
No reason why Chinese should not be happy today

 The Chinese in China are more patriotic than ever before, besides being happier than many of those countries in the West. Yes, China was deeply divided during the last century and a half, with foreign powers fighting for control of China and civil wars between the Communist and Nationalist that caused much suffering to the Chinese people.

Earlier than that, from 1839 opium war onwards, was the century of humiliation at the hands of the Eight Nations starting from 1900. In 1949, after the defeat of the Nationalist, the Communist took over China and although rebuilding was fraught with failures, the opening up of China under Deng Xiaoping was instrumental in China's rapid progress and development.

Why shouldn't the Chinese be happy, knowing that before this it was all bleak and gloom economically, but now having all that they never dreamed of just thirty years ago, the new-found improved living standard was a huge dream fulfilled.


BRICS would soon have its own ranking for universities

 The people compiling the World University Rankings have now realized that there is a wealth of cutting-edge innovations being written about by Chinese Scientists and research departments of Chinese Universities like Beijing and Tsinghua that cannot be ignored anymore.

How did they suddenly have a change of mind about including them, when in the past they just basically ignored such research papers all written in Chinese, which few analysts care to read and consider. It was only when they began to notice the innovations going on under their noses, like EV and battery technology, high-speed rail construction, space exploration success, jet engine development, shipbuilding, dam construction expertise that they started to realize that they missed out perusing a lot of important research papers written in Chinese but having important criteria that needs to be considered when ranking top universities around the world.

In Science and Technolgy, it can be considered that China ranks among the top globally, just looking at the patents filed, but the biased against Chinese research papers written purely in Chinese have made the past University rankings obsolete and I would say, nonsensical.

Having said that, I still believe there is a deep-seated biased against anything outside the Anglo-Saxon circle, and I would not expect much will change in terms of the rankings. How could Chinese universities upset the status quo of Western universities, from a Socialist country ruled by a dictator. The same way that Chinese people are denied their place at the top of the Happiness Index.

Oh my God, as in the Happiness Index they may even remove all the Chinese Universities in the rankings list going forward if these Chinese Universities really rise to the very top under a more truthful criterion.



War criminal Netanyahu in Washington to celebrate their victory over the Palestinians and the Arab World

 Instead of arresting war criminal Netanyahu, Trump invited him to the White House to congratulate each other for their victory over the Palestinians and the Arabs in the Middle East. Gaza would be taken over by the Americans and ruled by the Americans. The West Bank is work in progress, with the Israelis starting to bomb and bring down everything like they did in Gaza. The fake peace in Gaza only allowed the Israelis to open another front of destruction against the Palestinians in the West Bank. And the real mastermind, the Americans, did not say a word, with silent consent.

With the Americans clearing the debris and leftovers of structures still standing, all the Palestinians would have to go. There will be no more Palestinians in Gaza and thus no more so called threats from the Hamas, the Palestinian freedom fighters. Trump has ordered all the neighbouring Arab states to create new reservations for the Palestinians like they did to the native Americans in the past. The final phase of getting rid of the Palestinians in the West Bank has started. Israel will fabricate all kinds of excuses to flatten West Bank like they did in Gaza. The Palestinian freedom fighters in West Bank would be the new terrorists to wipe out, including their families and all Palestinians there.

There will be no two state solution. Trump was asked during the press briefing and he refused to answer, only talking about a peace under American and Israeli rule. And Trump and the Israelis have mapped up what they wanted to do to the Middle East, a new peace under American and Israeli rule. There was no consultation with the Arab states, not necessary. The Americans are the rulers of the Middle East.

Trump even decided that Iran must not have nuclear weapon or else, threatening to nuke Iran. The whole world has no say about the future of the Arab states in the Middle East. The Americans and the Israelis would decide for them, for eternal peace under the Israelis backed by the Americans.

