
more jobs to locals

Lee U Wen wrote in the Today paper, 'Every now and then when employment figures are revealed, there are murmurs about of jobs going to foreigners. Yesterday's blockbuster should end the debate.' And year 2006, 88,200 jobs to locals and 85,100 to foreigners. So more jobs to locals. Case close. Let's move on.


Anonymous said...

This again goes back to what defines a local ? If following the govt's definition of PR as local, then I am afraid that figure is grossly misleading.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

of course prs are locals. i have yet to see a stats that have prs and citizens separated.

Anonymous said...

Remember we were once told by a certain Minister that 56 cents of every dollar collected by NKF goes towards patient care?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

this is a world of survival of the fittest. the big fish eats the small fish. the smarter ones will dupe the less smart.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

hi jennifer,
i thought i have seen your name before. anyway, welcome to the chat.

Anonymous said...

It would be interesing to find out how many of the 88,200 jobs actually went to Singporeans and how many were taken by PRs.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Conclusion: Never trust the state. Beware of Government Statistics and "official" government statements.

Anonymous said...

forget about citizenship, this nation is belong to someone who can please in term of their greed desire, we as citizen either left jobless or accept 3rd world salary to compete with foreigner to work as cheap labour for the miser investors & naive arrogent leaders.

Anonymous said...

turaikiller, you are obviously one of those who feels cheated and deprived because of the invasion of the FTs that are coming into Singapore. Well, live with it, this trend will continue and it will intensify in the next 10 years when the target population figure is 7 million. If you feel bad now, just wait, you are in for a shock!!!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

we are all citizens and prs and fts. everyone has a right to express his views which normally will reflect his interest. there is nothing wrong about that.

for those kids who cannot accept differences in views and positions, who cannot understand the meaning of freedom of expression, please grow up. we need to learn to appreciate other people's point of view which may not be in agreement with ours.

that does not mean that your view is right or wrong. it is just your way of looking at things.

there is no need to curse or be angry with someone with an opposing view.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

hi turaikiller,

welcome to the chat. and let your views flow freely.


Anonymous said...

Hi alls,
How u define Foreigner Talented?
For me, FT are either scientist, business man who created business or opportunities & those special skill that local ready need and not those fresh graduate foreigner ,dip. or unskills to come over here to spoil our ricebowl & wages. Look @ our cost of living & employment market it is ready advantage to employer, investor as well as our leader.
Therefore, my adviced to local do look out for investment or get out of this slave trading nation if capability allow.


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

hi turaikiller,

i share your definition of fts. but we are both wrong. the correct definition of fts is the definition of the govt of the day.