
The irrational fears of the Americans

Actually the fears are not irrational but concocted in one way and a self inflicted fear in another way. The Americans could not stomach the huge trade deficits they have had with the Chinese and the huge debt that they owed to the Chinese. But they cannot help not wanting to trade with the Chinese, buying extremely cheap products, or keep selling Treasury notes to the Chinese. No other country could sell them reasonable products at ridiculously low prices, and no country will buy Treasury notes in such big numbers. In fact the Americans were begging the Chinese to do so. The Chinese are funding the Americans in their big spending appetite and consumption. The Chinese are extending credits to the Americans to live a good life.

And the Americans keep blaming the Chinese for taking advantage of cheap Yuan to make their products cheaper. Unfair trading practices! The Yuan must rise to make Chinese products more expensive to buy. Is that what the Americans really want? Now the Chinese have gone ahead to appease the Americans by allowing the Yuan to rise. It has gone up by more than 10% since the American Congress started to rattle the sabre.

So now what? Aren’t the Americans happy that they have forced the Chinese to heel? They should, they got what they wanted. But everything is a double edged sword. Now there is a new heighten fear in America. With the appreciating Yuan, everything in America becomes cheaper for the Chinese to buy. With more than 3 trillion US dollars in their war chest, the Chinese could buy up quite a bit of America. The big names are going, Walmart, Apple, Boeing, General Electric, General Motor, the banks and finance houses etc etc.

But of course the Americans are not going to sell. And this is the main reason why they are having such a huge trade deficit with the Chinese. The Americans just want to buy from the Chinese but did not want to sell to the Chinese. How silly? Oh, there is a long list of strategic reasons not to sell to the Chinese. Everything can be explained in terms of national security. So military stuff is off the shelf. Then strategic products, aircraft, electronics, ITs and financial institutions, mines, golf courses, everything can be explained in terms of national security too.

Believe it, the buying of a hog factory producing food, also came under heavy fire for strategic reasons. Food is strategic, sure, of course. What else is not? Educating the Chinese in American universities is transfer of knowledge and technology. The Chinese should be barred from being schooled in America. Better still, the Chinese should be barred from entering the US. And there should not be any trades with the Chinese, not even peanuts as this is also a food item.

Well well, what else is new in the brilliant American mindset? Is it irrational? Can the top thinkers or congressmen and women be irrational?

Dengue epidemic reaching a critical level

More than 9500 cases so far this year or 1,500 cases a month. Last week alone 820 cases were reported. Vivian Balakrishnan is warning the public that this may become more serious if the spread of the disease is not controlled. It is spreading from the East to the West of the island or is it from the West to the East?

For the first time I read that 1.2m insect repellants will be distributed for free! At $5 a can, that is $6m. This is to prevent people from being bitten by the mosquitoes in their homes.

Being bitten is one way the disease will spread. The mosquitoes will carry the viruses to pass on to the next victim. So anyone falling sick because of dengue is going to be a carrier. And if they did not seek treatment or cannot afford to seek treatment, they will be a walking carrier, feeding the mosquitoes with more viruses to pass around.

Apart from giving free insect repellants, maybe it is time that all dengue patients should be given free medical treatment. This will encourage every dengue patient to come forward for treatment and will cut down the source of virus carriers in the chain.

Would this be possible? Free medical treatment for a near epidemic disease that is starting to take lives? Would there be affected patients who chose not to see the doctor because they could not afford the fee? If you think this a joke, read what Vivian has to say,

"Infectious diseases are a test of special cohesion as a society and we need everyone to understand that our own health depends on the health of our neighbours and we need to exercise personal and collective responsibility for each other."

An infectious disease that is spreading in the community is not the problem of an individual. It is not a heart problem that stays with the sick person. It is a living sickness that is going to be passed around. This will take commercial interest of selling drugs at a profit to selling drugs to prevent an epidemic. Can the govt say no money no drugs, no treatment?


