
The Americans owe Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia a big apology

The embarrassing accident involving USS John McCain and an oil tanker in Singapore waters has come to a close. The 10 missing sailors have been found inside the cabin of the ship. They were not flung into the open sea as was initially thought or believed so. Only sailors on the open deck would be thrown off the ship in an accident like this.

What happened in this case was quite obvious. The container hit the port side of the destroyer right in the middle section and just above sea water level. The dent just caved in but no open hull. Nothing would have come out from the ship. It was pretty clear that the sailors were trapped inside the ship, sealed inside the cabin. Period.

Why was this information not made known to the Singapore, Malaysian and Indonesian forces that were madly scrambling around trying to be helpful, to look helpful when it was all a wild goose chase? Why made these helpful people looked like fools running around the surrounding sea and worrying that they did not do a good job to find the bodies of the sailors, or maybe a survivor?

Are the American so novice like the Singapore, Malaysian and Indonesian forces, not knowing what really happened and madly running around without knowing what was happening? The aimless search involving so many people and resources was totally a waste of time and money and could have been stopped from the word go. There was no need to make these kindhearted though a bit dumb people looking more dumb chasing the dragon when there was no need to.

The Americans owe the Singapore, Malaysian and Indonesian a big apology for allowing this fiasco to go on. They should not just stop at apologizing but to foot the bill for all the expenses incurred in the intensive search by all the parties concerned. Otherwise, not only the goodwill is lost, next time no one would want to volunteer to look like fools again when such an incident happened again.

Can’t imagine the Americans grinning and laughing away at the silliness in the open sea, in the sky, searching for nothing, day and night, non stop.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Why made these helpful people looked like fools running around the surrounding sea and worrying that they did not do a good job to find the bodies of the sailors, or maybe a survivor?

But then hor, I feel more sad and sorry for the 10 dead American sailors than for those helpful fools.

It also reflects on the Americans that by not making the information known to the helpful fools due to reasons best known to them, they are placing more importance on other things than for the safety of their sailors. Their motto is not safety first, definitely.

Anonymous said...

30/9 5.03pm @ A Fly but no look like dragon leh?
//Because a few years ago she slammed one kind respected Malay lady who approached her at the compound of a mosque to ask her to buy a mere $2 ticket for charity. I heard this directly from that respectable Malay lady living in Yishun, same area where Harimau stays.//

@ Anonymous August 30, 2017 6:40 pm
///Halimah’s “Do Good, Do Together” campaign

Ask to help in 2 lollars charity ticket oso kena "slammed", but the publicity slogan "sounds" verLi "BIIIIIG-HEARTED" leh ...?

The terms wayang, Chinese idiom "Ma bu zhi lian cang", hypocrite have taken an all new HIGHER level "meaning" ...?

Bcos of one funeral, the 70% have gotten ahgualand into big shits?

Why pple like AY, LSW, LHY, LSF etc need to run road?

One moment of folly in 2015 and many ahguamen have to pay with their future at stake?

The "carnages" across many parts of ahgualand verLi bad?

Many shops are empty most of the time, many even empty during peak hours?

Compared to 2 years ago, living standard of many ahguamen have deterioted?

Many are struggling to get by month to month, some even on day to day basis?

Fight they must but in the first place, why subject themselves to such agonies if they werent foolish and soft-hearted and ezli taken in by propaganda abt one funeral 2 years ago?

Now ahgualand and ahguamen are staring at the rd of no return?

Politics has taken a turn for the worst and no good men can turn it ard anymore?

Let it go, let it go, let it go .......

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ahguamen should ask themselves?

When they decreased their votes for the JLBs in 2011, their lives improved between 2011 and 2015.

But when they increased their votes in 2015, taxes just shot through the roof?

Electricity tariffs, water tax, carpark fees ...

1 cup of milo costs 20 to 30% more in 2017 as compared to 2015 ... but salary either stagnant or even went south?

Some even no salary cos kena replaced by fake degree foreign trash brought in by globalisation siao ting tong jlb?

The correlation cannot be more obvious?

