
China’s intervention in the stock market doomed to fail

There is another standard doomsayer’s article in the Today paper on 13 Jul 15 with a title, ‘Is China’s use of state control, money to stem stocks rout doomed to fail?’ When I look at the author, Tom Mitchell, Gabriel Wildau and Josh Noble, I can guess the answer. This kind of China bashing literature has been flooding the western media and our local media for decades.  China is doomed to fail in everything it does. There is nothing clever or sustainable in what the nerds and backward and unintelligent leaders in Beijing could do right. China is full of flaws and the economy is waiting to collapse. And the intervention in the stock market is another unthinkable thing to do. Bound to fail.

In the meantime, for the last 40 years, China quietly plod along, growing from strength to strength and is now the biggest economy in the world in real purchasing power terms, overtaking the USA. How could these foolish Chinamen do this? Unbelievable, cannot be true. China must be doctoring their numbers to bluff the whole. They are all fools. Just wait for the collapse to come.

Unfortunately in the case of this monetary intervention by the Chinese govt in the stock market, I must agree it is a silly thing to do. They cannot hope of artificially propping up a market by throwing money at it and think it will work. It is unsustainable if the fundamentals are wrong. Any PE of above 40 or 50 times is questionable. If there are a few exceptions, it is understandable. But for the whole market, for all the stocks to have such high PEs, in the hundreds, how can it be sustainable?

The Chinese may be banking on their huge surplus and a huge population turning investors against a small number of stocks. Even these factors may be abnormal relative to the rest of the world, but still the enormous PE cannot hold. The general PE in the market may tolerate a few more points higher than international norms, but when it is at a ridiculous level, it must come down.

State intervention is not a flaw per se. State intervention is necessary under the present market condition when there are big boys manipulating the market. The manipulations by the big boys are not different from state intervention. The criticism by the analysts against state intervention is as flawed as allowing the big boys to do what they want in the market with their huge war chests. The big boys are also intervening in the normal functioning of the market. They are not the real market forces by an oligarchy out to manipulate the market to their favours in the guise of free market forces.

Without state intervention, the small investors would be at the mercy of the big boys and their intervention to reap them off. The big boys could push up the market or whack the market down to the abyss.  They are demanding that govt and stock exchange regulators stand aside and let them do as they pleased. And state intervention is unacceptable but their intervention is acceptable, normal and good for the market.

State intervention is now a necessity in a market dominated by the big boys. Without state intervention, the small investors would be at the mercy of the big boys and turned into gun fodder. States and govts must be strong enough to intervene in the stock market to balance against the big boys rigging the market in their favour.

What is wrong in the China intervention is to prop up a market that is already too high with very high PEs. China better think twice and change their strategies to something more down to earth and more real, if they want their markets to function normally in the long run. This short term intervention must be unworn in a matter of time. Yes, this intervention is doomed to fail and will cost the Chinese govt heavily in financial terms.


Anonymous said...

What is wrong in the China intervention is to prop up a market that is already too high with very high PEs.

Very Tiok. But it is even MORE WRONG not to do it.

And what is wrong to vote and return PAP to power is that PAP already have too many screwups. But it is even MORE WRONG to vote in a "not ready to be govt" opposition into power.

Anonymous said...

Stock markets are BIG casinos!

Stock markets are BIG casinos!

Very very few became rich.

Many many went under.

Never touch them and you will sleep soundly at night.


Anonymous said...

Part 1:

The question to ask is why the need to "inflate" the stock market balloon to such astronomical scale over the past one year?

PRC has been living with a stock market going sideway for about 7 years with the SHI hovering in the 2000-2400 range.

Why suddenly the need to talk up the market since mid 2014 and open it to vicious attack and massive short selling with the stock market at such inflated level?

Anonymous said...

Part 2:

The current intervention likely stemmed from different reasons from the initial "fuelling " of the stock market to stratospheric level.

The policies of the current team ( Xi-Li-Wang ) smacked of Soviet Union's Gorbachev's era of Perestroika ( economics restructuring ) and Glasnost ( Political reform ) at the same time ......

In the Soviet's case, historically it has proven to fail on a colossal scale .....

Anonymous said...

