
Would Halimah Yacob be accepted as a Malay candidate for the EP?

TRE’s editorial article said Halimah’s father was an Indian Muslim. This is a quote from the article,
ST report: Halimah’s father an Indian Muslim
‘In 2013, when Halimah Yacob was selected to be the new Speaker of Parliament after the former one, Michael Palmer, resigned from politics due to his marital affair with a PA woman, ST wrote an article to feature Halimah (‘A strong advocate for workers, women and minorities‘, Jan 2013):
In the article, it was revealed that her father is an Indian of Muslim faith. He passed away when Halimah was 8 years old. She studied hard and later graduated with a law degree from NUS. Her first job was as a legal officer with NTUC….’
This revelation would pose a lot of serious questions as to Halimah Yacob’s eligibility as a Malay candidate for the EP election. The question on the definition of being a Malay would now be in the spot light. What or who is a Malay and who should determine or qualify a person as a Malay, the Malay community, the govt or the AGC office or the EP election committee? This seems easy enough by picking up one of these agencies or whichever agency that is suitable. The difficult part is whether the Malay community would accept any candidate or any agency to speak on their behalf on such a serious issue.
Accepting Halimah as a Malay would in itself create more difficult problems in the future. If a candidate of mixed parentage like Halimah, an Indian Muslim father can be accepted as a Malay candidate, would a Chinese Muslim father, a European or Eurasian Muslim father also qualified under this ruling to be called a Malay? How far would the Malay community go to accept a person as a Malay now that there are 50% Malay, 25% Malay, 75% Malay and many other variations of Malayness?
My personal view is that the worm in the can is growing too big to be of any comfort to the govt or to the Malay community. How to resolve this Pandora of the EP would need more than a rocket scientist or a genius to do it. In the days of LKY, he might be able to talk his way out of it without anyone daring to stand up to challenge his view or decision. Unfortunately no one in the govt today has such an authoritative stature to pull out a rabbit from a top hat and call it a dove.
It would be interesting to see how the govt is going to untie this knot if Halimah is put up as a Malay candidate, or any candidate with such a similar birth right. Anyone thinks this is easy to resolve and put right?


Anonymous said...

Uncle, ez case Lah..just find a Malay Muslim Godfather or ammend the birth cert /nric race column to Malay & Halimau become eligible EP ...or Long Ge jus say something of her Mother Malay in mother day & case solve...who wud dare to dispute & will be sued till bankrupt & imprisonment..so simply resolve & no issue Mah..have any seen Halimau birth cert or NRIC?...

Anonymous said...

This is so typical of the type of "problems" that crops up under our PAPaya government.

1. Do you think it's a problem that was created by the PAPaya government themselves?
2. Was there a problem before the PAPayas introduced the race criteria?

So what's the easiest way to solve this non-problem?
Just do away with all this qualifying criteria for President.
Any Singaporean can run for President.
Why should an un-elected committee get to decide who is "qualified" and who is not "qualified" to stand for elections?

Anonymous said...

So now how?

Do we have to set up a new expert committee that can carry out genetic tests to determine the race of our Presidential candidates?

Would there be a potential constitutional crisis in the future if the race of a future President is challenged?

Virgo 49 said...

MR RB, one Anon bro used to quote :

When we say she is qualified, means she is qualified! !!!

What's there to ask? ??

Others, we said disqualified, means disqualified

Your PAP Masters, signed with LOVE

Anonymous said...

RB, please dun doubt Sinkieland's PeeAyam integrity ( not say me say wan)..Kee Chiu said u r in serious trouble if u doubt the integrity of the PeeAm. The EP game is ain't over & who got selected is also unknown. When PeeAm said Halima is a Malay ( at least for most part of her life in the Malay Community) who would dare to challenge..nope? CSJ? KJ? Or anyone?...

virgo49 said...

Mahatahir also Indian putra blood also become PeeAyam.

When the Bumis said he qualified,he qualified.

Same, sama sinkieland.

Just prepare for Sat half holiday.

Not for the unemployed, underemployed, free lancers, contract staff etc.

Only for the full time foreign talents.

patriot said...