Up votes in 2015, eveLIthing and taxes go through the roof in 2016 and 2017 and likely more to come ...?

Down votes in 2011 many services improved including mrt?

Up votes in 2015, mrt breakdown in 2016 and 2017 more than all the preceding years combined?

Up votes = higher taxes?

Up votes = more mrt breakdown?

Up votes = living std deterioration?

70% ahguamen brains really enter water le?

virgo49 said...

Actually, all the while, All been fooled by the Americans display of their so called Military Poweress and Might.

Accidents and Incidents like these will show their True Capabilities. Just like the PAP Ministers and their MPs. Also many managers,directors and what CEOs in many private and statutory boards. The mettle of how they worked will show their incompetence.

China and the Rest of the Nations would not be over awe by the West capabilities.

Anyway, these stupid Coloured Beans still have the Pinkinserson or Pinky Mentality just like our Pinky Loong.

He wants to be greater than his Papa internationally and wants to be in the limelight by offering DT to help in the Hurricane rescue.

PAPA leans towards China and son carried the Ameticans balls.

Just like OYK. Father Barisan Socialist and Son PAP.

They said Soo Wen Pak Lay.

Anonymous said...

/// Why made these helpful people looked like fools running around the surrounding sea and worrying that they did not do a good job to find the bodies of the sailors, or maybe a survivor? ///

What about our CPF?
Why make Singaporeans (tan ku ku) look like fools;
thinking we will get our CPF money back as cash?

Anonymous said...

// Why made these helpful people looked like fools running around the surrounding sea and worrying that they did not do a good job to find the bodies of the sailors, or maybe a survivor? ///

What about our HDB flats?
Why make Singaporeans look like fools;
thinking our HDB flats belong to us?

Anonymous said...

// Why made these helpful people looked like fools running around the surrounding sea and worrying that they did not do a good job to find the bodies of the sailors, or maybe a survivor? ///

What about our MRT trains?
Why make Singaporeans look like fools;
thinking our MRT trains is world class?

Anonymous said...

// Why made these helpful people looked like fools running around the surrounding sea and worrying that they did not do a good job to find the bodies of the sailors, or maybe a survivor? ///

Singapore has two Transport Ministers – Khaw Boon Wan and Ng Chee Meng
and SMRT has two CEOs – Desmond Kwek and Lee Ling Wee.

Why make Singaporeans look like fools;
thinking our MRT trains are going to get better?

Anonymous said...

Do you think one white retail monkey has made a big mess many years ago?
Do you think 4 white monkeys can reverse the damage?
Or will they make an even bigger mess?

Do you think we will get an even bigger mess ... once the white monkeys implement a cashless system?

If the payment system is not broken ...
Do you think our white monkeys will fix it until it becomes broken?

Anonymous said...

Deliberate Killing Of Own Sailors Is Murder of Highest Degree

The commander of USS John S McCain gave orders for the compartment of the ship to be sealed off because of flooding. The 10 sailors were trapped inside that compartment and died a miserable, horrible and terrorising death, equivalent or worst than the water-bounding treatments CIA and the US Military dished out to the suspects of terrorism held by the US in various secret prisons throughout the world.

This incident tells a real-life story of how cruel and evil US military commanders are. They are worst than the terrorists who have been branded by them. They are the REAL TERRORISTS, the most EVIL TERRORISTS in the history of man-unkind.

They are willing to killed their own men in order to save their own skins. The families of these 10 men should and must sue the US Government and the US Navy for deliberate first degree murders and demand full compensations plus appropriate charges and punishments be brought upon the Commander of USS John S McCain without delays. Simply sacking them fall short of the proper justice that needs to be done by President Donald John Trump.

The coincidence of the name "John" in USS John S McCain and Donald John Trump may be another story to tell. Suffice to say, it reminds me of the murder of John F Kennedy by CIA, ordered by the Vice President Lyndon Johnson (another John)- eerily coincidental?

This act of deliberate killing of the 10 sailors under the guise of an accident must been seen as what it should be. Justice, represented by the Statue of Liberty, must be done for the World to see!

