China led by the CCP is glorious, modern, rich and powerful
Western Democracy or Communist Socialist System
The young Chinese republic was studying and observing which of the two systems would best suit China.
In 1920, Lenin the leader of Soviet Russia denounced and renounced the unequal treaties the former Russian regime of Tsarist Russia imposed on China. He renounced the extra-territorial rights and privileges which the Tsarist government had extorted from the Chinese of the weak Qin Dynasty. He promised to return to China all Chinese lands and territories that the Tsarist Empire had illegally taken from China through manipulated unequal treaties. This was to give the Chinese a good impression of the Russian communist and set a standard of friendly cooperation. ( Footnote: However, Stalin the Russian leader after Lenin reneged on Lenin's promise and stole even more of Chinese lands. )
China was able to compare the behaviour of communist Russia and the capitalist western imperialist. The capitalist western imperialists were seen as selfish and self-serving.
England and the United States rejected Dr Sun Yat Sen's appeal for recognition of his would-be democratic regime at Canton and for assistance to overthrow the ruinous rule of the warlords.
US and UK prefered to support the warlords and Yuan Shi Kai the new emperor pretender whom they could manipulate to support their own sinister agenda of controlling China behind the curtain. This caused the collapse of the early Republic.
After the death of Yuan Shi Kai in June 1916, China was thrown into complete choas for the next ten years when competing warlords strived for power and control. It was total anarchy for China.
SunYat Sen again appealed to the West for aid to end China's misery. Again he was rebuffed by Britain and the United States. They feared that Sun Yat Sen might achieve the formation of a strong and nationalist China in which they could no longer exploit. The western powers feared a strong united China under Sun Yat Sen might demand the return of all Chinese lands and territories which they had grabbed earlier from a weak China under Qin's rule.
Also they feared a strong China would abolish western imposed concessions, fortified extra-territorial rights and tariffs imposed on China to prevent Chinese competition and China's rights to impose duties on western products.
The warlords were traitors who liked the western Concessions which gave them sanctuary at every adverse turn of the political wheel. At the Concessions they could invest their spoils or loot in safety under the protection of the foreign powers' law. From the concessions they could continue their nefarious activities to plot for their return to power safe from the arrest or interference of the Central Republic Government of Dr. Sun Yat Sen.
Most of the KMT republican politicians were corrupt and their mouthing of slogans for revolution against the Qin's rule were just a travesty of the revolution as they aimed for their personal enrichment, aggrandizement and despotic power.
Western democracy was perceived as a sham and Chinese revolutionaries cast it aside. In 1921, Sun Yat Sen met a Russian representative in Shanghai and agreed with some principles of communism. Dr. Sun renamed his republican party as Kuomintang ( KMT ) or Nationalist Party. There was still no alliance between KMT and the Chinese communist party.
Dr. Sun Yat Sen was a non-partisan between the Kuomintang and the Chinese Communist Party. All he wanted was to unite all Chinese as a united front to build up China as a strong respected and dignified country which will never be bullied and humiliated by foreign powers again. Therefore he welcomed Chinese communists to join the KMT as individual members.
He reorganized the KMT along the lines of the Russian communist party with political commissars and strict discipline. The KMT therefore turned away from western democracy.
It was unfortunate that Dr. Sun died early in 1925 before he could see to fruition his dream of forming a strong united China. After the death of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, the KMT leadership was usurped by Chiang Kai Shek.
Under Dr. Sun the KMT had recognized that all the evils and troubles which China suffered were due to the unequal treaties and western imperialism.
Chiang Kai Shek betrayed the ideals of Dr. Sun Yat Sen.
The KMT was not a communist party but Dr. Sun had welcomed capable communist leaders into the party to help to run the country. Chiang Kai Shek who was of mediocre intellect subsequently came under strong American influence. He soon betrayed Dr Sun ideal for a united front and under Strong American influence he turned against the Chinese communists. Chiang Kai Shek had asserted full authoritarian and dictatorial power in the KMT. In his quest for dictatorial power he had trampled on Dr. Sun's three principles for China's national development via ( 1) recovery of sovereign rights - abolish foreign concessions and extra-territorial rights ( 2 ) Socialism - reform the land system and introduction of the rule of law and ( 3 ) People's livelihood - Every Chinese is assured of employment and a just salary for livelihood. All these were not fulfilled. It led to great national discontent and the rise of the more competent and patriotic Chinese communists.
What happened afterwards, can be found in PART THREE , which will be published tomorrow, 30-06-2020
Monday, 29th June, 2020
GE2020 - Things that need to be stopped - by SSO
1. There must be a limit to the population this island can hold, not 6.9m or 10m, at least not in the near future. Maybe in another 20 years or more if the environment and technology permit this to grow.
