
PMEs – Kena kelong then lelong

Whenever I think of this huge group of local talents that have been forced out of their comfort zone and unable to find a job to make a living, I can only think of kelong and lelong.

How could professionals in top management with 20 or 30 years of experience become useless overnight and no longer employable? If their salaries are too high, many would not mind taking a 50% cut to do something they have been doing all their life and very good at, their contacts and connections. How can they be unemployable? What is the real reason that they become unemployable? Kelong?

At 55 or 60, some even in their 40s, cannot find a decent job in the same trade needing their expertise but the companies could find the same expertise from inexperienced 3rd World ‘cuntries’, no mistake in the spelling. And no one thinks something is wrong? Oh, someone knew but could not do anything about it. The foreigners are in charge and it is their right to hire their own kind and to boot out Singaporeans in Singapore. Can you believe it, is this a country or a ‘cuntry’?

And they have accepted that this is it, nothing can be done to get the PMEs back into their profession.  The best option is to lelong them to the 3rd World countries or Timbucktoo. Hopefully in such places, our ‘rejects’ could find employment at a fraction of their income. And they should be grateful, got job is better than no job. And the NTUC is spending money and resources, setting up a special institution to train them just to be exported to God knows where. How lucky these PMEs are.  Some countries are famous for exporting maids and construction workers. What would Singapore be famous for, exporting taxi drivers or security guards?

Lelong, lelong, one PMEs for two, or take one and have one free. And we guarantee their certificates and degrees are genuine, from reputable and world class universities like NUS and NTU, some from good universities in USA, UK or Australia. We will certify that they are no fakes. You can double confirm with us. We will provide all the references plus a e2i certificate. We have our own seal of quality and authenticity, the Singapore Brand.


Anonymous said...

Maybe it's time to lelong off our PAP Ministers to other countries.
Like George Yeo.
And NTUC can set up a scheme to link up former PAP Ministers to 3rd World countries who need their "talents".
Or maybe only 1st world countries can afford their "talents"?
I wonder if any country needs a Transport Minister to help them improve their train system?
Maybe Lui is available after the GE 2015?

Anonymous said...

"If their salaries are too high, many would not mind taking a 50% cut to do something they have been doing all their life and very good at, their contacts and connections."

Aiyo, like that if I were the boss, I lagi (even more) don't want them. Because even though they would not mind a 50% salary cut, but in their hearts, they will not be happy and satisfied for sure. And as boss, I do not want unhappy and bo kum muan (not satisfied) employees.

Tio bo, RB, assuming you are the boss, do you want unhappy employees?

Anonymous said...

@ July 29, 2015 9:38 a.m.

Wah! You very PAP Minister leh.
Expect an employee to take 50% pay cut and still be very happy and grateful ... and heart also must be pure.

Anonymous said...

Something is very wrong about our government! We gave our young the best education, and genuine education, but when comes to employment, our government closed both eyes and allow MNCs to employ their own kind from other countries at cheap salary.

Anonymous said...

Displaced Singaporean PMETs who land equivalent positions in Singapore are extremely lucky. I have a relative who at the age of 55 was asked to leave his position after 25 years of service. Now at the age of 61 has not found any work in Singapore. There are many, some in much worse position here in Singapore. many have found lesser paid jobs and many have given up and quietly live a more frugal lifestyle than from their employment days. Sad to say that many have been displaced by foreigners who are younger, cheaper and maybe more suited to the modern work environment than those PMETs they have displaced. The current PAP government policy regarding this importation of foreigners has been discussed many times over in this blog, and many here have written disagreement to this policy. Yet, this policy continues to be the norm and continue to cause many local PMETs to become unemployable. GE is just round the corner. How Singaporeans vote in this watershed GE will be the litmus test of the popularity of this government. If the PAP continues to be unchallenged then many future PMETs will face the same plight as their predecessors. Maybe it is a good thing to have foreign PMETs coming to Singapore for the economy, maybe not. Time will tel.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The PMEs in their late 50s and 60s would need to have a change in mindset and expectation. Not many companies can afford to pay them more than $10k a month. Many of them have already realised and accepted this fact. A 50% pay cut would still be anytime better to driving taxis and be a security guard or being unemployed.