It is tantamount to First Degree Murders, if not higher!

Anonymous said...

//Otherwise, not only the goodwill is lost, next time no one would want to volunteer to look like fools again when such an incident happened again.//Rb

This would never happen.
Just like Sinkies keep on voting the whites PAPies even got screwed left right & center but still there r 70% dafts Sinkies voted for the Miws.

Americuns govt will never pay a single cents in the name of security & navigation freedom in SCS..

Anonymous said...


Like 70% Sinkies, stupidity has no cure.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

I share the views of Dragonfly. The murder of the 10 sailors reminds me of USS Arizona in Pearl Harbour with thousands trapped inside and died just like the 10 sailors. In this case there could be time to get them out. The ship is not going to sink so quickly. Poor American boys and girls died for nothing.

Come to think of it, the call for help to search the South China Sea could be a disguise for this inept tragedy, pretending that the sailors were not in the sealed cabin.

Oops, they died for trying to provoke China in the SCS. Maybe the Chinese have put a curse on those intruders trying to create trouble for them in the SCS. Beware American mamas and papas, your children will be cursed if they go trouble making in the SCS.

The Eastern Dragon King has been commanded to do what is necessary.

Anonymous said...

The Question Should Be What, Not Why

All the following comments tried to answer the question why. We should actually ask the question WHAT makes the US behaves in the manner it behaves.

Extrapolate and apply it to Singapore:

WHAT makes PAP leaders and policy-makers behave the way they are behaving towards the citizens and voters of Singapore?


"Why made these helpful people looked like fools running around the surrounding sea and worrying that they did not do a good job to find the bodies of the sailors, or maybe a survivor?" by RB


"But then hor, I feel more sad and sorry for the 10 dead American sailors than for those helpful fools.

It also reflects on the Americans that by not making the information known to the helpful fools due to reasons best known to them, they are placing more importance on other things than for the safety of their sailors. Their motto is not safety first, definitely."


"Actually, all the while, All been fooled by the Americans display of their so called Military Poweress and Might.

Accidents and Incidents like these will show their True Capabilities. Just like the PAP Ministers and their MPs. Also many managers,directors and what CEOs in many private and statutory boards. The mettle of how they worked will show their incompetence.

China and the Rest of the Nations would not be over awe by the West capabilities.

Anyway, these stupid Coloured Beans still have the Pinkinserson or Pinky Mentality just like our Pinky Loong.

He wants to be greater than his Papa internationally and wants to be in the limelight by offering DT to help in the Hurricane rescue.

PAPA leans towards China and son carried the Ameticans balls.

Just like OYK. Father Barisan Socialist and Son PAP.

They said Soo Wen Pak Lay."
@ September 01, 2017 8:54 am


"What about our CPF?
Why make Singaporeans (tan ku ku) look like fools;
thinking we will get our CPF money back as cash?"
@ September 01, 2017 9:18 am


"What about our HDB flats?
Why make Singaporeans look like fools;
thinking our HDB flats belong to us?"
@ September 01, 2017 9:19 am


"Singapore has two Transport Ministers – Khaw Boon Wan and Ng Chee Meng
and SMRT has two CEOs – Desmond Kwek and Lee Ling Wee.

Why make Singaporeans look like fools;
thinking our MRT trains are going to get better?"
@ September 01, 2017 9:26 am


WHAT are your answers?

Start thinking. and think deeper and broader, please.

Also try to think of the possible solutions, realistic and practical solutions.


Anonymous said...

WHAT makes PAP leaders and policy-makers behave the way they are behaving towards the citizens and voters of Singapore?

Because Singaporeans keep rewarding PAP leaders with our votes.
If we want PAP to change their behaviour, then Singaporeans must change the way we vote.

If we want our CPF money back at age 55 years old as promised.
If we want our HDB flats to belong to us and not HDB.
If we want our MRT trains to be reliable.
If we want jobs in Singapore to go to Singaporeans first.
Then we will have to vote Opposition.

True or not?
You tell me lah.

Anonymous said...

