
The evil Empire and its lies to stop China's rise

 (127) Blinken Lays out Washington's Anti-China Agenda - YouTube


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US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has laid out US policy toward the People’s Republic of China - a manifesto upholding Washington’s vow to prevent China from surpassing the US. However, China is a nation with a population several times the size of the US (and the G7 combined) and is making the transition from developing to a developed nation - surpassing the US is inevitable. Only through subversion and conflict can the US even attempt to prevent this - and that is precisely what the US government including the State Department has been doing and is announcing it will continue doing. 
Above is a 32 min video presented by an ex Marine telling how vicious and obnoxious the evil American regime was and is, spending decades fighting and killing millions of people to protect its dominance in the world, the Imperial American Empire. They want to dictate which country can be rich and which to be poor, and no country is allowed to be richer than them or be stronger than them. They will stop and prevent countries from doing so by all kinds of dirty and offensive means. They want to be the dominant and controlling power at all costs.


How the West spun wicked toxic lies to condemn and suppress the Chinese Civilisation

 China was an ancient Civilisation of dynasties, with emperors, courts, legal systems, a thriving economy, trade, artisans, craftsman, literati, alchemists, medicine, language, arts and culture, all in all, a very advanced Civilisation versus the rest of the world till the 19th Century. When the savage Europeans embarked on a conquest of the world, they presumed that they were the only civilised people, more advanced than the rest of the world. They were convinced of their superiority as they swept through Africa, East Asia, South Asia and SE Asia and the Americas with their warships and guns. But when they landed in China, they were awed by a Civilisation that was more superior to them, except in the weapons of war. The Chinese courts and palaces were a splendour to the eyes of the European savages, drinking tea in fine porcelain. They had not seen such grandeur before, not even in Europe. They kowtowed to the Chinese emperors in their courts. But they had different dreams of conquering China to take over its luxuries and wealth.

They wanted everything China could offer but not by fair trade and competition. They schemed to grab everything by force and war, just like what the Americans are doing today. If you can't win, rob, steal, burn and kill. China must not be allowed to grow rich and prosperous and must be stopped by force. The savages of the past did just that, ganged up and defeated China by means of violence and wars, looted everything of value, destroyed those they could not take, and imposed heavy penalties that bankrupted dynastic China. A glorious empire and civilisation was turned into ashes, all the systems and instruments of government and statecraft were destroyed. 5,000 years of civilisation being banished by the white savages that stole the art of making fire crackers into making guns and cannons.

After defeating China, they divided China among themselves and followed by oppressing the Chinese population. They invented nasty narratives that Chinese were bad, stupid, clueless, no talent,  no character, only meant for manual works. The Chinese were like vermins and rodents, to be trampled upon, no rights, no respect, not to be seen. The richness of dynastic China was burnt down and destroyed forever. China was made a bankrupt country with a mountain of war indemnity to pay. The remnants of the Qing Dynasty in its dying days, were like the present America and Europe, lack of talented people to rule and manage the country wisely, continued to try to perpetuate their rule over an overtaxed people without a thriving economy, with unemployment everywhere, and all the ills of a collapsed dynasty. It was an endless and futile spiraled to the abyss. The Chinese diaspora began with poor Chinese immigrants risking lives and limbs pouring across oceans to eke a living, running away from a country in a mess and in ruins.

In all the white man's conquered or stolen lands, the poor Chinese immigrants ended up as coolies or manual workers in plantations, mines or building railway tracks and roads. The Chinese migrants fared better in non white men's land, through thrift and hard work, as they came from a dynastic China with thousands of years of civilisation. Many improved their lives engaging in handicraft and as traders. In white men's lands they were bullied, discriminated, exploited, robbed and killed frequently, worse than the plight of coloured people in present day America, and not allowed to participate freely in the economy other than those permitted by the white men. In the Americas, they were infamously remembered as cooks and laundrymen, two trades permitted by the white men other than manual labourers. The white men would not allow the Chinese migrants to work in skill jobs and professions, did not allow them the opportunity to live a better life than the white men, the same way the USA are trying to do to China today. China, like the migrant Chinese, must not be allowed to grow richer and stronger than the white men. The white men would not allow that to happen.

Constrained, condemned, oppressed and discriminated, finding respectable occupations as professionals or craftsmen was as good as impossible. So, the stereotyping of the Chinese as untalented people, good only as cooks and laundrymen, a far cry from the aristocrats and noblemen of dynastic China, became a forced reality by the white men. This dismissive and toxic narrative, and the negative pigeon holing of the Chinese people continued for more than 200 years in a world dominated and controlled by the white men. The hatred and despise of the Chinese became second nature to the white men. They looked down on the Chinese as a people with no talent, no skill, no character and unscrupulous, even evil and wicked like Fu Manchu, to be made fun of, to be bullied and kicked around, thinking that that was natural. The Chinese have no place and no rights to be in this world. The white men perpetuate this hate Chinese narrative in their homes, schools and societies till today. The western media is still smearing and demonishing China and the Chinese people with all kinds of fabricated lies when the white men were the main culprits in wars and troubles all over the world.

