WP’s Sylvia Lim is so lucky. After 3 times of failing to speak in
Parliament this time her bid to speak was balloted. She wanted to ask the
PM on the basis for deciding who should be considered as the first elected
President from which the latest EP election was counted as due this year.
Everyone knows that the first EP was Ong Teng Cheong. Somehow Wee Kim Wee
term as the president was counted as the first EP. Sylvia Lim is asking in
Parliament whether the counting process is a legal matter or a policy
Is this an important question? It concerns when to hold an election for a
minority EP and the difference is as good as 5 years. And if the question
is so important, why should it be decided on a ballot, like a lucky draw?
It means if Sylvia Lim is unlucky, this question could not be asked for the
next 1000 years.
According to the newly promoted Speaker of Parliament, Tan Chuan Jin,
‘“Just balloted for tomorrow’s adjournment motion (3 Oct 2017). Sylvia
Lim’s motion has been picked. She was present for the draw, as she had been
the previous round. Vikram Nair’s motion would have to be deferred again
for the fourth time. His topic is on the future of NS.
It is important to note that apart from the adjournment motion, we also do
have a Private Member’s Motion that doesn’t require it to be balloted.
Christopher de Souza is in fact tabling one tomorrow and will see quite a
number of MPs speaking on it.
There are various platforms for every individual MPs to surface issues that
concern them. Do make full use of these opportunities.’
I dunno what is the difference between an adjournment motion and a Private
Member’s Motion, but I do know that a MP is a people’s representative and
has all the right to speak in Parliament and this right should not be
curtailed or be subjected to tikam tikam. What is an MP if his right to
speak is not a right but a lucky draw?
Funny isn’t it? First world politics or first world political game aka
tikam tikam.
Now Sylvia Lim must count herself so lucky to be balloted on the third
time. Heng ah! The right to speak in Parliament is like striking lottery.
And to be sure that her question is being put into the ballot box, she had
to be present every time they conduct a ballot. Really BTH. Uniquely
Sylvia Lim’s question on whether the decision on the changed EP for
minority is a policy or a legal matter has been answered by Shanmugam in
Parliament. What came out of Parliament is that the govt can make a policy
decision to override what is in the Constitution. Or the govt, by saying
that it is making a policy decision can interpret the Constitution the way
it thinks will suit the policy decision. Tiok boh? So, what is bigger, a
govt policy or the Constitution?
My layman’s thinking, the Constitution is law, is sacred, cannot anyhow
suka suka interpret to one’s liking. No? The govt is above the Constitution
or the govt’s policy decision is bigger than the Constitution? Like that
can or not? Any big time learned one out there, can enlighten or not? Law
big or policy big?
‘Bo how seow boh kong’ or ‘limpeh kong’ so what you want to do? Singapore’s
lawyers’ thinking and interpretation of the law is world class, super first
class, unbeatable, unchallengable, at least in Singapore.
How many of you want to challenge Shanmugam’s explanation in Parliament? I
am sure no lawyer in Singapore would dare to challenge his interpretation
of the law. Case over. When Shanmugam, the Minister of Law, opens his mouth
to talk about Singapore’s law, ‘bao tiok’ one. Who knows better about the
law of Singapore if not the Minister of Law? Laymen cannot anyhow talk one
talk two because laymen dunno, but the lawyers will know and therefore
agree in silence.
Respect, respect.
PS. The whole truth and nothing but the truth is the advice in the letter
by AGC to the PM.
In the spot the liar pic, anyone who picks a liar is wrong.
The correct answer, no liar. All speaking the truth.
Lawyers are liars. They even teach criminal how to lie.
So if you spot a lawyer, you are definitely right!
I do agree that Parliament with majority support from MPs can change anything it wishes including the Constitutional Law. So, it is unwise to smoke the people by dragging the AGC into the picture. If the Government of the day feels strongly that there is a need to amend the Constitution, say so. With good reasons, I am sure the people will support the change. Why must hide the intention behind words?
Thought al the white Parrots only knows Allowance correct and collected Sir!
