
Covid19 - 4 vaccines on final stage trial, 3 are Chinese. Disgraceful Americans have none, NONE!

BRASILIA: A Chinese-made vaccine against COVID-19 entered the final stage of testing on Tuesday (Jul 21) in Brazil, where volunteers received the first doses of what officials hope will be a game-changer in the pandemic.

The vaccine, developed by private Chinese pharmaceutical firm Sinovac, became the third in the world to enter Phase 3 clinical trials, or large-scale testing on humans - the last step before regulatory approval.

Around 9,000 health workers across six Brazilian states will receive the vaccine, known as CoronaVac, in two doses over the next three months under the study....

Brazil is also helping carry out Phase 3 testing of another experimental vaccine, developed by Oxford University and pharmaceutical firm AstraZeneca....

Another vaccine, developed by state-owned Chinese company Sinopharm, also entered Phase 3 trials this month in the United Arab Emirates.

Studies published Monday in British medical journal The Lancet found two vaccine candidates were safe and produced an immune response in Phase 2 trials: The Oxford vaccine and another Chinese-made vaccine, developed by pharmaceutical firm CanSino Biologics together with the Beijing Institute of Biotechnology....AFP/CNA

In another AFP report, WASHINGTON: US President Donald Trump expressed a willingness on Tuesday (Jul 21) to work with China or other countries to bring a successful coronavirus vaccine to the United States, despite rising tensions between Beijing and Washington.

Trump forgot that after all his wild allegations and attacks against China, would China still want to work with him or the Americans when the Americans have no clue about how to develop a Covid19 vaccine and still struggling to get their hands on this virus? Very likely China is going to tell this scoundrel of a liar to go to hell. You want to work with China or want to steal China's vaccine formula? Aren't Trump been accusing China of stealing American vaccine secret formula, like 5G when the Americans did not have any of these formula?

Now Trump wants to work with China when the Americans have nothing to contribute? Remember the space station project, banning China from participation, now China is going to ban the Americans from the Chinese Space Station. No Americans allowed in China Space Station. 

And China would work with Brazil and UAE but NEVER with the Americans to finalise this Covid19 vaccine. And the Americans would be the last to be sold the vaccine.  3 Chinese companies out of 4 in the world are in the final stages of successfully creating this vaccine. No American companies is anywhere near them.

China would not work with the Americans on the vaccine. Go and fumble and mess around with the Covid19 virus yourself and let the virus eats up the American population the way it is designed to do so, and with fumbling idiotic Trump making it easier for the virus to kill more Americans.

How come USA got no 5G, got not vaccine on final trial and still dare to accuse China of stealing their 5G technology and Covid19 data?  Stop lying you silly Americans. There is nothing to steal from you. You have nothing worth stealing. No body believes in your lies anymore. You are lying once too often. And that big piece of fat called Pompeo even confessed that he lied, he cheated, and he stole.  How to believe in the American liars? Your lying is a sign of incompetence, trying to cover up your inadequacy, no 5G, no vaccine but pretending that you have. LIARS!

It is the Americans that are trying to steal Chinese 5G technology and Covid19 vaccine formula. Period.



After 4 months, the situation of COVID-19 infections is still not under control inside Singapore’s foreign workers' dormitories.

As reported by the Health Authority, there are between 200 to 400 cases on the average every day. This is not acceptable. It is taking too long to weed out infections inside the workers' dormitories. This will definitely spill over to the community once the foreign workers are allowed to leave their dormitories.

What does this mean?

Probable Answers:

1. The relevent leaders are probably taking it too easily or they still have no clue how to deal with it efficiently and effectively.

2. The Ministry for Health does not have any concrete viable plan to stamp out COVID19 infections in the foreign workers' dormitories on an urgent basis.

3. The policy could be to allow as many of the foreign workers be infected by the COVID-19 disease so as to achieve "Herd Immunity" on a large scale. If this is so, then it is not only foolhardy but also cruel and ruthless.

Whatever the reasons for the lacklustre actions, in the mean time, the workers are still being exposed continuously to infection and re-infection again and again, and are living like prisoners.

Even though many people have been reported "recovered" or "released from hospitals", their lungs and other organs could probably have been damaged beyond repair for life!

