack on China. How much longer would China want to be screwed by the Americans? China's weakness is reflected in the embolden behaviour of the stooges and cronies to impose discriminatory measures against its citizens. South Korea is so stupid to put yellow cards on Chinese visitors without knowing that yellow is the white man's discriminatory colour against Asians like Chinese, Japanese and Koreans.

Bring back Zhao Lijian to keep the heat on the Americans, to keep the Americans uneasy and busy trying to defend what Zhao threw at them. That would keep them away from mischief. China needs to use the Zhao Lijian card to deal with the Americans.


J-20 - 5th generation stealth combat aircraft from China


Some photos of China's main air superiority stealth combat aircraft, the 5th gen J-20s. Aren't they impressive! The J-20s will give the F-22s a run for the money. F-35s are no match to the sophistsicated J-20s with the latest more powerful engines developed by China. F-15s, F-16s are obsolete.

This kind of aircraft design has not been seen before, and the Americans must be wondering how the Chinese could come up with such an advanced aircraft. 20 years ago China was still relying on Russian made aircraft. The American liars are going to claim that China stole the design from them even when they have nothing coming near to it. China is mass producing the J-20s as their main combat aircraft. Soon it would also be available for sale to friendly countries. Can you imagine the Saudis and Iranians flying these aircraft against the Americans!

At the moment China is only selling the 4th generation J-10Cs on top of the joint production fighter jet with Pakistan, the JF-17s. China is planning to offer the J-10Cs to the North Koreans to thwart the daily provocations by the South and the Americans. The South Koreans would be shitting in their pants with only 3rd generation aircraft from the Americans.


How much the Americans love the Muslim 1.01


A 1 minute clip showing the brutality of American gangsters in police uniform. They are vicious beasts that would not give any chance to the blacks and the Muslims.  See how the brute attacked a Muslim woman to remove her hijab in the police station and how he slam dunked this little woman violently on the ground when there was absolutely no threat to him. He was just a big bully, like all the burly white American police force. And they are the pride of the USA.

Are they the protectors of Americans or terrorists on the streets?

The black woman was Dalia Kali. The white office was Alex Dunn. Very brave taking down a black woman half his size.

Israel - Western aggressiveness and double standard

Israel could launch a military offensive targeting Iran’s nuclear sites within a two to three-year timeframe, Defense Minister Benny Gantz told a class of graduating Israeli Air Force cadets on Wednesday, boasting that the country had “significantly increased its preparedness in recent years and is preparing for the possibility of an attack on Iran.”

Outgoing Prime Minister Yair Lapid clarified that such an attack would be a response to “threats that we see as existential,” assuring the newly-minted pilots of Israel’s military superiority while warning the country’s “enemies” that “no Israeli government will agree to Iran becoming nuclear. If it is necessary to act, we will act.” RT

The above is quoted from an article in RT. Such statements by the Israelis or America would get by without any criticism or condemnation. It is the right of the West, especially the Americans and Israelis, to openly declared their intent to attack another country and no one is to say this is outrageous and unacceptable. Only the West can attack any country they want with impunity. It is their rule of law.

Can you imagine what the western countries and media would report if China or Russia or any non western country would to say so? Hell would break lose if North Korea or Iran would to say so.

In this case, Israel can arrogantly say that Iran cannot become a nuclear power. Can Iran say that Israel cannot become a nuclear power and threaten an attack on Israel's nuclear facilities? By the way, the Americans and the western world have quietly accepted nuclear as a nuclear power, with nuclear weapons.

Iran must quickly go nuclear. Iran must possess nuclear weapons to protect itself. Only with nuclear weapons would Israel and the Americans be detered from attacking Iran. In the meantime Iran must prepared a plan to strike at Israel's nuclear sites once Israel mounts an attack on Iran. This must be made very clear to Israel, a red line. Once crossed, Iran would launch everything into Israel. Only such a position would be taken seriously by the Israelis. Otherwise, Israel would think Iran is easy meat, can be hit and would not hit back. It is war when Israel strikes, all out attack on Israel.

The aggressiveness of the Americans and the Israelis to conduct wars, to start wars, must be condemned to the fullest extent. Unfortunately, condemnation would be just words. Countries that want to avoid being attack by the Americans and Israelis must be armed to the teeth, like North Korea. And the message to the warmongers and white savages must be, 'You can hit me, I can hit you'. Period.

Being meek and weak would be invitation for an attack by the white savages.

