
the lky dialogue is a theatre

In his first comments on the controversial programme, Mr Lee Hsien Loong felt that the forum got Singaporeans to talk about significant issues, although he would have liked a broader range of subjects covered. Mr Lee also defended the 10 panellists, who have come under attack for the views they held and for the tone they used in the discussion. He said that they had nothing to be ashamed of and that Singaporeans who watched the forum should separate theatre from reality. "This is theatre. It's a programme. It's meant to achieve a particular objective. The form of it, the style of argument, the confrontation, the sparks – these are contrived," he said. The only character really playing himself that night, he said, was Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew. As for the young panellists, Mr Lee felt that they were only reflecting a particular viewpoint. "What you see on stage of MM, that's his persona. That is him. But what you see of the panellists, I don't think that's all of them. That's not them. Their private views, the style in which they engage, the opinions that they hold – I don't think those completely came out. They were reflecting a particular view point which they highlighted, exaggerated and maybe slightly caricatured in order to prompt a response and have a good theatre," said Mr Lee. Echoing a point raised by MM Lee, Mr Lee was also of the view that the liveliness of the discussion was the essence of the forum. "I think it's better to have people who are speaking up than people who just sit there and say, oh yes, thank you very much, and I agree with everything you say. Then, I think there's no point in this." The above was reported in CNA. Now, if that is a theatre, the views contrived and stage managed, what a fabulous show! It's a good show to get Singaporeans all excited. And please don't scold the panellists for being rude. That was their programmed role.


Anonymous said...

There are many issues of 'controversial' aspects the way I see it.

No matter it's advise or simple views. I'd probably voicing my disagreement by saying nothing of support in front of MM.

You never know where you trigger his nerve the wrong way and what reactions you'd get. :D

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

come on elfred.

grandpa does not go into a rage everytime the grandchild says something rude or direct.