Most Americans view China as country of greatest threat to the US, says survey
'A majority of Americans view China negatively and believe it is the country that presents the greatest threat to the United States, according to a survey of Asian, European and North American respondents by a prominent US think tank.
Four-fifths of national security and other experts in Asia, Europe and the US believe America would win a war right now with China, according to the poll of the American public and of Asian, European and American “thought leaders” – experts from business, academia, human rights and national security communities – released Tuesday by the Centre for Strategic and International Studies.' (CSIS).
When has China been a threat to the USA? And what is this nonsense called threat? The only threat is that China is going to become richer and more advanced as a nation in every field and the Chinese people are going to enjoy a better quality of life than the Americans. Why is this called a threat?
China is not going to invade America or any country, definitely not the shit house called India. What for, asking for endless troubles? The days of invasion and conquest are over, obsolete. No longer can a country invade another country and genocide its natives like the whites did to North America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand to make sure the natives would never be able to fight back to reclaim their lost land.
It was not easy for the white Americans to decimate 100m native Americans. It is not going to be possible to wipe out 330m Americans or 1.3b Indians to repeat the white European's act of conquest and to live in peace, with barely any natives alive to fight back or pose a real threat to their occupation.
Why are the Americans so obsessed of a China threat? Why the hatred for China and Chinese? If there is any reason for such hate, it is for the Chinese to hate the whites and the Americans for invading their country, colonised, robbed, looted and oppressed the Chinese people for the last 100 years. The Chinese never did that to the Americans or to any white country or coloured country. For centuries, the whites have created and caricatured a Chinese people that were unscrupulous, faceless, feckless, useless and unworthy, for the whites to love to hate. A people that were impoverished by the conquest and oppression of the whites and eking for a living as the poorest creature on earth, lack of education and pride and ambition to live like normal human beans.
If there is any reason to hate, the Chinese people have all the reasons to hate the whites for discriminating against them, oppressing and suppressing them, for demonising them and smearing them as the worse of human beans. Instead, the Chinese did not hate the whites or Americans for the things the whites did against them.
Stop living with your evil and fabricated lies and myths against the Chinese people. The Chinese people have all the rights, like all other human beans, to live well, to live a good life in peace and prosperity without going to war with anyone. But the evil Americans are talking about wars to kill and destroy the Chinese people everyday and even in their sleep, all because of their own biased and unjustified hate for the Chinese people.
The Chinese people and the Chinese Civilisation are the most wrong people of the world, invaded and colonised by the Mongols and the Manchus and then by the whites, always a victims of external threats. Today the Chinese are rediscovering themselves and their self worth to muster and maximise their intelligence and industry to improve their lives without invading or conquering any country to steal and loot their wealth and resources. The wealth created by the Chinese people is all through hard work and creativity and productivity, without firing a single bullet at anyone.
But the warlike whites, the Americans, are accusing China and the Chinese of aggression when they are the ones that are being aggressive and invading countries after countries, in the pursuit of endless wars, including China and now starting a trade war and threatening China with an open military war..
Stop your white lies, evil white men and women. You are the real devils, the real threat to peace, the menace to the Chinese people and people of the world.