
21st Century New World Order unfolding

 We are in a critical time in human history when the balance of power is shifting right before our eyes. Countries are rising and countries are falling. The future of countries would be determined by its people and leadership. Countries on the path to greatness would be blessed with great leaders in crucial times of change. Countries destined to fall into oblivion would be condemned by having dull leaders with no ideas on how to make their countries great again. Shouting slogans, rhetoric and useless media headlines are unproductive, meaningless and a waste of time.

Russia has Putin, a very intense and decisive leader that talked less and did more to achieve his objective. His moves into Ukraine were carefully planned and executed, having read the resistance as nothing but weak. Very likely he also has agreements with the generals in Ukraine to be on his side. In the coming days we would see how his game plan turns out. If Putin's master strokes in Ukraine prove successful as planned, this would give a leg up to his ambition to restore Russia to its former glory. The Russian people apparently are all behind him. Russia is blessed to have such a leader in a critical time like this, to be swallowed by the Americans or to stand up and beat the Americans in their own game.

The events in the last few days clearly showed that Putin is the winner and the Americans did not know how to respond, would not dare to respond militarily. Both the Americans and the Europeans know that they cannot beat Putin in this game. Russia cannot lose with the nuclear weapons ready to use in a last ditch, weapons that the Americans and Europeans cannot risk facing. 

Ukraine crisis will be settled quickly and a new order in eastern Europe would be sealed, marking the return of Russia as a super power to contend with.

In eastern Asia there is Xi Jinping, a maverick coming after the former greats of Mao and Deng. Xi is not a superficial leader like the incoherent American leadership, one clown after another.  Every move is carefully studied before execution or emotional outrage. Nothing left to chance or luck. Xi appears at a time when China needs a leader to take it to greater height, a man the Chinese have been waiting for after a 100 years of humiliation, a leader the world is waiting for, to snuff out the warmongering and bullying of the Americans and the West. The world needs peace, not unending warfare.

Xi took his time, building China not just militarily but in every front and field of competition to ensure China's superiority all round. There is armour all over, no weak chains to be exploited. China is now a complete country and challenging the Americans in all fields, in every level, in every corner of the world. 

Xi is fighting the Americans not just militarily. He is going to win this war against the Americans without fighting. The short sighted and low level thinking in the American leadership, thinking that war is just military hardware, weapons, and propaganda, still could not see the whole picture, believing that they could beat Xi in an open war with weapons and firepower and an annual budget of US$300m to fabricate and spread lies about China.

China has already won in Central Asia, Africa, Latin America and South East Asia. Europe would be won by Russia with Putin at the helm. Xi is fighting a very sophisticated war throughout the world and with a longer time frame, unlike American's thuggish regime change and invasion using brute force. Xi is fighting a war without fighting a war. Xi is winning without having to fire a bullet.

To ascend to the top leadership of the world needs exceptional men of exceptional talent, foresight and ability, not scoundrels, cheats, snake oil salesmen and definitely not a senile old man who could not remember the name of his wife.

Putin and Xi are men of exceptional caliber thrown out by history in a time when the world needs major changes to move ahead for greater peace, security and prosperity. Humankind needs a common destiny, a common goal to live better, not wars and carnage, not bickering and hate, animosities and lies. The future well being of humankind must be built on the foundation of cooperation, mutual respect, justice and dignity, a united world of shared common good and shared prosperity. 

No more wars, no more enemies, but partners, collaborators and competitors to uplift the lives of all human beans.

The New World Order is beckoning. Down with all the thugs, cheats, liars, gangsters, murderers and warmongers. The rise of two great leaders in Asia at the same time is no pure coincidence. This is a sure sign of the rise of Asia in Russia and China. On the opposite side, other than a senile old man, the best the West could produce was a clown that thinks it is too difficult to comb his hair, or silly boys, actors, comedians, crooks and rogues as their leaders. The fate of the West is sealed, to go the dodo way.


Fallacy of Invasion versus Liberation


Which is the truth? How many Invasion has Russia conducted?

How many Liberation has the USA conducted?

Which is more evil, more destructive, killed more people? Invasion or Liberation?

The wars in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, in Palestine, were they invasion or liberation?

The war criminals are still walking free.

The main western media have been feeding the world with a one sided story. The truth, Ukraine has been violating the Minsk Agreement that respect the independence and self rule of Donbass and Lugansk. Instead of leaving these two new states to be on their own, Ukraine has been shelling them for years and killing a lot of their people. Ukraine is not the innocent child like the boy President. 