Part 3:

Xi-Wang twin prong offensive on the "Tigers" and "Small Flies" alone can create "massive roadblocks" and "headwinds" in PRC if one goes back in history especially the over hundred years reform by 4 Qing Dynasty emperors starting from Kang Xi in the early 1700s and thereafter Yong Zhang, Qian Long, ..... into the early 1800s.

After the reforms "failed" to elicit the intended changes in the Chinese society in the 19th century, it culminated in Qing Dynasty China being trashed twice in the 1840s and 1850s in two Opium's Wars and lost the sovereignty of Hong Kong to UK plus a large part of the lower YangTze Delta to trade concessions.

On the economics front, Xi-Li-Wang embarked on an ambitious scale to steer China from export-led growth to domestic consumption growth but the timing was not exactly right and many necessary factors non-existent.

Anonymous said...

*Yong Zheng

Anonymous said...

Taking a leaf from the PAP, every issue nowadays, local or international, seems to be caused by or related to opposition not being ready to be Government.

Anonymous said...

Part 4:

Historically, if Gorbachev was recollected enough not to be over-frightened by their problems and sticked to just Perestroika alone in his reforms, history might have been much different.

Just a stone throw away from their HeiLongJiang' Province's northern neighbour, the current Xi-Li-Wang never seem to lean any lesson from Gorbachev's circumstances then in the 1980s to embark on Perestroika and Glasnost concurrently.

In a human body, it is akin to operating on the heart and brain at the same time on a patient already in intensive care ...... the end result form history often leads to the patient forever stuck in ICU till demise .......

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Part 5:

When a large historical wheel of motion starts, often it is next to impossible to reverse course. Trying stopping a tidal wave or tsunami in its course .....

Next few years, while dealing with its internal turmoils and trying to put out fire practically sprouting up almost everywhere, external teething issues like Taiwan, Tibet, XinJiang, TiaoYu Islands, South China Sea islands ...... etc likely would rear their ugly heads probably in unison. .....

This awakened Asian giant may yet again be struggling to cope with its internal and external problems like it did between the 1840s to 1940s ......

Anonymous said...

Part 6:

During that period, the world fought two World Wars, went through several stock market crashes in particular the 1907 and 1929 Crashes, a global Great Depression and most pertinent to the current day Sinkieland's a massive, international economic integration of the 19th and early 20th century went into reverse gear before WWI and in the inter-war years between 1919-1938.

Globalisation in recent years is arguably the key pillar of sinkieland's success after independence. With the west massively looking inwards and going protectionist in recent years, a NE Asia in some turmoil or worst, a major upheaval may put unbearable pressure on the economy and resources of a tiny micro state like sinkieland.

PRC still have some bullets left in its economics arsenal and thus likely able to maintain current situations. But over a longer horizon especially with external forces waiting for its internal undercurrents to boil over and make their moves after PRC are left with only the bullets in the revolver, a humanitarian tragedy unparalleled in mankind history may unfold before our eyes .......

Despite his public praise of Xi in recent years when he took over from Hu, why did old man chose to side with the American in strategic military and economic tie up?

Old man's mind in his late years was still alert like day light in this aspect .....

Whatever happens in the end, only time will tell and the sun will still rise and shine like it did the past billions of years ........

Good Luck.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

China has come a very long way from a broken and bankrupt country to what it is today. There are many problems, old and new, that would weigh on the leadership and it requires exceptional talent and good leaders to lead and hold China together. No one can deny the fact that it has done very well over the last 40 years.

There will be hiccups along the way and with upheavals at times. China is now in a very much stronger position than before, a strong central govt, a very strong economy, a strong military, a lot of reserves, no more warlordism, an educated and talented workforce.

Irrendentism is of a much smaller scale than the Soviet Union. The majority is still aligned to the Han culture. The real irritation will be the Muslim Uighurs with external support to cause a lot of pain. China can play tough and lock down Xinjiang if needed be and sealed it from the rest of China. Tibet and Taiwan are non issues. Diaoyu and Hongkong are little pimples that would not mean much to national integrity.

The Western world has been betting, hoping and fixing China for the last few centuries only to see China growing stronger and stronger. There is this element of fate or history that is unstoppable. China's time has come and history is on its side.

The time for the Western domination of the world is coming to an end. A new order will be established with China and other Asian and non Asian countries playing a bigger role other than the western powers. Everything is still fluid and unfolding.