The President Post, if it is indeed to have a neutral one to serve all Races
equitably, must only goes to a mixed blood or in local Hokkien(Dialect) Parlance 'chap cheng'.

To GIVE or SELECTIVELY CHOOSE a pure Race for the Sake of FAIRNESS to

l look forward to my ldol Matilah Singapura to give us a fair comment about the Issue, even in jest as tge EP Issue is a non event in my opinion.
What can a lame president do for
the Citizenry?


Anonymous said...

Excuse me. I did not follow the EP issues 1oo% and I may not know the details.

Is next EP reserved for malay candidates or muslim candidates?

Very simple! Very simple!

If reserved for malay candidates only, then indian-muslim or
others-muslim candidates may not be considered as malay candidates,
although they all may be muslim candidates.


Anonymous said...

We need a EP to check on the garment.
We need a President Advisory Committee to check on the EP.
We need another committee to check on the President Advisory Committee.
Parliament with 2/3 majority vote can overruled the EP.
We also need Special Powers for the EP to overrule the 2/3 majority Parliament.
We need more committees with more power to check on the watchmen.
What else do we need?

Anonymous said...

Is next EP reserved for malay candidates or muslim candidates?
Very simple! Very simple!
April 27, 2017 10:16 am

Sure or not?
Sekali TCB convert to Islam then how?

Anonymous said...

What else do we need?
April 27, 2017 10:35 am

We need to work to actually create wealth ... so that there is something that is worth guarding and checking.
Otherwise, all this is EP song & dance is just Mental Masturbation.

So are the PAPayas creating any new wealth for Singaporeans?
Or just Mental Masturbating away all our wealth, skills, opportunities and talents?

Anonymous said...

Rb, I don't think there are any issues cause she already elected as representing Malay in parliament? True or not?

Anonymous said...

When your foundation are build on lies or what Amos would probably call it, sand in the vagina, you need to pile on more sand to cover the sand

Anonymous said...

Hi anonymous 10.37am..........not to worry not to worry.

Even, sekali TCB convert to Islam, he can only convert to muslim.

If the EP is reserved just for our malay brothers and malay sisters, I m not sure as a chinese-muslim he can be considered as a candidate.

So, very sorry, no chance for TCB!


Anonymous said...

It is incredible the amount of singaporean idiots coming on REGULATED social media. It goes to show how much damages the education system and laws had done to its people.

What have you got to show?

Old people rotting away with mental problems and the young are just blind followers with no substance and generally shallow( don't be fooled by exceptions)

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Anonymous said...
Rb, I don't think there are any issues cause she already elected as representing Malay in parliament? True or not?
April 27, 2017 11:43 am

Not so sure leh. If this logic is consistently applied, then an EP candidate eligible in last EP election should automatically be eligible since already eligible. Ok this case there is the element of race coming in.

Would Vivian be a Chinese or Indian? I think father is Indian and mother Chinese. If follow father's race then Indian, if follow mother's race then Chinese.

Anonymous said...

Angkol, aiyoh, PeeAyam said can means can, who dare to doubt his integrity? The EP thing is always a changing goalpost la..to suit the Leegime ma..who said no or cannot, all the cronies will make sure it can la..

Anonymous said...

was it stated on the birth certificate, indian or indian-muslin

Anonymous said...

Live in Sin, dies in Sin

Anonymous said...


Singapore is like that lah! You dont know meh?

Everyone so very busy trying to earning enough to survive
in this very very expensive crowded tiny city state.

Where got time to "chap" the EP issues! No time! No time!

Furthermore, is who standing for EP going to change the
life of the masses?

Answer me! Answer me!

Anonymous said...

Whereas Samuel Sinyangwe, a well-known American activist, tweeted: “White men made millions for crashing the economy. Obama should get at least 400k to speak on how he saved it.”

Here is your saviour

Anonymous said...

What kind of world will persecute a boy for speaking up?

Make no mistake about it. It is RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION, in the name of preserving and protecting religious rights, as well as political persecution.

Yet, the people embraced such leadership.

Anonymous said...

