
What is China? Peace or War?


The above two pics from Global Times simply tells the story of China, what is China and what is not China. 

The hundreds of towering cranes is about construction and building. The second picture is the massive Xiiongan high speed railway station in Hebei, a completed product of Chinese construction and engineering.

China is all about building, building and building. Not about war, war, and war, unlike the warmongering and war demons of the white savage West.

China is marching across the world with their tractors, cranes, heavy construction equipment, to build a new world for the rest of the world, peacefully, without the need to fire a bullet.

Countries of the world can see with their own eyes. If they want infrastructures to be build, they can turn to China. If they want wars, want weapons of wars and destruction, they can turn to the Americans and the West.

Make your choice. Who are the destructive warmongers? What are the builders, the constructive force to build a better and peaceful world?

Who is fighting wars everywhere? Who is at peace everywhere?

The Americans and the West would keep on harping about China as a threat when they are the real threat. They go everywhere to destabilise and to start wars. They tried so hard to get China into a war, so far failed as China would not want to be dragged into any war if it could avoid it.


The 4th of July is White Americans day of joy; But the Indigenous Americans Day of scorn and mourning.

    Today the 4th of July is the day of scorn and mourning for the indigenous native Americans. The white invaders will celebrate and honour the birth of the illegal and illicit state - the United States and pay homage to brutal white conquerors while abandoning the perspectives of indigenous native Americans. On this day every year the native American Indians will mourn and condemn white men for genociding millions of their ancestors and destroying their tribal nations. 

On this day , Native Americans remember their country was taken from their ancestors by the brute force of the white invaders. They know the robbing of their lands has not stopped even today and that white colonialism is still very much alive. 

Native Americans have suffered various severe deprivations. The whites have deprived them of their homelands, education, health care, employment and their rights to their natural resources as well as a host of other issues facing the native community. 

Every year on this day, 4th July, the native Americans are made to realize that white imperialism and colonialism is not dead but very much alive impacting on their lives by the white government's insidious anti-native rulings and regulations. The Native Indians realize they are still living in a precarious still-hostile white dominated America.

On this day 4th July the United Nations Organisation and the free world of the non-white countries should help native Americans to fight for social justice and freedom. Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Cuba and other Latin American countries should organize, support and fund the North American natives to fight for an independent Indian State. 

In their conquest of North America the white invaders mainly the Anglo-Saxons British only rule of brutal warfare was to kill and massacre all Indian 'Savages'regardless of all ages, sexes and conditions.

As whites expanded their territories they burnt and pillaged all native Indians'homes across the whole of America.

As white population increased by leaps and bounds through immigration from Europe the indigenous population decreased greatly along with loss of tribal homelands and cultural freedoms.

The Anglo-Saxon white US government native Indian policy which was extremely anti-indigenous people was responsible for the loss of Indian culture and land.

In the 1880s US government enacted several anti-indigenous policies. One of which was the Religious Crimes Code of the Federal Office of  " Indian Affairs Code of Indian Offences" that prohibited American Indian ceremonial life. It was a policy of religious and cultural oppression and suppression, as indigenous Americans  are not allowed to practise and enjoy their culture and ceremonial life. They were not allowed to play tribal music, sing tribal songs or perform cultural tribal dance.

The Code was strictly enforced on all native tribes  throughout America especially on Indian Reservations, euphemism for Indian slave or labour camps. The Code banned Indian ceremonial dances, warrior dances and feasts, disrupted religious practices and destroyed or confiscated sacred objects under threat of severe punishment and imprisonment and the witholding of treaty rations.

The Secretary of the interior issued the regulations from 1880s  to 1930s, and Indian superindents and agents implemented them with strict enforcements.

In response to this policy of cultural and religious suppression some tribes take the risk of using the annual 4th July, to secretly conducting their own important ceremonies.

Over the years these secret cultural ceremonies became the day of their tribal homecomings  when Indian veterans were welcomed home as modern day followers of warrior traditions. The natives make good use of the day , 4th July, to honour their tribal veterans. On this day tribal veteran songs are sung and native tribal dances are conducted all in secrecy for fear of the white government anti-natives Code.

The free world of the non-white countries and the United Nations Organisation need to take up with the White government of the United States to stop suppressing the religious and cultural lives and tribal ceremonies of the indigenous native Americans. The evil racist US white supremacist government must henceforth immediately repeal the oppressive Code against the native Indian customs, religious practices and tribal ceremonial celebrations. 

The satanic White American Anglo-Saxon government of the US should stop being hypocrites and pretend to be angels championing democracy, human rights and the rules of law when they are actually satans committing the worst travesty of all the aforementioned. They should stop all the ill-treatments of native Americans and stop circumscribing their tribal ritual, religious and cultural lives and activities with scornful evil Codes proscribing against the natives.


