
Trump: Immigrants are ‘invaders’

Can you believe it? Trump, a descendant of white Europeans that illegally entered North America, robbed the land from the natives, invaded their land, killed most of them, and he said with a blank face that immigrants are ‘invaders’! Is he suffering from dementia, or is he pretending to be an idiot? Did he know how the illegal European immigrants invaded the Americas and usurped the rights of the American natives? He is a descendant of illegal immigrants that invaded America. All the white men were descendants of invaders, except the new migrants.

Trump said, and the western media eg Reuters, proudly quoted him, “We cannot allow all of these people to invade our Country. When somebody comes in, we must immediately, with no Judges or Court Cases, bring them back from where they came.” Trump should reactivate the Ku Klux Klan to do the necessary. Does anyone know how foolish Trump and his gang of invaders were to point the finger at the immigrants and calling them illegal immigrants, invaders? Several of the southern USA states were seized from the Mexicans and annexed into the USA.

Singapore has a different story to tell about immigrants. In Singapore, immigrants are not invaders. They are invited in as talents and quickly given citizenship, to take over the country legally. The original Singaporeans are now a minority and soon would end up like the Red Indians, exiled into the reservations while the legal immigrants would take over and reside in the choice part of the country. And if this process goes on, many of the original Singaporeans would end up in other countries if they able to while the not so able would end up in Batam and Bintang and Johore.

Immigrants are invaders! Not in Singapore. In Singapore, immigrants are taking over the island legally, not invaders, without any protest from the sheep, the daft that did not know what is happening to their country and their rights to their country, and still blindly doing NS to defend a country being given away to the immigrants.

Thank you Trump, for saying this, “Immigrants are ‘invaders’” Hopefully the daft and the sheeple understand what Trump is saying and wake up before it is too late.


A short impromptu discourse about Capitalism and Communism

Communism as we know is the struggle of the proletariats or working class against the exploitative nature of the elitist Capitalists. Communism is an economic cum political philosophy about the class struggles to put an end to class society and capitalism and the triumph of the proletariats over the bourgeoisie capitalists.

The ugly head of western capitalism has been so widespread and destructive that it caused countless wars and revolutions against capitalism and  result in the creation of the economic and political philosophy of communism of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.

Capitalism is the unconscionable exploitation of the large majority of the working class population by the small elitist minority of the rich bourgeoisie capitalists. This is what happened in Europe and America in the industrial revolution of the 19th Century when workers were extremely exploited by the industrial capitalists and made to work long hours like slaves and animals with very meager salary and low income. The working class were made to suffer terribly hard with no recourse to justice.

That sort of selfish and immoral toxic extreme capitalism has now resurfaced in America and Europe and in many non-white capitalist countries which were once former white governed colonial territories.

Capitalists who are fair and have conscience and who  treat their workers and society well with respect and justice should not fear communism. Communism is just an economic and political philosophy born out of the inhuman exploitation of the proletariats or working class people by the heartless capitalists, the bourgeoisies.

In fact the Christians should be proud that Jesus was the first communist in this world . Jesus economic philosophy and that of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels communism subscribe to to the same belief that to have a fair and equitable society , "Everyone must contribute to the common pool according to their abilities and receive according to their needs." Of course due to the weakness and the selfishness of human nature communism philosophy must be tweaked to find the mid-way practice for the good of mankind. And this mean or middle path comes in the form of socialism.

All socialist governments must ensure that capitalists will no more have the liberty to exercise mass cruel exploitation of the working class people , the proletariats and that the proletariats must also discharge their duties and obligations responsibly for the common good of society..

Of course the society at large must be alert and prevent the governing authority from sliding into assuming the mantle of the cruel capitalists. We are already seeing this happening in America , Europe and some ASEAN countries where the elected governing officials are avariciously paying themselves out of the ordinary with sinful astronomical salaries while the people at large are made to suffer with low income and further burdened with all kinds of illogical direct and indirect high taxes and various ponzi schemes to hijack their savings. In fact these new class of governing officials are worst than the old capitalists for they just grab whatever money they want without any of their own economic output and contribution and justified it with enactment of laws favourable to their illicit behaviour. If that goes on persistently society will flounder and turmoil and instability will definitely arise. It seems a new kind of capitalism has sprouted. It is the group or herd instinct capitalist dictatorship in which many faceless pseudo capitalists join forces under the banner of a party to fool society under the guise that they are part of the democracy system.

The citizens of the world must be awakened and rise up again to take down all kinds of evil dictatorship that are against the interest and welfare of the proletariats or working class .


Tuesday,26th June, 2018

The indignity of being overpaid in million dollar salaries

There was a time when earning a million dollar salary was something to be proud of. Oops, actually it is still something to be proud of anytime and anywhere if one can earn such money as salary. And it is also right to say that dignity comes with such a salary.  But a high salary is not necessarily equated with dignity. Donald Trump, the President of USA gets a US$1 salary a year as a token. Is his dignity diminished or lesser than those who earned more then him? Nay. Xi Jinping, the President of PRC earns less than $30,000 a year. Anyone earning more than him would dare to claim that he has bigger dignity than Xi or Trump? Nay.