2 Jan, 2023 
Israel strikes Damascus airport – Syria
Two people were killed in the attack, according to the Syrian military


Israeli national security minister Itamar Ben-Gvir has reportedly banned the flying of Palestinian flags, claiming that they “encourage terrorism” and should no longer be allowed in public places.

“It is inconceivable that lawbreakers will wave terror flags, incite and encourage terrorism,” Ben-Gvir said on Sunday night in a statement cited by the Jerusalem Post. “I have issued instructions for the removal of the flags, which support terrorism, from the public space and to stop incitement against the state of Israel.”  RT

The Israelis arbitrarily branded the Palestinian flag as terrorist flag when the real terrorists are the Israelis.


Why National Services? Sovereign state to Corporate State

 Why is there a need for National Service? Or why is there a need for a strong military force? And why is National Service called a sacrifice?

Historically country or nation state needed a defensive or offensive force to protect its territory and people or to attack another country to acquire land to expand its territory. Historically, nation states were quite homogenous, of one people.  Relationship between states was you or me, or you against me. The concept of invading another country to acquire wealth and slaves was taken for granted.  Today this is unacceptable and against international law and norms. But some rogue states still think it is their right, and some still hold on to their conquered land, under the pretentious lie of 'they found it' by planting their flags on the land. It was might was, and is still right, and countries can go around invading other countries to take over their land and everything in it, including the people. Some countries still practise this and needed a strong military force to invade and acquire land in deceptive ways, under fabricated excuses like fighting terrorism, liberation from autocrats or dictators, democracy and human rights violations.

For these same reasons, nation states need a strong military force to protect and defend themselves from such aggressors and potential enemies. Their land, people and resources when overrun, everything would go to the invaders, even their human rights to exist as free human beans. The victims or captives would be at the mercy of the invaders. Recent examples are Iraq, the Palestines, Kosovo, Pacific Islands, islands in the Indian Ocean, some African states, etc etc.

The concept of independent sovereign nation state is gradually being compromised when the meanings of nationhood and citizenship no longer have the same importance and relevance as in the past. People are migrating and taking on citizenship of another country quite freely and happily. And there are nation states that would be happy to bring in the best talents of the world to become citizens, in a way diluting their national core. Homogeneity, or one race, is no longer valued. Nation states can become multi cultural, multi racial and multi religious. A nation state can bring in mixed bags of foreigners to become citizens, and eventually the foreigners can become the majority and take over the state without the need for the consent of the original citizens.

In the past, when individuals of a country invited foreigners in, in a hostile takeover, it is treason. They were called traitors. In today's context, when foreigners are invited into a state, to become citizens of the state, and could take over the state if the numbers are big enough, it is seen as a benign migration policy. It is an economic expediency. It is a conscious choice, a national policy. Presumably this is for the good of country and people, everything done systematically, legally and peacefully. 

When a nation state is willing to bring in foreigners in large numbers, opening its doors widely and freely, the meaning of a defensive military force becomes meaningless in a way. There is no enemies anymore. The country and everything in it can be shared with foreigners turned citizens. The nation state can belong to anyone allow in as residents.

When this becomes an acceptable norm, does nation state still have any meaning? Is there still a place or a need for a military force to defend the country? Is there a need for National Service? What is there to defend when everything can be shared with foreigners turned citizens? It is like whatever is mine is yours, and whatever is yours is yours, as many countries would not share their country and wealth with foreigners. And for the latter, their citizens now residing in some willing states can own and share what is in the willing states, including the land and national reserves acquired over generations. 

Can a new term be coined to define such a situation? A sovereign state becomes a non sovereign state, everyone is welcomed if they fit the criteria or needs of the non sovereign state. This is in a way a kind of no ownership of the state. It is for everyone to share and to take. Public or universal property? The state belongs to the talented regardless of race or nationality, not to the citizens. The citizens would have to compete with the talents from the rest of the world for jobs and everything, except doing NS.

If all states subscribe to this practice, then it is fair game in a way. But if most states do not subscribe to such a practice, how would the non sovereign states, some casually call them corporate states, end up eventually? Would they be looted or taken over by the foreigners now called citizens? It is easy for the innocent and unwary to lose their states to foreign talents with an agenda to take over such states for themselves or their former states. What would be the fate of their original citizens when foreigners became the majority and seized the state as theirs, like 'I found it' in the past and deliver the non state to their motherland, or bring in more of their kind to share the land and everything in it, including the national reserves?

PS. Why would the Ukrainians want to fight and die to protect their lands? Why not be non sovereign states or corporate states as long as the people can live well and the GDP is growing?