Monday, 4th July, 2022

AFP's mischievous article on Xi's visit to Hong Kong

HONG KONG: A Hong Kong lawmaker who posed for a group photo with Chinese President Xi Jinping during the leader's visit to the financial hub this week confirmed Sunday (Jul 3) he has since tested positive for COVID-19.

Xi visited Hong Kong under strict security measures to mark the 25th anniversary of the city's handover from Britain in his first trip outside mainland China since the outbreak of the pandemic.

Steven Ho, a 42-year-old member of Hong Kong's largest pro-Beijing party who sits in the city's rubber-stamp legislature, was one of about 100 officials granted close contact with Xi for a photo call on Thursday afternoon.

Ho was standing two rows directly behind Xi, according to the photos released by the government.... Source AFP/CNA

This mischievous article from AFP clearly implied that the infected lawmaker got his infection by being close to Xi Jinping in a photoshoot. It went on to explain that he was standing two rows behind Xi, and that he avoided all other activities so cannot be infected by other people. So it must be the photo shoot with Xi that infected him, and implying that it was Xi that infected him, that Xi was infected.

But this silly author did not question why the other 100 officials did not get infected. And why those standing closer to Xi, next to Xi, talking to Xi, did not get infected but this Steven Ho that was standing two rows behind Xi was so unlucky to be infected.

The silly author assumed that this Steven Ho did not come to contact with anyone else after the photo shoot. That this Steven Ho probably went into self isolation after the event. He did not talk to anyone else, did not come into contact with anyone, did not have dinner with anyone else, not even with his family members or friends. Therefor Xi is the guilty one.

How ridiculous can a professional reporter be to put up such rubbish? And with a title 'Hong Kong lawmaker tests positive for COVID-19 after photo with Xi Jinping'. Is this responsible reporting? How many unwary and unsuspecting readers would be duped to think Xi went to Hong Kong and spread the virus?

China should ban this author and AFP and demand an apology for such an irresponsible insinuation with very loose inferences.

PS. Another lawmaker from the same party was tested positive on Thursday ie 30 June and was absent from all the events. The photo shoot was likely to be after 30 June. Did this Steven Ho had any contact with this lawmaker earlier?

American rules based Olympic Games

 In the Olympic Games, the athletes of the world come together to run faster, jump higher, throw further and be stronger. All the athletes are free to train and be the best they can be, to win, to be the best of the best, to bring honours for their countries. This is the spirit of the Olympic Games, the spirit of good men. If the Americans were to take over the running of the Olympic games...

What would the American rules based Olympic Games be like? Here are the American rules.

1. The Americans must win the most medals. No one can do better than the Americans.

2. The Americans would boycott or sanction any country that they did not like, branded enemies, and not allowed to compete in this Olympic Games.

3. Any country that is going to produce more and better athletes to win more medals than the Americans, the Americans would put obstacles in their path to prevent them from winning.

4. The Americans would not train or assist the athletes from countries that have the abilities to be better than the Americans.

5. The Americans would limit the number of athletes from countries that can do better than the Americans from competing.

6. If the Americans think a country is too advanced or too good, the country would be banned from competing.

7. Athletes that are too good, would have to carry extra weights or devices to slow or reduce their performances like horse racing, to allow the Americans to win.

8. The Americans may even spread diseases like Covid to countries that the Americans think would do better than the Americans.

9. The Americans would control all the organising committees, officials and judges to favour the Americans and work against the other athletes.

10. The Americans would form gangs with countries to fix athletes from a stronger country.

11. The Americans would send spies to intrude and disrupt the training of other athletes.

12. The Americans would fabricate and spread lies about other athletes and get its lapdog countries to attack athletes from enemy countries.

13. Only countries friendly to the Americans would be allowed to compete and to win, at the discretion of the Americans.

14. If other athletes win, the Americans will call them out for cheating. Only American athletes can cheat and win.

The above are some of the rules that the Americans expect the competing countries to obey without question. Only the Americans can be the top medal winners or the Americans would play foul.

Now, how many silly countries would still be parroting these silly American rules based Olympic Games? Why would countries want to play by these American rules and not compete in the original Olympic Games with professional and fair rules where every athlete competes on an even playing field and have equal rights to win according to his abilities and effort?

Any silly buggers still think it is right to parrot the American rules based order without thinking what it really means? Any silly bugger still promoting this silly American rules based Olympic Games?


Without announcement US is quietly printing further trillions of dollars to flood the world.

 The United States is sinking with millions of toxic problems and sicknesses of its own devilish creation which it is unable to solve. It now resorts to constant and persistent stirring up and fomenting of troubles and turmoils all over the world to distract and divert its citizens attention from the dead end problems and frustrations at home.

Without any announcement the US government is quietly printing further trillions of dollars in fiat currency to flood the world market in exchange for foreign solid tangible assets in goods, resources and productivity. US close allies like Japan, England and EU members France, Germany, Holland, Belgium, Spain, Poland, Italy and the Scandinavian countries of Sweden,  Norway, Denmark and Finland are following US closely in printing trillions of their own currencies. 

