
White Men's Pathological Psyche of Hatred Against Non-whites

White men's psyche of their superiority above all non-white people and and hatred and beastly instinct to kill and destroy non-white people are historically inherent and pathological in nature. We witness this in their killings and genocide of native tribes everywhere on earth in the Americas, Australia, Asia, Africa and New Zealand during the last four or five hundred years of their aggression, expansion and conquests.

These killings and massacres are still going on under the guise of protecting democracy and human rights. USA and its Western allies have no qualms in killing millions of muslim Arabs in Middle East and others in Afghanistan, Africa, Central and Latin America through mass bombings and economic sanctions. This is part of their diabolical programme of reducing world population of seven billion to two or three billion by killing non-white people.Other methods of reducing non-white people are by chemical and biological means to cause diseases and infertility .

To galvanize their brutal patholoogical behaviour they formulate evil militant religious doctrines to  give psychological religious support to their evil deeds of killings, massacres and genocides.

They will not allow others to rise up and be equal or better than them and should there be any sign of other non-white countries coming up in wealth, status and power they will find it discreet to first discredit them with all kinds of vituperative and hate propaganda. Then as a last resort of their desperation they will create opportunistic insidious incidents to start a war to take down the country or countries which they think is getting strong or powerful enough to post them a challenge. We see this now in USA and its Western allies aggresssive warlike behaviour in the Middle East. Africa, Korea, East Asia, The South China Sea periphery and Venezuela in South America.

USA and its Western allies and Japan have in the last few years or decade been lambasting China with vitriol language and stirring up a lot of shit and hatred against China and the Chinese people . It seems it is in their hereditary traits to hate the Chinese. They despise and hate the Chinese when the Chinese people were down and out. Now when China and the Chinese people have arisen like the phoenix from the ashes and is strong, rich and powerful they have become envious and hate the Chinese all the same for coming around with great achiements and success.

What do these pathological barbarians really want from the Chinese. Or are they just chronically insane and cannot fathom Chinese rise with extreme jealousy and pathological psyche of hate.

America's trade dispute with China has deeper hidden agenda. It is part of USA 's plan to bring down China.USA frequent hostile bellicose provocative military activities around China's coast and South China Sea is all too clear that it intends to start a war with China so as to constrain China's rise and peaceful development.

USA is fabricating a lot of lies and hatred against China throughout the world and especially in Asia to con others to ally with them against China . This could possibly b e a preamble to justify its clandestines activities around China's long coast line and the South China Sea. It is a prelude as their usual traditional practice of aggressive inroads into victimise countries to creating an opportunistic insidious incident for starting a war against China.

However, bear in mind that in the past US, UK, France, Germany, Russia, Holland, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Japan got away scott free when they attacked, invaded and dismembered China  in the Opium Wars of 1830s to 1850s and in 1900s to 1940s when China was weak and prostrated. Moreover when China lost the fight in these wars , China was forced to pay a heavy punishing war indemnity of a few hundred million silver dollars to each and every one of the invaders as imposed by them. These war indemnities impoverished China for more than a century and served to weaken China further.

Today the scenario is different. China is now rich, strong and powerful and with all the Chinese people united strongly and cohesively behind the government, no country which tries to trifle with China will hope to escape unscathed. If USA or any Western country or Japan again think of starting an aggressive war with China or Russia they must be out of their mind. They should seek psychiatric treatment because a war with China or Russia will have no victors. Everyone will perish in a holocaust of an all out total nuclear war. Let's hope the dotard Trump and all American war hawks in Congress and the Pentagon and the Zionist Rothschild Illuminati cabal will have some senses and wake up to the dire consequence of an all out nuclear war.

China will never start a war or attack others first.  China will also not run away from a war impose on her but will see that the aggressor is justly destroyed. Hope there will be peace on earth.


Friday,29th June, 2018

Mahathir is doing Singapore a big favour

The recent talks that Mahathir is back to his old self by raising the issue of the water agreement with Singapore has received many comments from the Singapore leaders. And the response has not been kind and complimentary.  This old dog is insane and running out of tricks. So he is going to give Singapore some hard time on the fate of the water agreement. There may not be another water agreement if Mahathir has his way. He is going to dictate his terms, like $100 per thousand gallons instead of 3 Malaysian cents. With the current exchange rate, the 3c looks even more ridiculous.

Look at it from another angle, Mahathir is actually doing Singaporeans a big favour. Mahathir has reminded Singapore that it should not take the water agreement for granted. Malaysia may just not want to renew the water agreement when it expires without breaching any contractual agreements. And what can Singapore do about it? More desalination plants? How many more and what would be the cost of water if more and more desalination plants are built?

Mahathir is in a way telling the reckless and irresponsible people to rethink about increasing the population to 7m, 10m or 15m or more. Can Singapore go on recklessly increasing its population without taking into consideration the supply of water and other essential services like power and electricity and food, housing and transportation?

The planning premises, that there would always be enough water, with Malaysia supplying a big portion of Singapore's increasing demand for water because it is crazy enough to want to bring in more and more people to inflate the economy for no better reasons, are dicey and precarious. Singapore cannot afford to madly increase its population without solving the water supply problem. Period.

Thank you Mahathir, for waking the daft from their stupor and building castles in the air, that everything is fine, there will always be enough water coming from Malaysia.

Maybe Singapore can think of building a reservoir in the sky, like cloud computing.  That would be an innovative way of solving all our water supply problems.

What do you think?


Invasion Day

"Even Australia Day, the national day of the country, is set to commemorate the arrival of the first fleet of British ships at a Sydney port on January 26, 1788, which marks the beginning of Europe's immigration to Australia.

But the white Australians seemed to have overlooked one thing - for indigenous Australians, the day also marks the beginning of an 'invasion'."

