
Actually ah...

Actually ah... Though there were some whinings and kpkb everywhere, the people believe that the govt is a good govt and all the things that are being done is for their own good. Even this annuity scheme and whatever the govt is going to scheme, the people simply love them. The kpkb is just for show, like a girl being ask for a date. Don't want lah, but actually want to accept it like hell. I beg you, the people will vote the PAP to power in the next GE with overwhelming majority. That is for sure.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Redbean,

When the 2% GST increase was announced, it was portray very nicely as to help the poor. But what we saw was a spiral increase in many essential items. The poor and the middle classes are the one being hit the hardest. Then came the announcement for the reform in CPF and annuity and we are told in sincerity that it is to help us in our old age. How nice to hear that we have such a caring government. Just wonder how hard we will be hit again?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

just restructure your personal finances. if you have debt to pay at 55 or 62, delay paying lor.

if you have financial obligations, ignore them lor. or go and borrow some more.

if you don't have enough to eat, just tell yourself that by the time you are 85 you will have plenty to eat.

look at the bright future and you will be a happy man.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, be happy!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

actually all the singaporeans are very happy. these whinings and kpkb are just for past time.

we love the govt and will support the govt in everything it does, in every election.

Anonymous said...

Actually ah, after much kpkb and before the next election expect some candy or lollipop to soothe our anger and all is forgiven. The people will again give them a strong mandate to screw us again after that. Then more kpkb. It's a never-ending story lah!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

the record will be replay again and again. $1 for you, $1000 for me, $1 for you, $1000 for me....