Rb 1.35pm //Would Vivian be a Chinese or Indian? I think father is Indian and mother Chinese. If follow father's race then Indian, if follow mother's race then Chinese.//

There were some things swept under the carpet since WW2?

And some dirt possibly came out during discussions after the "Syokan" issue ..... oops "Syonan" issue (insensitively and sadistically?) surfaced earlier this year?

The point is many women in "Syonan" (as it was called by the invading Jap during WW2) were forcefully raped and their husbands brutally beaten up (many till half dead or almost dead)?

So there could be more than Chinese blood, Malay blood, Indian blood, Eurasian blood flowing in many (unknowing and unwitting) sinkies?

How to know out of the tens or hundreds of thousands of women brutally raped during WW2 by the invading Jap, no babies were born where the biological fathers were .......?

Is that the reason why many sinkies love Ramen, all kinds of Jap food etc etc especially many cha bors?

Many sinkie cha bors die die EVERY YEAR must (spend a bomb) go Japan at least twice a year (cos one time not enough?)?

And after come back each time crave for Jap food such as Ramen like crazy?

So yew go tg pgr rd area during lunch and dinner every day even the Ramen outlets need queue at least 30 to 40 mins?

And (Ramen is) just (for) a bowl of noodles with some chopped spring onion, a thin slice of pork, a hard boiled egg, some bone-stewed broth for like 3 to 4 times the price of normal yun tun or dumbling noodles?

Angkor patrait, u agree the above need further examination or not?

Why many sinkies cha bor crazy abt Jap fd like Ramen and willing pay a few times the price given the dish is probably at best marginally better than normal noodles?

Nothing special leh?

Worth to pay like $15 to $18 for a bowl of ramen soup noodles with a thin slice of pork and 1 miserable quasi-hard boiled egg (when yew can eat at the opp tg pgr plz hawker ctr 4 bowls of other yummy noodles for the same amt paid for 1 bowl of hype up Jap ramen)?

Is it improbable or probable that many sinkies cha bors might have jap blood passed down during the WW2 era (that's why they so crazy abt Jap fd, many other Jap stuff, Jap holidays and somemore many times more expensive)?

Seems like this issue is indeed getting complicated (and possibly a can of worms like what lao hero suggested)?

Anonymous said...

What kind of world will persecute a boy for speaking up?

Make no mistake about it. It is RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION, in the name of preserving and protecting religious rights, as well as political persecution.

Yet, the people embraced such leadership.

April 27, 2017 4:01 pm

Church leaders eat their expensive bread quietly in Sin

Anonymous said...

Nobody bothers to ask a Malay what is a Malay in this context.

Virgo 49 said...

Hello Anon 1.09

If only the poor uncle who wants to share table with the selfish white collar professionals were as famous or infamous like our JBJ.

At that time when JBJ was at Colombo Court and he went to Funan Food Court for lunch. He went just to any table with a spare seat and politely asked in his English grammar: May I join you?

Straight away the white collar necktie professionals scrambles up and moved to another table joining and squeezing with others.

See how well mannered these professionals are. How unselfish leaving him to have the table to himself. They would not want to be seated with him lest the Security Branch officers take photos and they get investigated.

But with PAP members and MPs, no problem. Can I have a photo with you please.

See how pleasant Singaporeans are.

Anonymous said...

@ April 27, 2017 4:54 pm

Hypocrisy. Thy name is Singapore.
We got the Leeders we deserve.

Anonymous said...

@ AnonymousApril 27, 2017 12:33 pm
//What have you got to show?

Old people rotting away with mental problems and the young are just blind followers with no substance and generally shallow( don't be fooled by exceptions)//


What have YEW got to show?

Those who went to elite schs mostly quite shallow inside?

Wear the branded sch badge and appear "super talent" (good to see only?)?

But probe a bit deeper (and) there is "not much inside ....."?

Many, if not most, (are) like that?

As for oldies, recent mrt and carpark incidents tell a thousand stories?

A blind leading the blind makes the world blind?

A khongcum leading makes the world khongcumer (and eventually khongcumest)?

A Cha Tao leading makes the world (very) Tao Tia (for many generations to cum)?

Anonymous said...