Didn't know that once Sylvia Lim tabled a question, so many White Parrots also suddenly Tabled so many issues to speak.
Want to ply dirty also not like that.
What's farking balloting??? Same as HDB ballots, first priority goes to our Cronies and they can tell us that we have an Auditor to check.
What's Auditors that checked the NKF and so many Court Cases criminal cases they are mentioning.???
All Bullshits.
Now the Cat is out of the Bag as in the Photograph.
Who is telling the Truth??
Hello, how long you can cover all your lies?? One THOUSAND lie TO COVER ONE LIE???
The 70% Dafties kena screwed hard by their bad choice.
Especially Bukit Batok Batok- cough cough. If you idiots just get Chee Soon Juan In then we might have more interesting revelations everyday.
If they can change an Indian Muslim into a Malay Muslim, what else is there that they cannot change?
After PM Lee, Shanmugam is the most powerful minister in Singapore.
I think the balloting is taking the joke too far and subject to manipulation. But what can we say about the 'Kangaroo Parliament', where the white parrots are like a religious congregation, chanting the same mantras over and over and preventing the opposition from speaking out on other issues.
What is an MP if his right to
speak is not a right but a lucky draw?
Depends on what type of MP lah.
NMP, NCMP, elected MP, walkover MP?
Even if it is elected MP like Sylvia Lim, it also depends whether it is PAP or opposition MP.
And even if it is opposition MP, also depends on number of them.
If it is only 6 out of 89 MPs, then just too bad lah.
Sure kena bullied by PAP one. And they should also expect to be bullied.
That's life lah, Sinkieland style.
Kpkb no use, except for shiok to release steam.
Puuung!!! shoot out and so relaxing and satisfied after that. Needs fulfilled.
It seems like this garmen in white can change or white wash anything to their own political advantage. This white Garman some say is above the Law & constitution or whatever name u called it. But who else is above the white Garmen? Is it the people themselves? So .. Its like a chicken & eye story with never-ending story. However, who else is above the law, garmen & people, it's the Heaven or Gods & above that some called it The Way or Tao (道)..so it's Ah Long & all his comrades & cronies above Tao, let's wait & see ( pasts few days there r water fountain popping up naturally..is it a sign of Karma in action or something else intervention, Ah Kow called up 8 priests in DTL opening but still breakdowns...& wat else?..)
They have always been caught and entangled in a web of lies. So how to get out of this web. Don't worry they are the power and the glory. They are above the law, especially with the police, military and the judiciary under their rigid control. They can just do anything they want to suit their agenda albeit with the stupidity of the 70 percent. They are all honourable people and honourable people can do no wrong. But don't worry HEAVEN is watching. The Chinese YING - YANG theory will soon come into play and make sure every dog has its day no matter how strong and powerful you are.
Marcos and Suharto were the most powerful in SEA during their hey days, with the military supoort behind them. How did they fall?
The many Dynasties in China, with the emperor all powerful and overbearing, and yet they fall. How did they fall?
The Mongols were the most powerful force in history and at one time ruled almost the whole of Asia. How did they fall?
Hitler and Napoleon had the most all conquering armies in all of Europe and had embitions to swallow Russia. How did they fall?
You see, God has many ways of correcting and taking back control of whatever evil that men can propose. Some by force of nature, some by strife and some by self destruction due to greed.
Time will tell.
The truth is: the top men said and confirmed the count from the non elected wee kim wee was an advise from AG.
The politician responsible for AG denied it came from that office.
They all accepted that the count from wee kim wee as the start. They all did not justified with fact supporting wee kim wee was elected. Wee was some media state board head and one old man appointed him as president, for those new voters who did not know wee.
In truth, wee kim wee was appointed to do the job as president. He was never ever been elected by voters votes count.
The top men knew it was not the fact yet they acted on that office s advise: this part is worrying many voters.
Are they incapable to remember recent events in the 80s yet sitting in offices?
Do you think Ah Long San does not know how to count?
Or maybe he is thinking not just of this generation but the next generation.
And for some reason, the count must start from Wee Kim Wee?