PAP, the most confident supreme political party ever

I am going to write something in praise of this great political Party. It has been so successful for so long that even its opponents have conceded that the Party will continue to rule till kingdom comes. I would like to caution readers that some of you may find the content upsetting, uncomfortable, unbearable and nauseating. Those with a weak stomach may choose to skip reading from here.

Historically I don’t think any political party has ever enjoyed such high popularity and dominating the Parliament with more than two third majority for so long, and be able to make changes to the country’s constitution almost at will for the good of the country and people.

The best part about the dominance and confidence of this Party is its ability to push through very unpopular policies with no fear of losing the votes from the people. Take the population growth as an example. It brought in about 2m foreigners into the country within a decade or so as if it was just a walk in the park. For the uninitiated, 2m is more than 50 percent of the citizen population. By the time the citizens realized it, it was too late to do anything. And better still, the Party even pushed through a very unpopular Population White Paper in the face of strong objections from the people to bring in another 1.7m people by year 2030. Oops, it was only a planning parameter.

By the time IF the new arrivals arrived, the Singaporean core will be an absolute minority. But the Party could convince the Singaporeans that the Singaporean core will be strengthened as a result of the immigrants. Simply brilliant.

The unpopularity of this Paper led to an unprecedented public protest, twice within a few months and with a crowd that was unseen before. Who dares to protest when 4 persons are considered illegal assembly?

And knowing how unhappy the people are, the party simply ignored the people, thumping its nose as if there is nothing the people can do about it. Any political party acting in this manner will find itself out of power before one can finish saying hallelujah. There will be protests and street demonstrations to remove the party. But no, the PAP is confident that nothing will be able to rock it from power. It will be in power despite the people’s unhappiness and protests cause it was doing the right thing.

The huge influx of people into the little island led to the inevitables, high cost of living, high property and car prices and congestion in roads and public transport and many more problems. And these problems were compounded by the housing ministry for slowing down its housing programme to a trickle. Such a huge housing problem would have thrown any political party out of govt. But the Party knew the people very well, that the people loved what the Party had done, the high property prices, the high car prices and the high cost of living were happily embraced, quietly, with just a little show of public disapproval.

The unhappiness expressed was not real. The Party knew what the people wanted and gave it to them. As long as property prices keep going north, the people would not be bothered even with their CPF statements and the money in the CPF. The minister may be smiling at his CPF statements, the people will be laughing everyday at their high property prices.

Many jobs were given to foreigners and many local professionals have been booted out. So what? These are the minorities and likely to be the losers, the untalented and undeserving. What would the people expect the Govt to do? Nothing really. A few statements that the govt understood the problem would be enough to appease the people. The people would not remember the problem the day after. The govt is also giving a lot of top management and CEO jobs to foreigners instead of Singaporeans and it knows that Singaporeans would not mind. This is a necessary move as no Singaporeans are good enough. So there is no complains.

The number of unemployed due to this will be too small to affect the Party from being elected again and again. The less experienced and less confident political parties would be having cold sweat alienating these voters, but not the PAP. While losing a few votes, they are getting more votes from new citizens who are so happy and grateful to the Party for the opportunities given to them.

Some parents have been forced to empty their savings for their children’s overseas education. They complained like having a lot of grievances against the Party. Would the Party worry? Definitely not. For every unhappy parent, the Party is making many more parents happy. And there are foreigners who are invited and paid to study in local universities, given jobs and are only too happy. As long as the Party knows that it is making more people happy than unhappy people, it is in good shape.

Many Singaporeans seem to think that the Party will be voted out of power by making so many unpopular decisions and anti citizen policies. But they are damn wrong. The Party knows that it is doing the right things and the people may grumble, but deep inside, the people knew that all the things done were good for the people.

That is why the Party can continue to do the right things without fear of losing power. They don’t even have to listen to the people, and know that things will be just like they have planned, in 2016, 2021 or further away. There is no way for this Party to lose power. People may deceive themselves to think that the Party is doing all the wrong things and its days are limited. Don’t bet on that. The little noises over the new media regulations will be just a little noise and will not mean anything in the 2016 GE.

