Chinese New Year celebration in Singapore at Marina Bay
Notable quotes by LKY
'The Taiwanese are ruthless, Hong Kongers are shameless and Singaporeans are ignorant. People who are ignorant are not corrupt and reliable.'
The above is quoted from Today paper 13 Jul 10.
Too many animals making too many forecast on the MSM lately.
How can the most ignorant man in SIN talked like dat? Singaporeans are the most educated but naive beans brought up in a system of angmo teat or simply english(language) educated, whitemen are straight/frank and candid or so most Singaporeans believe.
Too many animals making too many forecast on the MSM lately.
He better not go to Taiwan or Hong Kong. Is as good as saying that the Taiwanese and Hong Kongers are corrupt.
Bird talk by our "Mani"?
Hopefully our mani doesn't stir up World War
Wow lau...not fair, why nothing on Malaysian???
Malaysia is no more our enemy now. Surely he does not want to create problems for the crown prince.
Now, when he and his gang talks about Malaysia, it's all 'Dondang Sayang' style.
How can the most ignorant man in SIN talked like dat? Singaporeans are the most educated but naive beans brought up in a system of angmo teat or simply english(language) educated, whitemen are straight/frank and candid or so most Singaporeans believe.
MM Lee is more candid than the 'candidest'. He fires straight with his most honest views.
Irrefutably one of the most respectable man that other World Leaders admire and consult the most.
What falutin!
What talking him?
He has a point. Ignorance is bliss. For them.
To be remembered with this kind of gaffe(remark) at the twilight days is very regrettable.
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