Learning a Life Of True Purpose
By Michael Heng
following Conversations with my good friend, Him, take place in real time over
social media:
“U read doctrine of christian discovery?”
“Not yet.”
“Must read. The source of european domination of afro asia n the americas . They r still trying to hold
on to the empire. Forces of history changing. Time to repay their debt of
conquest. Europe will fall to the
“BBC has good stories on Buddha, Confucius & Socrates. Talk further when
“Political Science PS 101 : )
“I read the bible many times just to know biblical truths. Even attended alpha
course. Not impressed. Only confirms bible has two sides like God has two sides,
the good side n the evil side.”
“Actually, only the Truth and others, but no sides. The pursuit &
uncovering of this Absolute Truth is what I am interested in now. Basically,
the Truth of Christ points to the other Truths as the Holy Spirit enlightens
“The truth of jesus' teaching is wat he said. 'The secrets to the kingdom of
heaven have been given to you.' Unfortunately no one knows wat r these
“Actually, the "kingdom of heaven" is HERE on earth, not somewhere in
some future place. Christ said: "It's within you." Elsewhere
repeatedly, he said that the "secrets" consist of just
"worshipping" God the Creator, and ACTIVELY help the poor, sick,
women, widows, children & orphans. Nothing else matters in true &
authentic Christianity. All else is fluff & hollow designed to profit the
power elite, mostly priests, theologians & lay leaders in the church. The
real "Church" composes of INDIVIDUAL Christians & NOT in
buildings & institutions. Each Christian is the self-sufficient Church of Jesus Christ . The "authentic"
Christian is evidenced by his/her "fruits" of good work in the name
of Christ.”
“Doing good is in most religions. Goin to heaven is a different thing
“There is no going anywhere. Here and now is all there is. Doing good &
doing right NOW are the only most important things. Cannot worry about the
irrelevant "next" life. Just start living this current one right
while worshipping God. Let's continue when we meet.”
“U been reading buddhism: )”
“I know Buddhism b4 accepting Christ. We are who we are - all
"sinners" before God. Desire, warts and all define mankind.
Impossible to suppress or overcome desire. No human effort is effective to make
us "good" enough. That is NOT life's purpose or objective. Like it or
not, it is to "know the True God and worship Him". Period. Do not
fight & kill one another over religion. True religion makes a person
"better" than he can ever be as defined by whether his fellow men can
"see" Christ in him.”
“What is the common spiritual practice of all religions.”
“All religions prey on fear. Fear of hell, of eternal damnation, of continuous
never-ending "punishments" for various human weaknesses &
imperfections, of death and of the "end" of this life. That's how
"holy men" gain power over devotees. True religion offers real
freedom and sense of liberation in the loving forgiving bosom of God. He said:
"you have been forgiven of every sin, current & future, AND I, God,
will remember them no more". How's that for absolute true freedom!”
“I m looking at meditation as the way to enlightenment. Jesus did the same n
spoke abt it many times. Believers dun understand or did not want to understand
this most impt part of his teachings. Many parts must hv been edited fr the
“Meditation as part of the worship of God is indeed Christian practice. Unlike
other meditations which recommend "blanking out" or escape the
man-made social realities of pain, sickness, crime, poverty and human
relationships. More important is to demonstrate God-likeness in our ACTIVE
conduct towards humans, animals & climate around us.”
“Enlightenment" refers to the continuous discovery of the Truths.”
“Not really. Jesus was enlightened the same way as Gautama (Buddha). Both had
the same experience, one after 40 days n one after 49 days of meditation.”
“Both shared their "discoveries" of the Truths that they found until
their respective deaths. Truths continue to be unfolded to the seekers, meaning
those of us who want to pursue them. Buddha's Truths excluded God's role;
Christ included the role of the Creator, which to me embraces the
"larger" Truth. Christ did not end there - He said his Truth will
lead us into "other" Truths. All Truths overlapped, since no one
could humanly discover exactly the same amount of knowledge. They merely shared
what they believe to be SUFFICIENT for existence in this world. That's why
there is consensus on the overlapped common Truths, but considerable diversity
and contradictions outside the overlaps. Focus should be on inside the
overlapped Truths. The test is whether one is "comfortable" with the
unfolding Truths. No need to force others to believe the same; once absolute
Freedom is attained in the mind and soul, the believer knows and will adapt
physically. He experiences what the bible refers to as the "peace that
surpasses all understanding". That I have experienced on some occasions.
And that's why I know my God is real.”
“What is truth?”
“The absolute Truth or Reality is enveloped by onion-like layers of man-made
delusions, philosophies, religions, knowledge and superstitious beliefs and
practices. It lies at the core. Try taking a large onion and start peeling off
its layers one at a time. Imagine the false reality onion which is many
thousands time bigger with overlapping layers. What lies at its Core is the answer
to your question, which may never be obtained in your lifetime; and neither do
u need it in order to live the rest of your life. We can however embark on
realistic journeys towards the Core Truths. For me, the Final Truths have to do
with worshipping God the Creator; and to Love my fellow men actively as much as
I love God and loved ones. These 2 journeys are sufficient endeavors for the
rest of my remaining life. I will continue to peel off the
"onion-like" layers of false realities in my writings & speeches.
“The peeling analogy is like knowing ur true self. The part abt loving
god n praising god - does god need to b loved n praised when he is everything n
needs nothing?”
“Not the Christian God. The Christian God loves being worshipped through
praises & thanksgiving music and songs. This is evident throughout the
bible. That's why He created human beings to enjoin Him in the celebration of
life. Such Godlike human qualities are also in us since He created us in His
image as the bible said.
“The christian god is the god of israel . Actually all the assumptions
abt god is a human interpretation of wat is god. We live not to love god. We
live n we make meanings of our own existence. Is there a purpose n wat is this
purpose? To love god, cant b right?”
“God is the God of all He created. Israel did not invent God. God
appeared to Abraham, the Father of those referred to later as the Jews. God
also appeared to many, many other early and earlier civilizations. But NOT all
the early Gods refer to the SAME God the Creator. Many are imposters, who are
quickly found out and abandoned. I think if you want to know who is the True
God ... Better to discover Him yourself, if serious want to. It's a personal
discovery. Different religions have it own "formula". Choose wisely;
pray to the True God to guide your choice.
“I always find this obsession to praise god n love god amusing. It is like a
loveless god craving for love n attention. N he is there to meddle with
everyone n displeases with man not wanting to know him or to believe him, not
to love him. My view, god is too big to indulge in such things. He creates man
to know him?”
“Depends on which religion u want to use to talk about God. Again it is not
what u think about God that matters, it's what God think about you.”
“U r saying god is thinking abt everyone n wat each ind thinks abt him?”
“God doesn't think about everyone; He knows each one of us.”
“Exactly. U r talking abt the all knowing, hv everything n does not need
anything. The christians believe they r connected to god n know god while other
believers r connected to anything but not god. This is just a belief wld u
think so?”
“Yes. That's just Christianity the religion. Others have their own beliefs in
their religions; and they shd feel comfortable in those beliefs. No need to
argue relative merits ... There are no merits in any religion. Truths are
independent of religious and man-made beliefs.”
“I see u r getting closer to the real thing, religion a man made self delusion.
God is not confined by any religion: ) i m still asking a lot of questions but
no satisfactory answers. Still searching n waiting for the truth whatever that