Anonymous said...

The current "fear" in PRC is all the aunties digging every penny and dime from their households to wager in the stock market.

In one city, an old man slit the throat of his beloved wife of few decades bcos she was going around borrowing millions and millions to punt in the stock market and finally recently the man knocked his wife unconscious and killed her.

Many households violent family feuds and tragedies are playing out in PRC cities, towns, villages while the political elephants ( and tigers ) in ZhongNanHai are making love ....

Anonymous said...

Rb: // ..... no more warlordism ..... //

The opposing faction(s) to Xi-Li-Wang are not whimps waiting to be "sodomised" .....

In the recent intervention, the state vice police chief was mobilised.

The military police and PLA chief figures and divisions were purportedly on standby if the police failed.

Anonymous said...

Rb : // ....... a lot of reserves ....... //

The recent 30% market plunge ALONE wiped out the size of about 5 Apple Inc. ( the largest US company by capitalisation ) or roughly USD 3,500,000,000,000.00 in financial losses.

How much is PRC's reserves?

They are already printing massive RMB when PBOC intervenes to backstop their market ..... recent market liberation to allow 20% margin trading ratio is a killer catalyst in recent stock free fall ......

Anonymous said...

Rb: // educated and talented workforce //

It was reported a great majority of the aunties punting in the recent stock market rise and plunge have only or below secondary sch education level.

Punting with millions of RMB in the market for those aunties was like buying 4D in sinkieland lottery outlets.

How modern or mature do you think is such a capital market in the 21st century?

And a regulatory framework to allow such things to happen .....???

How many billions face palms? 1.3 B?

U decide ......

This is not a joke or masak masak. .....

The official media there is playing a lot of war movies on their national TV .....? ? ?

They called 保卫战 。。。。。。?

Stock market 保卫战 。。。。。。?

What adjective should you use?




Anonymous said...

Rb: // .....a very strong economy ...... //

PRC'S economics growth in recent years was on the back of building housing for another extra 2.1 billion people ...... on top of their 1.3 billion ......

To fill up all the ghost cities, PRC need to do a ala leg open big big mass immigration policies and let in the entire India's 1.2 billion, Indonesia's 250 million, Brazil's 200 million, and they still have spare housing for another half billion of Africans ..... etc

Do you consider such Soviet Union's style investment inputs driven growth economy very strong .....?

Anonymous said...

Rb: // ...... China's time has come and history is on its side ..... //

Don't understand what that means and basically sounds like a wild statement.

Any concrete data or evidence as backup?

No intention to pour cold water but it does seem to sound a bit like those "刀枪不入" blind-superstitious belief war cries. Such thing has proven never to work in harsh reality and likely ends in tears, agonies and bloodbath.

Anonymous said...

Please lah, walk to blow trumpet must be more realistic. Uneducated or lowly educated housewives got millions to punt, got people want to lend them millions to punt? You may be seow, but people got money would not be so seow like you.

Anonymous said...

To fill up all the ghost cities, PRC need to do a ala leg open big big mass immigration policies and let in the entire India's 1.2 billion, Indonesia's 250 million, Brazil's 200 million, and they still have spare housing for another half billion of Africans ..... etc

Another silly exaggeration! Can stop farting or not?

Anonymous said...



Your info on China's aunties is probably outdated.

PRC'S aunties are so addicted and "berserk " many mortgaged their properties behind their families back even forging signatures to get the paper work done and get hold of the loan ( millions ).

Why some husbands killed their old partners of decades suddenly if their wives din go berserk or commit ridiculous deeds to put their hands in the family cookies jars to enable them to punt in the market .....

Sinkies mindset are sometimes just closed and refused to see some of the harsh realities as they are ......

All these news are mostly reported in the Chinese media and in Chinese, and not the so called western press .....

Anonymous said...

Chinese media reports: PRC real estate super bubble - Chinese Ghost cities


看看中国大陆城市‘鬼城’指数排行榜(2014)名单,你周边有鬼城吗? - 天涯社区


In the above list, top 50 Chinese Ghost Cities

Anonymous said...

When the truth and hard evidence are laid before one's eyes and still refused to accept, who is "as stubborn as an ox" ......?

In this modern age, empty words and indignation means nothing. ......