Also try to think of the possible solutions, realistic and practical solutions.
September 01, 2017 10:11 am

Do you think you have been brain washed by PAP?
You sound like PAP Ministers asking for "constructive criticism".
Please lah.
It's very simple.
Just vote Opposition.
It's really that simple.

Once talented people know that Singaporeans will vote Opposition.
More and more talented people will join Opposition.
Right now, many talented people just do not want to have an army General as a boss.

Anonymous said...

Once talented people know that Singaporeans will vote Opposition.
More and more talented people will join Opposition.
10:42 am

Tiok. And it is a chicken and egg situation.

So Singaporeans better start to vote Opposition to lay the eggs first, and then the chicken will hatch with more and more talented people joining Opposition.

Anonymous said...

On the contrary, instead of demanding an apology from the Americans, Singapore offered to deploy up to four Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) CH-47 Chinook helicopters to assist the United States with relief operations in the wake of Hurricane Harvey.

Lee Hsien Loong said the move was a gesture to express appreciation and gratitude to the United States and the state of Texas that has been hosting Singapore’s Peace Prairie Detachment.

Anonymous said...

@ September 01, 2017 11:18 am

Four Chinook helicopters for the entire Houston area.
You think that will make any difference?

Take a look at this map of the flooded area.
Look at the size.



How much is President Trump paid to manage America?
How much is Xi Jinping paid to manage China?
How much is LHL paid to manage Singapore?

Anonymous said...

President Trump said he will donate US$1 million of his own money to help the flood victims. PAP people help on Sinkies? Ah gong money !

Virgo49 said...

Hi The Dragon Fly,

The Amweicunts got to put on a show that they are not on the wrong. So have to wayang, wayang when these Fools turned up and volunteers to help.

Just like the Australians who searched the oceans for the missing plane, they made Suckers out of these Fools to search the seas.

Actually, the Mats took this opportunity to reclaim their rights near Pedra Branca. Their Appeal case coming up.

The Sinkies don't mind to waste millions just to get an International Recognition and show off their Navies.

The Indons also want to be a Big Bro in this Region.
That's their Mentalities.

Warriors, warriors, warriors.

They does not know that only useless people donned these military uniforms and waste the Earths Resources.

b said...

Americans should own singapore, malaysia and indonesia. Its better for the region. No need to spend so much on defense and can spend it on building better homes and infrastructure for the region.

b said...

If Trump becomes sinkies master, no one will dare bully sinkies - not matland or indland. No need expensive ns, housing, coe, ministers, daily costs etc . wow, so many advantages.

b said...

I prefer President Trump than President alimama.

patriot said...


The US Navy came from tens of thousand of kilometres and risked their live to come and protect You and ensure the Freedom to use the lnternational waterways and unfortunately suffered casualties and You got the Cheek to demand apology and compensation?
the US did not demand for the Comprehensive Large Scale Search and Rescue Operations. lt was voluntary efforts by the Three Asean Members and maybe there were parties trying to outdo one another for brinksmanship.
Anyway, this ego to outdo one another is exactly what the US wants to know. So, the Accident might not be an accident per its' meaning, that is to say it might not be an accident at all. BUT, an intended act to test some rulers around the Triangle.

As for the Conspiracy of a China vessel nearby the McCain when collision happened, this could simply be an attempt to smear the PRC.
it is a case of Sinophile trying to glorify the Superiority of the PRC Folks in high tech capabilities.

To cut it short, the eagerness and huge deployments of resources to
offer helps just went to show how daft some regimes and commanders can be.
Even an office-bound person like Sir Chua Chin Leng is able to deduce that no casualty can be far from the Site of the Accident.




b said...

If USA own Singapore, pmLee can unite with his brother and sister since we will all be american citizens....win for usa, win for sinkies, win for pmlee. pm lee can be a governor then. Big house, big car, big apple - here I come...

Anonymous said...

Did anyone learn anything from the search and rescue missions?

I believe the Americans have given the daft a lesson on stupidity.

Anonymous said...

Really, truly and multiple-confirmed,