We know that only our liver can heal itself, if not badly damaged. However, all our other organs once damaged cannot repair themselves.

The damaged organs may not function in full force again and may lead to secondary causes of death in the future, unknown to the health authories or the sufferers/victims.

Therefore, it is wise not to let ourselves be infected by the Covid-19 coronavirus at all costs. Take all the necessary precautions to ensure that you stay alive in full health happily.

Never allow ourselves to be used as Guinea Pigs by any ruthless, unethical, immoral or easy-way-out policy formulated by unwise and imperfect men - politicians and scientists alike. We do so at our own peril.

May all be well and happy!
May all enjoy good health and longevity.
May all have the will to see things as they are.
May all stay in perfect equanimity!

The LOOP - July 2020.

PS. I would add a couple of comments to the above LOOP article.
The virus in Singapore are very well trained and very smart. When they knew of the impending GE, it held back its infection. The rate of 300/400 was the rate just one week before Nomination Day. When Nomination Day was announced, the infection fell to below 200.  And this number remained practically the same through the 10 days before Polling Day and lasted another 2 days for the winners to celebrate.  After that the virus said ok, time to return to normal infection again...and so we are now having 300/400 cases again.

We must all say a big thank you to the very clever virus we have in this island. The virus knew exactly what was expected of them, to let Singapore have a GE with little fear of high infection rate.

The second point about herd immunity. it doesn't work this way. If herd immunity is only among the foreign workers, they would not be infected, but they could still be carriers of the virus and could go around infecting the rest of the population that did not have herd immunity.


Is asking a question to clarify a perception spreading falsehood?

Dr Chee had asked the People’s Action Party’s Dr Vivian Balakrishnan if he could “categorically tell Singaporeans right now that your party has no intention of raising our population to 10 million by continuing to bring in foreigners, especially foreign PMETs, into Singapore to compete with our PMETs for jobs”.

Dr Balakrishnan responded by referring to a statement issued by the Prime Minister’s Office that day advising people not to indulge in falsehoods. He added: “Let me state for the record. We will never have 10 million. We won’t even have 6.9 million. The government doesn’t have a target for the population. What we want is a Singapore core that is demographically stable, able to reproduce ourselves, able to create opportunities and jobs for ourselves and able to stay as a cohesive whole. It is not a target and it’s certainly not 10 million and you are raising a false strawman. That is a false statement.”

The above is from www.theindependent.sg

Is asking the govt to confirm something spreading on the ground amounts to spreading falsehood? This kind of logic is what I called, contrived power logic. It is only logic when you have power behind the person using it. It would never be accepted as logic but swallowed grudgingly by the hapless.

Singaporeans have been forced to accept this kind of power logic far too often, like the 200m ruling when inside the polling centre is not within the 200m radius range. Go ask a primary school kid and he would instantly tell you it is wrong. Forcing our children to accept this as logical reasoning is making Singaporeans more stupid.

Anyone using this kind of power logic in the kopitiam would invite all kinds of vulgarities and even black eyes if one is too stubborn to insist on it.

What do you think, tiok boh? Asking to confirm yes or no is spreading falsehood? Not clarification?


Covid19 - The irresponsible and reckless Americans must be stopped

More than 3.5m infected cases and growing exponentially. This is the doom scenario of Covid19 pandemic in the USA. 4m cases is just a couple of days to hit. What is going on in the USA? Many irresponsible and stupid Americans are insisting on their rights not to wear masks. Wearing masks is a violation of their freedom! What idiots are they?

The Americans are endangering the lives of everyone in this planet by their stubborn stupidity. What is is difficult about wearing a piece of covering over your mouths and noses? You are too poor to afford it? Or your stupid face is so beautiful and must not be covered up?

The medical experts are now standing up in defiance of the chief clown in the White House. Every medical expert in the USA is asking every American to cover up. Fauci has warned that this would become a catastrophe in the USA in modern history. There is no time left to be monkeying around and behaving like idiots.