Many of them do not have the burden or raising families and growing up children and a smaller package would still be comfortable to get by. Many of the funny foreigners are being paid $4k to $8k to replace the PMEs. I am sure many PMEs would not mind being paid at this range.

They are not nobles and aristocrats that can expect to get increments until 90 year olds. And looking at the jobs they are taking up, the older PMEs are practical and realistic people. They are not unreasonably demanding.

Anonymous said...

The govt is singing a different song today with the election coming. Wait till the election is over and see how the leopard becomes the leopard again and woe will befall the PMEs all over again.

Being cheated once is acceptable. Being cheated again and again you only have your own stupidity to blame.

Anonymous said...

Yet, this policy continues to be the norm and continue to cause many local PMETs to become unemployable.
Anon 10:01 a.m.

I think such unemployable local PMETs are a minority lah. And PAP knows, through income tax returns, and which RB and Anon 10:01 am do not, how many local PMETs are doing well and how many are not. That's why come election time, at least 60% will vote for PAP without fail. So why should this coming election be any different, since this policy has been the norm even well before 2011? And I am not yet even talking about many new above 21 citizens added since 2011.

Anonymous said...

To be fooled once - maybe you were careless

To be fooled twice - maybe you were ignorant

To be fooled again in this GE 2015 - you deserve it

Anonymous said...

But for some, even being fooled a hundred times, they still do not realise it.

Blind faith, greed and idol worshipping can make a person lose direction. Looks like idol worshipping is turning into a 'cult following' with all the daily bombardment pre SG50 and GE2015 coming.

Anonymous said...

" But for some, even being fooled a hundred times, they still do not realise it.

Blind faith, greed and idol worshipping can make a person lose direction. Looks like idol worshipping is turning into a 'cult following' with all the daily bombardment pre SG50 and GE2015 coming." - July 29, 2015 10:27 a.m.

If this is the outcome of the 2015 GE, then Singaporeans deserve whatever they get in the next 5 years. So sorry.

Anonymous said...

SELLOUT. Its a sellout. For more profits among the elites. So sad.

Anonymous said...

Sell out for profit?

Or sell out the country and Singaporeans?

Anonymous said...

Talk so much for what ?

I think we should vote in a opposition govt and see how. agree? We try try. So far, WP is the most credible so most likely it is them. RB must be brave tio bo? Don't try how you know? People say property come down if opposition wins, I say so what ? Isn't it good for the general population, the masses, to be able to buy cheaper? And moreover, why should property come down when it is a GOOD thing for the country ? I say, all these are scare tactics tio bo? Property in my opinion will continue to be stable, or even go up a bit if the oppo wins. Foreigners having invested here will not suddenly pull out.

And talking about foreigners, the WP will limit the numbers such that Singaporeans in 40 and 50s will have no fear of not able to get a decent job. I mean, all the foreign and local corporations will still be here, it is just that foreigners PMEs competing with locals will be gone. And the WP will really go hard at those companies with a fine tooth comb, local or foreign, who favour foreigners, like fine them hard or something.

(Disclaimer: I m a ex Singaporean living overseas now)

Anonymous said...

Sell out the country and Singaporeans???? July 29, 2015 11:00 a.m.

Then for the sake of generations to come, do something about it. Don't just whinge and moan about it, do something to stop this from happening. Go out and canvass for people to VTO. Go to the hawker centres, markets, malls and HLP to bring this to the attention of the 60%.

If you choose to do nothing, then you deserve the next 5 years with the current conditions. Remember, 6.9 million, then 10 million and then maybe true blue Singaporeans will become a rare species.

Anonymous said...

After selling once soul and dignity and Lelong in many many walk in job interviews then come the very ....good ETI, you found out selling soul, dignity and Lelong is not enough, you must also kua tau and prepare to be suck further.