
Wars in East Asia would be a non starter, not in Taiwan

 The Americans and the Japanese would want to have a war in East Asia in the like of Ukraine to trap China in a long military struggle that would drain its economic resources and stop it from growing stronger to overtake the Americans. Unfortunately the geography of Taiwan and East Asia does not allow a repeat of what is happening in Ukraine, Europe.

Taiwan is an isolated island far far away from any land/country except China. The closest is Japan and the Philippines but still several hundred miles away. There is no direct land borders with Taiwan like Ukraine. In case of a war on Taiwan, Japan or the Americans would be defeated by the logistics and supply chain to keep the war going. China is already in control of the seas up to 2,000 km from its shores.

And there is no land target for the Japanese or Americans to strike except China mainland. This is taboo as striking China mainland would mean China missiles raining onto all the Japanese main islands and cities and also America homeland. You hit me, I hit you. Would the Japanese and Americans dare to invite such a scenario, an attack on their homelands?

What kind of war would it be without a theatre of war or war zone on land? Where are the targets? The islands in South China Sea? If the Americans strike at them, Guam and Hawaii would be automatic targets for the PLA.  If not, the battles would be fought out in the sea or airspace over the seas. China would have numerical advantages with a superior navy in numbers and new warships, new technologies, supported by all the missiles and war planes from the mainland and the island fortresses in the South China Sea.

We will see how the Americans and Japanese could start a war in the seas around China without attacking the Chinese mainland. The American propaganda machine is still trying to trivialise the visit of Pelosi as an innocent grandma visiting an island and that China's reaction was badly received. Unfortunately, the realities on the ground is that the whole world, including Asean, have seen this outrageous and irresponsible visit by Pelosi as an aggressive affront by the Americans to want to start a war in the region, a war that no wants it. Behind closed doors they are furious at the reckless behaviour of the Americans, behaving as if they were still the evil Empire and wanting to mess around with the region, creating another Ukraine. No, the world is aghast at the aggressive and warmongering Americans.

China would not want to start a war with Taiwan. China has demonstrated that it could reunite Taiwan by a blockade to wear down Taiwan without any big loss of Chinese lives on both sides of the straits. The most the Taiwanese could do would be to send their aircraft or warships to try to break out. The only limited casualties would by the pilots and seamen, not involving the civilians on the island. China would avoid, at all cost, to harm the Chinese in Taiwan. Bloodshed must be avoided if reunification is to be successful and welcomed.

If there is an escalation, it would be a naval and air battle with the Americans or Japanese fought in the eastern sea and airspace. Shooting down and killing Americans and Japanese would be more palatable and even desired by the Chinese people on both sides of the straits.

Would the hostile and belligerent Americans and Japanese dare to raise the temperature to the point of a hot war with China? China would fight them but would not make Taiwan another Ukraine that the Americans and Japanese wanted to. In a way the battle lines have been drawn and waiting for the Americans and Japanese to walk in for a showdown.

Ukraine - both sides can play the sanction and weaponising game

 Russia is again shutting down Nord Stream 1 for three days at the end of August, for maintenance. Olaf Schulz and other Europeans are saying they do not buy into the maintenance talk and that Russia is weaponising it's energy supply against Europe. Given that this is true, what is the surprise? Are the Europeans not following the USA in weaponising the US$ to sanction Russia? It works both ways, and not all things work in ways that the USA and West thinks must work in their interest only. Those days are over.

Call it blackmail if they like, Russia is just taking a leaf from the USA and Western countries playbook. Now that it is played the other way round, they are complaining. When they were doing the sanctioning against other countries like Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela, Iran and Russia, they were so gung ho about how successful the sanctions were going to be and gloating about it. Surprisingly, no country that they have sanctioned have collapsed. Cuba endured more than half a century of sanctions and is more self reliant than before. And they think Russia will collapse because of the thousands of sanctions?