Russia's terms for withdrawal are simple. Ukraine shall remain neutral and withdrawal all the offensive western weapons in the country threatening Russia. It is so simple to stop the Russian attack. The Americans refused to state that they would not allow Ukraine to join Nato, and Zelensky also refused to remain neutral nor to withdraw offensive weapons in Ukraine, like the alleged WMD in Iraq that led to the American Invasion, oops, Liberation of Iraq and the American forces are still there, refusing to pull out of Iraq.

Who is the devil behind this crisis? Russia is showing restraint and now using its air force to strike freely at major cities in Ukraine. Would the Americans up the ante and force Putin to conduct a full scale invasion of Ukraine?

PS. Two international institutions would be obsolete soon. The Americans had weaponised the American dollar as an international currency. Now they are weaponising the international banking system SWIFT. International organisations, systems etc etc shall remain above politics and not be controlled by a super power, to be politicised and weaponised. Once that is the case, it loses its usefulness and should be replaced.

The desperate warmonger Americans have started to burn bridges by weaponising the SWIFT banking system, be with us or against us. This is another nail in the coffin of the American Empire, self inflicted.

Russia could take the opportunity to leave the SWIFT system, and cut off its goods, including oil and gas, to Europe since it could not be paid.


Zelensky - I am all alone. Poor chap

 This silly boy woke up to find that he is all alone. All his so called friends have abandoned him. He has to take on the Russians alone. And he could not believe it. He is still asking for help from the devils that goaded, incited and pushing him to fight the Russians and promising they would support him...from behind. He thought they would be standing beside him to face the Russians.  Get this very clear, Zelensky is the point man to be right in front, to be shot and terminated. 

The Americans and the Brits would be laughing from far far behind, across the English Channel, across the Atlantic Ocean. The rest of the Europeans? From the very beginning they were not going to fight the Russians. It would be courting destruction and disaster for their countries and their people. Russia is not Iraq, not Libya, not Syria and definitely not Afghanistan. It is not going to be a cake walk. Even the ordinary Ukrainians know this and are fleeing their country. Only the stupid boy President thinks the Americans, Brits and Europe would join him to fight the Russians. 

Every silly American ally and crony better open their eyes wide wide. The American bullies would ony take on the hapless and the weak, like the African, Latin American and Arab and Muslim countries. When attacking these countries are concerned every European would volunteer to tack along. They know it would be sure win, with them beating the daylight out of weak countries. 

No way would they take on an equal like Russia and China.  Taiwan, South Korea, and some silly Asean states better take note of what is happening in Ukraine. When push comes to shove, the Americans would stand far far away.  Go, you fight, we are behind you, we will sell you weapons, F35s at $100m a piece, we have plenty to sell. War is good for your manhood. If you win, a big if, you will become heroes. If not, you will also become heroes, dead heroes.

Biden lashed out at Putin for trying to take Ukraine by force. This is unacceptable. Americans don't do such things, taking land and resources by force. Americans did not use force to take the continent of North America, did not use force to enforce black African slavery, did not use force to take over Mexican land,Texas and California, did not use force to take over Hawaii, not the Pacific Islands of Marshalls etc etc, not Diego Garcia. The Americans did not force the Japanese and South Koreans nor the Europeans to allow the Americans to set up military bases in these semi colonies of the American Empire. They invited the Americans to be there to protect and defend them, just like the Red Indians invited the Europeans to take over their land.

Americans don't use force, Americans are not bullies, Americans are peace loving people. Fighting war is for peace, invading countries are for peace, regime change is for peace, selling weapons is for peace. Get it? And Americans would not fight a war with the Russians, only stupid Ukrainians want to fight a war with the Russians. See, the Americans are so peace loving people, no wars.  They even pulled out of Afghanistan.


Ukraine is a lesson for the world to see how obnoxious and aggressive the Americans are

 Ukraine is giving the world a lesson in how easy to start a war, how easy to be misled and used by the Americans to start a war. And how easy the lives and economy of the whole country could be destroyed within days when the people could be living happily in peace instead.

A young boy President thinking too smart for himself, that he is a genius of sort, to mess around with big power politics, thinking that he could decide what is good for his country, he is in charge, in control, without having to care a hoot about the interests of big powers, has now landed in hot soup. His actions have made Ukraine a threat to Russia, allowing Americans to control and be at the border of Russia. How could this boy ever think that he could get away with it by becoming an accomplice of the Americans to threaten Russia and Russian interests?

But that is not the end. He suddenly found out that he is not in control. He is just a puppet on a string. The main player is the Americans. He has to do what the Americans say or else he would be drown out, kick aside. And what the Americans want it war on Russia's border.

He has played with fire, with the lives and future of his country. When the boy President willingly chose to become a tool/weapon of the Americans to threaten Russia, he would have to pay a price for it.

