
Mas Selamat Arrested!

This is the front page media news today. Finally Mas is back. Finally we can put to rest all the speculations that he was dead. Now, with him back, can we have Selamat's version of his escape? This is first class Hollywood material! We can now confirm if the toilet rolls were placed there to break his fall and what the gurkha soldier did while he was in climbing out of the toilet window. We will also know if his escape was a one man act caused by a confluence of mistakes or a congregation of accomplices. We will know which route he took and how he got out of Singapore. The public must be very hungry and eager to know the tooth. Oops, I mean the truth.


CatFightLover said...

Really? I was wondering too while sitting on my throne whether the tooth finally will be out.

Now Mr. Selamat will be able to give a minute by minute account of his great escape. He will finally point us to all the loopholes in our hospitality security system. Brilliant guy.

I think some movie moguls may be queuing up to buy the film rights to his great escape story.

Time for him to give up his bad old ways and get into some business with the money earned from copyrights.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

You are spot on. Mas should confess and turn over a leaf, and sell his movie rights to hollywood.

He will be a multi millionaire!

singaporenewsalternative said...

I doubt the govt will ever let the truth out to the public. It will be kept under wraps with the Offical Secret Act seal, and the whole propaganda machinery will be in full throttle salvaging the minister's reputation.

Jaunty Jabber said...

For those who travel frequently to & fro Singapore & Malaysia, arrest of MSK is a relief from the painful long jam at checkpoints. Since the escape, jams at checkpoints worsen with multiply folds in search for him.

Janice Lee said...

yap, and initially they wanted everyone, female, male, young and old to get out of their cars and do their thumbprint. then after awhile, only the men have to do it. finally they figured out Mas can only disguised as a man!

Anonymous said...

"Mas should confess....", unquote.

Those, if any, who assisted him in the Escape should also confess. For Mas alone himself to get to a foreign landis well, quite unimaginable.


Anonymous said...

Sorry Folks !

typo mistake, 'landis' should read as 'land is'.


Jaunty Jabber said...

Better assess if this MSK is the real MSK, one year, sufficient time for any plastic surgery marks to heal and progress to give a natural outlook.

CatFightLover said...

Don't worry. They will do a DNA analysis. After so long in detention, they already got Mr. Selamat's DNA profile. They have mapped out everything physically about Mr. Selamat. The only thing they can't map, at least not with current technology, is his mind.

Anonymous said...

he was first captured in Indonesia's Bintan in 2006 by the neighboring country
sent to Singapore
escaped from detention centre in 2008
Now another neighboring country Malaysia has recaptured him, will be sent back to Singapore soon.
what's next?

Don't forget Singapore has higher number of police:residents density, smaller land. What a shame!

Anonymous said...

redbean said...
You are spot on. Mas should confess and turn over a leaf, and sell his movie rights to hollywood.

Is it true that if he so "confesses" or "pledge to turn over a new leaf" thru "re-education", he may be set FREE becos i rember reading that some of these "re-educated" people in singapore were set free when they admitted they were wrongly influenced, indoctrinated? i am not sure if this is true.

Anonymous said...

I think no film maker will be interested in him.

He got nothing to show that he was capable of doing what was claimed to be 'his(Mas) plan'. What material did Mas Selamat have had for his plan ?


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

the movie industry is hungry for exciting story, real or fiction.

as for his escape, please read my theory posted today: )