Singaporeans want to go on holiday with old Uncle Lee so old Uncle Lee can rub off his anointing on them mah

You old uncles/aunties or old man and woman in hawker centers, pls lah, never get spit on by your children a blessing in Sin already

Anonymous said...

All the Mental Masturbation over the Elected Presidency Office.
All the papers, reports, memo, committees and e-mail it generates.

Do you think it creates any good jobs for Singaporeans?
Do you think it adds to the GDP?
Do you think it makes Singapore's economy more competitive?
Do you think it makes Singaporeans happier?

Mental Masturbation. Thy name is Singapore.

Anonymous said...

If had not been captured on video, old man would have walked off like an old fool with no dignity.

That's the story of most poor old people here or those living in HDBs.

That's the future of 80% homeowners here

Anonymous said...

Breed them young and stupid and let them grow old like fools with mental problems

Anonymous said...

Again, not because of that incident and captured on video, he would live on that way for another 10 to 20 yrs undetected..like the rest of the old folks hahahahaha

Yes, you are living in paradise hahaha

Virgo 49 said...

Latest News CAN.

Josephine Teo Full minister in charge of Population Matters.

She be demonstrating sex in a small space.

Have more sex hotels in Geylang.


Anonymous said...

Wah! Josephine Teo is a Full Minister now.
Singapore is saved.
Singaporeans will have jobs tomorrow.
Hallelujah !!!

Anonymous said...

There is no future in the service sectors for many people. They need a lot of people there though. What's the percentage? 60 to 80%

Die lah

Anonymous said...

The other new minister has fat lips. The 70 yrs old man would love him lol

Anonymous said...

Why no future in service sector? Brain rot faster serving Sin people? muahahaha

Anonymous said...

A new generation of money gods have been promoted. Your worst nightmare is each new generation of leaders who basically have nothing to offer except to continue the foundation of the old guards who had it easier with FAST MONEY.

patriot said...

Sinkies love sushi, ramen, honda, toyota, sony, nasushita,
canon, tokyo and soka, especially the Sinkie Girls indeed. And l am
not talking Japanese in Sin.

Japan is said to be beautiful, clean and safe. l believe though l have not visited. On television, Japanese Girls are
beautiful, even those on adult materials look good. They maybe the Envy of our local Chinese Sinkie Girls, just guessing.

Sinkie Chinese Males love Japanese Products and Japanese Girls. Sinkie Chinese Girls love Japanese Foods. No harm done and nothing unusual.

A Chinese stranger un Sin tried to get me to join Soka,claimed that it is Japanese Buddhism.
Why he did that was beyond me, because the Origin of Buddhism was Indian and the Proselytiser believes in the adulterated Japanese Version.
Seems like there are many Japanese idolating Sinkies aka Sinners.
But, l would not agree that their grandmothers share
the same liking for the Jeps.

Younger Sinkies are
less able to identify themselves with their Origins ethnically.

Younger Sinkies mostly do not have affinity or identify with their roots.


Anonymous said...

Who says no good jobs in Singapore? See, so many good ministers jobs available to make more millionaires, on taxpayers money of course.

Anonymous said...

Underneath the limelight of fame and fake news, underneath the skin and scarf and underneath the PAP and pedestal, lies an ugly.speckle of a character very much unseen and unheard by the public is a woman who has been so ruthless and miserly than when a fellow Malay Lady, who was fund-raising for a charitable organization to help the physically impaired, approached her in a Mosque Compound one Friday of Prayers, to contribute a mere $$2 to buy a ticket, she flatly refused and cast an unwarranted and uncalled-for stinging slur upon that respectable Malay Lady, who was only doing her small part for our society just as any other well-meaning compassionate people would do. That was the HA-LI-MAMA who may just become your President in a matter of months.

Virgo 49 said...

Bro Anon 10.17

In Charity shows fund raising on telly, where did you ever see the President, PAP Ministers or for that matter any MPs make a single donation? ??

Prata and KFC man in their own President's Charity Show do not even.donate one miserable cent.

Their Gaji Buta some more than the PeeAyam.

So she is fully qualified to run for President.

Dry runs doing in one of the criteria.

