
Wah seh, the Wen Jia Bao Way

China’s Premier Wen Jia Bao is accused of corruption by the New York Times and threatens to sue the paper. But before he does that, he did the needful. He voluntarily called for an investigation into his family wealth. Can anyone beat that? Either he is clean or he is an idiot. No one in the democratic world or free world would dare to affront an accusation of corruption and to open his own house for a shake out. Many would hide, run or erase all records or regulations that could reveal their corrupt ways.

Wen Jia Bao is setting a new standard for ethical govt for the world to follow. This is the new communist and a new world standard for a clean govt. Hello America, anyone there would dare to take up such a challenge? Check my family wealth!


Anonymous said...

Yah. And get the anti-corruption squad specially selected by his party to do the 'investigation'.

Anonymous said...

China has been studying Singapore's anti corruption practices for years. How will an official investigation ever find any signs of corruption?
China is so clean ....

Anonymous said...

Yes. It depends who is supposed to check on his family. I would take my hat's off if he appoints an independent investigation team instead of the same old same old.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Wen Jia Bao is probably dirty. The sooner he goes the better for China. He's undoing all the good Deng did, time to throw the fucker out.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

All of you behaving like kangaroos, guilty until proven. Anyway that is a Sinkie characteristic.

Look at Bao Xilai and his wife's case. When it is in the open and under international scrutiny, they would have to put up their best.

Any scam would make them look very bad. They cannot afford to. Just wait and see what they do.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Like I said: he is probably dirty. No kangaroo court on my part. Frankly, I don't care if he is or isn't. I am not a motherfucking judge. I'm just some asshole with an opinion ;-)

Anyway, you have failed to mention the internal shenanigans going on in the party....there are powerful people there (many tied to business) who want this fucker GONE.

Do your fucking research lah, before shooting accusatory ad hominems.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Which country have politicians that are not corrupt? At least the Chinese Premier is willing to put his head on the chopping block, wayang or no wayang, that is another matter and the world is watching.

How many American leaders are clean?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


Politics is the best legal business to get into, if you want to amass great wealth without having to adhere to any moral code.

Never forget that. It really doesn't matter who the fucker is: Soekarno, Marcos, Mugabe, Kim Jong Il, Thaksin, Mahathir, Myanmar Junta, The Bushes, The Kennedys, Lee & Lee (and I don't mean Christopher and Bruce hahaha...)

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Please lah...If I had obtained 27 billion, I will wayang until they give me an Oscar lah! I'll be so good that Angelina Jolie and Megan Fox will spread their legs and beg me to bang them -- together, I would imagine.

Anonymous said...

Yes, guilty, guilty, guilty, send them to the gallows.

Anonymous said...

Curious..does their CPIB report to WJB?

patriot said...

Typical Sinkies just like their PM.

He is telling other Leaders at ASEM how to manage their economy and run their country. And together, how to prosper and to live in peace.

Is he even getting more than 62% support from his own citizenry of 3.5 million on a tiny rock of less than 800 sq kilometres?


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Our CPIB reports direct to the PM. Their equivalent is likely to report to the President or the politburo.

Anonymous said...

Like a wolf asking another wolf to check on the sheep...

Anonymous said...

stop looking for heroes in other people.
The citizens in a democracy are supposed to be their own heroes.

So if you want a Singapore hero, go look in the mirror. Be the hero you are looking for to lead S'pore out of this mess we are in.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

anon 1150:

You have a foul mouth, but not as foul as your mum's pussy.

I never claim to write "truth". I specialize in writing rubbish. The internet is THE place to write rubbish...or are ==> you <== so fucking STUPID that you actually think it is a place for truth?

Your brain is not working. (not that I give a shit)

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi anon 11:57, ya, got to look for heroes in the island.

And Matilah, why are you so angry with your admirers?

oldhorse42 said...

I kind of like this grand fatherly guy. He seems so kind and hand-on kind of guy. So down to earth and so involved in the daily lives of the people. NYT report kind of absolve him from corruption but put the blame on the family.
When our leeder was accused of impropriety in the HPL case, was the matter investigated by the competent authority which was CPIB. Cannot right because CPIB is not independent.
When the S.Korea's First Lady was involved in an irregular land deal,she was promptly hauled up for questioning.
I wonder we,too can do such thing?

Anonymous said...

Another Chinese word for Corruption is Guanxi

Padaly said...

I agree that at least he has stood up to allegations of corruption. It's better than keep quiet right? Then what you expect him to do? There will always out there confirming him in whatever he's doing. That's part of free speech. Everyone is free to his opinion.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

redbean, I'm angry at the world. I have issues.

Is that a problem for you?

However I am responsible and protect humanity from my imbalances by I having as much meaningless sex as I can to compensate for my "imperfections".

Thank you for understanding.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


Guanxi is the way our species operates. We cooperate, we compete. Sometimes we cooperate to compete, at other times, we compete and then cooperate.

China supplies the broke western world with cash loans so that the broke westerners can buy Chinese goods.

The degree of corruption in China is high -- it is cultural, and it is going to be around for a long time (I am absolutely fine with that and support the way they conduct themselves). If you have a problem, then you need to apply more "caveat emptor".

No one is clean as the driven snow. Everyone is a little bit dirty. I like just the "right amount" of dirty. Especially in females aged 18-45.

Anonymous said...

Still, nothing beats legalised corruption!

auto said...

I believe in free press. If there is nothing to hide, just let the press runs free.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Matilah, why you so KL today?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Why you so kapor?

Anonymous said...

please have a sense of proportion.

If you tell me that wen jia bao kept himself US$2 billions because he get to manage the whole of China which is one of the largest population and country in the whole world, i say at least maybe he is worth that billions.

Compare to our shameless clowns, who lost hundred of billions of money, and yet don't have to account to those hundred of disappeared billions uncovered by Chris balding, in just this tiny red dot, which compare to china , is like a fu@#$king pinky ant compare to large size elephant, what is there to say that wen is corrupted ?