Sorry to disappoint you guys thinking that 2016 will see a change. How can PAP be doing so many unpopular things to get itself out of Parliament? Cannot right? This is the most confident political Party ever existed in human history, and it knows exactly what it is doing. It may even win more seats by 2016, retake Aljunied GRC as well. There is no political party like the PAP.

I feel so good writing this article.

A betrayal of trust

‘This lens makes you more likely to share the distinct strands of libertarianism that are blossoming in this fragmenting age: the deep suspicion of authority, the strong belief that hierarchies and organizations are suspect, the fervent devotion to transparency, the assumption that individual preference should be supreme….

Another is the rising tide of distrust, the corrosive spread of cynicism, the fraying of the social fabric and the rise of people who are so individualistic in the outlook that they have no real understanding of how to knit others together and look after the common good….For a society to function well, there have to be basic levels of trust and cooperation, a respect for institutions and deference to common procedures….

He betrayed honesty and integrity, the foundation of all cooperative activity. He made explicit and implicit oaths to respect the secrecy of the information with which he was entrusted. He betrayed his oaths. He betrayed his friends. He betrayed his employers. He betrayed the cause of open government.’

The above is an extract of an article by David Brooks in the New York Times and reprinted in the Today paper today. Brooks used this article to thrash Edward Snowden, the young CIA spy that exposed the dirty works of the US Administration for spying on its own citizens in a scale never seen before, an outright violation of individual rights to privacy in the name of good for country and people.

The assumptions of Brooks are that the US Govt is honest, clean and virtuous and doing the honourable and right thing. Is that so? Or is the US Govt violating everything there is in the Constitution, abusing its power and privileges, and betraying the people, betraying its citizens and a scum in all counts? When a govt indulges in dirty schemes and things against its citizens, it is the govt that is betraying the people. And other than an exposure like what Snowden did, there is really nothing much the common folks can do to a rogue govt.

What is the moral of the story? A govt needs to act in a way that earns respect and trust from its citizens. When a govt betrays its citizens, there is nothing that the people can do about it except unconstitutionally.


Lesson 2 from China

I would like to bring you back to the 1930s, the days of Shanghai Tang or Shanghai Bund. Those were glorious days of a new but corrupt China under the Kuomintang. Chiang Kai Shek was presumably the President of China and the corrupt elite who thought more of themselves, preserving their personal wealth was the order of the day. There was no accountability and the wealth of the nation was like the private wealth of the elite, Chiang’s family and the Soong family were infamous. The line between what belonged to the country and what belonged to these families were non existence.

No one knew how much money was in the national coffer. They became private fortunes. And when the Kuomintang fell, these families took everything they could and fled. The CCCP were equally blur as to how much were taken out of the country, stolen, by the Kuomintang and the Soong family. The senior Soong was the finance minister then. Without knowing how much was lost, there was nothing that the CCCP could do. And with a hostile West in support of the Kuomintang, the CCCP could not send out hit men like the Israelists to track down the criminals.

Fast forward to 2050 when Singapore still exists but decadent and run by a corrupt govt like the Kuomintang. And the nation’s wealth, the reserves, was still in the country’s two sovereign funds. And the people still did not know how much were in these two funds. Then came the dreadful day when the govt collapsed, brought down by a popular uprising. And the fund managers, the people entrusted with the nation’s reserves in the two sovereign funds, just scooted with the money.

When that happened, when no one knew who were vested with the authority to move the funds, and when no one knew how much was at stake, and if the funds, the nation’s reserves, were to be shipped out of the country, how are these money to be recovered? How would the new govt go about tracking down the people responsible for the money and how much money they have taken out?

This may be a moot point now. But if the non transparent style and policy of managing our national reserves continue into the future, come 2050, there will be a little problem. It would be old China once again. Money stolen and gone, and no one is wiser, except the ones holding the money bag.