Below are comments by Americans after watching Rachel Maddow exposing the crimes of Trump and his evil men and women in arresting illegal immigrants and separating the children and toddlers fro their mothers.
Marilyn Pizziferri
2 days ago (edited)
Is there an international agency that can bring crimes against humanity charges ,and bring the administration and agents at the border to trial? There should be. A Nuremberg style trial. Children died when put in terrible conditions at the border camps.
Ker Levin
2 days ago
Wish you'd kept a nightly count and reminded people daily of the kids in concentration camps
2 days ago
Whether or not the separation of children from their parents was/is used as a deterrent, is beside the point. It remains a crime against humanity either way. Every single person, starting with Trump, involved in this crime must be brought before the World Court, and held accountable.
Thorsten Koethe
2 days ago
Never forget the names of these very evil people - they should never ever get a job when this terror regime did finish.
2 days ago
Child separation' - kidnapping and child abuse.
casey massey
2 days ago
It is terrifying to me when I realize how many evil, damaged people are working for the white house administration...and that they are citizens of our country... sociopaths without compassion, moral compasses or an ability to feel remorse or guilt.. malignant narcissists who have one goal in mind...satisfying their own hunger for whatever...fame, power, riches...and right now they are scurrying like cockroaches through the sacred offices of our government. And many seem to be immune to covid 19... Go figure!
Farmer Bob
2 days ago (edited)
The rest of the world should start putting sanctions on the USA!
Just Saying
2 days ago
This period in US history is going to make the US atrocities of the past look like child's play. Dump trump.
Just saying...
2 days ago
This is unbearable. How can a country tolerate this to happen? A whole government is guilty of such crimes? There should have been sanctions taken by the rest of the world against the US. Problem: the UN have their seat in NYC. If they didn't have their hands tied in their back, the other members of the G7 should have threatened to expel the US from their ranks. We don't have an international Court that works, that's a problem.
julia howard
2 days ago
It is beyond imagination how cruel and damaging it is to separate young children from their mothers and lock them up; it reminds me of scenes seen in film footage how children were separated from their mothers/parents during the third reich. People who ordered this and people who executed those orders are not human but monsters.
Shari Crocker
2 days ago
It seems to me that in this present day and age being an American is a disgrace. Is this what our father's worked so hard for while fighting for freedoms?