Any way where you got see the very rich made donations? ?

Followed Hong Kong status naming dropping in having your names named in any public buildings if we made donations.

Like Putu Phuat hospital.

Pioneers like Tan Lark Sai built institutions without thoughts of having their names named.

Now's who donate more shall have their names engraved.

Anonymous said...

A young lawyer, another familiar surname, became a full minister.

The woman is the only who declared where she stands religiously

All of them, who will they pick to take the supreme leader seat and be God to monkeys? LoL

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, the academics cross sword with a black knight who carries an even bigger sword over who has the right to tell monkeys to behave like monkeys LoL

Then someone from the monkey class pointed middle finger at the lizards who crossed sword with the black knight with a bigger sword of for fathering monkeys in the first place

So the Father of monkeys are lizards LoL

Anonymous said...

"All of them, who will they pick to take the supreme leader seat and be God to monkeys?"

Cardinals summoned to Rome. Popes are chosen by the College of Cardinals, the Church's most senior officials, who are appointed by the Pope and usually ordained bishops. They are summoned to a meeting at the Vatican which is followed by the Papal election - or Conclave.

Anonymous said...

Do you know what they will do your A.H. if you choose another God to rule monkeys?

They will fuck your A.H. violently but religiously

Anonymous said...

hahaha..funny show

Anonymous said...

yah...the smell of money not foul hoooooor....

Anonymous said...

so many rich pastors in Sin...heheh...so many rich ministers....hehe....collecting tithes and offerings to smoke their gods...hehe

Anonymous said...

"He(Amos) was prosecuted, not persecuted, for publishing hate speeches against muslim and Christianity. Did you read those? Unsubstantiated writings aimed at wounding religious group and a man whose contribution to singapore is undeniable. Are you fine with him publishing writings that outright insults your family and you?"

Religious indoctrination at work and you don't even know you have been inducted( for the non religious)

Easily 70% religious retards.

Monkeys love religion

Anonymous said...

One incident, many retards on show. Retards watched, commonly did nothing mostly, when an old man was HIT from the back by white collar retard. Old man, also retarded, did not know what to do so he "prayed". Those watched also "prayed". The couple also "prayed"( not to be caught).

All prayed and waited to be saved in the house of god. What do they teach you there?

To Sing.....

Here I am
Down on my knees again
Surrendering all
Surrendering all
And find me here
Lord as You draw me near
Desperate for You
Desperate for You
I surrender
Drench my soul
As mercy and grace unfold
I hunger and thirst
I hunger and thirst
With arms stretched wide
I know You hear my cry
Speak to me now
Speak to me now
I surrender
I surrender
I wanna know You more
I wanna know You more
I surrender
I surrender
I wanna know You more
I wanna know You more
Like a rushing wind
Jesus breathe within
Lord have Your way
Lord have Your way in me
Like a mighty storm
Stir within my soul
Lord have Your way
Lord have Your way in me
Like a rushing wind
Jesus breathe within
Lord have Your way
Lord have Your way in me
Like a mighty storm
Stir within my soul
Lord have Your way
Lord have…

Anonymous said...

Eli, Eli, Lama sabchatni!
Gog, God, why have you forsaken me!

b said...

Trump may think sg is islamb state if a muslim become president.

Anonymous said...

A Minionster Teoh No Luck has resigned, is he gonna be the next EP candidate? How ? Isn't he a Chinese? Or he soon convert to Muslim with his dad as Malay Muslim? Maybe nope as he isn't interested. No Luck jus wanna do his own bziness or start-up to milk from the gahman funds probably, or he wud set example to be an innovative entrepreneur here in Sinkieland..

Anonymous said...

I wonder why no sinkies accuse Amos of abandoning the school system but instead accuse him of abdicating NS?

The Intent is quite apparent when you consider that the Army punishes your body and the soul into compliance(the fear of the whip)

The school, however, punishes your head mostly( vision of "heaven")

By the time you have been sufficiently educated and graduated, you will be like a horse, only able to look straight and am sensitive to the whip on your back.

What does that mean?

It means your ground is unreceptive and unfruitful and it will irrigate the seed of war.