Such are "Honourable men in Parliament"
How come the learned men from the AGC cannot understand the simple meaning of 'appointed' and 'elected'?
If this is the kind of people in the committes set up by the PAP, including the PE advisory committee, we must be the laughing stock of the whole world, including Matland.
And the learned, learned talented leaders of Sinkieland took their advice? How stupid can that be?
This must be the mother of all jokes.
Champion Mental Masturbators in Parliament.
WKW - 'exercise' EP powers .
OTC - 'elected' EP by people ( but no powder).
Is this how the MIWs gahmen count their First Elected President? Maybe we ordinary Sinkies r all dafts & can't understand what these extraordinary gahmen people r out of this world smart alecs that's why they r branded as Natural Alice-2-Cats', & Ah Long even have some many pets in his wing - they comprise Ah Kow, Ah Mau ( aka Halimiaw), Ah Bey, Ah Sing, Ah Hen, Ah Shame(The Bulldog), Ah Long ..- see all these r extraordinary people with 'animal' personality/characters in them, no wonder Sinkieland r govern by an Animal Farm metaphor is no wonderful for Sinkies as birds of same feathers flock together...
Is it true?
When you are paid a million dollar salary; it's not very easy to see the difference between elected and appointed?
All the organs of STATE were having a meeting, trying to decide who was the one in charge...
"I should be in charge," said the brain , "Because I run all the body's systems, so without me nothing would happen."
"I should be in charge," said the blood , "Because I circulate oxygen all over so without me you'd waste away."
"I should be in charge," said the stomach," Because I process food and give all of you energy."
"I should be in charge," said the legs, "because I carry the body wherever it needs to go."
"I should be in charge," said the eyes, "Because I allow the body to see where it goes."
"I should be in charge," said the ASS HOLE, "Because I'm responsible for waste removal."
All the other body parts laughed at the ASS HOLE And insulted him.
So in a huff, he shut down tight.
Within a few days, the brain had a terrible headache, the stomach was bloated, the legs got wobbly, the eyes got watery, and the blood Was toxic.
They all decided that the ASS HOLE should be the boss
The Moral of the story?
Even though the others do all the work.... The ASS HOLE is usually in charge
Bro Anon 10.53 very true. They think the Asshole is the most lowly Organ.
But when the Asshole goes on strike, you have to go to A@E.
Many cases the arse hold DONT Shits, your bladder even cannot even discharge your water cannon.
The URO doctor got to poke fine filament wire into your little Bro little hole and fine the problem.
Now Karma, always screw others, now kena Screwed.
Or alternatively, refer to the FT CEO who loves little boys and let him have a Go at your arse.
So, they looked down on WP. Let Sylvia be the pain in their arses.
If I am a typical Sing-a-poor-ean (kiasu & kiasi) who has been invited to tea, went through backdoor or rode on pigs' back, became an AIM-Pee, guaranteed with many $10,000 pm Directorships, my own private companies can easily get lucrative projects from Heaven, and given a Ministerial Position guaranteed with Multi-Million Dollars rewards (pay, perks and bonuses) every year. Plus with retirement benefits of FREE First Class Medical Benefits plus monthly Pension of $100,000 a month until I die. Plus my wife and children also get free medical benefits. My children became White Horses. What do you think a typically and uniquely Sing-a-poor-ean like me will do?
Should I act smart by not rocking the boat or should I act stupid by knocking my head against the hardrock and ended up with injuries and broken rice bowl?
Politics is all about protecting self interests within party interests. Never in the history of power politics has it been the people's interests. The masses are simply political tools to be used in support of your party and self interests. Why? Because if your political party failed to be of relevance, the masses will not master behind you. They may even stand in front of you and spit at you or cast derogaatives in your face!
The masses deserve the Master they have chosen. In a distinctly kiasu and kiasi culture (disguised as Multi-culturalism), the masses are also puppets like those in higher positions, whether civil or otherwise.
This is a dog eats dog, snake eats snake, monkey see monkey do, altruism is dead, money talk world.
