
Mysingaporenews Collection – A book launch by crowdfunding

I have received several suggestions and requests to compile my writings into a book form for easy reading and reference. Depending on the interest, I would want to gauge your support for a Collection of Redbean’s political satires and tongue in cheek commentaries on the social and political affairs of Sin City. A selection of the inconvenient truths, often provocative and contemptuous or shocking ridicules, real or unreal, believeable or unbelieveable posted in mysingaporenews would be made available in print. The book will have about 100 to 120 essays to laugh and ridicule at the things that were happening to our beloved country and people.

The cost of production, postage and kopi should not exceed $15 per copy. Please order your copy/copies by sending your donation to POSB savings account 091-04300-9 follow by an email to redbeansg@yahoo.com indicating how many copies needed and the address to deliver to. As an example, for a donation of $50 you can have 3 copies of the book to be delivered to you with the balance as donation for kopi. You can donate more if you like what I wrote. Oh, for deliveries outside Singapore, please add another $5. I did not check but think this would be enough for foreign addresses.

The title of the book is:

A Collection of Redbean’s tongue in cheek commentaries and satires on Sin City

This is Redbean’s crowdfunding project for a book. In case there is insufficient support to cover the production cost the project will be aborted and the donations return to their owners. The book could be ready in July, 3 months after the fundraising project closed in March. Thank you for your support.



Anonymous said...

Hi RB,

I am in. I would think the opposition parties could also order this book for sale and raise some revenue for their cause as well.

Green Peas said...

Mr Red Beans,
This Green Peas, I have suggested this to you way back in 2006. Finally, you have taken the decision to do this project. Well done!

I will order at least 3 books.

Hope this project will be a success!

Happy New Year of the Goat!

Green Peas.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Thank you Green Peas and anon 11:26 for your support. Ya, I remember. Quite a few of my readers have been telling to do it.

I hope all my friends here could spread the word around.

Thanks again.


Anonymous said...

Good idea. Book will be useful to O and A level students, showing them that there are many ways to look at things and many different ways to write about an issue.

Anonymous said...

Rb, I am unemployed the last 15 years pmet but I will still buy one book as support. Can you let us know how u intend to organize the materials? By date or topic for ease of reading?

Anonymous said...

RB, I think u should organise by topic.

Some suggestions for thought outlined as follows:

About Your blog
About your blog commentators, the regulars and PRs on your blog, blog kopi
PAP and govt
Sinkie General election
Sinkie GRCs and SMCs
Sinkie opposition
daft Sinkies
smart Sinkies
jobless PMET Sinkies
60% Sinkies
real foreign talents (maybe not much to say, tio bo?)
fake foreign talents
Foreign talents turn PRs/citizens.

Anonymous said...

Rb u should offer digital copy to be delivered by e mail. This is to reduce cost and speed up distribution too.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...


Thanks guys.
Anon 12:38 has good suggestion. That's what I have in mind. It will be by topics.

Yes, Anon 1:20, good suggestion. Will look at it after this exercise.


Virgo49 said...

Three copies for me, One for self balance two for relatives and friends who want them


lim chai yen said...

Oh yes, I will order 3, I donate $88 good number for you and wish you a very happy new year. sometimes, the first thing I go to see what is happening to Singapore is your blog! It is not just a compliment you make my day as living in this stressful country need you to release all the stupid PAP policies. Tonight, once I pay up do sign your signature.


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Thanks guys. Every book will be signed by me. Please indicate how to address you when I sign in the email.


Anonymous said...

i hope you launch your book very fastest.
You must give a chance for Yew to read before the plug is pulled.

Anonymous said...

Why not call your book "Real Truths To Open Your Eyes Big Big"?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Haha, at this moment the title is still not firm and we will see what eventually comes out.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

So far orders for 15 copies. I need more orders to get this going. Just order whatever you are comfortable, one, two or more for friends to share.

Many Singaporeans not reading social media would not have read what I have posted.

Anonymous said...

Hi Redbean, this is you Angmoh fan and I will definitely sign up for 3 copies of you collection. I know I will have to accept some of the articles where I don't agree with you, but that's a minuscule price to pay for a selection of really great posts!
Keep up the great work

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi my angmoh friend, thanks for your comments. I have told my readers not to agree with me as many of my articles are meant to be provocative and to force readers to think and even get agitated to want to say something. And often I could be saying one but meaning two.

I don't expect anyone to agree with me all the time esp tongue in cheek comments. It is all about alternative views and about things that cannot be spoken directly at times.

Thanks for bearing with me.


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

I am looking for a foreword to this book. It could come from any of you here or a combination of some of you. Mysingaporenews is about us, 'my' is all of us. We contributed to this blog and make its news.

I am looking forward to your contribution in the foreward, a foreward from one of us here.


Anonymous said...

All you IB pah see buay chow PRs, you like RB so much and park here everyday, you order RB's book or not?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi anon 12:17, appreciate your support. There are many silver brigade members here like you. Just be comfortable with what you are doing.

Cheers and thanks.