to all the information floating around, an SIA plane, ‘SQ 351 was 25km or just
1min 40sec behind MH 17 at 777′s cruise speed of 905km/h’. Whew! I doubt the
rebels were monitoring the IFF or transponders codes the aircraft was sending
out. Why did they shoot at MH17 and not other aircraft? One theory, they were
aiming at Putin’s aircraft that was expected to be there about the same time.
If that was the case, it could not be the works of the rebels as they are pro
Russians. Here’s the Freudian Slip.
it was the work of the rebels, and if they have IFF equipment, it is unlikely
for them to want to shoot down a Malaysian aircraft. Malaysia is on friendly terms with
the Russians. Any agency with IFF capability would know what they were shooting
at and could decide otherwise. For any agency knowing that it was MH17, and to
shoot it down, it must be done on purpose.
other scenario that they just shoot at anything that was moving without knowing
what it was could be a possibility. But would the culprits, whichever party, be
so reckless to shoot at anything that moved and risked shooting down a friendly
aircraft? It all points to the possibility that the culprit knew who they were
shooting at.
it was pure chance, trigger happy reckless rebels that did not care what they
were shooting, what the hell was going on, then SIA was just sooooo lucky and
MAS was just soooo unlucky. This is not a mindless and purposeless war,
anarchy, with everyone was just shooting for the sake of shooting. No, do not
think the people involved are stupid, did not know what they were doing. Give
them some respect and credit for knowing what they were doing.
such a decision to shoot down an aircraft, possibly a civilian aircraft on a
know flight corridor be made without thinking, without knowing what aircraft it
was? The people with an agenda would want the world to believe what they want
to make out of it.
the sinking of the Choenan, who would be blame for the downing and who would
gain from it? These may give some idea as who could be behind it.
Kopi Level - Green