
Trump's tariffs on friends and foes are falling into a trap set by China

 Some are pointing out that Trump's tariffs on friends and foe are falling into a trap set by China. How is that so?

Thinking about this point, it makes sense. In trying to prevent Chinese products from competing in the USA through sanctions and tariffs, China builds factories all over the world - in Vietnam, Thailand, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Mexico, Brazil, Pakistan and some EU countries like Hungary as well to avert USA sanctions and tariffs. Trump has no way of preventing China from accessing the USA market using the indirect way and is thus forced to erect tariffs against every country to stem out Chinese products. This is causing bad blood from friends and foe alike and will isolate the USA even further. This is the trap that China sets for the USA, to make countries go against the USA and is working.

Having said that, Chinese EV makers investing worldwide, for example, are not targeting the USA market alone, which is just basically of minor importance. Those factories set up by BYD are more about targeting the Global South countries that the USA and the EU could never compete on cost and pricing. And if Global South countries are being targeted with tariffs by the USA, who do we think they will support going forward? Even Canada, a staunch USA ally through thick and thin, is doing something that we never thought would happen by selling oil to China in the face of Trump's tariffs.

As the EU faces a 25% tariff from the USA soon, what will they do? Same as Canada perhaps, now that the EU knows that the USA is throwing it under the bus. Isn't that also falling into a trap set by China too?


America WAS superior in technology but no more

 USA was superior in space technology, but China caught up and even go one up by building a space station for itself and landing on the moon and sending a probe that landed on Mars.

USA was the dominant power in vehicles production, but Japan caught up much earlier on and now China overtook both of them. China is killing the ICE vehicle manufacturers of the USA, Germany, Japan and South Korea. The carnage is ugly and will get uglier with even EV makers finding the heat too hot to handle.

USA was superior in making mobile phones with, if I remember correctly, Motorola the touted to go for in mobile technology with its heavyweight phones that cost a bomb, 4G, and telecommunication equipment. China too caught up and overtook the USA with 5G and now experimenting with 6G. Huawei was banned for outcompeting USA's phone makers, Swedish Ericson and Finnish Nokia. No, it is not just Apple alone in China that is propelling the eclipse of these dominant giants of old. The likes of Huawei, Xiaomi, Oppo and some others are outselling the European brands and putting them out of business.

USA domestic social media platforms could not compete with Tik Tok and so they want the USA Government to ban it. Why ban it if it is not competing too well with the likes of Meta, Twitter and Youtube? With 170 million users in the USA, it must have been a hard pill to swallow for USA's domestic operators of similar platforms.

China's 5G was claimed to be junk by some anti-China trolls. If so, why is the USA so afraid of Huawei and its 5G technology? Denial is not getting anywhere, with reality silencing all the propaganda.



PLA warships conduct live firing exercise in Tasman Sea - Australian Mickey Mouse got choked with tongue in its throat

9 min clips on the Aussie crybabies crying that Chinese warships are conducting live firing exercises near their island continent. Hader Yepping is just funny. Great guy.

Oo la lah, 3 Chinese warships sailed into Australian waters and conducted live firing exercises, and the Aussies were stunned. How dare the Chinese do this, in Australian waters?

The Aussie Mickey Mouse had been provoking China by flying their aircraft, warships and submarines in the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait for decades, claiming that they were doing it according to international laws, freedom of navigation like the Americans. This Mickey Mouse thinks it has a big prick to swing and to show that it is a big brat.

China now returned the favour, even shitting in Australian waters. What is the Aussie Mickey Mouse going to do about it? The brainless Crocodile Dundees are furious, screaming and crying to their PM Albanese that he must stand up to China and cannot appear weak. Ya, a Mickey Mouse wanting to stand up to the Chinese dragon. Go ahead. 

Poor Albanese had to say we have been doing the same to China for decades and China was doing it according to international laws and exercising its right to freedom of navigation. There is nothing wrong with it. The Crocodile Dundees demanded Albanese to call Xi to protest. If he dares to do so, Xi will just put a mirror in his face. No need to say anything else.

