
Hougang - A very strange feeling

I got this gut feeling but not sure if everyone feels the same. There is Desmond Choo out there in the trenches at the front line fighting. And he is telling his superiors to leave him alone, to let him fight his own battle. Is he really that confident that he could win this fight without the big guns? Or is he worried that the big guns will do him more harm than good, like killed by friendly fire? In football parlance it is called scoring own goals.

Could the big guns instead of hitting the enemies, landed on their own troops. The first minister that spoke in the by election is Boon Wan. And he is drawing more fire from the critics. Who is next to speak and to draw more fire to himself and Desmond Choo?

This is the gut feel that is bothering me. Ministers used to lend their weight to a candidate to make the fight easier. What if the minister himself is unworthy or not seen as credible and anything he said could only make things worst? Can this be the case in Hougang? Is there any minister that could speak out and win more grounds for Desmond Choo instead of doing him in?

The whole ball game has changed. How could Desmond Choo depend on the big guns when the big guns are a suspect and could be better off to stay away from him?


Anonymous said...

Free porridge.
Free hearing aids.
What more do you want?
3 free meals in a hawker centre, a food court or a restaurant?

Free porridge.
Free hearing aids.
Is this "inclusive" enough for you yet?
"An Inclusive Society in the next 10 Years."
Deputy Prime Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam

Free porridge.
Free hearing aids.
Are the economic benefits of our meritocratic economic policies "trickling down" fast enough for you yet?
Actually, our meritocracy is called "trickle down economics" by the rest of the world.
An old idea dating back to 1890.

So Sinkies.
Free porridge.
Free hearing aids.
Is this enough "Swiss standard of living" for you or not?




Anonymous said...

You want opposition voice, oredy got 5 in parliament. How many more you want?

Anonymous said...

PAP voices already 80. Not enough meh? Want them to be even more cocky it's it?

Hougang Voter said...

Voting PAP will not be for more PAP voices in Parliament. It will be for the goodies like Upgrading that has been denied to Hougang for more than 2 decades. Those Singaporeans who are asking Hougang voters to continue voting WP obviously have no idea what it's like to be ignored for that long. Previously, you can make the argument that you need opposition voices in parliament. You now have Aljunied. Hougang has done 'National Service' for far too long. Time for another ward to pick up that mantle.

Anonymous said...

Don't be fooled by "I am my own man" & "clean campaign" lah...these are all just good cop/bad cop story repeated all over again...who doesn't know the game.

DC must say he's independent view.
But his bigwigs come in and lend him "independent view" from the Party.

DC must say is a clean fight...
But his bigwigs come in and attack and do the dirty fight for him...

So DC still remain the good clean independent one..
act blur lah....

Rinse, lather, repeat

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Hougang voter, welcome to the blog.

The people are very appreciative of what the Hougangkia stood for. After 20 years, some are tired. But some would feel more indignant to want to continue standing tall.

There is a conflict of interest, between self and the bigger picture. Ultimately everyone would have to think what is good for himself.


Anonymous said...

The victory for WP at Hougang will be but a small step but a very important one towards achieving not merely a bigger say but also a more effective opposition voice in parliament. So to regard HG BE as a localised affair is to say that Hougangites are daft and short sighted. I am sure Hougangites are smarter than that.

Anonymous said...

GE 2016.

Along with Hougang.
It's time for the rest of Singapore to share the burden of kicking out the Pro Alien Party.

GE 2016.
It's time for a regime change.

Anonymous said...

First to prop DC was a DPM/FM who claimed Singaporeans can own HDB FLATS with 1K Income. Next came the Housing Minister with a faulty heart which could mean what came out from his mouth may not tallies with his heart.
Who will be the Next to deny DC from being his own man?
Your guess will be as good as anyone else.

Me thinks it will some folks who have not heard the Word CONSCIENCE.


Anonymous said...

CONSCIENCE = Con Science

Anonymous said...

DPM/FM claimed Singaporeans can own HDB flats with 1 k income. There is nothing wrong with that. It was backed up with facts and even example how you can do that. You found anything factually wrong? Show it. And anyway, which govt can promised you that anyway? They owe you a living too ?

Housing Minister did his $8 heart Op. Again, it was shown with facts and example how you can do that. Did you read or too preoccupied with predjudices?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

These are two very convincing arguments to vote PAP. I am sure they have won the hearts of the Hougangkia with such good examples. PAP is going to win.

Anonymous said...

Seems like me has to agree with Redbean. Just wonders if the Hougang Voters will agree with us.


Anonymous said...

Hougang voters may like a bit of rock n roll, some sleaze, some affairs, some dramas. They will vote WP for more of the same. Even if you put a monkey there the monkey will get elected.

Anonymous said...

We want to see Desmond Choo lose his deposit.

Sgcynic said...

Did they provide facts to show that this is true for the 'typical' Singapore household? Fact is many stores are giving UP TO 80% discounts.

Anonymous said...

Glad to know the Sentiment.

Anonymous said...

I don't buy into the PAP's argument that voting for them is to safeguard our future and our children's future.

What future is there to talk about when housing, healthcare, education and cost of living is becoming more and more of a burden to many less capable of the present generation already.

Our children will probably inherit a much bigger burden in time to come. More than the need for a double income to survive, they may need to hold two jobs to cope.

Of course, the well off and elites will not face this problem and will sing the praises of the PAP's policies.

Anonymous said...

Having more skeletons in the cupboard, I notice that the PAP is noticebly quiet regarding the Yaw affair.

The saying that people in glass houses should not throw stones is getting to them.