
The perplexing discovery of Sinda

Sinda did a review on the performance of Indian students in the PSLE examination. And horrors, the Indian students are underperforming in mathematics, achieving only 73% pass rate against a national average of above 80%. And many Indian students dropped out of secondary school for being unable to cope with mathematics.

This discovery is more startling given that Indians are well reputed to be maths wizards. Many of the American banks and Singapore’s financial institutions are headed by Indians, be they Singapore Indians or Indian Indians. They must be very very good in mathematics to get into those positions. Just depending on the gift of the gab would not get them that far. Their mathematical talents must have proven to be really good.

Now, what is this nonsense that Indian students are having serious problems coping with mathematics? I am scratching my head. Is our schools and teaching methodology for maths the reason for the Indian students poor grade? Cannot be, we have the best teaching methods for maths and our methods are being copied and adopted even by the Americans.

There cannot be any doubt in the genes of Indian students as there are many fine examples of top Indian finance professionals like Tharman, Gupta, and the MD of MAS just to mention a few.

What is happening man?


The said...

/// Many of the American banks and Singapore’s financial institutions are headed by Indians, be they Singapore Indians or Indian Indians. They must be very very good in mathematics to get into those positions. Just depending on the gift of the gap would not get them that far. ///

I believe you mean "gift of the gab". If you use "gift of the gap", you have to specify which gap. And yes, Indians are good at mathematics. After all, they invented the concept of zero.

The last point is debatable, as the Chinese might have beat the Indians to it.



Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Yes, I meant gab. To be talented and to be able get the message across that one is talented is a great combination in the corporate world.

Anonymous said...

I say, gift of the fuck. That is why the Indian population in India is growing so fast.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

That's not a nice thing to say.

India and China are two ancient civilisations with many similar characteristics. You are right in what you are saying for both countries, but can be said in a nicer way: )

Anonymous said...

The old fashion indians or very indian indians are good in maths. The westernized indians are not. This is something to do with the brian. Which part of brian they use?

The Singaporean maths teaching is only good for those with westernized thinking. That is why the West likes the way of teaching. That is why the native Chinese and Indian are still very good in maths without being taught in the Singaporean way.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

What's your problem redbean?

What could be nicer than a FUCK... a rollicking good old, wet, sexy, noisy, steaming hot fuck?



Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Anon 2:59, you are wrong. The modern Indians, western trained, are ruling America in practically all the big financial institutions and banks. The American neglect in teaching their students maths, passing everyone with A grades with third grade performance is bearing fruits.

The Indian maths whiz kids are taking over American financial institutions, and even those in Sin. To me the finding is a piece of shit. Look at the results of this years PSLE, many of the top students are Indians. They are doing fine, very well.