It is indeed laughable that the Russian economy is realistically stronger than before and the Ruble has not turned into rubble. Ironically, it is the US$ that is going to be turned into rubble sooner than expected. Spin as they like about how Russia is about to collapse and is facing a lot of problems with it's economy caused by those sanctions. Really? Why doesn't Europe make Russia collapse immediately by cutting off all oil and gas imports from them? Why complain instead when Russia cuts down it's gas flow to Europe? Who is realistically collapsing?

The Europeans are going to face a winter of chaos and discontent. The UK is facing coming strikes in transport services among others. Millions of UK households are not paying their energy bills. What if their heating is cut off for non payment this coming winter? There is going to be a second revolution on the cards. Nothing Industrial about that I can assure you. And it is not something that Liz Truss can handle.


Everything is a threat to the Evil American Empire as they claimed

 The declining evil American Empire is seeing the end of the road in their world hegemony. They are growing weaker by the day while competitors are growing stronger and moving away from their control and clutches. This is bad for the evil Empire. The evil Empire must not be second to any country in anything. Everything that happens in the rest of the world is now view as a threat to the evil American Empire, as long as they said so.

No country needs to be actually sending their armed forces to the shores of the American homeland to be accused of as being a threat. To do so, such a country must have a military force many times bigger than the Americans. The truth is that the American military force is many times bigger than any country in the world, and many times more powerful than the nearest rival, meaning it is a real military threat to every country in the world, not the way the Americans cunningly and deceitfully called it. No country is a military threat to the Americans, not even Russia or China. Definitely not Iran or North Korea. The last thing to be a threat to the evil American Empire is the tribesmen of Afghanistan. But the evil Americans kept on repeating that the poor Afghan tribesmen are a threat to the mighty veiled Empire. And this includes the so called Muslim and Arab countries branded as terrorist countries by the world's number one terrorist country, the evil American Empire.

The so called threat is getting so ridiculous. But the more ridiculous part is that many silly Asians believe in the American lies, that the rest of the world is threatening the evil American Empire and not the other way round. The Americans have been agitating and inciting wars and fighting wars and claimed to be peaceful and protecting human rights and democracy when no country is fighting the Americans or has the ability to put up even a little resistance.

Today, the Americans arrogantly and condescendingly declared that no country can be richer or better than the evil Americans. Any country that wants to be better or richer than the Americans, have bigger economy, higher standard of living, better technologies, even winning more sports medals, will be called a threat to the evil American Empire.

Countries building ports in Africa, in Latin America or Asia is also called a threat to the evil Empire. Countries friendlier to China, Russia, Iran or North Korea, are branded as a threat to the evil Empire. Countries signing trade cooperation or security cooperation with any other country other than the evil Empire is called a threat to the evil Empire.

Countries that excel in science and technology, building better communications equipment, better biotech, going to the moon or Mars, having better or more satellites to improve communication, would also be called a threat to the Americans. China building better ports, roads, railways, etc etc, infrastructures to improve the economies of poor countries, all these economic activities are called threats to the evil Empire. Oil producing countries selling oil to China or Russia are also a threat to the Americans. And the Americans bullying, inciting wars, threatening wars and regime change, poking their dirty smelly fingers in the domestic affairs of every country in the world is NOT a threat to anyone!

How hypocritical, how deceitful and condescending? How arrogant is the evil American Empire to treat the rest of the world as hapless nation states existing only at their mercy, generosity and dictates?

Everything is a threat to the American Empire if the evil Americans said so.  How much more must the world tolerate this bullying and threat from the evil American Empire when the evil American Empire is the real threat to the rest of the world?

While the evil American Empire is fighting wars and agitating for wars in Europe and the Middle East, this is not enough. Asians are now enjoying peace and stability. Would they want to let the evil American Empire to start a war in Asia? Would Asian countries want their economies and lives to be destroyed like the Ukrainians and Europeans? They must speak up against the hostility and dangerous provocations by the Americans in the region and stop from being dragged into a war that has nothing to do with them.