China led by the CCP is glorious, rich and powerful. Every Chinese worth his salt must be proud of it.
Prologue -- Background Story
What led to the founding of the Chinese Communist Party?
The European countries like England, France, Germany, Russia, Spain, Portugal, Holland and America and Japan that invaded China from the 1830s to 1940s had brought long streaks of pain, suffering, agony and disasters to China and the Chinese people with the resulting lost of pride, honour, self-respect and dignity had influenced great Chinese patriots to found the Chinese Communist Party to save China and the Chinese people from foreign aggression and to regain back its sovereignty and dignity.
The road to the founding of the Chinese Communist Party was long, tedious, dangerous and involved great personal selfless sacrifice to the founding leaders and their followers.
The barbaric West headed by the Evil Empire USA, should stop talking nonsense about the legitimacy of modern China led by the CCP. China is now rich and powerful and this is because it is led by the CCP. The Chinese Communist Party is the precious blood, the saviour and saving star of China and all Chinese people. In the beginning of Chinese history, China is The Yellow Emperor, in Qin Shi Huangdi's time, China is Qin Shi Huangdi, in emperor Han Wu Ti's time China is the Han Dynasty, in the Ming Dynasty time China is the Ming Dynasty and in this modern time China is CCP and CCP is China. So the West headed by the United States should not befudge the world with their nonsense about the CCP and China. CCP and China is one and the same entity and no one can confuse the fact. The CCP is China and China is the CCP. It is because of the CCP that China and the Chinese people are able after about two hundred years of Western humiliation, to stand up again with pride, self-respect and dignity as declared by Chairman Mao Tse-tung in Beijing on 1st October, 1949. That rapturous joy of happiness of 1st October, 1949 in Beijing is still resounding in all Chinese hearts and minds and the Chinese people are now even more determined to confront and defeat all USA aggressions and hegemony and ensure that China and the Chinese people will never be bullied and humbled again.
It is said among the Chinese that whenever China faces mortal danger many Chinese patriotic leaders will mysteriously appear from all corners of China to lead, fight and save the Chinese nation. The Taiping rebellion in the 1850s to 1860s would have overthrown the Qin Dynasty had it not been for the treachery of Britain and other Western powers including the United States which helped the Qin Dynasty to cling on to power for the next sixty years until 1911 when it was finally overthrown by Dr. Sun Yat Sen who founded the Republic of China.
From the 1830s to 1860s England imposed the Opium Wars on China so as to force China to accept payments in opium for goods they bought from China and reversely to force China to pay to England and the western powers in pure Chinese silver dollars for the opium they unloaded on China. France, Germany, America, Russia and Japan joined England to attack and invade China. When China lost the wars each of the invading countries imposed heavy war indemnities on China to the tune of a few hundred million Chinese silver or gold dollars. This indemnities greatly impoverished China and China was still paying the indemnities until October,1949 when Mao's Communist China stopped the illegal payments.
The Western countries and Japan kept on supporting the dying Qin Dynasty because it was weak and could be easily manipulated to suit their own agenda of reaping benefits in extra-territorial rights and territorial concessions.
Dr. Sun Yat Sen Republic power center was in Canton, Southern China. Meanwhile with the downfall of the Qin Dynasty many of the former Qin army generals became little despots and warlords who fought for control of the many provinces in Central and Northern China. The most notorious warlords were Wu Pei-fu, Chang Tso-lin, Feng Yu Hsiang , Sun Chuan-fang and Yen Hsi-shan. In November,1923 Dr. Sun had created a military college in Canton to train army generals. He had earlier in August, sent a junior general, Chiang Kai Shek to Moscow for training. When Chiang Kai Shek returned from Moscow he was made the commander of the Whampoa military college. Dr. Sun Yat Sen had for the good of China included the Chinese communists in his government and in the Whampoa military academy. He tried to persuade the nationalist Kuomintang ( KMT ) and the Chinese communist to work together to form a national front to liberate central and northern China from the warlords and to eventually drive out the occupying western powers and Japan from China in pursuit of Chinese sovereignty.
Yuan Shi Kai the last commander in chief of the Qin Dynasty was persuaded to join the cause of the Republic. He promised to throw in his lot with the Republic only if he was made the president of the Chinese Republic. For the sake of unity and the Republic Dr. Sun Yat Sen gave up his presidency in favour of Yuan Shi Kai.
Dr. Sun's Republican cause was not supported by Western countries, Russia or Japan. He had appealed to UK, US and other western countries for help to develop China. But he was rebuffed by the western powers who prefered to deal with the warlords who can be pliant and easily manipulated by the western powers for their own agenda and benefits. They feared a strong resurgent republican China would threaten their established privileges and colonial possessions of the Western powers in the Far East.
