
Why Redbean did not reply?


Cynical Investor wrote an article in the TRE titled ''The truth about a China apologist'' and asked why redbean did not reply to him and a few others as well. The answer, why redbean did not want to reply is the same as why Confucius did not want to explain but agree with a 3 season man that there is no winter. Confucius knew that he could not convince the 3 season man that there was really a season called winter that the 3 season man had not known. How so?

A 3 season man is like some insects with lifespan of only 9 months, from spring to autumn. By autumn the insect would have outlived its life and be dead, never would it have a chance to experience and know what winter is like. To such an insect it is true that there is no winter. And the insect would be so convinced that he was right and would not want to understand or listen to people who lived long enough to tell him that there was winter. The discussion would be a waste of effort and time and it was better to agree with the 3 season man or let the 3 season man to believe he was right. Let the 3 season man be happy in his own truth.

There are many kinds of truth depending on the subjective biases of the individual. Some would believe that their beliefs are the truth. Some would believe that their facts are the truth. Some would believe that the fabricated facts are the truth just like the WMD in Iraq or Osama was the master mind behind 911. Some would believe the Americans are the most peace loving people despite being at war for the last 6 decades and killing hundreds of innocent lives. Some would also believe the Americans practices rule of law and accept and abide by international laws.

Just leave the 3 season man to their own thinking and logic. No need to sweat the small stuff.


Anonymous said...

This response by RB is the most rational counter measure against a instigator. My observation is: this instigator has been a IB like attention seeker who started with claims that he or she or both, managed firm bigger than sg gdp. I thot only Likasheng can claim that size, so this bluff was a real smoke bomb. RB s pointed article was from one reader about the 9 dash lines validity. The originator used Qing dynasty had no 9 dash lines as basis. I wondered he did not know Han to Tang dynasty time, Vietnam was part of China called Annan.

The 11 dash line was drawn after 2nd world war. The writer did not even mention it. The 9 dash line was taken by China ccp to avoid islands closed to Vietnam as a way to work with Vietcon, way after the 2nd world war.

If history time is taken as Qing dynasty as baseline, then Philippines is not an independent country, what claims does it has?

I dont think aged blogger who insults blogger as young as teen 16 is a rational writer of upright motives. RB staying clear from such character shows he is still having social responsibility in mind when blogger. 3 cheers to RB.

patriot said...

Think Chung Leng is too cynical of Three Season Folks.
Why do l say this; if the Three Season Insects have had successors, their Third Generation would have experienced at least part if not the Whole of Winter. But, then, the Third Generations may missed one other season and remain a Three Season Species forever.
Rb is right to say leave the Three Season Folks to themselves.

We are all bigot and egoistic to some extend, so long as one has the Virtue to accept the Right of Opinion, we can always enjoy our CONVERSATIONS, chats and exchanges.

We may even miss the Banners of the Khakis here whom we have never met.

Let' keep the chattering going.

Me hates to oneself talk to oneself
though it is quite usually so.


Anonymous said...

Anon 10:06am
"I dont think aged blogger who insults blogger as young as teen 16 "is a rational writer of upright motives".

This is more appropriate. That blogger sounded more like frustrated Malaysians turned Singapore citizen or PR, aged no where called home, pathetic writer, so took on young kid blogger to ease frustration. RB is smart to stay clear.

patriot said...

banter to replace 'banner', in my First
Comment here.

My apology


patriot said...

banter to replace 'banner', in my First
Comment here.

My apology


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Patriot, just a point on the insect world. In the case of the 3 season insect, they come to life in spring and die in autumn before the onset of winter. But they left their eggs to be hatched again in the next spring. The life cycle of such insects would be the same and none would see winter. : )

The 东虫夏草 is something very close to the 3 season insect.

Some insects have even shorter life cycle but could go on and on in all seasons.

In a discussion, sometimes it is just an opinion and there is no right or wrong. Some are based on different premises. Some based on different facts. Sometimes it is good to agree to disagree. Some are damn cocksure that they are right.

Hermit said...

Wise Redbean tells why it is wise not to reply, but in replying why he did not reply, he just negated that wisdom - Confusingly Confucius.

Anonymous said...

Same like China who chose not to participate when challenged by another Court.

Of course this blog can also refuse to participate another forum/blog comments as it probably does not recognize in other blog's jurisdiction.

Only can scream in denial in own's "court" and backyard.