The non-Western world and all the non-white countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America are now warned not to trade their tangible assets like oil, agricultural products and minerals like gold, copper, iron, tin, aluminium, uranium ores, bauxite, lithium, diamond and rare earth for US dollars which may overnight become cheaper than toilet paper.  Demand payments in goods of equivalent value or payment in your own currency or conduct only on barter trade. Bear in mind the US and its white supremacist allies are out to cheat and swindle all non-white countries in a big way as never seen before. They just print paper money freely without gold or any solid asset backing. Their currency will become as useless as trash or rubbish. All non-white people and countries should not keep any US dollars but hold on to solid tangible assets in order to be safe from the plunder of US and its Western white supremacist allies.

For international trade Russia is only accepting the Chinese Yuan or the Indian Rupee. Russia is showinng the way not to accept the US dollar or any of its allies currencies for payment except strictly in the Russian Roubles.

Below is a translated message in which the Chinese government is advising Chinese in China and all over the world to be wary of the US fiat dollar.

China has urged its citizens to keep physical goods and not paper money. There will be a huge round of inflation as the US, Japan, UK, Sweden, France, Germany, Holland, Italy etc are printing more and more money. So the Chinese are planning not to accept  USD but only their RMB for payments. 

This Chinese message is circulating within China reminding people to buy Chinese made products. 

Friends please observe the current situation clearly. 

Mainland China has begun to implement self-protection measures. Firstly it is to protect the safetyof the people and drastically reduce the number of people entering China. Secondly it is to protect national assets and slow down physical exports.

When the US COVID-19 epidemic broke out and there was no effective preventive measures and control for a long time, the country's populations were isolated, production stagnated, and stocks of supplies quickly dwindled and the Federal Reserve desperately cut interest rates to stimulate the economy including printing bank notes for the so-called economic stimulus. When the country's inventory is running extremely low and scarce, banknotes become as cheap as toilet paper and similar to copper coins.

As the Dollar is an international currency it is equivalent to plundering the materials, labour and services of other goods producing countries.

Due to this COVID-19 epidemic, food, clothing, housing, transportation, shopping and travel could not be realized in the foreign exchange by the producing country and the value of the currency holders has continuously depreciated.

The Euro, the US  dollar, the British pound, the French and Swiss franc are all such currencies and will gradually become useless paper. Therefore, China understands that in any country where the epidemic is not under control, the Chinese will no longer exchange physical objects for foreign currency like these copper coins.

Build high walls to isolate , accumulate grains, internal trade and consumption and ensure that wealth is not lost, instead wait for "Bartering For Goods" or the Internalization of the Chinese RMB.

China has taken this action and it is estimated that Vietnam, India, Malaysia, Indonesia and other producing countries will also adopt similar "Close Door Measures."

Everyone understands that whoever exchanges real physical things for this copper coin is a fool. 

Just within this month, the United States has issued an additional 1.9 trillion US Dollars and the European Union and the Japanese also printed a large amount of money.

The whole world is relying on printing money to survive the crisis. It is very imporant to watch how the RMB renminbi will fare. If you follow the money printing trend, inflation will be the end result; and if you don't follow the trend, it means that the renminbi will be offsetting currency inflation when you trade and accept their currency and thereby you sustain losses.

Therefore we are maintaining in an extremely stiff situation and would not cut interest rates and will only settle bilaterally in RMB. If you want to buy my goods, we will not accept USD but in RMB or will exchange for goods - Barter .

We have finally waken up, no longer exporting large quantitie, but also noticed that many Western countries "printing large amount of money" are just plundering the world's material wealth. 

As long As we understand the direction, it is never too late. We refuse to do business at a loss. The most important thing is for the Chinese government to take good care and look after the welfare of its people.

The United States spent only ten cents to print a hundred-dollar  bill without any precious metal collateral and asked to buy one hundred dollars value of your goods. 

Isn't this Cheating and Plundering. This is blatant FRAUD, a shameless PLUNDER.

The United States painted a beautiful scenery and asks China  to help them tide over the crisis with a promise to stop the trade war, pretending to compromise and using their useless dollars to buy Chinese-produced materials. We will not be fooled again.

Let the Americans play by themselves, for we will no longer be participating."

End Of Chinese Message to the Chinese people and in a way to the world of non-white countries to be wary of the wicked and evil capricious Anglo-Saxon US  and its white supremacist allies.

If the US debacle gets worse and worse to the bottom and cannot be remedied the diabolical Americans may start a Third World War with Russia and China thinking it may solve its God damned disastrous self imposed Armageddon of the first magnitude. A war with Russia or China will hasten the demise of the Anglo-Saxon United States and its Western allies.


Sunday, 3rd July, 2022