Speak up against the evilness and irresponsible warmongering of the evil Americans. Tell them straight in their face that they are the real terrorists, the threat to peace and stability. Keeping quiet is encouraging the American gangsters to do as they pleased, to start wars and instability in the region.


Americans eyeing the Philippines as a forward base in war with China

 As analysts have noted, the United States has limited munitions, raising the possibility that it would be required to cede the South China Sea in the early stages of a conflict with China. And a successful invasion would increase China’s power projection capabilities and weaken the ability of the United States to support its ally through an air and naval presence in the region.

While the United States could have little hope that other Southeast Asian countries (except perhaps for Singapore) would give practical assistance in the event of a conflict, the Philippines will be in the spotlight.

A dearth of other viable regional options makes Luzon, the Philippines’ largest island, separated from Taiwan by the Luzon Strait, highly desirable real estate. Notably, some recent war games by US think tanks focused on how a conflict between the United States and China over Taiwan might unfold have assumed that US forces would have military access to bases in the Philippines. CNA

The above is quoted from an article by a Susannah Patton in CNA. It is quite obvious that the Americans are looking at the Philippines as their attack base against China in their pursuit of world hegemony and control of the western Pacific region. The Philippines have been an American colony and military bases for several decades and the Americans have always treated the Philippines as a convenient colonial legacy to extend their military influence in the region. And there are many Filipino generals that are very closed to the Americans and would favour the return of the Americans to reoccupy the former Clark and Subic bases.

Would the Philippines be willing to play the role of a Ukraine in a war between the United States and China? The article insinuate that China is an aggressive and expansionist power and after reuniting with Taiwan, the Americans mischievously called in invasion of Taiwan, Philippines would be next to be targeted by China. It refused to acknowledge the fact that Taiwan was a part of China and a domestic issue. The real threat to the region is American hegemony and interference and expansion to control the region. It ignores the fact that the Americans have been sending warships and warplanes to provoke and agitate for war and instability in the region.

It also ignores the fact that China has good relations with the countries of Asean, not at war with any of them and does not have hegemonic ambition to be an Empire like the Americans and the West. The Americans are still vigorously cultivating Asean to be their poodle in their fight with China. At the moment it seems that Asean has wisen up to stay out of big power contest and choosing to be neutral. Would this last?

The fact that Asean is increasingly behaving like the Americans, in interfering with the domestic affairs of Myanmar, acting like the righteous God and feeling very good about such actions, is a sign that the basic instincts of arrogance and pompousness are there to be exploited. Small minds always want to think big and act big, like punching above one's weight or poking one's fingers into other people's affairs and telling others to do what it wants them to do. Power in the wrong hands is dangerous.

If Asean forgets its key principles of neutrality, peaceful co existence and non interference in other country's affairs, its member country's affairs, it would slowly become a small arrogant USA like Australia, thinking too highly of itself and willing to use power to act big and tough. The Americans love Asean to behave like a rogue, like gangsters, like the Americans, so that they can pull the strings from behind to divide Asean and to destabilise the region.

Asean still harbours the mentality of third world countries, always thinking too highly of themselves and acting high and mighty, like the way they are acting against Myanmar. Who is the leader in Asean that is advocating such intrusive behaviour against a fellow member and thinking that this is the role of Asean, to interfere and meddle with fellow Asean members and dictating to Myanmar what is right and what is acceptable to Asean?

Do not be surprised that Asean would turn out to be another little stooge led by the nose by the Americans to be the troublemaker in the region, and bring disasters to themselves for being a nasty brat. There is peace and stability in the region for the moment. With the number one troublemaker agitating and encouraging Asean to be like them, the peace and tranquility in the region may soon be a thing of the past.

Pray Asean has wise leadership and be spared from becoming another spoilt brat of the American Empire and turning SE Asia into another trouble spot. Asean must keep its fingers off the domestic affairs of other countries, including Asean members.


