Were the Sinkies angry? Were their cries and pain heard and felt? The anger of a people feeling betrayed is beyond words. When foreigners came in drove ‘to help them’ and be treated like citizens with almost the same privileges, and more, yes more, whether the help was genuine or fake, it does not matter anymore. The Sinkies were simply pissed off and they want to make it counts. How could Sinkies be not allowed to buy public flats when foreigners can just by switching to pink ICs overnight? How could foreigners enjoy all the medical subsidies, education subsidies, national bonuses simply by becoming citizens but without the contributions and sacrifices of the original Singaporeans? Yes, the Sinkies felt betrayed.
But the PRs are now citizens? Another betrayal that insults the intelligence of the Sinkies. What is the point of cutting the subsidies for PRs now when most have already become citizens? Get the point? We can make do with PRs working here but not with more new citizens. We should not issue citizenships like toilet papers. What’s the difference if in spite of all the cuts in subsidies to PRs and more PRs exchange their blue ICs to pink ones? This is the real LPPL issue.
The cutting of subsidies to PRs is a new issue that will reek of betrayal if one is a PR. After all the praises and red carpet treatments, and a bloated mindset of coming here to contribute to the growth of this country and providing jobs or helping daft Sinkies, how would they feel now, with all the subsidy cuts? Would they feel equally betrayed? Many will start screaming ‘We will go to countries that will better appreciate us’ if there is one out there. The truth is that no country is so sick to dump their citizens in exchange for questionable unknown foreigners and treating them like gems.
The new joke now is that we have politicians calling for more distinctions between citizens and PRs and citizens must have more privileges, must be treated with greater respect, must be given priorities. Where have these politicians been? Were they sleeping and just had a rude awakening? Did they just realize that they have to serve Sinkies first and foremost? And the media will sing the same song and with more politicians singing the chorus. We will take care of Sinkies first. There will be more hugging and kissing of Sinkies from now onwards, I think.
I feel so pissed off that there is no point writing too much on this issue.
The best tailor made all round education
The current education system has too many flaws and causing too much stress on the children. It is very unhealthy, too exam oriented and does little to develop character and good values and did not produce a well rounded person on graduation. What should be done is to study the feedbacks of parents and their children, understand what they want, what they fear, their expectations and dislikes, and put them together in a neat little basket to please parents and children for a more holistic and inclusive education, developing the sporting talents at the same time, wholesome and good character building and with straight As of course.
For a start, too much emphasis on exam grades is bad. Too much elitist bias is bad. The branded schools should go and all the schools should be made more equal and the spread of students spread equally to all schools, including the spread of good and bad teachers. This will not only level the playing field, it has plenty of wholesome goodness. The more talented students will have a chance to mix with the less talented and empathise with them. Good for bonding and the removal of elitist thinking.
The curriculum should be reduced, teach less and learn more is good. Children must have a lot of time to play, which will also develop their friendliness and EQ. Play if specially coordinated can be part of the sports training to develop the children into future champions as well.
Second Language or mother tongue shall be made optional. Children should not be stressed to learn something they dislike, like their mother tongue. The future will be mono lingual, maybe just English. Plan for the future and help the future to succeed.
And science and mathematics are just too restrictive. Allow the children to read other subjects as well. Reduce the time from science and maths and spread them to other subject. This can include ethics and morals, how to be good citizens.
And make sure the students have good grades. Ask the parents how many As they want their children to have. Make the necessary moderation to make the parents and children happy. Having more than 50 per cent with straight As may be too much and people will question the standard of our education. 20 percent straight As should be a nice number, follow by 20 percent with 4 As and 20 percent with 2As. Another 30 percent should be for those with Bs and Cs and balance 10 percent, make it 9 percent pass and 1 percent unable to make it. This would be good news for parents and children. What? Not good enough? OK make it 30 percent straight As and adjust accordingly.
And I forgot, articulation skill is very important. Our children are quite tongue tied and find difficulties in expressing themselves. Have more debating classes and social interaction time for students to debate with each other. Such skills will be good if they later choose to become politicians. They can continue debating in Parliament.
Did I miss out anything? I think that’s about it. This must be the most wholesome and happy education system for happy parents and children. And all guarantees to have good grades. Oh, oh, one more thing, no homework. I remember those days when I was in school, barely any homework except when punished to write lines. The free time available can be used to explore the neighbourhood and play with the neighbour’s children.
Think about it, the best education system we ever had was in the 50s and 60s. Every day is fun. Have fun in school and have fun after school. Only thing bad then was the red marks. But this can be fixed with moderation to make parents proud of their children’s grades. What is important is an enriching and rewarding experience for both parents and children. And the teachers must also inculcate into the children that winning all the time, being the best all the time is not necessary a good thing. In life, there are many other better things to achieve than just winning. Always think of the losers before one thinks of winning. I think this last sentence is the best part. Just imagine the look on the loser’s face. That is satisfaction beyond words. : )
Specialised or customized is good, generalized is bad. General education is good, streaming is bad. Elite school is bad, neighbourhood school is good. Now I got myself confused.