The Four Asian Tigers or Asian Dragons are the highly developed economies of Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan. These regions were the first newly industrialized countries.
True or not?
Of the four Tigers.
Compare 1975 to present day 2017.
Singapore has fallen far behind.
Ever since Ah Long San and his Generals turned Singapore into an army camp with their army-inspired command and control style.
Do you think this is true?
I have the Impression
that the Sin Law
the Law in Sin.
Just an impression,
so I stand to be
Hope that the Other
Ministers do not take
the Law into their
hands and suka suka, as
being said, to do whatever they like.
Very frightening.
You know?
Hi Patriot,
This Gate Keeper is very powerful.
Korean GateKeeper just Guard the Chaebo Boss and act as Secretary, BodyGuard, Driver and stand between Boss and Employees.
Sin Gatekeeper is next to PM with support to crush any dissenters and those as Threat to him.
Considered as Second Man to the Seat.
Hatchet Man in Parliament as well as in the Streets.
Dear Virgo49;
Sin is like the Triads
before the 70s
it lacks the Righteousness and
Conscience of those
early days.
The Rulers are not much
different from Wolf, Dingo and Hyena.
How long will they be tolerated?
I must say I disagree. We have the most honourable, righteous and selfless men and women as our leaders.
Anyone who disagree with me kee chiu.
Minister of Truth K Shanmugam: President Wee Kim Wee is first elected President
This is a potential trick question for PSLE in 2017.
What is the name of Singapore's first elected President?
..Uncle RedBean. Ha..Ha..Ha. Me dunno wanto laugh or cry or LOL or COL..
Me tend to disagree with you (One side of me).
Other side of me said Yeah...UNCLE REDBEAN I DO AGREE WITH U FOR U (FULL?FOOL Heartedly).
OMG..me like become schezophonia or psychopathic ..sometimes agree...sometimes disagree...in the end voted the PAPIES (& be that 70% DaFts Sinkies Hobbitants)..
@Anon 1.31pm
Shamemugun is INSANE or DOTARD...History will tell itself that ONG TENG CHEONG IS THE FIRST ELECTED PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF S'PORE ..Nothing but the truth.
@ October 06, 2017 1:31 pm
Dear Minister of Education
Please let us know the "correct" answer.
What is the name of Singapore's first elected President?
This is a typical Singaporean behaviour.
Always ask gahmen for the "correct" answer.
Never just think for ourselves about what the correct answer should be.
You shall win hands down,
currently, You got give
and take 70 to 80% on Your Sides.
Before the 90s, You probably might have had 90% beside You when You was RC Chairman.
According to another Commenter here who frequently predicts PAP to win by 80% in the Next General Election, which I concur and wish that Alternative Parties will boycott completely, I like to concede that You are
right on.
@Anon 1.43pm
Minionster Ah Meng -- there r 2 versions of our Sinkieland History:
History Book of The PAPies & Natural Aristocats -- Wee Kim Wee is the First Elected President of Sinkieland.
History Book of The Commoners Sinkies Daftians -- ONG TENG CHEONG is the First Elected President of the Little Red Dot.
GCE 'O'Level History question paper --"Who is the First Elected President of S'pore?"...maybe u can write long essay stories but the Answer is u guess my guess...
Still dun understand?...
The Beauty of it all,
is that any answers
to the Question
shall be considered
by the Examiner who
probably will be as
clueless as the Students.
This is a 2 mark question.
In case you are wondering, the question goes something like this: Jess wants 200 ribbons of length 110 cm for a party.
However, the ribbons were sold at 25 m per tape.
How many tapes will Jess need?
It's good to know that our PAP scholars are able to answer such questions.
This ensures they have the necessary mental masturbation skills (I mean life skills) needed to perform well as future PAP Ministers.
Up till today, Wikipedia still wrote Ong Teng Cheong as the First Elected President of Singapore ..https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ong_Teng_Cheong
Why the PAPies IB don't object or reject it?..
200 x 110 cm = 22,000 cm
25 m = 2,500 cm
22,000 / 2,500 = 8.8 tapes.
