
Foreign thugs not welcome

A burly Australian cook, Aaron Jeremicjezyk, punched a petite young Singaporean lady for telling him off for scolding a limousine taxi driver. Our pathetic taxi drivers are mostly whims and are often set upon by their passengers, and many got beaten up. They are unable to defend themselves from the thugs, mostly foreigners. So this brave young lady stood up for one of them and got punched in the face. Did the whimpy taxi driver returned the courtesy to defend this young lady?

The story is now in the courts of law and the thug is being charged for causing hurt. And this is not the first time. The sad thing is that it has happened many times and it seems that the law is not having any real effect. To the thugs, what is a fine of a few hundred dollars when they could get their thrill of beating up the taxi drivers for fun. And now this lout even punched a small and petite young lady by the name of Dawn Ho, a musician. What a shameless and cowardly thug.

What would the punishment be? Would the court hand him a deterrent sentence to send a signal to all the foreign thugs and louts that they would be put behind bars for at least 6 months or the maximum of 2 years in jail? Or would it be another light tap on the wrist.
Would there be any politician standing up to defend the docile Sinkies like they stood up to defend foreigners running foul of our laws? When would the law be seen to be protecting the Sinkies from being bullied and beaten up by foreigners? Is this country own by foreigners or the citizens?

In the past there used to be gallant local men standing up to teach all these thugs a good lesson. Even commandos offered their services to give them a good beating for behaving roughly to locals. Sad that such things would not happen again and the small and docile law abiding citizens are left to themselves, to be punching bags for the foreign thugs to practice on.

Sad, sad, sad. Should we advertise this island as one where foreigner can come here and use the locals as punching bags? $1000 for a couple of punches?

What is going on? What is the point of spending so much money to beautify the island with more and more infrastructure to attract the thugs here when the safety of citizens is at risk?

Kopi Level - Green


Top 3 posts in TRE by number of comments

Below are this week’s top three posts in the TRE by the number of comments they have attracted.

“Khaw: Best to live with children & rent out flat” - 3rd position

“Teo: Degree no longer a ‘one-way ticket to success’” - 2nd position

“Lim Swee Say: Cleaners are no longer cheap labour” - top position

The article on Boon Wan’s comment has hit 97 at this point of writing this post and is at Number 3 position. Chee Hean’s is at number 2 with 102 comments. And top of the table is Swee Say’s comment on ‘cleaners are no longer cheap labour’ with 107 comments at this moment of writing this post.

The comments are very colourful and often borders on PG stuff. When you are unable to sleep, these are recommended readings to keep you occupied.

Kopi Level - Green

Education is the way, the greatest leveler

If you have children, (I have), I will encourage them to study hard, get a govt scholarship, bestest an OMS, or betterer best, a President Scholarship, then come back and join the Administrative Service. That is the road to success. I remember someone said this, can’t remember who. I got dementia. Anyway, I think it was good advice. Maybe it still is. No? Who said No? Kee chiu!

Please do not advise me not to send my children to the universities. I will clobber you. I will take my ‘char kiak’ and knock your head. How can you give me this kind of bad advice? If university degree is no good, the MOM and ICA would have stopped taking graduates from other countries to work here. Why you advise our children not to go to universities and keep on bringing in foreigners with foreign degrees and degrees from you know where?

I swear I will take the good advice to send my children to universities, to get a govt scholarship and to join the Administrative Service. Don’t tell me this is bad and wrong. I don’t believe you.

Kopi Level - Green

Tan Jee Say’s olive branch to alternative parties

The new kid on the block, Singapore First Party, is taking the initiative to offer an olive branch to all the other alternative parties. In Jee Say’s letter to all the alternative parties, he diplomatically listed the parties by alphabetical order to avoid controversies, he requested to have a cordial meeting with the leaders of the other parties. Below is the text of his letter,

‘We are proud to be able to join you in wanting to build a better Singapore for all Singaporeans. You have all contributed much in this effort. As a new party, we can learn a lot from your experiences. Accordingly, we would like to pay a courtesy call on each of you, to introduce ourselves to you, discuss your experiences and find out how we can complement you and work together with you for the betterment of Singapore.’