Hard facts, data speak for themselves overwhelmingly. ....

Anonymous said...

The scary part is many of the ghost cities can be as big as half or entire sinkieland, with some probably bigger ..... latest approximate est in entire PRC is about 100 million empty units ..... about 100 times sinkieland housing units .....

Anonymous said...

@ 1.33pm

Are u also saying Asia's richest man who made his name and fortune in the real estate market is also farting?

Are u richer and better than him?

Do u know China better than him?

Why did he liquidate everything and exited the Chinese market in 2013?

His latest wealth is about USD 30 billion.

Between he and you, who do u think is the "seow" one?

Anonymous said...

@ 1.31pm

Please lah, so can pray tell who were the last few waves of kong cum share buyers in the Chinese stock market before the bubble burst?

The fund mangers, the big stock holders, the major share holders .....?

If the last few waves were not mostly poorly educated aunties, taxi drivers, ignorant villagers, who then were the buyers?

And you think without tens, hundreds of thousand and even millions of RMB, these people can buy anything at the Peak?

Use your brain to work the math .......

If not tens, hundreds of thousand or millions, how to buy the stocks at balloon prices?

Who else would jump into the market and buy shares at 3-digit PE ratios in the hundreds other than lowly educated, mostly ignorant herd mentality people. .... The "traps" are laid like cages with a piece of meat in them in the jungle for silly, kong cum beans or animals to walk straight into it .....

Please lah ....... who is the "seow" one .....?

b said...

The white people should be nice to chinese. Afterall, their investments in china have made a lot of money for them (ie. their rulers). Now, chinese also returning gratitude by spending money in white people land thru tourism especially crisis time currently. In comparison, the money white people spent in non chinese lands did not reap any money but a lot of woes, refugess, terrorisms etc. It is time for white people to stop saying or writing "chinese no good blah blah ", they should search their conscience if they have one.

Anonymous said...

I think you are right. So many Sinkies going to Batam and Bintang to throw their monies away.

China will collapse tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Some Chinese Ghost cities are offering 1 for 1 free but still not many takers ......


Supposedly staying in Ghost cities might literally become ghosts not only due to the emptiness and deserted state of the surroundings but safety issues. .....

Some QC are so atrocious the buildings collapsed just when going "TOP" .....

Omg, can u imagine your condos collapsing right in front of your eyes after you collected the keys and about to enter the compound to inspect the unit bought?

The only blessing is that u were one step slower and the collapse occurred before u got into the premise .....

Based on one estimate, approximately 50% of new Chinese condos need to be rebuilt? ??

How to solve the problems going forward and how to account/ square the outstanding trillions of housing loans when supposedly new condos have to be torn down way before their "expiry" dates?

Who say that is not a big problem and time bomb please kee chiu ......

Or would u want to be lau heroes and risk your retirement $$$ by buying into one of these condos via voting with your millions than empty talk?

Anonymous said...

China will not collapse tomorrow. Please dun make wild statement.

But if current situations are not managed well and some potential time bombs defused, the probability for internal social and economic implosion goes up each passing month ......

Being ethic Chinese, no one wants to see China goes down but to hide the head in the sand is plain self-delusion and refusal to face the problems.

Hopefully, the Chinese leadership of today and tomorrow have enough in them to take the right turns when needed and prevent any colossal "juboh lah" or "ke belakang pusing " ...... in their economic and social state of affairs ......

Wishing China can have many years of good blessing and sound leadership as they march forward just like the spirit in their national anthem. 不屈不挠, 前进, 前进, 前进吧!

Anonymous said...

@ 1.33pm

Who is the silly 3-year old Kong cum farting?


Pls check up above Wikipedia link to see for yourself. .....

Kangbashi sub district on a site of 355 sq km about half the size of sinkieland.

Total estimated building cost so far about 200 billion SGD. As of now, estimated less than 10% occupancy rate.

Many buildings not liveable bcos no electricity, water, etc ....

Who is going to clean up this shit. ...?

This is just one of 50 to 100 ghost cities sprouting up or sprouted up since 2008 all over China, some as near as 100 km away from major cities such as Shanghai, Beijing, GuangZhou etc ......

In China, real/ truthful statistics/ data are hard to collate/ come by. The data compiled so far may be a fraction of the actual empty units. How many empty units are exactly across the entire China, probably even their Premier also dunno.

