We are in a critical time in human history when the balance of power is shifting right before our eyes. Countries are rising and countries are falling. The future of countries would be determined by its people and leadership. Countries on the path to greatness would be blessed with great leaders in crucial times of change. Countries destined to fall into oblivion would be condemned by having dull leaders with no ideas on how to make their countries great again. Shouting slogans, rhetoric and useless media headlines are unproductive, meaningless and a waste of time.
Russia has Putin, a very intense and decisive leader that talked less and did more to achieve his objective. His moves into Ukraine were carefully planned and executed, having read the resistance as nothing but weak. Very likely he also has agreements with the generals in Ukraine to be on his side. In the coming days we would see how his game plan turns out. If Putin's master strokes in Ukraine prove successful as planned, this would give a leg up to his ambition to restore Russia to its former glory. The Russian people apparently are all behind him. Russia is blessed to have such a leader in a critical time like this, to be swallowed by the Americans or to stand up and beat the Americans in their own game.
The events in the last few days clearly showed that Putin is the winner and the Americans did not know how to respond, would not dare to respond militarily. Both the Americans and the Europeans know that they cannot beat Putin in this game. Russia cannot lose with the nuclear weapons ready to use in a last ditch, weapons that the Americans and Europeans cannot risk facing.
Ukraine crisis will be settled quickly and a new order in eastern Europe would be sealed, marking the return of Russia as a super power to contend with.
In eastern Asia there is Xi Jinping, a maverick coming after the former greats of Mao and Deng. Xi is not a superficial leader like the incoherent American leadership, one clown after another. Every move is carefully studied before execution or emotional outrage. Nothing left to chance or luck. Xi appears at a time when China needs a leader to take it to greater height, a man the Chinese have been waiting for after a 100 years of humiliation, a leader the world is waiting for, to snuff out the warmongering and bullying of the Americans and the West. The world needs peace, not unending warfare.
Xi took his time, building China not just militarily but in every front and field of competition to ensure China's superiority all round. There is armour all over, no weak chains to be exploited. China is now a complete country and challenging the Americans in all fields, in every level, in every corner of the world.
Xi is fighting the Americans not just militarily. He is going to win this war against the Americans without fighting. The short sighted and low level thinking in the American leadership, thinking that war is just military hardware, weapons, and propaganda, still could not see the whole picture, believing that they could beat Xi in an open war with weapons and firepower and an annual budget of US$300m to fabricate and spread lies about China.
China has already won in Central Asia, Africa, Latin America and South East Asia. Europe would be won by Russia with Putin at the helm. Xi is fighting a very sophisticated war throughout the world and with a longer time frame, unlike American's thuggish regime change and invasion using brute force. Xi is fighting a war without fighting a war. Xi is winning without having to fire a bullet.
To ascend to the top leadership of the world needs exceptional men of exceptional talent, foresight and ability, not scoundrels, cheats, snake oil salesmen and definitely not a senile old man who could not remember the name of his wife.
Putin and Xi are men of exceptional caliber thrown out by history in a time when the world needs major changes to move ahead for greater peace, security and prosperity. Humankind needs a common destiny, a common goal to live better, not wars and carnage, not bickering and hate, animosities and lies. The future well being of humankind must be built on the foundation of cooperation, mutual respect, justice and dignity, a united world of shared common good and shared prosperity.
No more wars, no more enemies, but partners, collaborators and competitors to uplift the lives of all human beans.
The New World Order is beckoning. Down with all the thugs, cheats, liars, gangsters, murderers and warmongers. The rise of two great leaders in Asia at the same time is no pure coincidence. This is a sure sign of the rise of Asia in Russia and China. On the opposite side, other than a senile old man, the best the West could produce was a clown that thinks it is too difficult to comb his hair, or silly boys, actors, comedians, crooks and rogues as their leaders. The fate of the West is sealed, to go the dodo way.