The moral of the story, when one is just a small country, do not act too smart thinking that one is so clever, can mess around with big powers and can have his cake and eat it. A small country is allowed to flirt around only when the big powers allowed it to do so, or it happens to be singing the same tune. Once it goes out of line, not in the interests of the big powers, he would be thrown under the bus.

Who is going to rescue this boy President? Who is going to prevent the loss of lives of Ukrainians? Not the Americans. They would send a token of soldiers to support from behind. Maybe send more weapons. But the Americans would not fight and die to defend Ukraine and the Ukrainians.

The Ukrainians die, it is their business. Ukraine got bombed out of existence, it is their business. Europeans got dragged into the war and die, it is their business.

Why on earth would people living peacefully be stupidly pushed themselves into a devastating war, or allowed themselves to be set up to go to war? Can you imagine how many Ukrainians, Russians and Europeans are going to die all for nothing but a foolish boy President thinking too highly of himself.

Know your place, stay away from big power politics.  Do not risk your country and the lives of your people to play with the devils.

If you can live in peace, why go to war? War is very fun, very exciting? Can be heroes. Yes, dead heroes.

How many Ukrainians and Europeans and Russians are going to die because of this war when there is no need to? And the boy President has no way to stop this war. The Americans have taken over the game and deciding how it should be played. So pathetic for Zelensky now. What can he do? Absolutely nothing. Ukraine is now a pawn in the chess board of the Americans.

Zelensky has led Ukraine into a war.  And many people will die for what he had done to start this war.


India be our hinterland?

 After Singapore's failed attempt to merge with Malaya as part of Malaysia, Singapore went on its own to create a prosperous little piece of rock in SE Asia. After 40 plus years of breakaway, Singapore seems to be hitting a plateau and using up all the tricks available. The final trick of importing more heads to increase consumption is reaching a breaking point with anger brewing among the Singaporeans. Going ahead mindlessly with importing more and more third world fake talents is no longer acceptable or tolerable.  Xenophobia is on the rise. A new strategy must be cooked to ensure the million dollar salaries remain sustainable and not be overturned.

How about finding a new hinterland to merge with? Singapore seems to have work out something with India, the next superpower in the world. From CECA and the importing of more and more Indians to head Singapore's key institutions, now even low down provision shop like Fairprice, the picture seems complete. Is there anything else that needs an India Indian to helm? How about the PM? Singapore is integrating with India, hedging all its resources and hope on India and Indians., ploughing billions and billions of our reserves into India. The more the merrier.

Would the next step be the integration of Singapore as a part of India, a merger of some sort, but unlikely to be like the merger with Malaysia. Singapore can at most be a little gateway to India given the difference in size. If there is indeed a plan for a merger with India, Singapore cannot ever think of becoming a major partner in India and a Singaporean becoming the PM of Indiapora. Likely the role would be like Hawaii to the USA, living in the peripheral. There is no way that Singapore can swallow up India, more likely India swallowing up Singapore and remain as India, not Indiapore or Indiapora.

Looking ahead into the future, without any resources, its strategic position as a major port compromised and going to be diminish when all China's shipping could bypass Tuas, and its main strength, a talented pool of human beans becoming an untalented pool of drivers and jagas, Singapore's future is bleak, the light is dimming. No more new tricks but to look for a god father.  How high can HDB prices be pushed, $1m or $2m to keep the economy afloat before the house of cards collapses?

China is an unlikely candidate as too much bad blood had spilt, unless Singapore is willing to go down on its knees to beg for forgiveness. India would be most willing to take Singapore in, like picking up a pot of gold. Singapore would be an asset to India. It would be the crown jewel of all Indian cities, none could come near to Singapore. The caveat is, would life be still the same if Singapore becomes a city of India? One thing for sure, should Singapore integrate or merge with India, Singapore would not be able to say Singapore is not ready for an Indian PM. It would be the other way round. India would say India is not ready for a Chinese PM in the city of Singapora. The Chinese ships would not be calling. And if Singapore becomes part of India, nothing from China would be coming. India is dead set to be the arch enemy of China and would block everything coming from China. 

So, is merging with India, making India our hinterland, banging on the subcontinents' underdeveloped land and cities going to give Singapore a leg up to continue to survive as the first world in SE Asia, and in India? Or would Singapore become another third world city in India?

How far fetch is this scenario of Singapore becoming a part of India? Has Singapore decided to throw all in to be a part of India and bringing in more India Indians to run Singapore? Would Singaporeans be made to sing another national anthem, the national anthem of India?

What do you think?

PS. Floating this idea for musing around.