But it is huge in the tens of millions if not more ......

The math of the financial costs for such mammoth wastage is staggering running into the trillions.

Who is going to pick up the ( eventual ) bills ....?

What would happen to the financial sector if the mortgages tied to these empty units and ghost cities become non-performance loans on a massive scale, if they are not already?

Nobody can pinpoint how big this time bomb/ over-building is but certainly it is massive on a stratospheric scale ..... massive enough to be a systemic threat when one adds up the huge stock market bubble, manufacturing sector excess capacities and headwinds ....... where is the engine of growth to come from for China's economy going forward?

An estimated 7 millions fresh graduates come on stream into the labour market every year, the size of the entire Hong Kong population, not including non-graduates.

How are they going to create so many jobs when export markets are tanking and the building boom is more or less over .....

How much was China's past GDP growth based on solid, sustainable economic fundamentals?

Are we witnessing another Soviet Union era economic disintegration in the making in the years to come?

The short term horizon is unlikely to have such implosion but the probability rises rapidly over a longer horizon.

Anonymous said...

Please lah, stop throwing numbers without knowing where these numbers come from lah.

You are not even 10% sure if the numbers are right.

Anonymous said...

Please lah, stop throwing pebbles, stones and even your kitchen sinks ......


Please lah, u so Kong cum sure then vote with your money lah, please lah, faster go invest there lah ....... u r spoilt for choice ...... more than 5 ghost cities and at least 50 million empty units ...... the problem is, please lah. ...... Dun waste people’s time lah ..... show people your $$$$$ first ...... please lah ...... 打重脸充胖子 。。。。。

Anonymous said...

*.... more than 50 ghost cities ......

Anonymous said...

A land of 1.35 billion people with more than 5000 years of civilization and currently the Most Powerful Economy needs no guidance from people from a tiny rock slipping into oblivion.


Anonymous said...

5 ghost cities at least 50 million units! So 1 city 10 million units?

You seow or what? Want to fart use the right hole lah.

Waste enough time with this kongcum oredy.

Anonymous said...

Your eyes paste stamps.

Typo correction immediately below the post ......

U really blind or head in the sand ......?

If China so gd, migrate there lah ....

Bring all the freedom of expression and kpkb there, see how they will deal with u .....

Anonymous said...

U seow hah ......

U know what is kpkb ...... U just woke up or came from a cave .....?

The (corrupt) officials are so loaded u will be seow to offer them any free advice .... Just commenting a spade is a spade with no blind faith and biases ......

Sinkieland built from 3rd world to 1st world and people come here for inspiration.....

Do the aristocrats need any guidance from people who have never been there and done that .....

Common sense ...... ? Ha ha ha

Only u can fart is it ....?

Only u can kpkb is it?

U kpkb (farting) right in front of the aristocrats everyday and some more during SG50 .....

This is a test of your so called freedom of expression.....

It has proven time and again it is all talk and hot air ....

When come to practice, u resort to motherhood statement and ad hominem.....

How to win over swing voters ....?

Voters are not blind and as daft as u think.....

Just sit back and wait for votes to drop from sky ..... Wait for incumbent to make mistake without much contributions .......

What kind of politics do we want ?

What system will really work?

What (perverse ) incentives will work given human nature ....?

How to design a system that will work and adapt to changing times et. Etc .....

Dun tell pple u can kpkb for years right under the aristocrats' noses and only u have special privilege and often general statements without substantiation or any figures to back up .....

U want talk about China, at least be objective.

Discuss both sides of the picture than a side-sided view.

If some 3-year old gong gong kong cum believe u sell their properties and invest in China how .....?

Even old man and Sinkieland apparently got the short end of the deal in SuZhou .....?

U can do better .....?

Anyway, why did Asia's richest man exited China 2 years before the current debacle materialized..... His fans called him "Superman Li" ...... How about u? U know more than him .....?

Anonymous said...

*.....one-sided view.

Anonymous said...

Singapore garment so happy China's growth for the year is 7%. Now Singapore economy got hope, can ride on the coat tail of China's growth. Must send more business men to China to make more business.

Anonymous said...

