
Peace in Korea-Far East Far From Certain.

Peace in Korea - Far East is far from certain. It all depends on the whims of the Evil Empire. It is too early and too naive to call Trump's meeting with Kim Jun Un as a "Mission of Peace" . We don't really know the Evil Empire's hidden agenda. From the American historical perspectives it is not very encouraging for no American president and no American government can ever be trusted. This we learn from the native American Indians who like to warn us that 'white men speak with fork tongues',  the Mexicans , the South Americans and the Hawaiians who always have had raw deals from US inspite of peace talks and signing of peace treaties as well as American very hawkish and aggressive behaviour since the end of the Second World War in 1945.

Wrapping up the Korean ordeal is a temporary expedient for the Americans who may be preparing for a darker scenario  on the horizon. The Evil Empire wild talk at the recent Shangrila Dialogue of stepping up provocative actions in the South China Sea and of taking out Chinese defensive facilities in Chinese own sovereign territories are war drums loud and clear and do not bode well for Asia and the Far East and for the whole world.

Are the Americans trying to achieve a temporary respite of peace in Korea in order to create a larger and more vicious conflict in the South China Sea and East China Sea periphery. US defence secretary Matthis said on 2nd June, 2018 at the Shangrila Dialogue " The issue of US withdrawing its troops from South Korea is not on the table." and " US will intensify more actions in the South China Sea." Then its commander of the Pacific 7th Fleet threatened to take out Chinese defence facilities in Chinese sovereign islands. Of course China is prepared to complement whatever actions the Evil Empire may take.

The whole idea of denuclearisation of Korea is to achieve genuine everlasting peace in Korea and the Far East inclusive of South East Asia and the South China Sea region. However if US continues to maintain troops and military bases in South Korea, Japan, Guam, the Marshall Islands, the Philippines and Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean inspite of denuclearisation of Norfth Korea and the signing of a peace treaty officially ending the Korean War then there is a breach of trust and thus arousing a suspicion of US hidden agenda of wanting to create hot spots in other parts of the Far East namely the South China Sea and East China Sea. Thus in so far as US continues its provocative actions and words it will lend credence to the suspicion.

China has every right to build defensive installation in her own territories. Any objection by US and its allies is just outrageous interference in China's internal affairs. Instead US should close down and dismantle all its worldwide military bases to show its sincerity in wanting world peace and not for threatening others with aggression and world hegemony.


Monday,11th June,2018

Now showing – The Hustler and the Kid

The Hustler and the Kid is being premier at The Capella in Sentosa to a world audience. This is a one day only premier and either you are here or you will miss it completely. The reporters of the world have descended onto this island city to give it an international coverage that would rival any Hollywood movie ever screened.

The Hustler as he is has been talking non stop about how he is going to hustle the Kid. He has threatened the Kid with more sanctions and even to walk out after one minute in the show if he is not happy with the Kid. And the Hustler is being assisted by the Devil. The Devil is everywhere, flirting from Tokyo to Washington like a daily affair. And the Devil appears to have his own agenda, wanting to have a say in the Show and wanting to have an outcome of his own. The Devil thinks the Hustler does not have a mind of his own and wanting his will to superimpose on the Hustler. Would the Hustler do the bidding of the Devil?

The Kid has been smiling all the while. He is in a world of his own as if without a care. And he is accompanied by his charming kid sister to make sure all the pieces are in place. Other than saying he will agree to the demands of the Hustler, the Kid is not showing any of his cards. For the moment the Hustler thinks he is calling the shot and the Kid has no cards to play.

The host as usual will play his role as a gracious host, serving coffee/tea and tarts to make sure both the Hustler and the Kid are comfortable in their own corners. High stakes are involved and the highest security regiments are in placed to allow the Hustler and the Kid to be at their very best in this game of intrigue.
What will be the outcome of this showdown between an unpredictable Hustler popularly known as the Dotard and an unknown Kid aka The Rocket Man? The Show will be on 12 Jun and everything will be over by lunch time with the Hustler and the Kid leaving town and going separate ways.

