Who controls the Gate of Hell? It cannot be God but Satan. Hell is where Satan belongs, his dark empire. Trump and Netanyahu are both threatening to open the Gate of Hell to massacre the Palestinians forever in the most brutal and savage way. And these two Satans are saying it with pride and pure devilish arrogance.
On the other hand, the whole world watches in silence. The evil fake free world has reason not to condemn this cruel and barbaric threat to decimate a people of a country. They are just as evil and cannot see this as evil but goodness in the Satanic way. The Global South are shocked and horrified, did not know what to do, how to respond, too weak to respond. The Arab and Muslim leaders behave typically as usual, make a lot of useless speeches, cry to the UN thinking that this useless organisation means something and could do something to avoid this massacre of the innocent Palestinians.
The new Satanic world order under the evil Emperor Trump would act ruthlessly, with no mercy if he and Satan Netanyahu did not have their wishes fulfilled. It is Satan's' way of condemning a people to oblivion. And no one can do anything about it. The genocide of the Palestinians would be more deadly and complete this time. The evil Americans have replenished all the bombs needed by the Israelis to do the killing. This time there is nowhere to hide for the Palestinian women and children in the flatten ruins of Gaza they have returned to.
As usual, the daft Arabs still believing that there will be peace and reconstruction of their homes after the release of the hostages. Stupidity has no cure. The American and Israeli butchers are reorganising their forces for the final assault when there is no hostage to hold them back. This bloodbath of the century will be screened live in the homes of world. And Satans and all the Satan believers will be celebrating their victory in the massacre of the Palestinians without shedding a tear of humanity. The western media and the media of all the crony states would splash on their main pages the good news of the American and Israeli genocide as a great victory against subhumans.
This is not the end, just the beginning. More massacres will spread across the Middle East until all the Arab states are absorbed into the Greater Israel forever. The rule of Satan is in the making. Yes, the Gate of Hell will be opened, and the soldiers of Satan will cut down every Palestinians and every Arab in the way.
Is there really any retribution? So far I don't see any to those that does evil things. There are thousand of Palestinian killed/imprison by terrorist Israel, but nothing seem to happen to the evil doer. The pass presidents of US that kill other innocents people, but yet they live a very enjoyable life. Every time I read in the news about people being killed by accident/murder..etc, the report always said this are nice people. Can someone enlighten?
There were the Los Angeles fires whose destruction was only a tiny bit compared to Gaza.
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