China's white paper on Taiwan - Self rule

 China's white paper spelt out clearly what Taiwan would be once reunited with China.  It clarifies further on the meaning of one country, two systems. Taiwan would continue to be governed by Taiwan Chinese that are pro unification and pro China, not pro Japan, not pro US, not pro separatists. Taiwan's economy would continue as it is, in fact better with full access to the whole of China. Revenue generated by the Taiwan economy would remain in Taiwan to benefit the Taiwan province.  China does not need the revenue from Taiwan as it is self sufficient and getting richer with its expanding economy.

Taiwan would have a lot of savings without having to spend on a huge and unnecessary military and forced to throw billions to support the American military complex, buying obsolete weapons for show and pretending to be able to defend itself. The inaction and fear during the Pelosi visit have exposed the position of the Taiwan military. In fact it was obvious that many of the commanders were preparing to raise the China flag without fighting. It was just meaningless to fight an overwhelmingly superior force. After all, both are Chinese, like two political parties fighting for the right to rule. Why be annihilated in a futile war? Fighting China is assured death and destruction. The same fate of Ukraine and Ukrainians is staring down at Taiwan.

The China white paper has in effect offered the pro unification Taiwan Chinese to seize power and take control of the island from the pro Japanese, Taiwanese Japanese groups and to form the provincial govt of Taiwan, like in Hong Kong. Only pro China and pro unification Taiwan Chinese qualify to govern Taiwan. All the pro separatist Taiwanese would not be in the provincial govt, and would also be arrested and prosecuted for treason.

Without having to spend heavily on military assets and a big and unproductive military, Taiwan could allocate all its valuable resources to grow its economy for the good of the Taiwan Chinese. There is no need to chase a mirage, a delusion, a dangerous adventure that leads to nowhere except death and destruction. 

The rightful place, and the best place for Taiwan to be is to reunite with the motherland and become a member of the next super power, the richest country on earth. The choice is obvious. Many in Taiwan would welcome reunification when the moment arrives. The Pelosi visit is a rude awakening to many Taiwanese, waking them from their wet dreams.

The pro independence option is a road to nowhere. They cannot run into the sea. The Americans have conveyed the message through Pelosi that the Americans would not fight China and die for Taiwan. Tsai Ing Wen had been told. Now she is talking about maintaining status quo, no change, no more independence of Taiwan. This is a bit too late. 

China has made up its mind to reunite Taiwan asap. China would not tolerate another day of interference and coercion from the USA. The rest of the little white countries and Japan are just minor irritants that would be flushed down the sewers if they dare to create mischiefs in the seas of China.

The options for the Taiwan Chinese is to grow and prosper as a part of China, become the citizens of the next super power,  or be squashed like cockroaches if needed be. The door is thrown wide open to welcome them back to the embrace of the Motherland to live in peace and prosperity.... Unless they choose to jump into the Pacific Ocean.

The window for peaceful reunification is wide open but closing soon. The reunification process has actually started. There were a slew of measures taken by China to reunite Taiwan province into the Motherland. The map of China has changed to include Taiwan as a part of China. All produce from Taiwan must include the words, Taiwan, PRC or cannot be sold in mainland China. All the pro separatists are now in a blacklist and their business activities in China sanctioned. The PLA is everywhere all over Taiwan. In less than 6 months, the Taiwan Chinese would protest against the DPP for destroying their livelihood. The Taiwan military may conduct a coup to bring down the DPP. Military preparations have been taken to take on the trouble making Americans and Japanese at sea. Taiwan is now in an economic lockdown.

The Taiwan Chinese must choose to be on the right side of history.

PS. The Americans have seen what is coming and desperately wanting to grap TSMC from Taiwan. Like it or not, TSMC would no longer be in Taiwan, and the good old days would be over without this industry. Alternatively, TSMC can choose for a clean break from the Americans, be free from American pressure and control, and reintegrate into the Chinese economy and grow the Chinese semi conductor industry, build all the chips for the Motherland, to compete with the Americans head on, while staying in Taiwan and with the assured growing markets of China, Asia, Latin America and Africa and the rest of the world, minus the USA.