The Chinese warships are just telling the Aussie Mickey Mouse, stop making a fool of yourself. A Mickey Mouse is a Mickey Mouse and no matter how hard it swung its prick, it is a tiny prick.  China is now ready to kick assess, returns tit for tat to all the Mickey Mouse fooling around in the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait. Going forward, China may carry a scissor to cut off the little pricks of the Mickey Mouse when they dare to flaunt it in the South China Sea or the Taiwan Strait.

China would not tolerate any more provocations by air or by sea. Period. This is a warning to all the Mickey Mouse, and they have themselves to blame when their little pricks or balls are cut in their next silly pranks in the South China Sea or the Taiwan Strait. China is going ahead with the reclamation of the Scarborough Shaol.  There is nothing holding back China now as the Mickey Mouse has not understand China's goodwill and raising more tension in the area.

China has completed its military preparation, and Xi has called on the PLA to prepare for war and now on a war footing. Let's see which Mickey Mouse would be the first to have its balls or prick severed by the PLA.

PS. After using Ukraine, it is now thrown under the bus. But stupid Mickey Mouse would not learn, too stupid to learn. See how the Pinoy Mickey Mouse buy two sampans and want to go to war with China.

Grabbing Gaza, the most blatant application of the American gangster Rules Based Order

 The thinking of the Americans and the Israelis, about taking over Gaza and turns it into a real estate owned by the Americans or the Israelis is the most naked use of force in modern history. Anyone that is not offended by this gangster behaviour and think it is acceptable under the American Rules Based Order, tells a lot about what is inside the head of such a person.

Grabbing another people's land today, right in the face of the whole world, without the need to make any excuses, is a violation of all international laws and principles. Accepting this act is accepting the Americans and Israelis to take over any piece of land anywhere in the world as a new acceptable behaviour of the rogues.

In the case of Gaza, only a very thick person would not be able to see or would not know that it was the Americans and the Israelis' plan to bomb out the land, turns it into a wasteland for them to take over. And Trump audaciously said it is an uninhabitable land, destroyed by the Americans intentionally, and therefore it was natural for him to take it and rebuild it into another real estate to make him rich, or his son in law rich.

If this precedent is not disputed by anyone, not by the UN, it will become the justification to take over any land anywhere. The gangster American Rules Based Order is now in action and will be the new rule for the rest of the world live by.

Welcome to the rule of the evil American Empire, the rule of rogues and gangsters. Remember the Domino Effect fear spread by the Americans to frighten the shit out of Asean countries, that Vietnam would run down from Thailand to Indonesia if not stopped? That was an American lie. The Vietnamese did not have the resources or ability to do so. Now the real Domino Effect is taking shape. If the Americans and Israelis successfully grabbed Gaza and then West Bank, the rest of the Middle East could also be grabbed without having to find any excuses to do so. And the same can go on around the world with the rogue American Empire and the Israelis taking whatever they want. Any ass wants to sing the chorus, under American Rules Based Order, this is American Rules Based Order, the best thing to happen to the world and all countries must welcome and live under this gangster Rules Based Order?

Is Trump saying that there will be no more USA after him?

 Is Trump saying that there will be no more USA after him? This is rather prophetic, and he seems to take the prophecy seriously. How the world is going to celebrate if it comes true.

With the USA dismantling of the EU, support for the USA is further going to dwindle as allies and cronies are asking 'Who is next'. Japan, South Korea and Philippines have no fear at this time, as they are still needed when the USA pivoted towards China. After the China adventure, no matter who comes out on top, they will also be thrown under the bus. It is all written in the script and is all about USA's interest that they are going to protect, not their interest that the USA cares about.

Now the EU is in the process of starting another clown show, calling an emergency meeting among themselves without the USA. After all the economic damage, it is too little too late. Being thrown under the bus is painful, more so after sacrificing their economy for the USA and getting nothing in return and, to add insult to injury, being slighted for being irrelevant.

The EU is now not even involved in any coming peace talk between USA and Russia over Ukraine, and that probably shows the war was really between USA and Russia in Ukraine, with the Europeans just proxies fighting for the USA, and any perceived detrimental effect on them is, as usual, just collateral damage.

Perhaps this lesson should be learned by South Korea, Japan and the Philippines. But I am not too optimistic, as stupidity really has no cure.