What 3 season worm or whatsoever, now as long it is from China. You just dont know what is what after going through their system. How to check 100%?

Anonymous said...

In history there are there are also 2 generation dynasties.
Qin Shi Huang & son.
And then, the dynasty died out to everybody's relief.

What about modern countries?
Is it possible for a family dynasty to fall apart after 3 generations?

Anonymous said...

Father no happy with son?

Son same same?

Pple not happy with garment?

Garment oso?

Said no big no small?

Pple in 1 degree above equator talking so big time cock sure abt 4 seasons?

Ha ha ha

The problems are more than on the surface?

Below are ice-bergs?

Anonymous said...

Fear of questioning authority is reason why many suffered in orientation games


One of the better commentaries on Singapore culture.
Is this also why Singaporeans continue to vote PAP while suffering in silence?

Anonymous said...

No need to sweat the small stuff.

Tiok. And since when did PAP sweat the opposition?

Did PAP not put a minority candidate in a Chinese majority SMC to fight Chee Soon Juan in a by election and still win with a comfortable 61% votes? Where got sweat for PAP, tio bo?

Anonymous said...

Sinkies suffering under PAP is small stuff which PAP will not sweat lah, even with all the kpkb by RB, tio bo?

Anonymous said...

What, I thot RB always praised PAP and the garment?

Anonymous said...

@ August 04, 2016 12:09 pm


Haiz , china fans never do homework.

Anonymous said...

Anti China fans said China fans never to homework. China fans said anti China fans never do homework. So?

patriot said...


To say that benevolent ruler/regime shall benefit the nation for the Next Five Generations, is hardly applicable in modern time.
lt is a blessing to have an efficient benign regime, having a benevolent
one is too ideal to be a reality.

The South East Asian Countries are good examples of many rogue rulers.
There were Marcos, Suharto and Others
suspected and investigated for crimes mainly related to fradulent financial, asset and other material gains as well as political misdeeds.

The World as a whole had more tyrant, despot and dictator in history.
Benevolent and benign rulers are hard
to come by.
Hence, laity must be ever ready to struggle for freedom and right.


Anonymous said...

@ patriot @ August 04, 2016 10:32 pm

“You see… in this world there’s two kinds of people my friend… those with loaded guns … and those who dig (their own graves).”
Clint Eastwood - movie. "The Good, the bad and the ugly."

“You see… in Singapore there’s two kinds of people my friend… those with white uniforms … and those who earn peanuts working for PAP, I mean Singapore's greater good.”

True or not?

patriot said...

@Anon 1140 pm

l fully concur with You

Posted a comment that deployment of NS Men for war mission should only be made with Mandatory National Referendum here and at Facebook has yet to get me any rejoinder, obviously l can understand Your sentiment which l sincerely share.

Me am idealistic, however, l am prepared for disappointment and reality of Sin.

Thank You for the Company.


Anonymous said...

well, it was your China 孟子 who said it.


If you think and comment this way. Then ... hahaha.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Patriot, which one is more serious and should require a referendum?
1. Sending NSmen to war
2. Bringing in 2m foreigners into the country, turning them into Singaporeans and diluting the Singaporean core by 50%?
3. Mandatory purchase of Medishield Life for the whole population from birth to death and wiping out a big chunk of the people's savings?

patriot said...

Good Morning
Chin Leng and All.

Out of the 3 listed, none is as grave
as sending conscripts to battle fields where there is no enemy violating our Sinland.
Granted that some nations might have
influenced some locals to act against our national interests, the Fault and Blame should be on the Locals.

Unless and until aliens come in or targeted Sinkies to do damages, ideological and religious beliefs are
the Culprits, NOT any nation that has
different ideology, religion and culture.

I shall repeat, emphasize and reiterate


The Other 2 Listed Concerns are
very negative and unwise, but 70%
showed that they like it.

I have expressed my concern and
it is by no mean anywhere near a comprehensive discussion of the
Subject Matter, as up to now, l am
talking about it with my ownself.
What a shame!


patriot said...


do visit wake up singapore website to read article related
to deployment of troops to Iraq.


patriot said...


do visit wake up singapore website to read article related
to deployment of troops to Iraq.


Anonymous said...

Redbean, no need to waste your time arguing with those suckers and losers accusing you of being China apologist.

The world is full of suckers and losers, waiting to be relegated to the dustbin of history.

The truth is simply too hard for them to accept.

Let those suckers and losers wallow in their own miseries :)