For Japan the rise of a strong republican China would banish forever the Japanese dream of establishing a continental empire in Asia. Russia too would not welcome a strong united republic China which is bound to settle accounts with Russia's illegal occupation of large swathes of Chinese territories from Lake Baikal to the Maritime Province in the Pacific coast. The Russian city of Vladivostok in the Pacific coast was formerly a Chinese city by the original name of Haishenwei. Russia grabbed the Chinese maritime province together with Haishenwei from the Chinese in 1885.
The dying Qin empire was surrounded with many western foes inclusive of Japan and the United States, all anxious to profit from its demise. Thus the new found Chinese Republic of Dr. Sun Yat Sen was encircled with enemies determined to strangle it at birth.
The Republic under Yuan Shi Kai's presidency was infested with extreme corruption. The topsy-turvy in the republic gave Yuan Shi Kai a chance to found his new dynasty. He tried to garner the support of the western powers and Japan who were alarmed at the decline of order and the evident incapacity of the republicans.
Yuan Shi Kai betrayed the Republicans.
Yuan secured a large loan from the European powers without the consent of parliament. He either exiled or assassinated the few capable republicans so as to make way for him to proclaim himself as the emperor-elect of a new dynasty.
During the First World War 1914 - 1918, Japan was an ally of UK,France and US against Germany. Japan treacherously presented Twenty-One Demands on May 4th, 1915 to the Chinese Republic. If these demands were accepted China would deem to be placed under a virtual Japanese protectorate and extinguished her independence. Yuan Shi Kai accepted some of the demands. The Chinese people were shocked and were roused to real alarm and indignation.
The Chinese masses were awakened.
Yuan Shi Kai's plan to found his new dynasty was routed when on Christmas Day, 1915, the commander of the republic forces in the province of Yunnan rose in revolt and denounced Yuan Shi Kai the new emperor pretender. Soon all other commanders joined the revolt. Yuan Shi Kai had lost all support from the army and so he dropped all his plans for his emperor inauguration in March, 1916. He died in June 1916 forlorn and disgraced.
Under Yuan Shi Kai the young republic was filled with extreme corruption. Members of parliament were nothing but selfish, self-seeking careerists who sought for self-aggrandizement and personal fortune. The Chinese people saw through the corruption of Western Democracy. In the name of parliament they had seen gross and shameless corruption. In the name of democracy they had seen nothing but weak and bad government, military usurpation, violation of law, every kind of oppression and national decline. Chen Tu-hsiu a professor at Peita University and one of the founding members of the Chinese Communist Party had by mid 1920, completely lost faith with Western democracy as he observed that "Western democracy was no more than a tool used by the bourgeoisie to swindle mankind in order to maintain political power."
By the end of the second decade 1920-1930 of the 20th century the Chinese people were completely disillusioned with Western Democracy. The Chinese felt Western Democracy was not the solution to Chinese society. It was tacitly abandoned by the revolutionary element of the Chinese Communist Party.
During the First World War the Chinese observed the visceral behaviour of the west with disgust and western prestige was greatly shaken and despised. The western powers had bullied the corrupt and powerless Peking government into declaring war on Germany so that the allied powers might seize the German assets in China and the German ships in Chinese ports. This affair made a very bad impression on the Chinese.
Treachery of the West and Japan on China.
After the war the allied powers handed over the Shantung province to Japan. China an ally was to be robbed off for the benefit of Japan. This indecent treatment aroused in China a tremendous fiery storm of nationalist feeling in 4th May,1919. It forced the Chinese delegation led by Wellington Khoo at Versailles, France not to sign the treaty. The republican government had acted in dignified self-assertion due entirely to the unofficial forces of the outraged patriotism of the students and the demands of the entire country.
What happened afterwards will appear in PART TWO which will be published tomorrow, , 29-06-2020
Sunday, 28th June, 2020
GE2020 - The power of an image

Netizens call for Ho Ching to join politics after Lee Hsien Yang joins the PSP
Netizens call for Ho Ching to join politics after Lee Hsien Yang joins the PSP
'After Lee Hsien Yang, the brother of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, joined Dr Tan Cheng Bock’s Progress Singapore Party (PSP), netizens called for Ho Ching to join the political scene as well.
Dr Tan announced the younger Mr Lee’s membership on Wednesday morning (Jun 24) after having breakfast with him at Tiong Bahru Market.
“I have great pleasure in giving this (Progress Singapore Party) membership card to Lee Hsien Yang,” said Dr Tan, adding that Mr Lee joined “some time ago, but we couldn’t communicate this”....
In the comments on social media, netizens called for Ho Ching, the Chief Executive Officer of Temasek Holdings Pte Ltd and PM Lee’s wife, to join politics as well.'
Here are the calls by netizens as quoted from www.theindependent.sg.