This kind of irresponsible statements
coming from the trigger happy evil Empire is trouble to the world. China would
not budge and would put up a fight. So what do the Americans think they want to
do? This is no longer a game of chicken. China would confront the aggressive American
military head on, might with might. Once the Americans make the first move, it
is all the way, come what may.
And this cock American said
this, ‘They are taking territory or control, or declaring control of
territories that are not rightfully China’s.’ Did this cock Tillerson remember
that their forefathers invaded America, killed all the native Americans they
called Red Indians and robbed their land, now called the USA? Was the continent
of North America, inhabited by hundreds of millions of native Americans,
rightfully the land of the European Americans?
This cock thinks that China
would sit there and wait to be pushed out of their islands. China though still
trying to be diplomatic, would be sending all their military weapons and
reinforcement to the islands and hardened their defences and in waiting for the
Americans to come ashore. This is not 1492 when Columbus landed in America and
with all the weapons in hand, went about killing the poorly armed natives that
died fighting the European invaders. The
Americans must be prepared for the sinking of a few aircraft carriers if they
are mad and reckless enough to try this game again.
Tighten your seat belt for a
rough ride with the world’s Number One warmonger rattling its sabre and calling
for war. They failed to get the Aquino
govt to do the fighting, now they have removed the veil and showing their hands
behind all the tensions in the SCS. They are going to do the fighting
themselves as no Asean country would be stupid enough to want to die fighting
for the American interest. Oops, I stand corrected as there could be some silly
ones out there thinking that they could fight on the side of the Americans and
don’t mind looking like dead heroes.
SCS is not the only region
that is going to see high tension and threats of war. The Americans are also raising temperature in
Europe by sending troops and tanks to the Russian border to confront Russia.
Now, how many silly Asians still stick to their unthinking view that the
Americans are peaceful people, for world peace when they are raising tensions
and threatening wars everywhere? Oh, it is the fault of the Russians and the
Chinese, and the North Koreans, and the Iranians and the Arab countries that
the Americans have to go to wars with them, murdering Gaddafi and Saddam
Hussein like a past time.
Stupidity has no cure.