Anonymous posted this comment. The British and the other European colonial empires called the day they invaded a country as the Founding Day or National Day or Thanks Giving Day.  Christopher Columbus landed in America and called himself the founder of North America and that day is now celebrated unashamingly as Thanks Giving Day by the white European Americans. The native Americans called it a day of invasion and condemned that day. For on that day the Europeans invaded their land, killed them and took away their land. This is the same as in Australia and other European occupied countries like Canada and New Zealand and many others.

Singapore also has such a day that the stupid happily celebrated as the founding of Singapore by Stanford Raffles. In truth it was the day that the British colonialist invaded the island and claimed it as their own.

Would Singapore and all the countries that were invaded by the colonialists marked that day as the Day of Invasion by the colonialists? 200 years ago on that day Stanford Raffles came. This year Singapore govt is going to celebrate that day in a big way, as the day Singapore was founded by the British pirates or invaders.

What do you think? Should that day be celebrated like a National Day, Independence Day or Invasion Day? Malaysia, India and so many Asian and African countries, would they think about the real significance and meaning of their respective 'founding day' and called it as it really was, Invasion Day?


Trump: Immigrants are ‘invaders’

Can you believe it? Trump, a descendant of white Europeans that illegally entered North America, robbed the land from the natives, invaded their land, killed most of them, and he said with a blank face that immigrants are ‘invaders’! Is he suffering from dementia, or is he pretending to be an idiot? Did he know how the illegal European immigrants invaded the Americas and usurped the rights of the American natives? He is a descendant of illegal immigrants that invaded America. All the white men were descendants of invaders, except the new migrants.

Trump said, and the western media eg Reuters, proudly quoted him, “We cannot allow all of these people to invade our Country. When somebody comes in, we must immediately, with no Judges or Court Cases, bring them back from where they came.” Trump should reactivate the Ku Klux Klan to do the necessary. Does anyone know how foolish Trump and his gang of invaders were to point the finger at the immigrants and calling them illegal immigrants, invaders? Several of the southern USA states were seized from the Mexicans and annexed into the USA.

Singapore has a different story to tell about immigrants. In Singapore, immigrants are not invaders. They are invited in as talents and quickly given citizenship, to take over the country legally. The original Singaporeans are now a minority and soon would end up like the Red Indians, exiled into the reservations while the legal immigrants would take over and reside in the choice part of the country. And if this process goes on, many of the original Singaporeans would end up in other countries if they able to while the not so able would end up in Batam and Bintang and Johore.

Immigrants are invaders! Not in Singapore. In Singapore, immigrants are taking over the island legally, not invaders, without any protest from the sheep, the daft that did not know what is happening to their country and their rights to their country, and still blindly doing NS to defend a country being given away to the immigrants.

Thank you Trump, for saying this, “Immigrants are ‘invaders’” Hopefully the daft and the sheeple understand what Trump is saying and wake up before it is too late.


A short impromptu discourse about Capitalism and Communism

Communism as we know is the struggle of the proletariats or working class against the exploitative nature of the elitist Capitalists. Communism is an economic cum political philosophy about the class struggles to put an end to class society and capitalism and the triumph of the proletariats over the bourgeoisie capitalists.

The ugly head of western capitalism has been so widespread and destructive that it caused countless wars and revolutions against capitalism and  result in the creation of the economic and political philosophy of communism of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.

Capitalism is the unconscionable exploitation of the large majority of the working class population by the small elitist minority of the rich bourgeoisie capitalists. This is what happened in Europe and America in the industrial revolution of the 19th Century when workers were extremely exploited by the industrial capitalists and made to work long hours like slaves and animals with very meager salary and low income. The working class were made to suffer terribly hard with no recourse to justice.

That sort of selfish and immoral toxic extreme capitalism has now resurfaced in America and Europe and in many non-white capitalist countries which were once former white governed colonial territories.

Capitalists who are fair and have conscience and who  treat their workers and society well with respect and justice should not fear communism. Communism is just an economic and political philosophy born out of the inhuman exploitation of the proletariats or working class people by the heartless capitalists, the bourgeoisies.

In fact the Christians should be proud that Jesus was the first communist in this world . Jesus economic philosophy and that of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels communism subscribe to to the same belief that to have a fair and equitable society , "Everyone must contribute to the common pool according to their abilities and receive according to their needs." Of course due to the weakness and the selfishness of human nature communism philosophy must be tweaked to find the mid-way practice for the good of mankind. And this mean or middle path comes in the form of socialism.

All socialist governments must ensure that capitalists will no more have the liberty to exercise mass cruel exploitation of the working class people , the proletariats and that the proletariats must also discharge their duties and obligations responsibly for the common good of society..

Of course the society at large must be alert and prevent the governing authority from sliding into assuming the mantle of the cruel capitalists. We are already seeing this happening in America , Europe and some ASEAN countries where the elected governing officials are avariciously paying themselves out of the ordinary with sinful astronomical salaries while the people at large are made to suffer with low income and further burdened with all kinds of illogical direct and indirect high taxes and various ponzi schemes to hijack their savings. In fact these new class of governing officials are worst than the old capitalists for they just grab whatever money they want without any of their own economic output and contribution and justified it with enactment of laws favourable to their illicit behaviour. If that goes on persistently society will flounder and turmoil and instability will definitely arise. It seems a new kind of capitalism has sprouted. It is the group or herd instinct capitalist dictatorship in which many faceless pseudo capitalists join forces under the banner of a party to fool society under the guise that they are part of the democracy system.

The citizens of the world must be awakened and rise up again to take down all kinds of evil dictatorship that are against the interest and welfare of the proletariats or working class .


Tuesday,26th June, 2018