@ October 06, 2017 2:00 pm
((( This is a 2 mark question.
In case you are wondering, the question goes something like this: Jess wants 200 ribbons of length 110 cm for a party.
However, the ribbons were sold at 25 m per tape.
How many tapes will Jess need? )))
Is it true?
Do you think the correct answer is:
"Whatever the parliament decrees the correct answer to be." ???
Because we are a "Rule by parliamentary decree" democracy.
All politicians are the same. Only put on good show to manipulate the people that there are good ones around. They are all paid well and given different roles like actors and actresses to play. Do not be manipulated.
They are there to plunder the people - both money and thoughts.
Go to any court of law that really uphold the Rule of Law and the Spirit of the Constitution, President Ong Teng Cheong will be legally and constitutionally considered as the First Legally Elected President of Singapore.
BUT, BUT, BUT Singapore's highest court, the Court of Appeal, has already ruled that Parliament's decision is SUPREME.
AND, the Law Minister has already stated in the Parliament that Parliament is SOVEREIGN.
That means the THREE branches of government, i.e. the Judiciary, the Legislative and the Executive are in FULL agreement that President Wee Kim Wee was the "First Elected President" by Parliament (not by the People).
SO, what can the powerless, inactive, co-driver, unwilling to be government, refusing to join protesters in Hong Lim Park, Workers' Party do?
AND, what can the subservient, kiasu and kiasi, obedient, no money and no time to play politics, daft Sinkies do?
Moral of this Sad Story::
1. When a daft fish like me gets hooked, there is nothing I can do already, except to wriggle and wriggle in pain until dead, and wait to be roasted or thrown away.
2. When 70% of daft fishes in a small pond are netted by the fisherman, there is nothing they can do already, except wait to be sold in the wet market or become very smelly rotten fish.
@anon 2.00pm
Here is the answer:
Number of ribbons that can be cut to 110cm each per roll: 2500cm/110cm=22 ribbons can be cut per roll (remaining a 80cm ribbon can't use)
Number of rolls needed:
200ribbons/22ribbons= 9.09 rolls ( which means not enough for 9 rolls & should request another roll) ..therefore answer is 10.
Got the above answer from MSM ' The New Paper' ..hope that they don't give incorrect /fake answer..a ex-teacher verified the above answer as correct ( but this only 2 mark!?) OMG..
History question.
Is President Halimah an Indian or a Malay?
Answer Indian, 1 mark
Answer Malay, 1 mark.
Answer half Indian, half Malay, 2 marks
History question.
Is President Halimah an Indian or a Malay?
Answer: What do you want it to be, Sir? One million dollar salary.
I hope they would not ask our students who is the first elected President. It would be more difficult than the maths question on ribbons.
Answer: No correct answer.
Not a legal or policy issue. PE based on a lie. The 1st Elected President based on million of voters who voted for the 1st time for a President was between Mr Ong Teng Cheong & Mr Chua Kim Yeow. Mr Ong won. Its all in the official archives & old news. So the recent election maybe legally not valid.
Anyone voted
any President
2017 in Sin?
Suppose if there is a ASEAN country ( not little red dot) set this exam question - Who is the First Elected President of Sinkapore? Guess what the students will answer...
Or PRC set a International study exam question in their schools or Institutions -- 谁是第一任的新加坡民选总统? ( maybe students answer is 李显龙 becos his toysrus r the first to be confiscated by HK, it came out in news last yr mah..)
If one purposely changed the Constitution from Nominated Presidency to Elected Presidency in order to get the mandate of the citizens so that the Elected President will have the legitimacy of a people elected president together with the power which he will ultimately be entitled to because of the people's mandate, it is very clear, both in law and in spirit, that there MUST BE AN ELECTION. If there is no election, whoever sworn in as the ELECTED President must be seen as illegally and unconstitutionally "enthroned" like in a military coup or uprising where the incumbent usurped the power and position which he or she does not have. In layman's term, this is equivalent to day-light robbery. Period.
The Singapore Law Society is a disgrace to its purported profession. How can they keep quiet?
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