What are the Arab states going to say, what are they going to do? Trump had said it on their behalf. They will comply with the orders of Emperor Trump. They would set aside land as reservations for the Palestinians. And the Arab leaders are happy with the proposal.  The Palestinians would lose their land in Palestine forever. Saudi Arabia would have no reason not to sign a peace agreement with Israel as there is no Gaza or West Bank or Palestinians to talk about.

Yes, Pax America and Pax Israeli will rule the Middle East in peace.

What do you think? Would the Arab states take all these without protest and live under the rule of the Americans and Israelis? And there will be more American bases, maybe Israeli bases, in their lands to keep peace, to protect them...from who? Oh, there will be many Arab and Muslim terrorists in the region to cause trouble and they need the Americans and Israelis to fight them, and they would also join the Americans and Israelis to fight and kill Arab and Muslim 'terrorists'.

Journalism has been turned into a shameful and irresponsible profession

February 1, 2025 at 4:05 am (Quote)

Pseudo-journalists have made journalism “one of the least trusted, most dishonest, craven, careless, cynical, anti-intellectual, power obsessed, herd-like professions in existence whose incompetence and duplicity has led directly to the death and displacement of millions of people” – Julian Assange

There is an exception. Sheep here have complete trust in them.

The above quote is a comment posted in TRE. Assange was caustic and angry with the pseudo journalists, which I would want to add, pseudo intellectuals, pseudo academics and analysts, all paid to write fake news and disinformation, for a few dollars, to betray their integrity and the principles of telling the truth. You can see them, hear them everywhere all over the main media, social media, forums, think tanks etc etc. They have no shame in what they were spouting or writing. Sometimes what they said or wrote may be truth, but a kind of devious truth of what the evil doers are doing and told them behind closed doors. 

How many pseudo intellectuals, academics, analysts, journalists and reporters committing this sin against their profession, against truth, just to earn a living and feel proud about it? Virtues, trust, honesty, integrity, truth have all been swept into the dustbin. Is making a living that hard today to stoop so low just to get by and gain unworthy recognition from the rogues and gangsters and terrorists in the West?

It is looking like social media is the safe refuge for honest intellectuals, academics, ex journalists, that have been banned or sidelined by the evil authority, to say their piece. Isn't it sad, when good is bad and bad is good, and poor little boys and girls have to behave like prostitutes to make a living telling lies and writing about things dictated to them and making them looking like fools and idiots, totally lacking in intellect, thinking ability and a little wisdom to know what they are writing and talking? And they have to put their names on the rubbish their wrote or talked about! Not a single one of them would dare to say or write a word about American gangsterism, expansionism, aggression and bullying against its neighbours. Greenland, Canada, Mexico, Panama etc would be part of the Greater America soon.

My god, where is this world heading?

When would Saudi Arabia be free from American coercion to sell oil in US$?

 Countries needing to buy oil from Middle East countries still need to hold US$, since oil is traded in US$. The Middle East holds the key to global need to hold US$ in reserve. If that key can be put aside by the Arabs, the US$ will no longer be important to be held by countries, or at least not as much as required for trade in other commodities other than oil.

For every country around the world, oil is the biggest need for a country's economic activity to function. Everything needs mostly oil to generate electricity for offices, computers, lifts, lighting, air conditioning, home appliances and most of all transportation. Without oil, everything comes to a complete standstill, other than eating, sleeping and shitting.

However, BRICS is the solution to the need for countries to hold huge US$ reserves to buy oil. Russia can do the oil trade in Yuan. Some Middle East oil producers are also using the Yuan in the oil trade. Iran is also doing the oil trade outside the US$. Iran, under sanctions I know, is even using barter trade, exporting oil to China in return for development and consumer goods.

Other BRICS countries will do bi-lateral trade in their own currencies inside the bloc, with even commodity exchanges being set up to facilitate the selling and buying of commodities, all bypassing the use of the US$.

Sure, what is happening is all going on discreetly and patiently executed, ignored by the MSM, but de-dollarization is going on without being monitored closely by the USA and the West. That is the beauty of the system.