For a start, too much emphasis on exam grades is bad. Too much elitist bias is bad. The branded schools should go and all the schools should be made more equal and the spread of students spread equally to all schools, including the spread of good and bad teachers. This will not only level the playing field, it has plenty of wholesome goodness. The more talented students will have a chance to mix with the less talented and empathise with them. Good for bonding and the removal of elitist thinking.
The curriculum should be reduced, teach less and learn more is good. Children must have a lot of time to play, which will also develop their friendliness and EQ. Play if specially coordinated can be part of the sports training to develop the children into future champions as well.
Second Language or mother tongue shall be made optional. Children should not be stressed to learn something they dislike, like their mother tongue. The future will be mono lingual, maybe just English. Plan for the future and help the future to succeed.
And science and mathematics are just too restrictive. Allow the children to read other subjects as well. Reduce the time from science and maths and spread them to other subject. This can include ethics and morals, how to be good citizens.
And make sure the students have good grades. Ask the parents how many As they want their children to have. Make the necessary moderation to make the parents and children happy. Having more than 50 per cent with straight As may be too much and people will question the standard of our education. 20 percent straight As should be a nice number, follow by 20 percent with 4 As and 20 percent with 2As. Another 30 percent should be for those with Bs and Cs and balance 10 percent, make it 9 percent pass and 1 percent unable to make it. This would be good news for parents and children. What? Not good enough? OK make it 30 percent straight As and adjust accordingly.
And I forgot, articulation skill is very important. Our children are quite tongue tied and find difficulties in expressing themselves. Have more debating classes and social interaction time for students to debate with each other. Such skills will be good if they later choose to become politicians. They can continue debating in Parliament.
Did I miss out anything? I think that’s about it. This must be the most wholesome and happy education system for happy parents and children. And all guarantees to have good grades. Oh, oh, one more thing, no homework. I remember those days when I was in school, barely any homework except when punished to write lines. The free time available can be used to explore the neighbourhood and play with the neighbour’s children.
Think about it, the best education system we ever had was in the 50s and 60s. Every day is fun. Have fun in school and have fun after school. Only thing bad then was the red marks. But this can be fixed with moderation to make parents proud of their children’s grades. What is important is an enriching and rewarding experience for both parents and children. And the teachers must also inculcate into the children that winning all the time, being the best all the time is not necessary a good thing. In life, there are many other better things to achieve than just winning. Always think of the losers before one thinks of winning. I think this last sentence is the best part. Just imagine the look on the loser’s face. That is satisfaction beyond words. : )
Specialised or customized is good, generalized is bad. General education is good, streaming is bad. Elite school is bad, neighbourhood school is good. Now I got myself confused.
Medical Insurance coverage at 90!
Why does a person need medical insurance coverage at 90, or 70? Well if one is LKY or Wee Cho Yaw, when life is a bliss, when everyday extra on earth is better than another day in paradise, you would need insurance even at 100 with the premium costing $100k a year.
Would a 70 year old retiree need to have medical insurance if he is living alone in his lease buy back flat or with his retired wife? Or would a retiree living with his children, supported by his children, still need medical insurance at 70? He will if he wants to continue to live to 100 and pay for all the gadgets they are going to insert into his body or chop dying parts off his body when the parts are not working anymore.
I would say this is a very subjective point. I do not need insurance at 70. I rather use the money to amuse myself or give it to the children and grandchildren. What is the point of paying so much insurance and more for medical bills that may come to hundreds of thousands when one is already 70? But if one has all the money in the world, why not?
Consider an average person with no income, just living and waiting to be called home to the Lord, is it worth it to spend the children’s money, a few hundred thousands, to live for another few months or few years? Is it worth it to spend whatever that is left in one’s CPF savings, including the ransom held for one’s own good in Medisave for more insurance premium? It may be an issue of affordability or an issue of where to spend the money.
A lease buy back scheme on a HDB flat may not be enough for a long hospital stay. It will bankrupt people under such scheme as the bill is no small matter. And after paying the bill and with nothing left, then what?
The thought of medical insurance after 70 is amusing. The thought of medical insurance at 90 must be a joke to many.
Would a 70 year old retiree need to have medical insurance if he is living alone in his lease buy back flat or with his retired wife? Or would a retiree living with his children, supported by his children, still need medical insurance at 70? He will if he wants to continue to live to 100 and pay for all the gadgets they are going to insert into his body or chop dying parts off his body when the parts are not working anymore.