Today the message the white men are spreading is that Chinese are liars, cannot be trusted, thieves stealing technology, aggressive and assertive, expansionists wanting to conquer and rule the world, murderers of minorities, committing genocides, etc etc. These adjectives fit the white men like a glove. But they spread these lies everyday in their western media and probably paid or coerced their stooges to print them in their respective msm as well to demonise China and the Chinese. In a way they were quite successful for a while, as for every lie there would be some stupid and unthinking that would just believe what the white men want them to read and believe. But these disinformation could only last as long as they control the msm. China has made inroads into Africa, Latin America and the latest, Pacific Islands, all used to be the backyard of the Americans and white men. They are turning to China for economic and development aid.

This dismissive hate myth is contagious. Even natives of third world countries also believed in this white men's myth and hate for the Chinese as no talent and sub humans, to be despised and to be blamed for all the crimes of the white men, for stealing and robbing the wealth of their countries. The colonial masters were the good guys, did not steal or loot their countries. The fault or crime was committed by the poor Chinamen with many natives turning their anger on the Chinese in massacres and genocides of the Chinese in several third world countries. Some third world countries even think and believe they are superior to the Chinese, smarter than the Chinese. What China has become today killed this demeaning myth invented by the white men for good, forever. The Chinese are as good as the white men in every field of science and technology and more. The Chinese are talented people with the same rights and need to be respected, not unskilled and ignorant sub humans.

At the national level, China was isolated and kept out of the world trading system during the Cold War, sanctioned in many fields, blocked, like Cuba, North Korea etc etc, and thus remained as a poor third world country. China, like all the oppressed and isolated countries by the West, could only rely on themselves to be self resilient and self sufficient. The white men erected barriers to acquiring knowledge in science and technology on the Chinese people from China. The living standard and economies of Cuba, North Korea and now Venezuela are good examples of the fate of China and the Chinese people then. Until they were allowed to rejoin the international economy and trading systems, China's relations with the rest of the world were stonewalled and dictated by the West. The Americans and the West could make and break countries under their so called 'rule based' international system which was and is a mafia system  designed for their own benefits, and at their mercy and generosity.

Through a twist of fate, not because of kindness or charity of the Americans, China was allowed to join their mafia international trading system because they needed China to be on their side against the Soviet Union. When all the restrictions and sanctions were loosen, China took the opportunity to catch up with lost time and opportunities. China sent out their best talents to pick up everything they needed to learn, every new knowledge that was kept away from them for more than a century from western imposed isolation. Still many areas were and are not accessible to the Chinese in the name of national security. But China was determined and focused, in training many of the young Chinese in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths, the hard sciences to remake and rebuild a new and modern China. When the shackles and barrriers were removed, when the roadblocks were lifted, there is no way to continue to keep the Chinese as cooks and laundrymen. This myth, though many silly white men still held closed to their chests, has crumbled when the Chinese keep improving themselves and beating the white men in fields of advanced science and technology. The real talents of the Chinese people blossomed under the clear sky, something that the West really believed was not there, that the Chinese would continue to be cheap labour and untalented people for centuries to come. 

The stereotyping and dismissive thinking of the West, that the Chinese were inferior to them, after two centuries of their make beliefs and systematic oppression and suppression, in a way distracted their attention, to forget to keep oppressing the Chinese and preventing them from acquiring skills and knowledge that they did not want the Chinese to have. Now the horror story facing the West is the pervasive growth of Chinese talents in fields the West thought the Chinese were incapable or unfit to acquire or participate. How could no talent Chinese, fit only to be cooks and laundrymen, with little talent, become top scientists, engineers, mathematicians, swimming like fish in the water in advanced science and leading edge technologies? This cannot be true, unbelieveable, but a reality that they deceived themselves and the world by their own lies and oppressive control over the Chinese, is now a nightmare that they deeply regretted. The white men have failed to cancel out the Chinese Civilisation.

Who were the fools or traitors to open up China, to allow the Chinese to acquire all the scientific and technical knowledge to outdo and out beat the Americans and the West freely? Who opened the gates to all the top American universities to the Chinese? Quick, quick, close the gates, do not allow the Chinese into top American universities anymore. Bar them from entering and those that are already in America, banish them back to China. A bit too late now.

Keeping the lid on the Chinese for two hundred years, make them stupid, look stupid, or ignorant by barriers to knowledge and skills, were very successful for as long as the measures continue to be enforced. Thank God that the Americans and West were numbed by their own fictitious belief that Chinese were really stupid and lack talent, to forget that the Chinese people were once the most civilised and advanced people on earth, and must be kept under a tight lid, and prevented from becoming their former glorious self, an advanced Civilisation with a few thousand years of history. With a slip of their mind, they allowed the lid to be slid open, and now there is no turning back the clock. Once the genie is out of the bottle, there is no way for the Americans and the West to keep thumbing down the Chinese, to keep them ignorant and unschooled, to prevent them from acquiring knowledge to be the best they could be, better than the Americans and the West. There is no way to cancel out the Chinese Civilisation by lies and oppression.