Btw, wasted enough time here already..... Test done finished liao ..... Obviously some people cannot walk their talk but often "accused" others of being so ...... Voters are not daft and blind ...... Actions speak louder than words ..... What have u contributed to Sinkieland in concrete actions and deeds and how many benefited and by how much ..... ?No empty words please ..... back up any claim with quantifiable data .....

Anyway, yall continue have a good time and enjoy the kpkb here .....

Getting out of here .....

Say what u want ....." u have to " ........

In the end what really matters?

Anyway good luck and best wishes to all.

Happy SG50 and enjoy all the goodies ...... and celebrations

One Nation One People One Singapore

Majulah Sinagpore

Anonymous said...

Redbean, Good point. Only intervened when PE very low, and at real crisis. Like in 1998 when Hang Seng already collapsed from 18,000 to 8,000 level. That means Shanghai must be below at least 2,000 to intervene. Maybe 1,000. Intervene to win big, make big money, squeezed the sellers, reverse the trend, and still get out with a huge profit.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Li Ka Shing, significantly reduced his China and Hong Kong exposure from 2013 onwards and shifted to Europe, focusing to be the biggest wireless player. Superman Li had a superb track record and had bought into China & HK play in all previous crisis...Tian An Mien (1989), Asia Crisis (97-98), Asian Flu (2003-4), GFC (08-09).
He cared for China & the Chinese, and donated huge amount of money especially to universities in China.

He most likely has been sad and much disappointed to the inner wild developments of greed, corruption, poor institutional risks, etc in China and the Chinese rich & powerful for him to conclude and reduce his business empire stakes/exposure in China and Hong Kong. He is still a powerful insider...the richest man in Asia, a Chinese congressman, probably the largest private donor of money to Chinese poor and needy.

I will respect his bets and not bet against him.

Anonymous said...

Singapore also got no 1 million units of flats. This seow bugger said one ghost town got 10 million units. Must have taken too much drugs and talk crazy.

Hallucination oso don't know.

Anonymous said...

Your eyes have problems? Or never wear old flower glasses ....? Or your Inglish got problem .....

More than 50 ghost cities do not mean only 50 .....

Can be 100, 200 ......

50 million divided by more than 50 cities => average each ghost city less than 1 million .....

Your Kong cum math oso fail. ....

Dun put kaput math into other people's mouth to mislead ......

What have u been smoking actually to MISREAD "more than 50" as "only = 5" .....? Who is hallucinating .....? Ha ha ha ......

Any way, already said u can said what u want ...... "bcos u have to"...... otherwise the "soup bcum Chao Syn. ...... " ...... not "edible" anymore ......

So continue to say what u want ...... this is good "circus" stuff ...... free entertainment. .... ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

China’s ghost towns highlight risk of debt crisis after property boom | TODAYonline




中國四十大鬼城 | JGospel.Net

中国12座鬼城VS美国9座破产城 差距让人吃惊(图) - 21CN手机网

港媒發佈大陸「鬼城」地圖 山東沿海密佈 | 大紀元

Anonymous said...

RB, someone sent a lunatic from the fringe here to harass you. You must be pushing the right buttons.

See how mad is this one. He is enjoying the circus as the main actor. He believes he is the star.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha

Good try ..... the adjectives ( name calling ) are getting more "interesting " .....

Anymore more potent " farting " ....?

Btw, circus also have "走钢线" 。。。。。?

Do enjoy your own dancing on one ....... ha ha ha

Nobody asked u too .....

Btw, "Chao Syn or not", will still " try the soup" ...... to show support for "netizen solidarity" ...... "if chao syn, worst case L S " lor ...... " then u must learn how to preserve it better " lor ..... so be strong .....

Anyway this is just a " forum tkss, kpkb " .....

Why take it so " personal or serious "?

Thought many are oldies ...... why still so "bad temper or pai kia type ....." ...... "little bit Buey song already ......" how to "set good example" for the grand children ?

Not any better than those post-independence or strawberry generation. ....?

Learn to laugh some things off ok ...... otherwise how to "救民于水火", help win over swing voters and bring about positive changes to the society .....? Dun forget your objective and get side tracked ..... A good leader is one "very 冷静, as cool as a cucumber" 。。。。。

Are u still "fuming or mad" ......?

Weather is very warm ...... go drink some cooling tea .....