The letter was all politeness and humility, wanting to learn from and to share with the other parties. It is unlikely that any of the parties would turn him down to appear arrogant and aloof. Many observers read this letter as a first step towards opposition camp unity. This is something that has been seen as the Achille’s heel of the opposition and a closing of ranks, to work out a common strategy to take on the ruling party is highly awaited and desired by the voters who want to see a serious challenge to the dominance of the PAP.

In many ways this is a daunting task and highly difficult to achieve. Otherwise it would have been done long ago. Understandably every party would have their own views on such a move and many have their own constraints to want to come together. There are misgivings, rightly or wrongly, that would keep the alternative parties apart. But intentionally wanting to keep their party out of the loop, to be a lone hero, may not be seen as a good thing unless they could mount a serious challenge to form the govt.

Ideally the alternatives could come to a common agreement and position on how to fight the GE as a united force. Saying it is easy, but doing it is tough. This does not necessarily mean they would not be able to come together. On the other extreme, a very loose form of unity or understanding could be worked out whereby the alternative parties would go for the lowest common factors. This could be just a non written agreement not to fight or contest against one another in a 3 corner fight. It could also mean no attacks on each other’s position if they don’t agree to work together as a united force. There would be a lot of give and take with the hope that the bigger parties be as accommodating as they could possibly be and the smaller parties be as least demanding as they should.

The assumptions here are that the alternative parties are willing to talk and do a bit of horse trading among themselves. What would be unfortunate is for some to be difficult and not wanting to talk with the other parties. A lot of goodwill and wisdom is needed here for the alternative parties not to spoil the broth and do themselves in. The big brother at the moment is the WP. Would the WP be a gracious big brother or be an uncompromising one?

Is there hope that they can come to some understanding or would it be a big disappointment? In the recent by elections and the last GE, it appeared that eventually wisdom, common interests and not to do each one in could see them rise above the level of mediocrity. If the bad boys and bad attitude come from the smaller parties, things could be easier as they are inconsequential and can be ignored. At worst, among the bigger alternative parties, they must talk to each other for the good of everyone without risking bad blood and someone behaving badly to upset the apple cart.

May goodwill and the general good of the people prevail for a resounding and beneficial ending in the coming GE.

Kopi Level - Green


So sad, but I want to rub shoulder with this FT…he is sooo rich and talented

Below is a letter to TRS post by a Tan to give more details of what was going on in this case.

Dear TRS

I refer to "PRC family allegedly tried to take over $40 million assets of 87 year old widow".

I am a resident at Gerald Crescent and would like offer some insights into the recent saga between Madam Chung and Yang Yin, the China tour guide who tried to swindle the widow’s millions. The background story has already been published but I will offer more supporting evidence. As one of the residents living near this particular bungalow, I have spoken to Mdm Chung and her family on some occasions and have heard from them, and other neighbours, more about Mr Yang Yin.

Yang Yin recently tried to apply for Singaporean citizenship. In order to get his PR in 2009, he used money taken from Madam Chung to purchase a degree from a “University of Financial Trade” in Beijing to aid his application. However, the university does not at all exist.

To further his application, Yang Yin also set up a shell company named “Young Music and Dance Studio” to declare his occupation as a dance teacher. Despite the shell not having any active students, the ICA approved his PR application without any due diligence.

I subsequently wrote to the ICA in 2012 to complain but this fell on deaf ears.

Over the past 5 years, Yang Yin has taken countless art pieces from Madam Chung’s private art gallery to sell off at a discounted rate to their worth. Her private art gallery occupies an entire building in the grounds of her bungalow and contains numerous priceless art pieces. He has additional represented himself as an art expert to further this goal [Please see his namecard].

To further his citizenship application, he has also participated in numerous PAP grassroots events while claiming to help the PRC community in Singapore as the “Executive Director of the Singapore Chinese Immigrants Association” and a “Director of Singapore Chamber of Commerce”. He has numerous interactions with PAP MPs and ministers. He even has had the opportunity to take pictures with PM Lee.

Over the past 5 years, he has taken millions in cash from Madam Chung and lived lavishly off the proceeds, including taking monthly holidays to China and Japan on first class flights while staying in luxury suites. At the same time, he has neglected Madam Chung to the extent that the former multi-millionaire does not even have $1.50 to buy bread.


Kopi Level - Green