Dignity is not the money you are earning, but the value or worth of the person, what is he contributing, able to contribute to country, organisation or society. The indignity part comes when one is earning ridiculous salary and contributing nothing.  

The million dollar, oops, multi million dollar salaries of Singapore's politicians is becoming a joke and the talk in town. No one has anything good to say about this indiscretionary abuse of public money to pay such humongous salary that it is becoming so glaringly clear that it is not right. People who are being paid in the millions but are seen to be contributing nothing or contributing foolishly with silly ideas would never have the dignity associated with the million dollar salary. What they have is indignity and disdain. Instead of the awe and respect they should be receiving, people would be shaking their heads in disbelief when they appeared. And many smug and unceremoniously remarks would be uttered at the indignity of such million dollar salary recipients. They have become walking exhibits of ridiculous and pompous duds. There is no dignity.

Below are a few of the remarks copied from comments in the TRE in an article posted by Phillip Ang on ministerial salary. This is what some people are saying and ridiculing the ministers for the million dollar salary that no longer makes sense and deemed inappropriate and senseless. What dignity can one talk about when the reverse is the reality? I could have copied more of the unsavoury and spicy comments about the indignity of being paid multi million dollar salary when one is undeserving.


FOR A LONG LONG TIME IMMEMORIAL, Ministerial pay was a SCAM – benchmarked to top private sector earners. The top private sector earners are a ROTATING POOL including businessmen or CEO’s of privately-owned business who have built their family business for decades.
IT IS A SURE-WIN BET of no risks and WORST STILL NO PERFORMANCE relevance. In private sector, if no performance, your family business KAPUT.
So how can ministerial pay be benchmarked to private sector earnings of any descript? It is RIDICULOUS TO ABSURDITY.

John Richards:

And I don’t understand why our multi-millionaire Ministers need to be paid hefty and ridiculous bonuses. Bonuses should be scrapped for Ministers. It’s merely a way to enrich themselves while leaving us clueless as to how much they are actually paid per year.


If we count the total package as is always done in hr, it will not be just $1.1m. It’s not just the ministers but also board chairmen and perm secs. What exactly are their contributions or failed performances for the amounts they make ? Being a leader in the team that cannot solve transport woes ? Being the chairman of a losing sovereign fund ? Or being a board director who failed in oversight of corruption ?


even in PRIVATE SECTOR, a guy running a big bank such as JP MORGAN would logically be paid much more than a bloke running a smallish outfit by and large.
are the PAP folks telling us and the whole world that RUNNING SG is manifolds harder than for the POTUS to run THE MIGHTY USA or that IT IS EASIER for xi jin ping to govern CHINA?
perhaps the PM should compare his pay to that of the PM of PAPUA NEW GUINEA???


What Kim Jong Un must not learn from Singapore

Yahoo News reported that North Korea has produced a film about the Kim Trump Summit and also how impressed Kim was of Singapore and wanted to learn from Singapore. "But this film lavished praise on prosperous, capitalist Singapore, lauding the "clean, beautiful and advanced" nation and suggesting it had lessons to offer.
"Our comrade supreme leader said he is eager to learn the excellent knowledge and experiences in various fields from your country," the state media presenter cited Kim as telling Singapore officials."

Indeed any developing country's leaders would be impressed with the infrastructure of Singapore and its development and wanted to learn from Singapore. Only those that are impossible to teach or already chose not to learn from Singapore would stubbornly refused to learn from Singapore. But before any country plunged blindly into the mind trap of learning from Singapore, they must be very clear what they want to learn, the good stuff and not the bad stuff.

Among the things that Kim must not from Singapore are the things that China also refused to learn from Singapore. Perhaps it would be better for Kim to have a chat with Xi Jinping first and learn what he should not learn from Singapore.

I would suggest the following things that Kim should avoid with a ten foot pole.
1. Do not pay their govt officials out of this world salaries to become instant millionaires. North Korea has no fear of any govt official becoming corrupt even if corruption is in the blood, They have effectively killed this notion among North Korean officials without the need to pay them crazily.
2. Do not dip into the people's life savings.
3. Do not blindly enhance the asset value of properties. This is a vicious cycle that can only lead to eventual self destruct. In other words, do not allow property prices to runaway uncontrolled.
4. Do not bring in foreigners excessively to take over the country and jobs of the Korean people.
5.Please add on....

Kim must also remember not to lose his country to foreigners or give up his country to foreigners when foreigners become Koreans with Korean citizenship and take over his country.


North Korea - The white lies would not show you these pictures

Real pix of DPRK:


Above two pics were from english.hani and aljazeera. There are more pics of North Korea in the mirror.co.uk link. These are the pictures that the west have refused to show to the world but old pictures of poor and underdeveloped North Korea of the past and lying to the world that North Korea is suffering from abject poverty, famine, food shortages etc etc. The reality is quite stark.

Stop listening to white lies and become slaves of their disinformation. Find your own truth. The above city infrastructure could not be built overnight and did not reassemble any third world poverty stricken cities like in South Asia and South east Asia.