I would say this is a very subjective point. I do not need insurance at 70. I rather use the money to amuse myself or give it to the children and grandchildren. What is the point of paying so much insurance and more for medical bills that may come to hundreds of thousands when one is already 70? But if one has all the money in the world, why not?
Consider an average person with no income, just living and waiting to be called home to the Lord, is it worth it to spend the children’s money, a few hundred thousands, to live for another few months or few years? Is it worth it to spend whatever that is left in one’s CPF savings, including the ransom held for one’s own good in Medisave for more insurance premium? It may be an issue of affordability or an issue of where to spend the money.
A lease buy back scheme on a HDB flat may not be enough for a long hospital stay. It will bankrupt people under such scheme as the bill is no small matter. And after paying the bill and with nothing left, then what?
The thought of medical insurance after 70 is amusing. The thought of medical insurance at 90 must be a joke to many.
Would PAP eat its own words?
Speculations abound of a by election in Hougang plus one or plus two GRCs. Technically Tanjong Pagar is due for a by election and so is Marine Parade. One candidate is time to exit and one still a big liability. Talks of Hsien Loong vacating Ang Mo Kio is too far fetched. He cannot afford to put his head on the chopping block. An election is an election and anyone can lose. Unless he is planning for his own exit from politics.
The other key consideration is what PAP had said about holding by election. It is an expensive exercise, very serious, and not masak masak. You get the people to elect their representatives and don’t suka suka decide to change the MPs after a year and replace with new candidates. It does not bode well on the PAP in their choice of candidates and how they regard by elections, which they had sneered at the sacking of Yaw Shin Loong. In the case of Yaw, there is an element of indiscretion and integrity which are compelling enough to have a change of candidacy.
There are no extenuating circumstances for the PAP to be able to justify having by elections in other wards or GRCs just to replace a candidate. It will be going against what they had said. They can’t be telling the people of Tanjong Pagar that LKY is retiring after one year in office. They should have known. Neither can they announce that a MP has to give way for being found unsuitable.
So, how believeable is this talk of more than one by elections? It could be a red herring being thrown out to get everyone excited for whatever reasons. It could be a lure to entrap the adventurous.
The other key consideration is what PAP had said about holding by election. It is an expensive exercise, very serious, and not masak masak. You get the people to elect their representatives and don’t suka suka decide to change the MPs after a year and replace with new candidates. It does not bode well on the PAP in their choice of candidates and how they regard by elections, which they had sneered at the sacking of Yaw Shin Loong. In the case of Yaw, there is an element of indiscretion and integrity which are compelling enough to have a change of candidacy.
There are no extenuating circumstances for the PAP to be able to justify having by elections in other wards or GRCs just to replace a candidate. It will be going against what they had said. They can’t be telling the people of Tanjong Pagar that LKY is retiring after one year in office. They should have known. Neither can they announce that a MP has to give way for being found unsuitable.
So, how believeable is this talk of more than one by elections? It could be a red herring being thrown out to get everyone excited for whatever reasons. It could be a lure to entrap the adventurous.
Third world thinking cap
We are here today proclaiming that we are in the first world of developed countries. We got here today, from the third world, by thinking first world. The basic thinking was that everything must work. There is no excuse for failure. And definitely no excuse for failures when the cause is known well in advanced. Claiming that because of such and such, failure is something to live by is third world thinking, unbefitting of first world, unless we want to progress back to the third world, when things are less demanding.
Just because we have brought in a few million people into this little piece of rock does not mean that the problems must be something to live with. The problems we are facing today, unfortunately, was due to incompetency, poor planning and coordination, hardly anything about thinking ahead of problems, pro active, nipping problems at the bud. Thinking ahead and preventing problems from cropping up are first world thinking, but it seems that we are losing it.
Today we live in denial, pretend there is no problem or insist that there is no problem, talk away the problem using the media, once in 50 years, cannot be solved, so be it.
So, the next best thing is to think like third world. We have to live with the problems we created and failed to anticipate. The worst that can be is to be fourth world if there is a fourth world, knowing the cause of the problem and stubbornly encouraging it, in this case over population and still asking for more.
How thick can that be? Fourth world thinking or delusionary thinking?
Just because we have brought in a few million people into this little piece of rock does not mean that the problems must be something to live with. The problems we are facing today, unfortunately, was due to incompetency, poor planning and coordination, hardly anything about thinking ahead of problems, pro active, nipping problems at the bud. Thinking ahead and preventing problems from cropping up are first world thinking, but it seems that we are losing it.
Today we live in denial, pretend there is no problem or insist that there is no problem, talk away the problem using the media, once in 50 years, cannot be solved, so be it.
So, the next best thing is to think like third world. We have to live with the problems we created and failed to anticipate. The worst that can be is to be fourth world if there is a fourth world, knowing the cause of the problem and stubbornly encouraging it, in this case over population and still asking for more.
How thick can that be? Fourth world thinking or delusionary thinking?
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