Btw, wishing all Muslims readers " Selamat Hari Raya Aidifitri " ......

Anonymous said...

RB, this one looks like the OCBC, orang china bukan china, reappearing after being warned to stop his extremist views.

Anonymous said...

R u trying to "distort/ twist this into an extremist argument" when nothing remotely points to it ....?

R u "trying to light a fire" bcos there is a disagreement of views?

It is quite obvious who is the extremist if there is one ....?

It only shows one thing. .... some one is very "evil and vindictive " .....

Before u even attempt this, your "evil scheme " to "害人" and "set a "legal" trap" can be seen thousand of miles away .....

This latest test of "拋砖引玉" ..... has confirmed beyond any doubt the "(evil and vindictive) nature" of some people ......

Sad to say but one long time "commenter" is right in some of his assessments, it is better to VOTE and LIVE with a known benigh dictator and aristocrat than unknown "self-proclaimed saviours " of this world ......

It is up to voters to decide but likely, based on past statistics, fairly reasonable inference can be gathered ......

The revelation here is that the "true colour" of someone was "unmasked" even with minimal disagreement in views. ....? Talking of intolerant of different views ...... Who is even remotely tolerent of differing views ....... ? What a joke ......

Btw, what "extremist views" are u referring to .....?

Are u referring to a teenager or yourself?

What are u smoking early in the morning .....?

Agongkia is right in this sense ......

We should always "大事化小, 小事化无。"

Why want to "detonate and escalate " small or nothing into a "huge fracas and ugly scene"? Why behave like "an easily provoked pai-kia/ thug "?

Do you think everyone in this world is a "Chamberlain"? Do you recall in history there is a "Churchill" ?

What would this world be if power was in your hands ...?

There is a saying, to test a man, " just give him power " ......

It remains to be seen majority of (highly discerning) swing voters will give such people power ......

Time will tell .....

Nothing or nobody is perfect ......

Politics may be a choice of a lesser evil, the choice of the least ugly .....

Who can guarantee they will not be like their predecessors or even much worst when they ascend to power ......?

History is littered with countless examples ......

After this episode, probably some swing voters' pendulums are swinging towards the aristocrats direction already . ....

The swing voters in the 60.01% are not that daft after all ...... despite the short-comings of the aristocrats and the occasional mrt breakdowns. ....

人非圣贤, 孰能无过 。。。。。To err is human ......

By the way, who is an "OCBC - orang China bukan China " when he can't even string together enough Chinese words to write a simple passage .....?

It is taken "orang China bukan China " is referring to yourself. .....

Perhaps you should be the one "warned of extremist ( distorted ) views" not others .....

Anonymous said...

Be humble. There are always simple lessons to learn from others be it evil or good, be it incompetence or excellence, be it wise or foolish. If others do evil, notice the "beast" and its harm; then we learn not do follow. If others do good, notice the fragrance and its benefits; then we learn to follow.
China can learn from Singapore and Singapore can learn from China.
Ah Kong can learn from a child, the child-like faith, child can learn from Ah Kong the serene calm.

Anonymous said...

世间无常总悲喜, 防人之心不可无。
勿以恶小而为之, 害人之心不可有。
勿以善小而不为, 天地有情亦会老。
苦乐交加平常心, 人间正道是沧桑。

Anonymous said...

MS commenting in Chinese?

Virgo 49 said...

MS last few sessions MIA. Taken prisoner to IMH block 7??

Or quarantined for MERs, Vietnam Rose, AIDs.

Too much women panda-ing or hugging me is meis??

Or joined LKY sells salted duck eggs??

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Anon 10:59,

If you want to engage in a serious conversation about how right you are, you must have the decency to identify yourself. If you are afraid to show yourself, who is to take you seriously when you are even ashamed of who you are and have to hide your identity. The hiding under anonymity shows that you have something to hide and chose to take pot shots recklessly so that you can get away from your mischief.

Be a man, then we can talk more seriously.

I would not engage you unless I know what or who I am dealing with.

Just by putting my face and my name on the blog, I am already more credible than you. I stand by what I posted and will be responsible for what I said, right or wrong.

You don't even dare to stand by the nonsense you posted, guilty and afraid that you would be asked to account for them. If you are so right and so truthful, what is there to hide? You afraid that people would laugh at your stupidity?