The Chinese people have gone past the phase of catching up with the West. They have learnt everything from the West and now on an uncharted path for newer and more advanced knowledge.  The Chinese Civilisation is now in the same stage as when the West in the renaissance era, after learning from the East and took off from there to be better than the East. The Chinese Civilisation is taking off into new frontiers that the West has yet to venture and discover, and would be the shining light of the future while the West is on the path to stagnation and decline.

The last invention of the Chinese Civilisation was gunpowder. The last invention of the West would be the mobile phone. The future will see 5G, 6G, AI, Space adventure and technology, application of Quantum Technology etc etc, created and invented by the Chinese...maybe cooks and laundrymen would be the preferred occupation of the westerners, not by oppression but by choice and circumstances. The new Chinese will dine in the finest restaurants run by white men and enjoy the white men's cooking skills. Oops, culinary skills.

The top universities in the future would be in China, measured by producing top students, professors, scientists in STEM, not measured by silly criteria like having more foreigners as lecturers and students, or having nice new buildings and facilities, or producing mountains of papers, not quality of the content in the papers.

Two hundred years of oppressing the Chinese Civilisation and sowing distrust and the toxic myth of untalented and inscrutable faceless Chinamen have ended, .... and a new chapter is being written, by the Chinese Civilisation.



China should put a hold on its generosity to the Pacific Islands

Wang Yi and his delegates are now visiting the south Pacific Islands to offer a trade and security pact to provide infrastructure development to these island nations. The visit has drawn intense pressure from the AngloSaxon countries, the former colonial masters of these island nations and still the de facto colonial masters in many ways. They still exert a lot of control over the island states with their own security pacts and policing these island states with their police force and militias. China's presence, though welcomed by the island states, would not be welcomed by the AngloSaxon countries as they regard these island states as their protectorates and the region their backyard and area of influence.

Even offers of trade and infrastructure development would not be welcomed by the Anglosaxon countries. They would rather let the island states remain in a state of status quo, underdeveloped and be in that way forever while the AngloSaxon countries would occasionally throw them a few crumbs to make the islanders happy. China's offer to help the island states to develop would undermine the AngloSaxon countries influence and control over these states. Therefore it is a no go for a start. 

And to offer a trade and infrastructure development pact with security elements is definitely out of question. The AngloSaxon countries would not allow it and they are still in control of several of the island political leaders. The point is that if China were to invest in these islands, the investments must be protected. The rioting and looting in the Solomon Islands are painful reminders to the Chinese that not only would they lose their investments, the lives of Chinese would also be endangered. The AngloSaxon police and militia would not want to protect Chinese assets and Chinese lives. Why should they when they were behind the rioting, looting, killings and unrest?

China should reconsider its investment initiatives carefully and not to rush as some of the island states are not ready, did not want them or being coerced by the AngloSaxons not to accept Chinese investments.  And of course some are stooges of the AngloSaxon gangsters. China should politely withdraw some of the investments from those that did not want and preferred to receive investments from their de facto colonial masters.

For those who are ready for Chinese investments and would protect Chinese investments either with their own police force or assistance from Chinese police force, China should go ahead to help these countries as best it could. The caveat, the protection of Chinese investments and lives must not be in the hands of the ill intent AngloSaxon police and militia in the island states. If these conditions are satisfied, a sign of sincerity and intent to safeguard Chinese investments, China must do its best to make them glorifying success and improve the lives of the islanders. 

Starting with a few willing island states is better than wasting money on those that were half hearted or did not want them. Perhaps time will tell whether the choice to have Chinese investments is better or worse off than investments from their de facto colonial masters. When the infrastructures are up and running, when the fruits of investments are for all to see, there will be lesser need for talking and convincing.

China should take one step at a time and let those who still prefer to work with their de facto colonial masters to do so and everyone would be happy. Freedom of choice and association. Papua New Guinea, Micronesia etc can exercise their freedom to choose their partners for their own development and wish them luck. The Solomon Islands and others that welcome Chinese developments would also have their wishes fulfill and their freedom of choice respected.

No country, even ex colonial masters, should have the right to coerce any islanders against their wishes. The rights of the islanders to choose their development partners must be respected.

Pfizer CEO - Reduce world population by 50% by 2023



Princeton Study - US Democracy Don't Exist


A new study from the prestigious Princeton University in the USA has concluded that American democracy no longer exists. It merely confirms what possibility the rest of the world has known for a very long time. Perhaps, Democracy has never even taken root in the USA.

Princeton researchers Martin Gilens and Benjamin Page, asking "Who really rules in the US?", argues that over the past few decades America’s political system has slowly transformed from a democracy into an oligarchy, where wealthy elites wield the most power.
Using data drawn from over 1,800 different policy initiatives from 1981 to 2002, the two conclude that rich, well-connected individuals on the political scene now steer the direction of the country, regardless of or even against the will of the majority of voters.

“The central point that emerges from our research is that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy,” they write, “while mass-based interest groups and average citizens have little or no independent influence.” Whither US Democracy? That also explains a lot about US arbitrary and unilateral behavior internationally in illegal wars and diplomacy (or lack of).  READ MORE.