
What is a soldier?

This has never been an issue even when ours is a conscripted army. The soldiers are soldiers. They are the men and women who will die fighting for the country. They will take orders and just do it even if the orders are bad orders. Soldiers take orders and responsibilities seriously. They don't go AWOL. They may have official working hours, but soldiering is unlike any other job. A soldier is a soldier on call, on duty 24/7, without overtime pay. At anytime he is called, he puts on his uniform and is back to camp. And when one is on duty, you do not go off your watch until the next shift takes over officially and properly. The duty must be handed over and no one just leave his job comes 5pm. And if the next shift fails to show up, the soldier will carry on until he is relieved. Where got such nonsense as 8 to 5 you are on and then you are off? Or perhaps the doctrine has been changed over the years. Our soldiers are now working according to the official working hours. And we will tell the enemy to fight us from 8 to 5. Outside those hours they will have to wait as we will be off. Or because everything is measured in monetary terms, soldiering will be paid according to the hours worked. And the pay of the soldiers is computed based on 8 to 5. If the army wants them to work longer hours, the pay scale will have to be changed to acknowledge the longer hours needed. Soldiering is a whole life affair. Now I may be wrong, outdated and lose touch with what a soldier is in a modern army.


It's lucky that Corporal Tan won

Jan 16, 2009, The Straits Times Breaking News

Family wins suit By Selina Lum

THE parents of a former full-time national serviceman, comatose for more than three years after an incident in camp, have won their lawsuit against the Defence Ministry. The High Court decision paves the way for the family of Jeremy Tan, now 26, to seek disability compensation and medical benefits from Mindef.

On Aug 3, 2005, Mr Tan, then a corporal rostered as duty storeman at Seletar East Camp, was found unconscious at the foot of a building where his bunk was located on the third-level. The ministry classified Mr Tan's injuries as non-service related and stopped paying for his medical treatment at Tan Tock Seng Hospital from March 2007. But Justice Tay Yong Kwang ruled at the end of a four-day hearing that Mr Tan's injuries were 'attributable to service' and he was therefore entitled to a payout.

The case hinged on the interpretation of a provision in the Singapore Armed Forces (Pensions) Regulations, which provides for payouts to disabled servicemen. Lawyer Lau Teik Soon, acting for Mr Tan's parents, argued that when he was found with injuries at 6pm, Mr Tan's tour of duty had not ended. But government lawyers argued that even though Mr Tan was performing his national service, he was not doing anything related to his duty at the time. He was not at his place of duty and was last seen resting in his bunk. But Justice Tay said that the words 'attributable to service' can cover injuries caused while a serviceman is on standby duty and was not doing any particular work.

If Pte tan were to lose this case, can we conclude that our soldiers' working hours are from 8am to 5pm? I think Mindef needs to take a stand on this and spell it out clearly that a soldier is a soldier and not a clock watcher. Once he is in uniformed he is on duty and subject to military discipline even when he is on his way home. I could not believe that this case could reach a civil court for justice. What is going on man? We are going to depend on our soldiers and NSmen to fight 24/7 365 days a year and now we are quibbling when he is on duty and when he is not.

When did all these bonkings started?

The bonkings of the shameless poor, those people who cannot afford to pay for train fares and cry father and mother every time there is an increase of 10c of anything, could be traced back to the naming of quitters. Quitters were the first to bonked by the elite until it became fashionable to bonk the losers. The bonking reached its orgasmic peak when a young school girl told a loser to get out of her uncaring elitist face. And there was no need for apologies for the girl was only telling the brutal truth. This was short of telling the losers point blank that they were shit and that it was kind not to say it to them too loudly. And the losers took it in their stride, eagerly waiting for an opportunity to strike back. This came with the golden tap and peanut affair. The losers went to town to tear away the facade of elitist infallibility. It was time to bonk the elite. Mas Selamat was another great episode for the bonkers to go berserk. Since then we have seen this bonking of elite taking on more steam and on every opportunity that begs to be bonked. The minibond fiasco and the financial crisis are equally dealt with. The bonking has taken quite a dramatic turn and the original bonkers are now the hunted. Would the bonking of the shameless poor continue or the other way round?


The Bonker's Years

The last few years can best be described as the Bonker's Years. This thing about elitism, about super talents and super pay, about telling the brutal truths to the losers, were getting a bit too far. I think it has reached a point when the people are angry and feeling disgusted with such attitude. It is not just cockiness, but to live it and mean it, is not cute or funny any more. The divide between the haves and the have nots is looking very stark and very ugly. And we got people paying $46k to learn cooking in Paris when people are losing their jobs and incomes. It is time for some soul searching and to embrace the people as one people by actions and deeds. If the elite cannot empathise with the people but seen as being aloof, uncaring, cocky and thinking too highly of themselves, that they are the only worthy human beings and the rest are unworthy human beans, anger can be turned into hatred. Instead of throwing shoes, more vicious acts could be committed. Time to heal the rift by coming down to earth to be really caring and sensitive to the plight of the low down human beans. Cockiness and talking down to the people is becoming a curse and will not be tolerated anymore. It used to be 'Oh, so cute!'

Don't push the gov't to act

Rights groups call for tighter regulations to prevent exploitation of migrant workers This is the call in TOC. It is trying to do something for the helpless foreign workers. But I think TOC is doing more harm to the cause than helping them. The govt will not be presurised to action. It is more comfortable doing its own thing in its own pace and when it wants to. It does not like to be presurised or seen to be presurised to do things. The TOC may be more effective if it posts it in Reach as a plea or seeking for govt help. That will get things moving faster.