Would there be a happy ending or mores suspense with a second episode in the near future?

The North Korea that the western media would not tell you

This is a picture posted by Vivian Balakrishnan in his facebook. It is no different from the buildings in a developed and well organised country. It is definitely not a third world developing country with slums and poverty everywhere. It is not the often repeated abject poverty country that the western media want the world to believe, deceiving the world to believe. This is a picture of North Korea that you would not see or reported by the western media. The western media would showed you some corners of the countryside or some ancient photos of an impoverished North Korea after the days of carpet bombing and destruction by the evil American Empire. The Americans and the western media have been lying to the world and to all their readers of a North Korea suffering from abject poverty and famine and hungry people dying on the streets.

Vivian would not lie and this is a recent photo taken a few days ago during his visit to North Korea. The buildings cannot be built overnight nor are they a mirage or fabricated from Lego bricks. Listen to what Vivian has to say as reported in Channel News Asia.

In Pyongyang, he witnessed a clean and beautiful city with ongoing construction for modern commercial and residential buildings. He also saw an eye hospital with the latest medical equipment, he told reporters.
“To be frank with you, I come back very impressed,” Dr Balakrishnan said to Singapore media on Saturday in Beijing, where he made a brief stopover after flying from Pyongyang in the morning.

“Frankly, my views have also altered based on what I saw, heard, and (after I had) spoken to people,” he said, sharing his reflections on North Korea. “Clearly, the government has been hard at work all these decades to upgrade their infrastructure."

Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/i-come-back-very-impressed-vivian-balakrishnan-on-trip-to-north-10413538

It is understandable that his views are changing as he was also being fed with the image of a North Korea provided by the western media that have not set foot on North Korea and with a sinister plot to paint North Korea in the worse possible. Until today you will hear many silly western supposedly scholars still chirping North Korea is suffering from extreme poverty, famine and hardship and hungry people.

“Despite these maximal sanctions, what you have is a society that has continued to invest itself and continuously trying to upgrade people and their skills and the services they provide to their citizens,” Dr Balakrishnan said. “Now, can you imagine if peace finally comes, and North Korea is allowed to open up to the world and gain access to technology, capability, skills and markets."

“I think the sky is the limit for their people," he added.

I hope the unthinking and those that swear by the western media that North Koreans are dying on the streets would open their eyes, remove the blinkers and see the new reality. If you look at the above picture, it would put many Asian and Southeast Asian countries to shame.
Unfortunately the silly bananas would not believe anything contrary to their programmed mind and would continue to insist that Vivian is lying or being shown a false picture of North Korea. What to do, there are people that simply would want to live in the world of make belief created by the western media.

Pyongyang skyline (Vivian Balakrishnan)Pyongyang skyline (Vivian Balakrishnan)


The gangsters descended from the mountains

After several decades of living off the people by their bullying threats and instilling fear in the people, the gangsters have grown very rich, and very fat, with all the money to enjoy all the good things in life. They have been splashing their ill gotten wealth to benefit themselves and their fellow gangsters and runners. Some even went on gambling spree around the world, visiting all the casinos and hoping to make quick bucks to make themselves richer.

For  a long time, they have been telling lies to the people that all is well while all the time robbing the people of their wealth. They demanded a big share of the people's income as protection money, demanded a share of their properties or else they would come down from the mountain to take more. The sheeple, oops, people, acquiesce and give the gangsters what they want to make them happy, civil and rich. And the gangsters continue to live in their high mountain resorts, with all the land and space and free mountain air. Occasionally they would walk with the people acting like their overlords, as respectable and rich gentry but really wolves in sheepskin.