The present testing rate of less than 1m a day is just not enough. 850,000 tested is the record for 1 day! It has to go up to 10m a day or more. The lack of testing, or the intentional refusal to test more Americans, will kill more Americans. This is a statistical truth. But what is making this testing a farce in the USA is that it takes more than 3 days to know the test results with some places taking more than 2 weeks. What is the point of taking the test when it takes so long to know the truth? The main purpose of testing is not just to confirm whether the person is infected or free from Covid19.  It is part of a process to help to trace the spread and to ring in those people infected by an infected person, to check the spread.

What is happening in the USA is as good as no testing. And this is leading towards a final shut down, or lockdown of the whole of the USA. Though officially the number of infected cases is just off 4m, the actual infection could way be more than 40m now.

The irresponsible Americans are not only a health risk to the rest of the world, they don't care. But more importantly, they are killing themselves by their recklessness and stupid antics. If the Americans are not going to take drastic measures now, the rest of the world would have to do it for them, build a wall around the USA. No Americans allowed to leave and no one allowed to go in. They can live happily there after in their own cocoon infested with Covid19.

The Americans must be stopped from harming the rest of the world in their stupid and irresponsible ways.

In the meantime Trump and his clowns continue with their lies about the Covid19 infection and continue to blame China and the American disease experts for it, even trying to discredit them.  The sad thing is that many silly Americans are believing in these liars.  America is a country of liars, with Trump the congenital liar and Pompeo the professional liar, making lying a profession, and a few racist and white supremacist liars in the several Jews that are dragging and pulling Trump along by their Jewish agenda.

The USA is the most irresponsible and untrustworthy country in the world, living on lies and spreading lies daily all over the world. They lied to the world, they lied to the Americans. They continue to sow discord, incite and provoke wars.  The rest of the world are not stupid and watching. The ONE from above is also watching and his patience with the evil Americans has worn out. HE is ditching the Americans for good.


The Vision of a Singapore MP - by SSO

My Visions If I Were A PAP Leader

Firstly, my vision as a PAP MP is $$$$$.

I visualise how to gain as many as 30 Director posts and make it happen. If each Directorship pays me $30,000 a year, I would get $300,000 more for 10 Directorships, and $600,000 for 20, and $900,000 for 30 Directorships. And I only need to attend one or two Board Meetings a year, basically I go there to rub shoulders, drink beer, have fun and talk cock. Easy money, no work at all.

As PAP MP, I also have the privilege of using funds allocated by the PA (People's Assassination) to me as Grasslooters Advisor for my own political advancement under the guise of improving my constituency and helping constituents. Easy money to kill two birds with one stone.

Further, as a PAP MP, I too have the honour to run the Town Council and make full use of the funds allocated to my Town Council for my personal political adventures and advancement. Easy money again. Same as above.

More, as a PAP MP, I can suka suka absent myself from Parliament sessions - which are only held 4 to 5 times a year. And I can sleep in Parliament if I am too tired because of my chasing around for more and more money for my own family's and my in-laws' families comforts and future.

And I only need to meet the people (MPS) once in two weeks, for two hours each. During these MPS, all my works are done by the slaves and running dogs. Even writing letters and posting letters to various Ministries are done by my balls-carrier side-kicks and cronies. I just sign the letters and walk around looking important.

And when General Elections come, I have NTUC charlies and RC grasslooters to help me do all the dirty works. I just go around shaking hands and put on a pretentious smile once a while for photo-shoots.

And if I have my own business firm or if I happen to work for Temasek Holdings or GIC, I would fight for more foreigners to be employed in my firm, or in Temasek or GIC. I visualise how much money can be saved by employing foreigners instead Singapore kpkb losers.

Secondly, as a PAP Minister. If I happen to be a Minister, "ho say leow"! I don't need to do any work at all. All my works are done by the civil servants. My Permanent Secretary plans and supervise everything. I don't even have to think. All my thinking are done by the scholars Think-Tank in my Ministry. Not forgetting the expensive consultants I employed too.

As PAP Minister, my vision is more $$$ - more than being just an MP. I visualise how to increase my multi-million dollars salaries and 15-month bonuses in various lucrative investments, especially in those that I have insiders information. Who is to know if I don't talk? Who is the wiser? Singapore has no whistleblower lah . Who dares?

Who says PAP MPs and Ministers have no visions?


PS. Posted on behalf of SSO