Lately there is a change in the air. The gangsters seemed to be a bit confuses but still behaving like gangsters. They are demanding more from the people. Crossing the bridges would have to pay higher toll fees. Using the water from the mountain streams also got to pay more. Everything has to pay more. Perhaps the gangsters want to live better, greed is unsatiable and has no limits. Perhaps they have squandered all the money stolen from the people. Perhaps they have lost a lot of money in the casinos. They look quite desperate for money.

There is also a change in style. They are willing to descend from the high mountain to talk to the people. They want to know how the people feel about them, about what they are doing. They are showing that they are really caring and protecting the people.

But they forgot that in all aspects they are still the gangsters. They forgot that they have robbed the people of their wealth, telling the people that if they don't give them some wealth, they would resort to robbing. They forgot that they have been steling the wealth of the people and continuing to steal from the people everyday with increasing amount.

They want to hear from the people that they are still doing well, and well like by the people, that the people still trust them and that their heavy handed approach to demand more protection money is going down well with the people. They want to know that the people are happy with all the new demands for more money.

The people are trembling in fear. Not giving more to the gangsters is not an option. Telling the gangsters their grievances is also not an option as the gangsters would not listen. The only hope for the people is to talk to the gods and hoping that lightning would strike at the gangsters. In the meantime the people just pretend that everything is fine, and put on a smiling face.

The fear of the gangster is in the air. The empty promises of the gangsters are still in the air.

The gangsters would not see the wrongs and harm they have done to the people that they have robbed and beaten into fearing them, becoming hapless sheep. Gangsters will always be gangsters.


Malaysia, an excellent case study of a fatuous leader

Malaysia makes an excellent case study of a fatuous leader and a corrupt govt for all to see and to study. It is a living example of history being made in real time and all history buff and living beans should treasure this privilege to live, read and bear witness to it. This is a rare event that a fatuous leader and a corrupt govt were brought down at its peak in the abuse of power and corruption. This is not a historical event compiled by historians after every was over. It is fresh from the oven and still unfolding.

A few months before the event, a few weeks and a few days before the downfall, none of them see it coming and were intoxicating themselves with all the power, attention and stuffing money into their pockets. The wife was spending the easy money like no tomorrow and no need to account for it. Neither would they know that fortune would turn overnight and they could become criminals and being prosecuted and the likelihood that all the ill gotten gains would be taken away from them. Never would the cronies, eunuchs and fellow thieves believe that they were doing anything wrong. And the beast that was the hatchet man has gone into hiding, running away from the very law that used to protect him while he abused the law of the corrupt govt. threaten to kill the innocent.

All the years, the fatuous leader thought he was brilliant, clever and untouchable, without a clue that he was a walking idiot. And his fellow thieves did not think they were stealing the people's money and enriching themselves undeservingly. They thought they had all the power to protect themselves and their wrongdoings, their abuses of power and the stealing of the nation's and public wealth.

A good example of how silly the situation was is best described by Lim Kit Siang in an article in Yahoo News.

" “But as Khairy has now admitted, there was not even a bleat from anyone of the 730-odd Umno/BN candidates about the evil and monstrosity of the 1MDB scandal.
“Najib believed that he could get away from full accounting for the 1MDB scandal in the 14th general election, by obfuscating and virtually censoring detailed examination and debate of what the US Attorney-General Jeff Sessions had described as ‘kleptocracy at its worst’,” Lim said in a statement.
Umno leaders had staunchly defended former president Datuk Seri Najib Razak over the corruption scandal, including repeatedly backing his assertion that a RM2.6 billion deposit in his personal account was a “donation” from an unnamed Arab royal."

Notice the word, they don't even bleat a word and staunchly defended the fatuous leader over corruption scandals? And they all looked so innocent by looking the other way.  No corruption. And the fatuous leader believed he could get away from full accounting by...obfuscating and virtually censoring examination and debate.

Now they are jumping ship. They knew that they were doing all the wrong things but pretended nothing of the sort for as long as they could hang on to power. When the power was taken from them, they could see their nakedness and there was nothing to hide anymore. They knew it is game over.

We all live to see how it happened and how it is going to end.